#ifndef EASYPR_ACCURACY_HPP #define EASYPR_ACCURACY_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include "xml/xmlParser.h" using namespace std; namespace easypr { namespace demo { int getGroundTruth(map>& xmlMap, const char* path) { #ifdef OS_WINDOWS XMLNode::setGlobalOptions(XMLNode::char_encoding_GBK); #endif XMLNode xMainNode = XMLNode::openFileHelper(path, "tagset"); int n = xMainNode.nChildNode("image"); // this prints the "coefficient" value for all the "NumericPredictor" tags: for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { XMLNode imageNode = xMainNode.getChildNode("image", i); string imageName = imageNode.getChildNode("imageName").getText(); vector plateVec; int m = imageNode.getChildNode("taggedRectangles").nChildNode("taggedRectangle"); for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) { XMLNode plateNode = imageNode.getChildNode("taggedRectangles").getChildNode("taggedRectangle", j); int x = atoi(plateNode.getAttribute("x")); int y = atoi(plateNode.getAttribute("y")); int width = atoi(plateNode.getAttribute("width")); int height = atoi(plateNode.getAttribute("height")); int angle = atoi(plateNode.getAttribute("rotation")); string plateStr = plateNode.getText(); RotatedRect rr(Point2f(float(x), float(y)), Size2f(float(width), float(height)), angle); CPlate plate; plate.setPlateStr(plateStr); plate.setPlatePos(rr); plateVec.push_back(plate); } xmlMap[imageName] = plateVec; } return 0; } int accuracyTest(const char* test_path) { std::shared_ptr kv(new easypr::Kv); kv->load("etc/chinese_mapping"); map> xmlMap; string path(test_path); path = path + "/GroundTruth.xml"; getGroundTruth(xmlMap, path.c_str()); //cout << xmlMap.size() << endl; //cout << xmlMap.begin()->first << endl; //vector plateVec = xmlMap.begin()->second; //cout << plateVec[0].getPlateStr() << endl; XMLNode xMainNode = XMLNode::createXMLTopNode("tagset"); #ifdef OS_WINDOWS XMLNode::setGlobalOptions(XMLNode::char_encoding_GBK); #endif auto files = Utils::getFiles(test_path); std::string path_result = "result/Result.xml"; CPlateRecognize pr; // 设置Debug模式 pr.setDebug(false); pr.setLifemode(true); // 设置要处理的一张图片中最多有多少车牌 pr.setMaxPlates(4); int size = files.size(); if (0 == size) { cout << "No File Found in general_test/native_test!" << endl; return 0; } cout << "Begin to test the easypr accuracy!" << endl; // 总的测试图片数量 int count_all = 0; // 错误的图片数量 int count_err = 0; // 未识别的图片数量 int count_norecogin = 0; std::list not_recognized_files; // 总的字符差距 float diff_all = 0; // 平均字符差距 float diff_avg = 0; // 完全匹配的识别次数 float match_count = 0; // 完全匹配的识别次数所占识别图片中的比例 float match_rate = 0; // 开始和结束时间 time_t begin, end; time(&begin); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { string filepath = files[i].c_str(); // EasyPR开始判断车牌 Mat src = imread(filepath); // 如果是非图像文件,直接过去 if (!src.data) continue; cout << "------------------" << endl; // 获取真实的车牌 string plateLicense = Utils::getFileName(filepath); cout << kv->get("original_plate") << ":" << plateLicense << endl; XMLNode xNode = xMainNode.addChild("image"); xNode.addChild("imageName").addText(plateLicense.c_str()); map>::iterator it; it = xmlMap.find(plateLicense); if (it != xmlMap.end()) { cout << it->first << endl; vector plateVec = it->second; for (auto plate : plateVec) { cout << plate.getPlateStr() << " (g)" << endl; } } XMLNode rectangleNodes = xNode.addChild("taggedRectangles"); vector plateVec; int result = pr.plateRecognize(src, plateVec); //int result = pr.plateRecognizeAsText(src, plateVec); if (result == 0) { int num = plateVec.size(); if (num == 0) { cout << kv->get("empty_plate") << endl; if (plateLicense != kv->get("empty_plate")) { not_recognized_files.push_back(plateLicense); count_norecogin++; } } else if (num > 1) { // 多车牌使用diff最小的那个记录 int mindiff = 10000; for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) { cout << plateVec[j].getPlateStr() << " (" << j + 1 << ")" << endl; XMLNode rectangleNode = rectangleNodes.addChild("taggedRectangle"); RotatedRect rr = plateVec[j].getPlatePos(); LocateType locateType = plateVec[j].getPlateLocateType(); rectangleNode.addAttribute("x", to_string((int)rr.center.x).c_str()); rectangleNode.addAttribute("y", to_string((int)rr.center.y).c_str()); rectangleNode.addAttribute("width", to_string((int)rr.size.width).c_str()); rectangleNode.addAttribute("height", to_string((int)rr.size.height).c_str()); rectangleNode.addAttribute("rotation", to_string((int)rr.angle).c_str()); rectangleNode.addAttribute("locateType", to_string(locateType).c_str()); rectangleNode.addText(plateVec[j].getPlateStr().c_str()); string colorplate = plateVec[j].getPlateStr(); // 计算"蓝牌:苏E7KU22"中冒号后面的车牌大小" vector spilt_plate = Utils::splitString(colorplate, ':'); int size = spilt_plate.size(); if (size == 2 && spilt_plate[1] != "") { int diff = utils::levenshtein_distance(plateLicense, spilt_plate[size - 1]); if (diff < mindiff) mindiff = diff; } } cout << kv->get("diff") << ":" << mindiff << kv->get("char") << endl; if (mindiff == 0) { // 完全匹配 match_count++; } diff_all = diff_all + mindiff; } else { // 单车牌只计算一次diff for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) { cout << plateVec[j].getPlateStr() << endl; XMLNode rectangleNode = rectangleNodes.addChild("taggedRectangle"); RotatedRect rr = plateVec[j].getPlatePos(); LocateType locateType = plateVec[j].getPlateLocateType(); rectangleNode.addAttribute("x", to_string((int)rr.center.x).c_str()); rectangleNode.addAttribute("y", to_string((int)rr.center.y).c_str()); rectangleNode.addAttribute("width", to_string((int)rr.size.width).c_str()); rectangleNode.addAttribute("height", to_string((int)rr.size.height).c_str()); rectangleNode.addAttribute("rotation", to_string((int)rr.angle).c_str()); rectangleNode.addAttribute("locateType", to_string(locateType).c_str()); rectangleNode.addText(plateVec[j].getPlateStr().c_str()); string colorplate = plateVec[j].getPlateStr(); // 计算"蓝牌:苏E7KU22"中冒号后面的车牌大小" vector spilt_plate = Utils::splitString(colorplate, ':'); int size = spilt_plate.size(); if (size == 2 && spilt_plate[1] != "") { int diff = utils::levenshtein_distance(plateLicense, spilt_plate[size - 1]); cout << kv->get("diff") << ":" << diff << kv->get("char") << endl; if (diff == 0) { // 完全匹配 match_count++; } diff_all = diff_all + diff; } } } } else { cout << kv->get("error_code") << ":" << result << endl; count_err++; } count_all++; } time(&end); cout << "------------------" << endl; cout << "Easypr accuracy test end!" << endl; cout << "------------------" << endl; cout << endl; cout << kv->get("summaries") << ":" << endl; cout << kv->get("sum_pictures") << ":" << count_all << ", "; cout << kv->get("unrecognized") << ":" << count_norecogin << ", "; xMainNode.writeToFile(path_result.c_str()); float count_recogin = float(count_all - (count_err + count_norecogin)); float count_rate = count_recogin / count_all; cout << kv->get("locate_rate") << ":" << count_rate * 100 << "% " << endl; if (count_recogin > 0) { diff_avg = diff_all / count_recogin; } if (count_recogin > 0) { match_rate = match_count / count_recogin * 100; } cout << kv->get("diff_average") << ":" << diff_avg << ", "; cout << kv->get("full_match") << ":" << match_count << ", "; cout << kv->get("full_rate") << ":" << match_rate << "% " << endl; double seconds = difftime(end, begin); double avgsec = seconds / double(count_all); cout << kv->get("seconds") << ":" << seconds << kv->get("sec") << ", "; cout << kv->get("seconds_average") << ":" << avgsec << kv->get("sec") << endl; cout << kv->get("unrecognized") << ":" << endl; for (auto it = not_recognized_files.begin(); it != not_recognized_files.end(); ++it) { cout << *it << endl; } cout << endl; cout << "------------------" << endl; ofstream myfile("accuracy.txt", ios::app); if (myfile.is_open()) { time_t t = time(0); // get time now struct tm* now = localtime(&t); char buf[80]; strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Y-%m-%d %X", now); myfile << string(buf) << endl; myfile << kv->get("sum_pictures") << ":" << count_all << ", "; myfile << kv->get("unrecognized") << ":" << count_norecogin << ", "; myfile << kv->get("locate_rate") << ":" << count_rate * 100 << "% " << endl; myfile << kv->get("diff_average") << ":" << diff_avg << ", "; myfile << kv->get("full_match") << ":" << match_count << ", "; myfile << kv->get("full_rate") << ":" << match_rate << "% " << endl; myfile << kv->get("seconds") << ":" << seconds << kv->get("sec") << ", "; myfile << kv->get("seconds_average") << ":" << avgsec << kv->get("sec") << endl; myfile.close(); } else { cout << "Unable to open file"; } return 0; } } } #endif // EASYPR_ACCURACY_HPP