/* Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/pass.h" #include #include "gtest/gtest.h" namespace paddle { namespace framework { namespace ir { class Graph; class Node; void BuildCircleGraph(Graph* g) { ir::Node* o1 = g->CreateEmptyNode("op1", Node::Type::kOperation); ir::Node* o2 = g->CreateEmptyNode("op2", Node::Type::kOperation); ir::Node* v1 = g->CreateEmptyNode("var1", Node::Type::kVariable); ir::Node* v2 = g->CreateEmptyNode("var2", Node::Type::kVariable); o1->outputs.push_back(v1); o2->inputs.push_back(v1); v1->inputs.push_back(o1); v1->outputs.push_back(o2); o2->outputs.push_back(v2); o1->inputs.push_back(v2); v2->inputs.push_back(o2); v2->outputs.push_back(o1); } class TestPass : public Pass { protected: void ApplyImpl(ir::Graph* graph) const { graph->Set("copy_test_pass_attr", new int); graph->Set("copy_test_graph_attr", new int); int test_pass_attr = this->Get("test_pass_attr"); graph->Get("copy_test_pass_attr") = test_pass_attr + 1; int test_graph_attr = graph->Get("test_graph_attr"); graph->Get("copy_test_graph_attr") = test_graph_attr + 1; } }; TEST(PassTest, TestPassAttrCheck) { ProgramDesc prog; auto pass = PassRegistry::Instance().Get("test_pass"); std::unique_ptr graph(new Graph(prog)); std::string exception; try { graph.reset(pass->Apply(graph.release())); } catch (paddle::platform::EnforceNotMet& e) { exception = std::string(e.what()); } ASSERT_TRUE(exception.find("Required atrribute test_pass_attr for pass < " "test_pass > is not set") != exception.npos); int val = 1; graph.reset(new Graph(prog)); pass->SetNotOwned("test_pass_attr", &val); for (std::string try_type : {"bool", "const int", "std::string"}) { try { if (try_type == "bool") { pass->Get("test_pass_attr"); } else if (try_type == "const int") { pass->Get("test_pass_attr"); } else if (try_type == "std::string") { pass->Get("test_pass_attr"); } } catch (paddle::platform::EnforceNotMet& e) { exception = std::string(e.what()); } std::string msg = "Invalid type for attritube test_pass_attr, expected: " + try_type + ", actual: int"; ASSERT_TRUE(exception.find(msg) != exception.npos); } try { graph.reset(pass->Apply(graph.release())); } catch (paddle::platform::EnforceNotMet& e) { exception = std::string(e.what()); } ASSERT_TRUE(exception.find( "Required atrribute test_graph_attr for graph is not set") != exception.npos); graph.reset(new Graph(prog)); graph->Set("test_graph_attr", new int); graph->Get("test_graph_attr") = 1; graph.reset(pass->Apply(graph.release())); ASSERT_EQ(graph->Get("copy_test_pass_attr"), 2); ASSERT_EQ(graph->Get("copy_test_graph_attr"), 2); // Allow apply more than once. graph.reset(new Graph(prog)); graph->Set("test_graph_attr", new int); graph.reset(pass->Apply(graph.release())); pass = PassRegistry::Instance().Get("test_pass"); pass->SetNotOwned("test_pass_attr", &val); graph.reset(new Graph(prog)); BuildCircleGraph(graph.get()); graph->Set("test_graph_attr", new int); graph->Get("test_graph_attr") = 2; try { pass->Apply(graph.release()); } catch (paddle::platform::EnforceNotMet& e) { exception = std::string(e.what()); } ASSERT_TRUE(exception.find("shouldn't contain cycle") != exception.npos); pass = PassRegistry::Instance().Get("test_pass"); pass->Set("test_pass_attr", new int); try { pass->Set("test_pass_attr", new int); } catch (paddle::platform::EnforceNotMet& e) { exception = std::string(e.what()); } ASSERT_TRUE( exception.find("Attribute test_pass_attr already set in the pass") != exception.npos); } class TestPassWithDefault : public Pass { protected: void ApplyImpl(ir::Graph* graph) const { graph->Set("copy_default_attr", new int); int test_pass_attr = this->Get("default_attr"); graph->Get("copy_default_attr") = test_pass_attr + 1; } }; TEST(PassTest, TestPassDefaultAttrCheck) { ProgramDesc prog; // check if default value is set auto pass = PassRegistry::Instance().Get("test_pass_default_attr"); std::unique_ptr graph(new Graph(prog)); ASSERT_EQ(pass->Get("default_attr"), 1); graph.reset(pass->Apply(graph.release())); ASSERT_EQ(graph->Get("copy_default_attr"), 2); // check if new value overrides default value pass = PassRegistry::Instance().Get("test_pass_default_attr"); pass->Set("default_attr", new int{3}); ASSERT_EQ(pass->Get("default_attr"), 3); } TEST(PassTest, TestPassRegistrarDeconstructor) { auto pass_registrary = new PassRegistrar( "test_deconstructor"); pass_registrary->DefaultPassAttr("deconstructor_attr", new int{1}); pass_registrary->~PassRegistrar(); } } // namespace ir } // namespace framework } // namespace paddle REGISTER_PASS(test_pass, paddle::framework::ir::TestPass) .RequirePassAttr("test_pass_attr") .RequireGraphAttr("test_graph_attr"); REGISTER_PASS(test_pass_default_attr, paddle::framework::ir::TestPassWithDefault) .DefaultPassAttr("default_attr", new int{1});