# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ For the PR that only modified the unit test, get cases in pull request. """ import os import json import re import sys import time import subprocess import requests import urllib.request import ssl import platform from github import Github PADDLE_ROOT = os.getenv('PADDLE_ROOT', '/paddle/') PADDLE_ROOT += '/' PADDLE_ROOT = PADDLE_ROOT.replace('//', '/') ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context class PRChecker(object): """ PR Checker. """ def __init__(self): self.github = Github(os.getenv('GITHUB_API_TOKEN'), timeout=60) self.repo = self.github.get_repo('PaddlePaddle/Paddle') self.py_prog_oneline = re.compile('\d+\|\s*#.*') self.py_prog_multiline_a = re.compile('\d+\|\s*r?""".*?"""', re.DOTALL) self.py_prog_multiline_b = re.compile("\d+\|\s*r?'''.*?'''", re.DOTALL) self.cc_prog_online = re.compile('\d+\|\s*//.*') self.cc_prog_multiline = re.compile('\d+\|\s*/\*.*?\*/', re.DOTALL) self.lineno_prog = re.compile('@@ \-\d+,\d+ \+(\d+),(\d+) @@') self.pr = None self.suffix = '' self.full_case = False def init(self): """ Get pull request. """ pr_id = os.getenv('GIT_PR_ID') if not pr_id: print('PREC No PR ID') exit(0) suffix = os.getenv('PREC_SUFFIX') if suffix: self.suffix = suffix self.pr = self.repo.get_pull(int(pr_id)) last_commit = None ix = 0 while True: commits = self.pr.get_commits().get_page(ix) for c in commits: last_commit = c.commit else: break ix = ix + 1 if last_commit.message.find('test=allcase') != -1: print('PREC test=allcase is set') self.full_case = True #todo: exception def __wget_with_retry(self, url): ix = 1 proxy = '--no-proxy' while ix < 6: if ix // 2 == 0: proxy = '' else: if platform.system() == 'Windows': proxy = '-Y off' else: proxy = '--no-proxy' code = subprocess.call( 'wget -q {} --no-check-certificate {}'.format(proxy, url), shell=True) if code == 0: return True print( 'PREC download {} error, retry {} time(s) after {} secs.[proxy_option={}]'. format(url, ix, ix * 10, proxy)) time.sleep(ix * 10) ix += 1 return False def __urlretrieve(self, url, filename): ix = 1 with_proxy = urllib.request.getproxies() without_proxy = {'http': '', 'http': ''} while ix < 6: if ix // 2 == 0: cur_proxy = urllib.request.ProxyHandler(without_proxy) else: cur_proxy = urllib.request.ProxyHandler(with_proxy) opener = urllib.request.build_opener(cur_proxy, urllib.request.HTTPHandler) urllib.request.install_opener(opener) try: urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, filename) except Exception as e: print(e) print( 'PREC download {} error, retry {} time(s) after {} secs.[proxy_option={}]'. format(url, ix, ix * 10, proxy)) continue else: return True time.sleep(ix * 10) ix += 1 return False def get_pr_files(self): """ Get files in pull request. """ page = 0 file_list = [] while True: files = self.pr.get_files().get_page(page) if not files: break for f in files: file_list.append(PADDLE_ROOT + f.filename) page += 1 return file_list def __get_comment_by_filetype(self, content, filetype): result = [] if filetype == 'py': result = self.__get_comment_by_prog(content, self.py_prog_oneline) result.extend( self.__get_comment_by_prog(content, self.py_prog_multiline_a)) result.extend( self.__get_comment_by_prog(content, self.py_prog_multiline_b)) if filetype == 'cc': result = self.__get_comment_by_prog(content, self.cc_prog_oneline) result.extend( self.__get_comment_by_prog(content, self.cc_prog_multiline)) return result def __get_comment_by_prog(self, content, prog): result_list = prog.findall(content) if not result_list: return [] result = [] for u in result_list: result.extend(u.split('\n')) return result def get_comment_of_file(self, f): #content = self.repo.get_contents(f.replace(PADDLE_ROOT, ''), 'pull/').decoded_content #todo: get file from github with open(f) as fd: lines = fd.readlines() lineno = 1 inputs = '' for line in lines: #for line in content.split('\n'): #input += str(lineno) + '|' + line + '\n' inputs += str(lineno) + '|' + line lineno += 1 fietype = '' if f.endswith('.h') or f.endswith('.cc') or f.endswith('.cu'): filetype = 'cc' if f.endswith('.py'): filetype = 'py' else: return [] return self.__get_comment_by_filetype(inputs, filetype) def get_pr_diff_lines(self): file_to_diff_lines = {} r = requests.get(self.pr.diff_url) data = r.text data = data.split('\n') ix = 0 while ix < len(data): if data[ix].startswith('+++'): if data[ix].rstrip('\r\n') == '+++ /dev/null': ix += 1 continue filename = data[ix][6:] ix += 1 while ix < len(data): result = self.lineno_prog.match(data[ix]) if not result: break lineno = int(result.group(1)) length = int(result.group(2)) ix += 1 end = ix + length while ix < end: if data[ix][0] == '-': end += 1 if data[ix][0] == '+': line_list = file_to_diff_lines.get(filename) line = '{}{}'.format(lineno, data[ix].replace('+', '|', 1)) if line_list: line_list.append(line) else: file_to_diff_lines[filename] = [line, ] if data[ix][0] != '-': lineno += 1 ix += 1 ix += 1 return file_to_diff_lines def is_only_comment(self, f): file_to_diff_lines = self.get_pr_diff_lines() comment_lines = self.get_comment_of_file(f) diff_lines = file_to_diff_lines.get(f.replace(PADDLE_ROOT, '', 1)) if not diff_lines: return False for l in diff_lines: if l not in comment_lines: return False print('PREC {} is only comment'.format(f)) return True def get_pr_ut(self): """ Get unit tests in pull request. """ if self.full_case: return '' check_added_ut = False ut_list = [] file_ut_map = None ret = self.__urlretrieve( 'https://sys-p0.bj.bcebos.com/prec/file_ut.json{}'.format( self.suffix), 'file_ut.json{}'.format(self.suffix)) if not ret: print('PREC download file_ut.json failed') exit(1) with open('file_ut.json' + self.suffix) as jsonfile: file_ut_map = json.load(jsonfile) for f in self.get_pr_files(): current_system = platform.system() if current_system == "Darwin" or current_system == "Windows": f_judge = f.replace(PADDLE_ROOT, '/paddle/', 1) f_judge = f_judge.replace('//', '/') else: f_judge = f if f_judge not in file_ut_map: if f.endswith('.md'): ut_list.append('md_placeholder') elif f.endswith('.h') or f.endswith('.cu'): if self.is_only_comment(f): ut_list.append('h_cu_comment_placeholder') else: print( 'PREC dismatch: {} not in file ut map and not md or comment'. format(f)) return '' elif f.endswith('.cc') or f.endswith('.py') or f.endswith( '.cu'): if f.find('test_') != -1 or f.find('_test') != -1: print('PREC {} need check new ut'.format(f)) if current_system != "Windows": check_added_ut = True elif self.is_only_comment(f): ut_list.append('nomap_comment_placeholder') else: print( 'PREC dismatch: {} not in file ut map and not new ut or comment'. format(f)) return '' else: print('PREC dismatch: {} not in file ut map'.format(f)) return '' else: if self.is_only_comment(f): ut_list.append('map_comment_placeholder') else: ut_list.extend(file_ut_map.get(f_judge)) ut_list = list(set(ut_list)) if check_added_ut: with open('{}/added_ut'.format(PADDLE_ROOT)) as utfile: for ut in utfile: print('PREC NEW UT: {}'.format(ut.rstrip('\r\n'))) ut_list.append(ut.rstrip('\r\n')) if ut_list: ret = self.__urlretrieve( 'https://sys-p0.bj.bcebos.com/prec/prec_delta{}'.format( self.suffix), 'prec_delta{}'.format(self.suffix)) if ret: with open('prec_delta' + self.suffix) as delta: for ut in delta: ut_list.append(ut.rstrip('\r\n')) else: print('PREC download prec_delta failed') exit(1) return '\n'.join(ut_list) if __name__ == '__main__': pr_checker = PRChecker() pr_checker.init() #print(pr_checker.get_pr_ut()) with open('ut_list', 'w') as f: f.write(pr_checker.get_pr_ut())