# Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import print_function import astor import gast import inspect import six import warnings __all__ = ['AstNodeWrapper', 'NodeVarType', 'StaticAnalysisVisitor'] # TODO: _is_paddle_dygraph_api is duplicated in Yamei's utils.py. Merge the two # function code together when Yamei finish her PR. def _is_paddle_dygraph_api(obj): m = inspect.getmodule(obj) return m is not None and m.__name__.startswith("paddle.fluid.dygraph") # TODO: is_dygraph_api is duplicated in Yamei's utils.py. Merge the two # function code together when Yamei finish her PR. def is_dygraph_api(node): assert isinstance(node, gast.Call), "Input non-Call node for is_dygraph_api" func_src = astor.to_source(node.func) try: import paddle.fluid as fluid return eval("_is_paddle_dygraph_api({})".format(func_src)) except NameError: return False def _is_numpy_api_helper(obj): m = inspect.getmodule(obj) return m is not None and m.__name__.startswith("numpy") def is_numpy_api(node): assert isinstance(node, gast.Call), "Input non-Call node for is_numpy_api" func_str = astor.to_source(node.func) try: import numpy as np module_result = eval("_is_numpy_api_helper({})".format(func_str)) # BUG: np.random.uniform doesn't have module and cannot be analyzed # TODO: find a better way if not module_result: return func_str.startswith("numpy.") or func_str.startswith("np.") except NameError: return False class NodeVarType(object): """ Enum class of python variable types. We have to know some variable types during compile time to transfer AST. For example, a string variable and a tensor variable in if clause may lead to different conversion from dygraph to static graph. """ ERROR = -1 # Returns when static analysis gets error UNKNOWN = 0 # Reserve for AST nodes have not known the type STATEMENT = 1 # For nodes representing statement (non-variable type) CALLABLE = 2 # python data types NONE = 100 BOOLEAN = 101 INT = 102 FLOAT = 103 STRING = 104 TENSOR = 105 NUMPY_NDARRAY = 106 # python collections LIST = 200 SET = 201 DICT = 202 PADDLE_DYGRAPH_API = 300 PADDLE_CONTROL_IF = 301 PADDLE_CONTROL_WHILE = 302 PADDLE_CONTROL_FOR = 303 @staticmethod def binary_op_output_type(in_type1, in_type2): if in_type1 == in_type2: return in_type1 if in_type1 == NodeVarType.UNKNOWN: return in_type2 if in_type2 == NodeVarType.UNKNOWN: return in_type1 supported_types = [ NodeVarType.BOOLEAN, NodeVarType.INT, NodeVarType.FLOAT, NodeVarType.NUMPY_NDARRAY, NodeVarType.TENSOR ] if in_type1 not in supported_types: warnings.warn("Binary Op on un supported in_type1 = %d " % (in_type1)) return NodeVarType.UNKNOWN if in_type2 not in supported_types: warnings.warn("Binary Op on un supported in_type2 = %d " % (in_type2)) return NodeVarType.UNKNOWN forbidden_types = [NodeVarType.NUMPY_NDARRAY, NodeVarType.TENSOR] if in_type1 in forbidden_types and in_type2 in forbidden_types: warnings.warn( "Binary Op on un supported types: in_type1 = %d, in_type2 = %d" % (in_type1, in_type2)) return NodeVarType.UNKNOWN return max(in_type1, in_type2) class AstNodeWrapper(object): """ Wrapper for python gast.node. We need a node wrapper because gast.node doesn't store all required information when we are transforming AST. We should collect additional information which the actual transformation needs. """ def __init__(self, node): self.node = node self.parent = None self.children = [] self.node_var_type = NodeVarType.UNKNOWN class AstVarScope(object): """ AstVarScope is a class holding the map from current scope variable to its type. """ def __init__(self, parent_scope=None): self.sub_scopes = [] self.name_to_id = {} self.id_to_type = {} self.cur_id = 0 self.parent_scope = parent_scope if parent_scope is not None: parent_scope.sub_scopes.append(self) def set_var_type(self, var_name, node_var_type): if var_name in self.name_to_id: num_id = self.name_to_id[var_name] else: num_id = self.cur_id self.cur_id += 1 self.name_to_id[var_name] = num_id self.id_to_type[num_id] = node_var_type def get_var_type(self, var_name): if var_name in self.name_to_id: num_id = self.name_to_id[var_name] return self.id_to_type[num_id] if self.parent_scope is None: return NodeVarType.UNKNOWN return self.parent_scope.get_var_type(var_name) class AstVarEnv(object): """ A class maintains scopes and mapping from variable name to type. """ def __init__(self): self.cur_scope = AstVarScope() def enter_scope(self): self.cur_scope = AstVarScope(parent_scope=self.cur_scope) return self.cur_scope def exit_scope(self): assert self.cur_scope.parent_scope is not None, "Call exit_scope in "\ "AstVarEnv when current scope doens't have parent scope." self.cur_scope = self.cur_scope.parent_scope return self.cur_scope def set_var_type(self, var_name, node_var_type): self.cur_scope.set_var_type(var_name, node_var_type) def get_var_type(self, var_name): return self.cur_scope.get_var_type(var_name) def get_scope_var_type(self): ''' Returns a dict mapping from variable name to type. Used for debug and test. ''' cur_scope_dict = {} for name in self.cur_scope.name_to_id: node_var_type = self.cur_scope.get_var_type(name) cur_scope_dict[name] = node_var_type return cur_scope_dict class StaticAnalysisVisitor(object): """ A class that does static analysis """ def __init__(self, ast_root=None): if ast_root is not None: self.run(ast_root) def run(self, ast_root): self.node_wrapper_root = None self.ancestor_wrappers = [] self.node_to_wrapper_map = {} self.var_env = AstVarEnv() self.dfs_visit(ast_root) def dfs_visit(self, node): # AST reuses some gast.nodes, such as Param node of expr_context if node not in self.node_to_wrapper_map: cur_wrapper = AstNodeWrapper(node) self.node_to_wrapper_map[node] = cur_wrapper else: cur_wrapper = self.node_to_wrapper_map[node] if self.node_wrapper_root is None: self.node_wrapper_root = cur_wrapper if len(self.ancestor_wrappers) != 0: last_wrapper = self.ancestor_wrappers[-1] last_wrapper.children.append(cur_wrapper) cur_wrapper.parent = last_wrapper self.ancestor_wrappers.append(cur_wrapper) for child in gast.iter_child_nodes(node): self.dfs_visit(child) self.ancestor_wrappers.pop() cur_wrapper.node_var_type = self._get_node_var_type(cur_wrapper) return cur_wrapper.node_var_type def get_node_wrapper_root(self): return self.node_wrapper_root def get_node_to_wrapper_map(self): return self.node_to_wrapper_map def get_var_env(self): return self.var_env def _get_node_var_type(self, cur_wrapper): node = cur_wrapper.node if isinstance(node, gast.Constant): # singleton: None, True or False if node.value is None: return NodeVarType.NONE if isinstance(node.value, bool): return NodeVarType.BOOLEAN if isinstance(node.value, int): return NodeVarType.INT if isinstance(node.value, float): return NodeVarType.FLOAT if isinstance(node.value, str): return NodeVarType.STRING if isinstance(node, gast.BoolOp): return NodeVarType.BOOLEAN if isinstance(node, gast.Compare): return NodeVarType.BOOLEAN if isinstance(node, gast.Dict): return NodeVarType.DICT if isinstance(node, gast.Set): return NodeVarType.SET if isinstance(node, gast.UnaryOp): return self.node_to_wrapper_map[node.operand].node_var_type if isinstance(node, gast.BinOp): left_type = self.node_to_wrapper_map[node.left].node_var_type right_type = self.node_to_wrapper_map[node.right].node_var_type return NodeVarType.binary_op_output_type(left_type, right_type) if isinstance(node, gast.Assign): ret_type = self.node_to_wrapper_map[node.value].node_var_type for target in node.targets: if isinstance(target, gast.Name): self.node_to_wrapper_map[target].node_var_type = ret_type self.var_env.set_var_type(target.id, ret_type) return ret_type if isinstance(node, gast.Name): if node.id == "None": return NodeVarType.NONE if node.id == "True" or node.id == "False": return NodeVarType.BOOLEAN return self.var_env.get_var_type(node.id) if isinstance(node, gast.Call): if is_dygraph_api(node): api_name = node.func.attr if api_name == "to_variable": return NodeVarType.TENSOR if is_numpy_api(node): # In this simple version we assume numpy api returns nd-array return NodeVarType.NUMPY_NDARRAY return NodeVarType.STATEMENT