/** * Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "graph/partition/engine_place.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/op/ge_op_utils.h" #include "common/util/error_manager/error_manager.h" #include "graph/utils/graph_utils.h" #include "graph/utils/op_desc_utils.h" #include "init/gelib.h" #include "opskernel_manager/ops_kernel_manager.h" #include "analyzer/analyzer.h" namespace ge { namespace { std::mutex check_support_cost_mutex; } Status EnginePlacer::Check() const { if (compute_graph_ == nullptr) { GELOGE(GE_GRAPH_NULL_INPUT, "compute_graph_ is null."); return FAILED; } std::shared_ptr instance_ptr = ge::GELib::GetInstance(); if ((instance_ptr == nullptr) || (!instance_ptr->InitFlag())) { GELOGE(GE_CLI_GE_NOT_INITIALIZED, "Run enginePlacer failed"); return FAILED; } return SUCCESS; } Status EnginePlacer::Run() { std::lock_guard lock(check_support_cost_mutex); GELOGD("Engine placer starts."); if (Check() != SUCCESS) { return FAILED; } bool is_check_support_success = true; // Assign engine for each node in the graph ge::GELib::GetInstance()->DNNEngineManagerObj().InitPerformanceStaistic(); for (const auto &node_ptr : compute_graph_->GetDirectNode()) { GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(node_ptr); auto op_desc = node_ptr->GetOpDesc(); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(op_desc); std::string engine_name; std::string kernel_name; // Check if this node has assigned engine bool has_engine_attr = AttrUtils::GetStr(op_desc, ATTR_NAME_ENGINE_NAME_FOR_LX, engine_name) && !engine_name.empty(); bool has_kernel_attr = AttrUtils::GetStr(op_desc, ATTR_NAME_KKERNEL_LIB_NAME_FOR_LX, kernel_name) && !kernel_name.empty(); bool use_exist_engine_name = !op_desc->GetOpKernelLibName().empty() || (has_kernel_attr && has_engine_attr); if (use_exist_engine_name) { if (op_desc->GetOpEngineName().empty()) { GELOGI("Op %s set engine_name %s engine_name %s from attrs", op_desc->GetName().c_str(), engine_name.c_str(), kernel_name.c_str()); op_desc->SetOpEngineName(engine_name); op_desc->SetOpKernelLibName(kernel_name); } engine_name = op_desc->GetOpEngineName(); } else { // Call placer cost model to get the "best" engine for this node engine_name = ge::GELib::GetInstance()->DNNEngineManagerObj().GetDNNEngineName(node_ptr); // If can't get op's engine name, keep check support finish and return failed if (engine_name.empty()) { is_check_support_success = false; ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage( "E13003", {"opname", "optype"}, {op_desc->GetName(), op_desc->GetType()}); GELOGE(GE_CLI_GE_NOT_INITIALIZED, "Can not find engine of op type %s", node_ptr->GetOpDesc()->GetType().c_str()); continue; } } if (AssignEngineAndLog(node_ptr, engine_name) != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(GE_GRAPH_ASSIGN_ENGINE_FAILED, "[GraphPartitioner]: AssignEngineAndLog FAILED"); return FAILED; } } for (auto &it : ge::GELib::GetInstance()->DNNEngineManagerObj().GetCheckSupportCost()) { GEEVENT("The time cost of %s::CheckSupported is [%lu] micro second.", it.first.c_str(), it.second); } GELOGD("Engine placer ends."); return is_check_support_success ? SUCCESS : FAILED; } Status EnginePlacer::AssignEngineAndLog(ge::ConstNodePtr node_ptr, const std::string &engine_name) { if ((node_ptr == nullptr) || (node_ptr->GetOpDesc() == nullptr)) { GELOGE(FAILED, "node_ptr is null."); return FAILED; } // private function, promise node_ptr->GetOpDesc() not null GELOGD("Assigning DNNEngine %s to node %s, op type %s", engine_name.c_str(), node_ptr->GetName().c_str(), node_ptr->GetOpDesc()->GetType().c_str()); // Record the node assigned engine name node_engine_map_.insert(std::make_pair(node_ptr, engine_name)); return SUCCESS; } } // namespace ge