/** * This file is part of Open Source Software TensorFlow, version 1.15.0 https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow * * This file is included by GraphEngine so as to support model format conversion from tensorflow model to GraphEngine model. * This file in this distribution may have been modified by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd ("Huawei Modifications"). * All Huawei Modifications are Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. */ syntax = "proto3"; package domi.tensorflow; option cc_enable_arenas = true; option java_outer_classname = "GraphProtos"; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_package = "org.tensorflow.framework"; import "node_def.proto"; import "function.proto"; import "versions.proto"; // Represents the graph of operations message GraphDef { repeated NodeDef node = 1; // Compatibility versions of the graph. See core/public/version.h for version // history. The GraphDef version is distinct from the TensorFlow version, and // each release of TensorFlow will support a range of GraphDef versions. VersionDef versions = 4; // Deprecated single version field; use versions above instead. Since all // GraphDef changes before "versions" was introduced were forward // compatible, this field is entirely ignored. int32 version = 3 [deprecated = true]; // EXPERIMENTAL. DO NOT USE OR DEPEND ON THIS YET. // // "library" provides user-defined functions. // // Naming: // * library.function.name are in a flat namespace. // NOTE: We may need to change it to be hierarchical to support // different orgs. E.g., // { "/google/nn", { ... }}, // { "/google/vision", { ... }} // { "/org_foo/module_bar", { ... }} // map named_lib; // * If node[i].op is the name of one function in "library", // node[i] is deemed as a function call. Otherwise, node[i].op // must be a primitive operation supported by the runtime. // // // Function call semantics: // // * The callee may start execution as soon as some of its inputs // are ready. The caller may want to use Tuple() mechanism to // ensure all inputs are ready in the same time. // // * The consumer of return values may start executing as soon as // the return values the consumer depends on are ready. The // consumer may want to use Tuple() mechanism to ensure the // consumer does not start until all return values of the callee // function are ready. FunctionDefLibrary library = 2; };