/** * Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef __CCE_RUNTIME_DEVICE_H__ #define __CCE_RUNTIME_DEVICE_H__ #include "base.h" #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(COMPILE_OMG_PACKAGE) extern "C" { #endif #define RT_CAPABILITY_SUPPORT (0x1) #define RT_CAPABILITY_NOT_SUPPORT (0x0) typedef struct tagRTDeviceInfo { uint8_t env_type; // 0: FPGA 1: EMU 2: ESL uint32_t ctrl_cpu_ip; uint32_t ctrl_cpu_id; uint32_t ctrl_cpu_core_num; uint32_t ctrl_cpu_endian_little; uint32_t ts_cpu_core_num; uint32_t ai_cpu_core_num; uint32_t ai_core_num; uint32_t ai_core_freq; uint32_t ai_cpu_core_id; uint32_t ai_core_id; uint32_t aicpu_occupy_bitmap; uint32_t hardware_version; uint32_t ts_num; } rtDeviceInfo_t; typedef enum tagRtRunMode { RT_RUN_MODE_OFFLINE = 0, RT_RUN_MODE_ONLINE = 1, RT_RUN_MODE_AICPU_SCHED = 2, RT_RUN_MODE_RESERVED } rtRunMode; typedef enum tagRtAicpuDeployType { AICPU_DEPLOY_CROSS_OS = 0x0, AICPU_DEPLOY_CROSS_PROCESS = 0x1, AICPU_DEPLOY_CROSS_THREAD = 0x2, AICPU_DEPLOY_RESERVED } rtAicpuDeployType_t; typedef enum tagRtFeatureType { FEATURE_TYPE_MEMCPY = 0, FEATURE_TYPE_RSV } rtFeatureType_t; typedef enum tagRtDeviceFeatureType { FEATURE_TYPE_SCHE, FEATURE_TYPE_END, } rtDeviceFeatureType_t; typedef enum tagMemcpyInfo { MEMCPY_INFO_SUPPORT_ZEROCOPY = 0, MEMCPY_INFO_RSV } rtMemcpyInfo_t; /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief get total device number. * @param [in|out] count the device number * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok * @return RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE for error input */ RTS_API rtError_t rtGetDeviceCount(int32_t *count); /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief get device ids * @param [in|out] get details of device ids * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok * @return RT_ERROR_DRV_ERR for error */ RTS_API rtError_t rtGetDeviceIDs(uint32_t *devices, uint32_t len); /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief get device infomation. * @param [in] device the device id * @param [in] moduleType module type typedef enum { MODULE_TYPE_SYSTEM = 0, system info MODULE_TYPE_AICPU, aicpu info MODULE_TYPE_CCPU, ccpu_info MODULE_TYPE_DCPU, dcpu info MODULE_TYPE_AICORE, AI CORE info MODULE_TYPE_TSCPU, tscpu info MODULE_TYPE_PCIE, PCIE info } DEV_MODULE_TYPE; * @param [in] infoType info type typedef enum { INFO_TYPE_ENV = 0, INFO_TYPE_VERSION, INFO_TYPE_MASTERID, INFO_TYPE_CORE_NUM, INFO_TYPE_OS_SCHED, INFO_TYPE_IN_USED, INFO_TYPE_ERROR_MAP, INFO_TYPE_OCCUPY, INFO_TYPE_ID, INFO_TYPE_IP, INFO_TYPE_ENDIAN, } DEV_INFO_TYPE; * @param [out] value the device info * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok * @return RT_ERROR_DRV_ERR for error */ RTS_API rtError_t rtGetDeviceInfo(uint32_t deviceId, int32_t moduleType, int32_t infoType, int64_t *value); /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief set target device for current thread * @param [int] device the device id * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok * @return RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE for error input */ RTS_API rtError_t rtSetDevice(int32_t device); /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief set target device for current thread * @param [int] device the device id * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok * @return RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE for error input */ RTS_API rtError_t rtSetDeviceEx(int32_t device); /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief get Index by phyId. * @param [in] phyId the physical device id * @param [out] devIndex the logic device id * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok * @return RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE for error input */ RTS_API rtError_t rtGetDeviceIndexByPhyId(uint32_t phyId, uint32_t *devIndex); /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief get phyId by Index. * @param [in] devIndex the logic device id * @param [out] phyId the physical device id * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok * @return RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE for error input */ RTS_API rtError_t rtGetDevicePhyIdByIndex(uint32_t devIndex, uint32_t *phyId); /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief enable direction:devIdDes---->phyIdSrc. * @param [in] devIdDes the logical device id * @param [in] phyIdSrc the physical device id * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok * @return RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE for error input */ RTS_API rtError_t rtEnableP2P(uint32_t devIdDes, uint32_t phyIdSrc, uint32_t flag); /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief disable direction:devIdDes---->phyIdSrc. * @param [in] devIdDes the logical device id * @param [in] phyIdSrc the physical device id * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok * @return RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE for error input */ RTS_API rtError_t rtDisableP2P(uint32_t devIdDes, uint32_t phyIdSrc); /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief get cability of P2P omemry copy betwen device and peeredevic. * @param [in] device the logical device id * @param [in] peerDevice the physical device id * @param [outv] *canAccessPeer 1:enable 0:disable * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok * @return RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE for error input */ RTS_API rtError_t rtDeviceCanAccessPeer(int32_t *canAccessPeer, uint32_t device, uint32_t peerDevice); /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief get status * @param [in] devIdDes the logical device id * @param [in] phyIdSrc the physical device id * @param [in|out] status status value * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok * @return RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE for error input */ RTS_API rtError_t rtGetP2PStatus(uint32_t devIdDes, uint32_t phyIdSrc, uint32_t *status); /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief get value of current thread * @param [in|out] pid value of pid * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok */ RTS_API rtError_t rtDeviceGetBareTgid(uint32_t *pid); /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief get target device of current thread * @param [in|out] device the device id * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok * @return RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE for error input */ RTS_API rtError_t rtGetDevice(int32_t *device); /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief reset all opened device * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok * @return RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE for error input */ RTS_API rtError_t rtDeviceReset(int32_t device); /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief reset opened device * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok * @return RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE for error input */ RTS_API rtError_t rtDeviceResetEx(int32_t device); /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief get total device infomation. * @param [in] device the device id * @param [in] type limit type RT_LIMIT_TYPE_LOW_POWER_TIMEOUT=0 * @param [in] value limit value * @param [out] info the device info * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok * @return RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE for error input */ RTS_API rtError_t rtDeviceSetLimit(int32_t device, rtLimitType_t type, uint32_t value); /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief Wait for compute device to finish * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok * @return RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE for error input */ RTS_API rtError_t rtDeviceSynchronize(void); /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief get priority range of current device * @param [in|out] leastPriority least priority * @param [in|out] greatestPriority greatest priority * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok * @return RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE for error input */ RTS_API rtError_t rtDeviceGetStreamPriorityRange(int32_t *leastPriority, int32_t *greatestPriority); /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief Set exception handling callback function * @param [in] callback rtExceptiontype * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok * @return RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE for error input */ RTS_API rtError_t rtSetExceptCallback(rtErrorCallback callback); /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief Setting Scheduling Type of Graph * @param [in] tsId the ts id * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok * @return RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE for error input */ RTS_API rtError_t rtSetTSDevice(uint32_t tsId); /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief init aicpu executor * @param [out] runtime run mode * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok * @return RT_ERROR_DRV_ERR for can not get run mode */ RTS_API rtError_t rtGetRunMode(rtRunMode *mode); /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief get aicpu deploy * @param [out] aicpu deploy * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok * @return RT_ERROR_DRV_ERR for can not get aicpu deploy */ RTS_API rtError_t rtGetAicpuDeploy(rtAicpuDeployType_t *deployType); /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief set chipType * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok */ RTS_API rtError_t rtSetSocVersion(const char *version); /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief get chipType * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok */ RTS_API rtError_t rtGetSocVersion(char *version, const uint32_t maxLen); /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief get status * @param [in] devId the logical device id * @param [in] otherDevId the other logical device id * @param [in] infoType info type * @param [in|out] value pair info * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok */ RTS_API rtError_t rtGetPairDevicesInfo(uint32_t devId, uint32_t otherDevId, int32_t infoType, int64_t *value); /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief get capability infomation. * @param [in] featureType feature type typedef enum tagRtFeatureType { FEATURE_TYPE_MEMCPY = 0, FEATURE_TYPE_RSV, } rtFeatureType_t; * @param [in] featureInfo info type typedef enum tagMemcpyInfo { MEMCPY_INFO_SUPPORT_ZEROCOPY = 0, MEMCPY_INFO _RSV, } rtMemcpyInfo_t; * @param [out] value the capability info RT_CAPABILITY_SUPPORT or RT_CAPABILITY_NOT_SUPPORT * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok */ RTS_API rtError_t rtGetRtCapability(rtFeatureType_t featureType, int32_t featureInfo, int64_t *value); /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief set target device for current thread * @param [int] device the device id * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok * @return RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE for error input */ RTS_API rtError_t rtSetDeviceWithoutTsd(int32_t device); /** * @ingroup dvrt_dev * @brief reset all opened device * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok * @return RT_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE for error input */ RTS_API rtError_t rtDeviceResetWithoutTsd(int32_t device); #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(COMPILE_OMG_PACKAGE) } #endif #endif // __CCE_RUNTIME_DEVICE_H__