/** * Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/gflags_util.h" #include "common/util.h" #include "common/util/error_manager/error_manager.h" #include "framework/common/debug/ge_log.h" #include "ge/ge_api.h" #include "generator/ge_generator.h" #include "graph/anchor.h" #include "graph/debug/ge_attr_define.h" #include "graph/graph.h" #include "graph/op_desc.h" #include "graph/utils/graph_utils.h" #include "graph/utils/type_utils.h" #include "init/gelib.h" #include "ir_build/atc_ir_common.h" #include "omg/omg.h" #include "omg/parser/parser_factory.h" #include "omg/parser/parser_inner_ctx.h" #include "parser/common/register_tbe.h" #include "register/op_registry.h" #include "single_op_parser.h" using domi::BuildMode; using domi::OpRegistrationData; using domi::OpRegistry; using domi::Status; using domi::SUCCESS; using ge::GEN_OM_MODEL; using ge::GflagsUtils; using ge::MODEL_TO_JSON; using ge::ONLY_PRE_CHECK; using ge::ParseInputShape; using ge::PBTXT_TO_JSON; using std::map; using std::pair; using std::shared_ptr; using std::string; using std::vector; static bool is_dynamic_input = false; // 310 limited 8G size const char *const kGraphMemoryManagerMallocMaxSize = "8*1024*1024*1024"; const char *const kModeSupport = "only support 0(model to framework model), " "1(framework model to json), 3(only pre-check), 5(pbtxt to json)"; const char *const kModelToJsonSupport = "only support 0(Caffe) 3(TensorFlow)"; // limit available mem size 2G const long kMinAvailableMem = 2 * 1024 * 1024; DEFINE_string(model, "", "The model file."); DEFINE_string(output, "", "The output file path&name."); DEFINE_int32(framework, -1, "Framework type(0:Caffe; 1:MindSpore; 3:Tensorflow)."); DEFINE_string(weight, "", "Optional; weight file. Required when framework is Caffe."); DEFINE_string(input_shape, "", "Optional; shape of input data. Required when framework is caffe " "or TensorFLow or MindSpore." "Format: \"input_name1:n1,c1,h1,w1;input_name2:n2,c2,h2,w2\""); DEFINE_bool(h, false, "show this help message"); DEFINE_string(cal_conf, "", "Optional; the calibration config file."); DEFINE_string(insert_op_conf, "", "Optional; the config file to insert new op, for example AIPP op."); DEFINE_string(op_name_map, "", "Optional; custom op name mapping file."); DEFINE_string(target, "", "Optional; mini."); DEFINE_string(om, "", "The model file to be converted to json."); DEFINE_string(json, "", "The output json file path&name which is converted from a model."); DEFINE_int32(mode, 0, "Optional; run mode, 0(default): model => framework model; 1: " "framework model => json; 3: only pre-check; 5: pbtxt => json."); #if !defined(__ANDROID__) && !defined(ANDROID) DEFINE_int32(encrypt_mode, -1, "Optional; the encrypt flag. 0: encrypt; -1(default): not encrypt"); DEFINE_string(encrypt_key, "", "Optional; the encrypt_key file."); DEFINE_string(certificate, "", "Optional; the certificate file."); DEFINE_string(hardware_key, "", "Optional; the ISV key file."); DEFINE_string(private_key, "", "Optional; the private key file."); #endif DEFINE_string(out_nodes, "", "Optional; output nodes designated by users." "Format: \"node_name1:0;node_name1:1;node_name2:0\""); DEFINE_string(precision_mode, "force_fp16", "Optional; precision mode." "Support force_fp16, allow_mix_precision, allow_fp32_to_fp16, must_keep_origin_dtype."); DEFINE_string(input_format, "", "Optional; input_format, format of input data, NCHW;NHWC." "Format:\"NHWC\""); DEFINE_string(check_report, "check_result.json", "Optional; the pre-checking report file."); DEFINE_string(input_fp16_nodes, "", "Optional; input node datatype is fp16 and format is NC1HWC0." "Format:\"node_name1;node_name2\""); DEFINE_string(is_output_adjust_hw_layout, "", "Optional; Net output node's datatype is fp16 and format is " "NC1HWC0, or not." "Format:\"false,true,false,true\""); DEFINE_string(is_input_adjust_hw_layout, "", "Optional; Intput node's datatype is fp16 and format is " "NC1HWC0, or not." "Format:\"false,true,false,true\""); DEFINE_string(output_type, "", "Optional; output type! " "Support FP32,FP16,INT8,INT16,UINT16,UINT8,INT32,INT64,UINT32,UINT64,DOUBLE."); DEFINE_string(op_select_implmode, "", "Optional; op select implmode! " "Support high_precision, high_performance."); DEFINE_string(optypelist_for_implmode, "", "Optional; Nodes need use implmode selected in op_select_implmode " "Format:\"node_name1,node_name2\""); DEFINE_string(singleop, "", "Optional; If set, generate single op model with the given json file."); DEFINE_int32(disable_reuse_memory, 0, "Optional; If set to 1, disable reuse memory when generating if."); DEFINE_string(auto_tune_mode, "", "Optional; Set tune mode."); DEFINE_string(soc_version, "", "The soc version."); DEFINE_string(core_type, "AiCore", "Optional; If set to VectorCore, only use vector core."); DEFINE_string(aicore_num, "", "Optional; Set aicore num"); DEFINE_string(buffer_optimize, "l2_optimize", "Optional; buffer optimize"); DEFINE_string(fusion_switch_file, "", "Optional; Set fusion switch file path"); DEFINE_string(save_original_model, "", "Optional; enable output original offline model. false(default)"); DEFINE_string(dynamic_batch_size, "", "Optional; If set, generate dynamic multi batch model. " "Different batch sizes are split by ','." "dynamic_batch_size, dynamic_image_size and dynamic_dims can only be set one."); DEFINE_string(dynamic_image_size, "", "Optional; If set, generate dynamic multi image size model." "Different groups of image size are split by ';'," "while different dimensions of each group are split by ','." "dynamic_batch_size, dynamic_image_size and dynamic_dims can only be set one."); DEFINE_string(dynamic_dims, "", "Optional; If set, generate dynamic input size model. " "Different groups of size are split by ';', while different dimensions of each group are split by ','." "dynamic_batch_size, dynamic_image_size and dynamic_dims can only be set one."); DEFINE_string(enable_small_channel, "0", "Optional; If set to 1, small channel is enabled."); DEFINE_string(enable_compress_weight, "false", "Optional; enable compress weight. true: enable; false(default): disable"); DEFINE_string(compress_weight_conf, "", "Optional; the config file to compress weight"); DEFINE_string(enable_single_stream, "", "Optional; enable single stream. true: enable; false(default): disable"); DEFINE_string(log, "null", "Optional; generate atc log. Support debug, info, warning, error, null"); DEFINE_string(dump_mode, "0", "Optional; generate infershape json,only support 1 , 0."); DEFINE_int32(op_debug_level, 0, "Optional; configure debug level of compiler. 0(default): close debug;" "1: open TBE compiler, export ccec file and TBE instruction mapping file; 2: open ccec compiler"); DEFINE_string(enable_scope_fusion_passes, "", "Optional; validate the non-general scope fusion pass," "multiple names can be set and separated by ','."); class GFlagUtils { public: /** * @name InitGFlag * @brief initialize gflag * @return void */ static void InitGFlag(int argc, char *argv[]) { // -help gflags::SetUsageMessage( "usage: ./atc \n" "generate offline model example:\n" "./atc --model=./alexnet.prototxt --weight=./alexnet.caffemodel \n" "--framework=0 --output=./domi \n" "generate offline model for single op example:\n" "./atc --singleop=./op_list.json --output=./op_model \n" "===== Basic Functionality =====\n" "[General]\n" " --h/help Show this help message\n" " --mode Run mode. 0(default): generate offline model; 1: convert model to JSON format " "3: only pre-check; 5: convert pbtxt file to JSON format\n" "\n[Input]\n" " --model Model file\n" " --weight Weight file. Required when framework is Caffe\n" " --om The model file to be converted to json\n" " --framework Framework type. 0:Caffe; 1:MindSpore; 3:Tensorflow\n" " --input_format Format of input data. E.g.: \"NCHW\"\n" " --input_shape Shape of input data. Separate multiple nodes with semicolons (;)." "Use double quotation marks (\") to enclose each argument.\n" " E.g.: \"input_name1:n1,c1,h1,w1;input_name2:n2,c2,h2,w2\"\n" " --dynamic_batch_size Set dynamic batch size. E.g: \"batchsize1,batchsize2,batchsize3\"\n" " --dynamic_image_size Set dynamic image size. Separate multiple nodes with semicolons (;)." "Use double quotation marks (\") to enclose each argument.\n" " E.g: \"imagesize1_height,imagesize1_width;imagesize2_height,imagesize2_width\"\n" " --dynamic_dims Set dynamic dims. Separate multiple nodes with semicolons (;)." "Use double quotation marks (\") to enclose each argument. E.g: \"dims1_n1,dims1_n2;dims2_n1,dims2_n2\"\n" " --singleop Single op definition file. atc will generate offline " "model(s) for single op if --singleop is set.\n" "\n[Output]\n" " --output Output file path&name(needn't suffix, will add " ".om automatically). \n" " If --singleop is set, this arg specifies the directory to " "which the single op offline model will be generated\n" " --output_type Set net output type. Support FP32, FP16, UINT8." "E.g.: FP16, indicates that all out nodes are set to FP16.\n" " \"node1:0:FP16;node2:1:FP32\", indicates setting the datatype of multiple out nodes.\n" " --check_report The pre-checking report file. Default value is: " "\"check_result.json\"\n" " --json The output json file path&name which is " "converted from a model\n" "\n[Target]\n" " --soc_version The soc version.\n" " --core_type Set core type AiCore or VectorCore. VectorCore: use vector core. " "Default value is: AiCore\n" " --aicore_num Set aicore num\n" "===== Advanced Functionality =====\n" "[Feature]\n" " --out_nodes Output nodes designated by users. Separate multiple nodes with semicolons (;)." "Use double quotation marks (\") to enclose each argument.\n" " E.g.: \"node_name1:0;node_name1:1;node_name2:0\"\n" " --input_fp16_nodes Input node datatype is fp16. Separate multiple nodes with semicolons " "(;)." "Use double quotation marks (\") to enclose each argument." "E.g.: \"node_name1;node_name2\"\n" " --insert_op_conf Config file to insert new op\n" " --op_name_map Custom op name mapping file\n" " Note: A semicolon(;) cannot be included in each " "path, otherwise the resolved path will not match the expected one.\n" " --is_input_adjust_hw_layout Intput node datatype is fp16 and format is " "NC1HWC0, used with input_fp16_nodes E.g.: \"true,true,false,true\"\n" " --is_output_adjust_hw_layout Net output node datatype is fp16 and format is " "NC1HWC0, used with out_nodes. E.g.: \"true,true,false,true\"\n" "\n[Model Tuning]\n" " --disable_reuse_memory The switch of reuse memory. Default value is : 0." "0 means reuse memory, 1 means do not reuse memory.\n" " --fusion_switch_file Set fusion switch file path\n" " --enable_scope_fusion_passes validate the non-general scope fusion passes," "multiple names can be set and separated by ','. E.g.: ScopePass1,ScopePass2,...\n" " --enable_single_stream Enable single stream. true: enable; false(default): disable\n" " --enable_small_channel Set enable small channel. 0(default): disable; 1: enable\n" " --enable_compress_weight Enable compress weight. true: enable; false(default): disable\n" " --compress_weight_conf Config file to compress weight\n" " --buffer_optimize Set buffer optimize. \"l2_optimize\" (default). Set \"off_optimize\" to close\n" "\n[Operator Tuning]\n" " --precision_mode precision mode, support force_fp16(default), allow_mix_precision, " "allow_fp32_to_fp16, must_keep_origin_dtype.\n" " --auto_tune_mode Set tune mode. E.g.: \"GA,RL\", support configure multiple, spit by ,\n" " --op_select_implmode Set op select implmode. Support high_precision, high_performance." "default: high_performance\n" " --optypelist_for_implmode Appoint which op to select implmode, cooperated with op_select_implmode.\n" " Separate multiple nodes with commas (,). Use double quotation marks (\") " " to enclose each argument. E.g.: \"node_name1,node_name2\"\n" " --op_debug_level Debug enable for TBE operator building.\n" " 0 (default): Disable debug; 1: Enable TBE pipe_all, " "and generate the operator CCE file and Python-CCE mapping file (.json);\n" " 2: Enable TBE pipe_all, generate the operator CCE file and Python-CCE mapping file " "(.json), and enable the CCE compiler -O0-g.\n" "\n[Debug]\n" " --save_original_model Control whether to output original model. E.g.: true: output original model\n" " --log Generate log with level. Support debug, info, warning, error, null\n" " --dump_mode The switch of dump json with shape, to be used with mode 1." "0(default): disable; 1: enable."); gflags::ParseCommandLineNonHelpFlags(&argc, &argv, true); // Using gflags to analyze input parameters GflagsUtils::ChangeHelpFlags(FLAGS_h); gflags::HandleCommandLineHelpFlags(); } static Status CheckDumpInfershapeJsonFlags() { Status ret = CheckFrameWorkValid(FLAGS_framework, FLAGS_weight); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(ret == domi::SUCCESS, return domi::FAILED, "check custom aicpu run so failed!"); GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG( FLAGS_weight != "" && !ge::CheckInputPathValid(FLAGS_weight, "--weight"), return domi::FAILED, "Input parameter[--weight]'s value[%s] is invalid!", FLAGS_weight.c_str()); return domi::SUCCESS; } static Status CheckFlags() { Status ret = ge::SUCCESS; // No model file information passed in GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG( FLAGS_model == "", ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10004", {"parameter"}, {"model"}); ret = ge::FAILED, "Input parameter[--model]'s value is empty!"); // check param disable_reuse_memory GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG( ge::CheckDisableReuseMemoryParamValid(to_string(FLAGS_disable_reuse_memory)) != ge::SUCCESS, ret = ge::FAILED, "check disable_reuse_memory failed!"); // check optypelist_for_implmode and op_select_implmode GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG( ge::CheckImplmodeParamValid(FLAGS_optypelist_for_implmode, FLAGS_op_select_implmode) != ge::SUCCESS, ret = ge::FAILED, "check optypelist_for_implmode and op_select_implmode failed!"); // No output file information passed in GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG( FLAGS_mode == GEN_OM_MODEL && FLAGS_output == "", ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10004", {"parameter"}, {"output"}); ret = ge::FAILED, "Input parameter[--output]'s value is empty!"); GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG( CheckFrameWorkValid(FLAGS_framework, FLAGS_weight) != ge::SUCCESS, ret = ge::FAILED, "CheckFrameWorkValid failed"); GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG( ge::CheckDynamicInputParamValid(FLAGS_dynamic_batch_size, FLAGS_dynamic_image_size, FLAGS_dynamic_dims, FLAGS_input_shape, FLAGS_input_format, is_dynamic_input) != ge::SUCCESS, ret = ge::FAILED, "check dynamic size(batch size, image size or dims) failed!"); GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG( !FLAGS_insert_op_conf.empty() && !FLAGS_dynamic_dims.empty(), ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10001", {"parameter", "value", "reason"}, {"--insert_op_conf", FLAGS_insert_op_conf, "dynamic dims function does not support aipp"}); ret = ge::FAILED, "dynamic dims function does not support aipp"); #if !defined(__ANDROID__) && !defined(ANDROID) GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG(!CheckEncryptModeValid(FLAGS_encrypt_mode), ret = ge::FAILED, "encrypt_mode %d not valid!!", FLAGS_encrypt_mode); if (FLAGS_encrypt_mode == 0) { // Encryption mode GELOGI("ge will run with encrypt!"); GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG(!ge::CheckInputPathValid(FLAGS_encrypt_key), ret = ge::FAILED, "encrypt_key file not found!!"); GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG(!ge::CheckInputPathValid(FLAGS_certificate), ret = ge::FAILED, "certificate file not found!!"); GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG(!ge::CheckInputPathValid(FLAGS_hardware_key), ret = ge::FAILED, "hardware_key file not found!!"); GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG(!ge::CheckInputPathValid(FLAGS_private_key), ret = ge::FAILED, "private_key file not found!!"); } else { // No encryption GELOGI("ge will run without encrypt!"); } #endif /** * Check the validity of the I / O file path */ GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG( FLAGS_model != "" && !ge::CheckInputPathValid(FLAGS_model, "--model"), ret = ge::FAILED, "model file %s not found!!", FLAGS_model.c_str()); GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG( FLAGS_weight != "" && !ge::CheckInputPathValid(FLAGS_weight, "--weight"), ret = ge::FAILED, "weight file %s not found!!", FLAGS_weight.c_str()); GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG( FLAGS_cal_conf != "" && !ge::CheckInputPathValid(FLAGS_cal_conf, "--cal_conf"), ret = ge::FAILED, "calibration config file %s not found!!", FLAGS_cal_conf.c_str()); GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG( FLAGS_op_name_map != "" && !ge::CheckInputPathValid(FLAGS_op_name_map, "--op_name_map"), ret = ge::FAILED, "op config file %s not found!!", FLAGS_op_name_map.c_str()); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(ge::CheckInsertOpConfParamValid(std::string(FLAGS_insert_op_conf)) == ge::SUCCESS, ret = ge::FAILED, "check insert op conf failed!"); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(ge::CheckCompressWeightParamValid( FLAGS_enable_compress_weight, FLAGS_compress_weight_conf) == ge::SUCCESS, ret = ge::FAILED, "check compress weight failed!"); GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG( !ge::CheckOutputPathValid(FLAGS_check_report, "--check_report"), ret = ge::FAILED, "check_report file %s not found!!", FLAGS_check_report.c_str()); GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG( FLAGS_mode == GEN_OM_MODEL && FLAGS_output != "" && (!ge::CheckOutputPathValid(FLAGS_output, "--output") || !CheckPathWithName(FLAGS_output)), ret = ge::FAILED, "output path %s is not valid!!", FLAGS_output.c_str()); GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG( FLAGS_save_original_model != "" && FLAGS_save_original_model != "true" && FLAGS_save_original_model != "false", ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage( "E10005", {"parameter", "value"}, {"save_original_model", FLAGS_save_original_model}); ret = ge::FAILED, "Input parameter[--save_original_model]'s value[%s] must be true or false.", FLAGS_save_original_model.c_str()); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(ge::CheckBufferOptimizeParamValid(FLAGS_buffer_optimize) == ge::SUCCESS, ret = ge::FAILED, "check output type failed!"); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC( ge::CheckEnableSingleStreamParamValid(std::string(FLAGS_enable_single_stream)) == ge::SUCCESS, ret = ge::FAILED, "check enable single stream failed!"); return ret; } /** * Verifying the parameters of converting model to JSON * 1. Fmk_model * 2. out_json **/ static Status CheckConverJsonParamFlags() { Status ret = ge::SUCCESS; // No model path passed in GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG(FLAGS_om == "", ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10004", {"parameter"}, {"om"}); ret = ge::FAILED, "Input parameter[--om]'s value is empty!!"); // JSON path not passed in GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG(FLAGS_json == "", ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10004", {"parameter"}, {"json"}); ret = ge::FAILED, "Input parameter[--json]'s value is empty!!"); // Check if the model path is valid GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG( FLAGS_om != "" && !ge::CheckInputPathValid(FLAGS_om, "--om"), ret = ge::FAILED, "model file path is invalid: %s.", FLAGS_om.c_str()); // Check whether the JSON path is valid GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG( FLAGS_json != "" && !ge::CheckOutputPathValid(FLAGS_json, "--json"), ret = ge::FAILED, "json file path is invalid: %s.", FLAGS_json.c_str()); return ret; } /** * Check command line parameters for explicit settings * true: Explicit setup * false: Not set up * */ static bool CheckFlagSet(string flag) { gflags::CommandLineFlagInfo info; return !(gflags::GetCommandLineFlagInfo(flag.c_str(), &info) && info.is_default); } private: static bool CheckEncryptModeValid(const int encrypt_mode) { #if !defined(__ANDROID__) && !defined(ANDROID) if (encrypt_mode != 0 && encrypt_mode != -1) { DOMI_LOGE("encrypt mode must be 0 or -1"); return false; } #else if (encrypt_mode != -1) { DOMI_LOGE("encrypt mode must be -1"); return false; } #endif return true; } static Status CheckFrameWorkValid(int framework, const std::string weight_file) { if (framework != (int32_t)domi::CAFFE && framework != (int32_t)domi::TENSORFLOW && framework != (int32_t)domi::MINDSPORE && framework != (int32_t)domi::ONNX) { // No framework information was passed in or the entered framework is illegal ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage( "E10007", {"parameter", "support"}, {"framework", "0(Caffe) or 1(MindSpore) or 3(TensorFlow)"}); DOMI_LOGE("Input parameter[--framework] is mandatory and it's value must be: " "0(Caffe) or 1(MindSpore) or 3(TensorFlow)."); return domi::PARAM_INVALID; } if ((framework == (int32_t)domi::CAFFE) && (weight_file == "")) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10008", {"parameter"}, {"weight"}); DOMI_LOGE("Input parameter[--weight]'s value is empty when framework is 0(CAFFE)!"); return domi::PARAM_INVALID; } if ((framework == (int32_t)domi::TENSORFLOW) && (weight_file != "")) { GELOGW("Parameter weight is ignored for TensorFlow."); } if ((framework == (int32_t)domi::ONNX) && (weight_file != "")) { GELOGW("Parameter weight is ignored for Onnx."); } return domi::SUCCESS; } static bool CheckPathWithName(const std::string &fileName) { // Determine file path length if (fileName.size() > static_cast(PATH_MAX)) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage( "E10021", {"parameter", "size"}, {"output", std::to_string(PATH_MAX)}); GELOGE(ge::FAILED, "Input parameter[--output]'s path is too long, it must be less than %d", PATH_MAX); return false; } // Find the last separator int slashPosition = fileName.size() - 1; for (; slashPosition >= 0; slashPosition--) { if (fileName[slashPosition] == '\\' || fileName[slashPosition] == '/') { break; } } // Failure if no filename follows the path if (slashPosition == static_cast(fileName.size() - 1)) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10022", {"parameter", "filename"}, {"output", fileName}); DOMI_LOGE("Input parameter[--output]'s path[%s] not include file name", fileName.c_str()); return false; } return true; } }; void SetDynamicInputSizeOptions() { if (!FLAGS_dynamic_batch_size.empty()) { domi::GetContext().dynamic_batch_size = FLAGS_dynamic_batch_size; } if (!FLAGS_dynamic_image_size.empty()) { domi::GetContext().dynamic_image_size = FLAGS_dynamic_image_size; } if (!FLAGS_dynamic_dims.empty()) { domi::GetContext().dynamic_dims = FLAGS_dynamic_dims; } } /// Validate the non-general scope fusion pass. /// The parameter is set to the name of the fusion rule. /// Multiple names can be set and separated by ",". void SetEnableScopeFusionPasses(const std::string pass_names) { ge::GetParserContext().enable_scope_fusion_passes = pass_names; } static bool CheckInputFormat() { if (FLAGS_input_format.empty()) { // Set default format if (FLAGS_framework == static_cast(domi::TENSORFLOW)) { FLAGS_input_format = "NHWC"; } else { FLAGS_input_format = "NCHW"; } return true; } else if ((FLAGS_framework == static_cast(domi::CAFFE))) { // caffe if (ge::caffe_support_input_format.find(FLAGS_input_format) != ge::caffe_support_input_format.end()) { return true; } // only support NCHW ND ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage( "E10001", {"parameter", "value", "reason"}, {"--input_format", FLAGS_input_format, ge::kCaffeFormatSupport}); GELOGE(ge::FAILED, "Invalid value for --input_format[%s], %s.", FLAGS_input_format.c_str(), ge::kCaffeFormatSupport); return false; } else if ((FLAGS_framework == static_cast(domi::TENSORFLOW))) { // tf if (ge::tf_support_input_format.find(FLAGS_input_format) != ge::tf_support_input_format.end()) { return true; } // only support NCHW NHWC ND NCDHW NDHWC ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage( "E10001", {"parameter", "value", "reason"}, {"--input_format", FLAGS_input_format, ge::kTFFormatSupport}); GELOGE(ge::FAILED, "Invalid value for --input_format[%s], %s.", FLAGS_input_format.c_str(), ge::kTFFormatSupport); return false; } else if (FLAGS_framework == static_cast(domi::ONNX)) { if (ge::onnx_support_input_format.find(FLAGS_input_format) != ge::onnx_support_input_format.end()) { return true; } // only support NCHW ND ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage( "E10001", {"parameter", "value", "reason"}, {"--input_format", FLAGS_input_format, ge::kONNXFormatSupport}); GELOGE(ge::FAILED, "Invalid value for --input_format[%s], %s.", FLAGS_input_format.c_str(), ge::kONNXFormatSupport); return false; } return true; } #if !defined(__ANDROID__) && !defined(ANDROID) static void GetCustomOpPath(std::string &customop_path) { GELOGI("Enter get custom op path schedule"); std::string fmk_type = ge::TypeUtils::FmkTypeToSerialString(static_cast(FLAGS_framework)); GELOGI("Framework type is %s.", fmk_type.c_str()); const char *path_env = std::getenv("ASCEND_OPP_PATH"); if (path_env != nullptr) { std::string path = path_env; customop_path = (path + "/framework/custom" + "/:") + (path + "/framework/built-in/" + fmk_type); GELOGI("Get custom so path from env : %s", path_env); return; } std::string path_base = ge::GELib::GetPath(); GELOGI("path_base is %s", path_base.c_str()); path_base = path_base.substr(0, path_base.rfind('/')); path_base = path_base.substr(0, path_base.rfind('/') + 1); customop_path = (path_base + "ops/framework/custom" + "/:") + (path_base + "ops/framework/built-in/" + fmk_type); return; } void GetPluginSoFileList(const string &path, vector &fileList, string &caffe_parser_path) { // Support to split multiple so directories by ":" GELOGI("path is %s", path.c_str()); vector v_path = ge::StringUtils::Split(path, ':'); for (size_t i = 0; i < v_path.size(); ++i) { ge::FindParserSo(v_path[i], fileList, caffe_parser_path); GELOGI("CustomOpLib full name = %s", v_path[i].c_str()); } } void LoadModelParserLib(std::string caffe_parser_path) { if (FLAGS_framework == static_cast(domi::TENSORFLOW)) { void *tf_handle = dlopen("libfmk_parser.so", RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL); if (tf_handle == nullptr) { GELOGW("dlopen fmk library [libfmk_parser.so] failed."); return; } GELOGI("plugin load libfmk_parser.so success."); } else if (FLAGS_framework == static_cast(domi::CAFFE)) { // What we are dealing with here is that the user modifies the caffe.proto scenario. // If no lib_Caffe_Parser.so is found under the plugin path, use the default lib_Caffe_Parser.so path. caffe_parser_path = caffe_parser_path.empty() ? "lib_caffe_parser.so" : caffe_parser_path; void *handle = dlopen(caffe_parser_path.c_str(), RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL); if (handle == nullptr) { GELOGW("dlopen failed, plugin name:%s. Message(%s).", caffe_parser_path.c_str(), dlerror()); return; } GELOGI("plugin load %s success.", caffe_parser_path.c_str()); // According to the dependency, the Caffe parsing module of the framework is loaded here( libfmk_parser.so). // (depend on the lib_caffe_parser.so) void *fmk_handle = dlopen("libfmk_parser.so", RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL); if (fmk_handle == nullptr) { GELOGW("dlopen fmk library [libfmk_parser.so] failed."); if (dlclose(handle) != 0) { GELOGW("dlclose lib_caffe_parser.so failed."); } return; } GELOGI("plugin load libfmk_parser.so success."); } else if (FLAGS_framework == static_cast(domi::ONNX)) { void *handle = dlopen("libfmk_onnx_parser.so", RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL); if (handle == nullptr) { GELOGW("dlopen fmk library [libfmk_onnx_parser.so] failed."); return; } GELOGI("plugin load libfmk_onnx_parser.so success."); } else { GELOGW("Framework:%s is not support.", ge::TypeUtils::FmkTypeToSerialString(static_cast(FLAGS_framework)).c_str()); return; } return; } void LoadCustomOpLib(bool need_load_ops_plugin) { std::string plugin_path; GetCustomOpPath(plugin_path); vector fileList; string caffe_parser_path = ""; // whether there are files in the plugin so path GetPluginSoFileList(plugin_path, fileList, caffe_parser_path); // no file if (fileList.empty() && caffe_parser_path.empty()) { GELOGW("can not find any plugin file in plugin_path: %s", plugin_path.c_str()); } LoadModelParserLib(caffe_parser_path); if (!need_load_ops_plugin) { GELOGI("No need to load ops plugin so."); return; } OpRegistry::Instance()->registrationDatas.clear(); // load other so files except lib_caffe_parser.so in the plugin so path for (auto elem : fileList) { ge::StringUtils::Trim(elem); void *handle = dlopen(elem.c_str(), RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL); if (handle == nullptr) { GELOGW("dlopen failed, plugin name:%s. Message(%s).", elem.c_str(), dlerror()); } else { GELOGI("plugin load %s success.", elem.c_str()); } } std::vector registrationDatas = OpRegistry::Instance()->registrationDatas; for (OpRegistrationData reg_data : registrationDatas) { if (reg_data.GetFrameworkType() == static_cast(FLAGS_framework)) { (void)ge::OpRegistrationTbe::Instance()->Finalize(reg_data); (void)OpRegistry::Instance()->Register(reg_data); } } } void SaveCustomCaffeProtoPath() { GELOGI("Enter save custom caffe proto path."); std::string path_base = ge::GELib::GetPath(); GELOGI("path_base is %s", path_base.c_str()); path_base = path_base.substr(0, path_base.rfind('/')); path_base = path_base.substr(0, path_base.rfind('/') + 1); ge::GetParserContext().caffe_proto_path = path_base + "include/proto/"; string customop_path; const char *path_env = std::getenv("ASCEND_OPP_PATH"); if (path_env != nullptr) { std::string path = path_env; customop_path = path + "/framework/custom/caffe/"; GELOGI("Get custom proto path from env : %s", path_env); ge::GetParserContext().custom_proto_path = customop_path; return; } customop_path = path_base + "ops/framework/custom/caffe/"; ge::GetParserContext().custom_proto_path = customop_path; return; } #endif Status CreateInputsForInference(const ge::Graph &graph, vector &inputs) { auto compute_graph = ge::GraphUtils::GetComputeGraph(graph); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(compute_graph); for (ge::NodePtr &input_node : compute_graph->GetAllNodes()) { GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(input_node); ge::OpDescPtr op = input_node->GetOpDesc(); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(op); if (op->GetType() == ge::DATA) { GELOGI("Data op inputDesc size is: %zu", op->GetAllInputsDesc().size()); ge::GeTensorDesc tensor = op->GetInputDesc(0); string data_op_name = op->GetName(); GELOGI("Data op name is: %s", data_op_name.c_str()); ge::GeShape data_shape; auto iter = domi::GetContext().input_dims.find(data_op_name); if (iter != domi::GetContext().input_dims.end()) { data_shape = ge::GeShape(iter->second); GELOGI("Data op get shape from Context."); } else { data_shape = tensor.GetShape(); GELOGI("Data op get shape from InputDesc in geir graph."); } ge::DataType data_type = tensor.GetDataType(); string data_type_str = ge::TypeUtils::DataTypeToSerialString(data_type); GELOGI("Data op get data type:%s from InputDesc in geir graph.", data_type_str.c_str()); ge::GeTensor input_tensor; ge::GeTensorDesc desc(data_shape, ge::Format(domi::GetContext().format), data_type); input_tensor.SetTensorDesc(desc); inputs.push_back(input_tensor); } } GELOGI("Build ME model, inputs size is: %zu", inputs.size()); return ge::SUCCESS; } domi::Status GenerateInfershapeJson() { if (!CheckInputFormat()) { GELOGE(ge::FAILED, "Check input_format failed"); return domi::FAILED; } Status ret = GFlagUtils::CheckDumpInfershapeJsonFlags(); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(ret == domi::SUCCESS, return domi::FAILED, "Check flags failed!"); ge::GeGenerator ge_generator; std::map options; ge::Status geRet = ge_generator.Initialize(options, domi::GetContext()); if (geRet != ge::SUCCESS) { DOMI_LOGE("GeGenerator initialize failed!"); return domi::FAILED; } ge::Graph graph; std::map atc_params; atc_params.insert(std::pair("input_format", FLAGS_input_format)); ret = ParseGraph(graph, atc_params, FLAGS_om.c_str(), FLAGS_weight.c_str(), (domi::FrameworkType) FLAGS_framework, "", FLAGS_target.c_str(), (ge::RunMode) FLAGS_mode, false); if (ret != ge::SUCCESS) { DOMI_LOGE("ATC Parse graph domi::FAILED"); (void)ge_generator.Finalize(); return domi::FAILED; } geRet = ge_generator.GenerateInfershapeGraph(graph); if (geRet != ge::SUCCESS) { DOMI_LOGE("ATC GenerateInfershapeJson failed"); (void)ge_generator.Finalize(); return domi::FAILED; } if (DumpInfershapeJson(graph, FLAGS_json.c_str()) != SUCCESS) { DOMI_LOGE("ATC DumpInfershapeJson failed"); (void)ge_generator.Finalize(); return domi::FAILED; } (void)ge_generator.Finalize(); return ge::SUCCESS; } static Status ConvertModelToJson(int fwk_type, const string &model_file, const string &json_file) { Status ret = ge::SUCCESS; if (fwk_type == -1) { ret = ge::ConvertOmModelToJson(model_file.c_str(), json_file.c_str()); return ret; } if ((fwk_type != domi::TENSORFLOW) && (fwk_type != domi::CAFFE) && (fwk_type != domi::ONNX)) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage( "E10001", {"parameter", "value", "reason"}, {"--framework", std::to_string(fwk_type), kModelToJsonSupport}); GELOGE(ge::FAILED, "Invalid value for --framework[%d], %s.", fwk_type, kModelToJsonSupport); ret = ge::FAILED; } if (FLAGS_dump_mode != "0" && FLAGS_dump_mode != "1") { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10006", {"parameter"}, {"dump_mode"}); GELOGE(ge::FAILED, "Input parameter[--dump_mode]'s value must be 1 or 0."); ret = ge::FAILED; } if (ret != ge::SUCCESS) return ret; // Need to save caffe.proto path SaveCustomCaffeProtoPath(); if (FLAGS_dump_mode == "0") { // Caffe or tf model to json depend on lib_caffe_parser.so or libfmk_parser.so. LoadCustomOpLib(false); ret = ge::ConvertFwkModelToJson((domi::FrameworkType)fwk_type, model_file.c_str(), json_file.c_str()); } else if (FLAGS_dump_mode == "1") { // Caffe or tf model to json depend on lib_caffe_parser.so or libfmk_parser.so and ops plugin so. LoadCustomOpLib(true); ret = GenerateInfershapeJson(); } return ret; } domi::Status GenerateModel(std::map &options, std::string output) { ge::GeGenerator ge_generator; ge::Status geRet = ge::SUCCESS; std::shared_ptr instance_ptr = ge::GELib::GetInstance(); if (instance_ptr == nullptr || !instance_ptr->InitFlag()) { geRet = ge::GELib::Initialize(options); if (geRet != ge::SUCCESS) { DOMI_LOGE("GE initialize failed!"); return domi::FAILED; } } geRet = ge_generator.Initialize(options, domi::GetContext()); if (geRet != ge::SUCCESS) { DOMI_LOGE("GeGenerator initialize failed!"); (void)ge::GELib::GetInstance()->Finalize(); return domi::FAILED; } ge::Graph graph; std::vector inputs; if (FLAGS_framework == domi::MINDSPORE) { // load model from file ge::Model load_model = ge::Model("loadmodel", "version2"); auto ret1 = load_model.LoadFromFile(FLAGS_model); if (ret1 != ge::GRAPH_SUCCESS) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10041", {"parameter"}, {FLAGS_model}); DOMI_LOGE("Load model from %s failed, please check model file or " "input parameter[--framework] is correct", FLAGS_model.c_str()); (void)ge_generator.Finalize(); (void)ge::GELib::GetInstance()->Finalize(); return domi::FAILED; } graph = load_model.GetGraph(); GE_CHK_STATUS_EXEC(ge::InitDomiOmgContext(FLAGS_input_shape, FLAGS_input_format, "", is_dynamic_input), GELOGE(ge::FAILED, "ATC Generate call InitDomiOmgContext ret fail"); (void)ge_generator.Finalize(); (void)ge::GELib::GetInstance()->Finalize(); return domi::FAILED); Status ret = CreateInputsForInference(graph, inputs); if (ret != ge::SUCCESS) { GELOGE(ge::FAILED, "create inputs for inference failed."); (void)ge_generator.Finalize(); (void)ge::GELib::GetInstance()->Finalize(); return domi::FAILED; } } else { std::map atc_params; atc_params.insert(std::pair("input_shape", FLAGS_input_shape)); atc_params.insert(std::pair("out_nodes", FLAGS_out_nodes)); atc_params.insert(std::pair("input_format", FLAGS_input_format)); atc_params.insert(std::pair("check_report", FLAGS_check_report)); atc_params.insert(std::pair("input_fp16_nodes", FLAGS_input_fp16_nodes)); atc_params.insert(std::pair("is_input_adjust_hw_layout", FLAGS_is_input_adjust_hw_layout)); atc_params.insert(std::pair("is_output_adjust_hw_layout", FLAGS_is_output_adjust_hw_layout)); atc_params.insert(std::pair("compress_weight_conf", FLAGS_compress_weight_conf)); atc_params.insert(std::pair(string(ge::OUTPUT_DATATYPE), FLAGS_output_type)); atc_params.insert(std::pair("output", output)); Status ret = ParseGraph(graph, atc_params, FLAGS_model.c_str(), FLAGS_weight.c_str(), (domi::FrameworkType)FLAGS_framework, FLAGS_op_name_map.c_str(), FLAGS_target.c_str(), (ge::RunMode)FLAGS_mode, is_dynamic_input); // in ONLY_PRE_CHECK mode, pre-checking report has already saved in ParseGraph if (FLAGS_mode == ge::ONLY_PRE_CHECK) { (void)ge_generator.Finalize(); (void)ge::GELib::GetInstance()->Finalize(); if (ret != ge::SUCCESS) { DOMI_LOGE("ATC precheck fail."); return domi::FAILED; } return domi::SUCCESS; } if (ret != ge::SUCCESS) { DOMI_LOGE("ATC Parse graph domi::FAILED"); DOMI_LOGE("ATC Generate execute failed"); // Duplicate log. (for test case (void)ge_generator.Finalize(); (void)ge::GELib::GetInstance()->Finalize(); return domi::FAILED; } if (ge::SetOutputNodeInfo(graph, FLAGS_output_type, "") != domi::SUCCESS) { DOMI_LOGE("Set output node info fail."); (void)ge_generator.Finalize(); (void)ge::GELib::GetInstance()->Finalize(); return domi::FAILED; } } geRet = ge_generator.GenerateOfflineModel(graph, output, inputs); if (geRet != ge::SUCCESS) { DOMI_LOGE("GE GenerateOfflineModel execute failed"); DOMI_LOGE("ATC Generate execute failed"); // Duplicate log. (for test case // checking error log) (void)ge_generator.Finalize(); (void)ge::GELib::GetInstance()->Finalize(); return domi::FAILED; } (void)ge_generator.Finalize(); (void)ge::GELib::GetInstance()->Finalize(); return ge::SUCCESS; } static void SetEnvForSingleOp(std::map &options) { string flag_on = "1"; string flag_off = "0"; options.emplace(ge::GE_FE_FLAG, flag_on); options.emplace(ge::STREAM_NUM, "1"); // single op only use one stream options.emplace(ge::RUN_FLAG, flag_off); options.emplace(ge::OPTION_GRAPH_RUN_MODE, flag_off); options.emplace(ge::SINGLE_OP_FLAG, flag_on); options.emplace(ge::PRECISION_MODE, FLAGS_precision_mode); options.emplace(ge::SOC_VERSION, FLAGS_soc_version); options.emplace(ge::CORE_TYPE, FLAGS_core_type); options.emplace(ge::AICORE_NUM, FLAGS_aicore_num); options.emplace(ge::OP_SELECT_IMPL_MODE, FLAGS_op_select_implmode); options.emplace(ge::OPTYPELIST_FOR_IMPLMODE, FLAGS_optypelist_for_implmode); options.emplace(ge::AUTO_TUNE_MODE, FLAGS_auto_tune_mode); options.emplace(ge::GRAPH_MEMORY_MAX_SIZE, kGraphMemoryManagerMallocMaxSize); options.emplace(ge::OP_DEBUG_LEVEL, to_string(FLAGS_op_debug_level)); } domi::Status GenerateSingleOp(const std::string& json_file_path) { if (!FLAGS_output.empty() && !ge::CheckOutputPathValid(FLAGS_output, "--output")) { DOMI_LOGE("output path %s is not valid!", FLAGS_output.c_str()); return domi::FAILED; } // check optypelist_for_implmode and op_select_implmode GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG( ge::CheckImplmodeParamValid(FLAGS_optypelist_for_implmode, FLAGS_op_select_implmode) != ge::SUCCESS, return ge::FAILED, "check optypelist_for_implmode and op_select_implmode failed!"); std::map options; // need to be changed when ge.ini plan is done SetEnvForSingleOp(options); auto ret = ge::GELib::Initialize(options); if (ret != ge::SUCCESS) { DOMI_LOGE("GE initialize failed!"); return domi::FAILED; } ge::GeGenerator generator; ret = generator.Initialize(options, domi::GetContext()); if (ret != SUCCESS) { DOMI_LOGE("GeGenerator initialize failed!"); (void)ge::GELib::GetInstance()->Finalize(); return domi::FAILED; } vector build_params; if (ge::SingleOpParser::ParseSingleOpList(json_file_path, build_params) != ge::SUCCESS) { DOMI_LOGE("parse single op json file failed"); (void)generator.Finalize(); (void)ge::GELib::GetInstance()->Finalize(); return domi::FAILED; } int index = 0; for (auto ¶m : build_params) { string output_path; if (!FLAGS_output.empty()) { output_path = FLAGS_output + "/"; } output_path += param.file_name; ret = generator.BuildSingleOpModel(param.op_desc, param.inputs, param.outputs, output_path); if (ret != SUCCESS) { DOMI_LOGE("Compile op failed. ge ret = %u, op index = %d", ret, index); ret = domi::FAILED; break; } GELOGI("Compile op success. op index = %d, output = %s", index, output_path.c_str()); index += 1; } (void)generator.Finalize(); (void)ge::GELib::GetInstance()->Finalize(); return ret; } domi::Status GenerateOmModel() { if (!CheckInputFormat()) { GELOGE(ge::FAILED, "Check input_format failed"); return domi::FAILED; } Status ret = GFlagUtils::CheckFlags(); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(ret == domi::SUCCESS, return domi::FAILED, "Check flags failed! Please check whether some atc params that include semicolons[;] use double " "quotation marks (\") to enclose each argument such as out_nodes, input_shape, dynamic_image_size"); #if !defined(__ANDROID__) && !defined(ANDROID) // Load custom operator Library LoadCustomOpLib(true); SaveCustomCaffeProtoPath(); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(ret == domi::SUCCESS, return domi::FAILED, "check custom aicpu run so failed!"); #endif const int f_stream_num = 1; std::map options; options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::FRAMEWORK_TYPE), to_string(FLAGS_framework))); options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::STREAM_NUM), to_string(f_stream_num))); options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::CALIBRATION_CONF_FILE), FLAGS_cal_conf)); options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::ENCRYPT_MODE), to_string(FLAGS_encrypt_mode))); options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::EK_FILE), FLAGS_encrypt_key)); options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::CERT_FILE), FLAGS_certificate)); options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::HW_KEY_FILE), FLAGS_hardware_key)); options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::PRIVATE_KEY_FILE), FLAGS_private_key)); options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::OUTPUT_NODE_NAME), FLAGS_out_nodes)); options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::INSERT_OP_FILE), FLAGS_insert_op_conf)); options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::PRECISION_MODE), FLAGS_precision_mode)); options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::RUN_FLAG), to_string(0))); options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::TRAIN_FLAG), to_string(0))); if (!FLAGS_output_type.empty()) { options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::OUTPUT_DATATYPE), FLAGS_output_type)); } options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::OP_SELECT_IMPL_MODE), FLAGS_op_select_implmode)); options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::OPTYPELIST_FOR_IMPLMODE), FLAGS_optypelist_for_implmode)); if (!FLAGS_input_fp16_nodes.empty()) { GELOGI("FLAGS_input_fp16_nodes : %s .", FLAGS_input_fp16_nodes.c_str()); options.insert(std::pair(ge::INPUT_FP16_NODES, FLAGS_input_fp16_nodes)); } options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::AUTO_TUNE_MODE), FLAGS_auto_tune_mode)); options.insert( std::pair(string(ge::OPTION_EXEC_DISABLE_REUSED_MEMORY), to_string(FLAGS_disable_reuse_memory))); options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::SOC_VERSION), FLAGS_soc_version)); options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::CORE_TYPE), FLAGS_core_type)); options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::AICORE_NUM), FLAGS_aicore_num)); options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::BUFFER_OPTIMIZE), FLAGS_buffer_optimize)); options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::ENABLE_SMALL_CHANNEL), FLAGS_enable_small_channel)); options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::FUSION_SWITCH_FILE), FLAGS_fusion_switch_file)); options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::ENABLE_COMPRESS_WEIGHT), (FLAGS_enable_compress_weight == "true") ? ge::kEnableCompressWeightTrue : ge::kEnableCompressWeightFalse)); options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::GRAPH_MEMORY_MAX_SIZE), kGraphMemoryManagerMallocMaxSize)); options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::ENABLE_SINGLE_STREAM), FLAGS_enable_single_stream)); SetDynamicInputSizeOptions(); if (!FLAGS_save_original_model.empty()) { options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::SAVE_ORIGINAL_MODEL), FLAGS_save_original_model)); options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::ORIGINAL_MODEL_FILE), FLAGS_output + "_original.om")); } options.insert(std::pair(string(ge::OP_DEBUG_LEVEL), to_string(FLAGS_op_debug_level))); // set enable scope fusion passes SetEnableScopeFusionPasses(FLAGS_enable_scope_fusion_passes); // print atc option map ge::PrintOptionMap(options, "atc option"); // When the ATC module is transferred to a model, the suffix ".om" is automatically added to the model name FLAGS_output = FLAGS_output + ".om"; ret = GenerateModel(options, FLAGS_output); if (ret != domi::SUCCESS) { return domi::FAILED; } return domi::SUCCESS; } domi::Status ConvertModelToJson() { Status ret = GFlagUtils::CheckConverJsonParamFlags(); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(ret == domi::SUCCESS, return domi::FAILED, "Check convert json params flags failed!"); ret = ConvertModelToJson(FLAGS_framework, FLAGS_om, FLAGS_json); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(ret != domi::SUCCESS, return domi::FAILED); return domi::SUCCESS; } bool CheckRet(domi::Status ret) { if (ret != domi::SUCCESS) { if (FLAGS_mode == ONLY_PRE_CHECK) { GELOGW("ATC precheck failed."); } else if (FLAGS_mode == GEN_OM_MODEL) { GELOGW("ATC generate offline model failed."); } else if (FLAGS_mode == MODEL_TO_JSON) { GELOGW("ATC convert model to json file failed."); } else if (FLAGS_mode == PBTXT_TO_JSON) { GELOGW("ATC convert pbtxt to json file failed."); } else { return false; } return false; } if (FLAGS_mode == ONLY_PRE_CHECK) { GELOGI("ATC precheck success."); } else if (FLAGS_mode == GEN_OM_MODEL) { GELOGI("ATC generate offline model success."); } else if (FLAGS_mode == MODEL_TO_JSON) { GELOGI("ATC convert model to json file success."); } else if (FLAGS_mode == PBTXT_TO_JSON) { GELOGI("ATC convert pbtxt to json file success."); } return true; } domi::Status ConvertPbtxtToJson() { Status ret = GFlagUtils::CheckConverJsonParamFlags(); if (ret != domi::SUCCESS) { GELOGE(ge::FAILED, "Check convert json params flags failed!"); return domi::FAILED; } ret = ge::ConvertPbtxtToJson(FLAGS_om.c_str(), FLAGS_json.c_str()); if (ret != domi::SUCCESS) { GELOGE(ge::FAILED, "ConvertPbtxtToJson fail."); return domi::FAILED; } return domi::SUCCESS; } int init(int argc, char* argv[]) { GFlagUtils::InitGFlag(argc, argv); // set log level int ret = -1; const std::set log_level = {"null", "debug", "info", "warning", "error"}; if (log_level.count(FLAGS_log) == 0) { std::cout << "E10010: invalid value for --log:" << FLAGS_log <<", only support debug, info, warning, error, null"<< std::endl; return ret; } ret = ge::CheckLogParamValidAndSetLogLevel(FLAGS_log); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } std::string path_base = ge::GELib::GetPath(); ret = ErrorManager::GetInstance().Init(path_base); if (ret != 0) { DOMI_LOGE("ErrorManager init fail !"); return ret; } return 0; } long GetMemInfo(const std::string &key) { std::string file_path = "/proc/meminfo"; std::ifstream fs(file_path, std::ifstream::in); if (!fs.is_open()) { GELOGW("Can not open %s .", file_path.c_str()); return 0; } std::string line; while (getline(fs, line)) { // line not with \n if (line.find(key) != std::string::npos) { GELOGI("Find mem [%s] info line [%s]", key.c_str(), line.c_str()); fs.close(); size_t pos = line.find(":"); if (pos == std::string::npos) { return 0; } std::string current_mem_info_str = line.substr(pos + 1); ge::StringUtils::Trim(current_mem_info_str); GELOGI("Find mem [%s] info [%s].", key.c_str(), current_mem_info_str.c_str()); return stol(current_mem_info_str); } } fs.close(); // close the file return 0; } bool CheckMemInfo() { if (FLAGS_auto_tune_mode.empty()) { return true; } // only check current available mem when auto_tune_mode is set. long current_mem_available = GetMemInfo("MemAvailable"); GELOGI("Get mem available [%lu].", current_mem_available); std::cout << "Current available mem is " << current_mem_available << "kB." << std::endl; if ((current_mem_available > 0) && (current_mem_available < kMinAvailableMem)) { GELOGE(ge::PARAM_INVALID, "Current available mem [%lu] can not be smaller than [%lu] .", current_mem_available, kMinAvailableMem); ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10044", {"value", "min_value"}, {to_string(current_mem_available), to_string(kMinAvailableMem)}); return false; } return true; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { Status ret = domi::SUCCESS; std::cout << "ATC start working now, please wait for a moment." << std::endl; // Initialize if (init(argc, argv) != 0) { std::cout << "ATC run failed, Please check the detail log, Try \'atc --help\' for more information" << std::endl; return -1; } do { if (!CheckMemInfo()) { GELOGE(ge::PARAM_INVALID, "Current available mem is too small"); ret = domi::FAILED; break; } if (!FLAGS_singleop.empty()) { ret = GenerateSingleOp(FLAGS_singleop); break; } // default mode(mode:0), Open source model to model if (GEN_OM_MODEL == FLAGS_mode || ONLY_PRE_CHECK == FLAGS_mode) { GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(GenerateOmModel() != domi::SUCCESS, ret = domi::FAILED; break); } else if (MODEL_TO_JSON == FLAGS_mode) { // Mode 1, transfer model to JSON GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(ConvertModelToJson() == domi::SUCCESS, ret = domi::FAILED; break, "ATC ConvertJson execute failed!!"); } else if (FLAGS_mode == ge::RunMode::PBTXT_TO_JSON) { GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(ConvertPbtxtToJson() == domi::SUCCESS, ret = domi::FAILED; break, "ATC convert pbtxt to json execute failed!!"); } else { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage( "E10001", {"parameter", "value", "reason"}, {"--mode", std::to_string(FLAGS_mode), kModeSupport}); GELOGE(ge::PARAM_INVALID, "Invalid value for --mode[%d], %s.", FLAGS_mode, kModeSupport); ret = domi::FAILED; break; } } while (0); if (!CheckRet(ret)) { std::cout << "ATC run failed, Please check the detail log, Try \'atc --help\' for more information" << std::endl; int result = ErrorManager::GetInstance().OutputErrMessage(STDOUT_FILENO); if (result != 0) { DOMI_LOGE("ErrorManager outputErrMessage fail !"); } GELOGI("Current mem available mem is [%lu]", GetMemInfo("MemAvailable")); return ret; } else { std::cout << "ATC run success, welcome to the next use." << std::endl; (void)ErrorManager::GetInstance().OutputMessage(STDOUT_FILENO); return 0; } } /*lint +e530*/