/** * Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "omg/omg.h" #include #include #include #include "common/auth/file_saver.h" #include "common/debug/log.h" #include "common/debug/memory_dumper.h" #include "common/ge/ge_util.h" #include "common/helper/model_helper.h" #include "common/model_parser/base.h" #include "common/model_saver.h" #include "common/properties_manager.h" #include "common/string_util.h" #include "common/types.h" #include "common/util.h" #include "common/util/error_manager/error_manager.h" #include "framework/common/debug/ge_log.h" #include "framework/omg/parser/parser_inner_ctx.h" #include "google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h" #include "graph/compute_graph.h" #include "graph/debug/ge_attr_define.h" #include "graph/debug/ge_attr_define.h" #include "graph/optimize/common/params.h" #include "graph/utils/type_utils.h" #include "ir_build/atc_ir_common.h" #include "omg/omg_inner_types.h" #include "omg/parser/model_parser.h" #include "omg/parser/parser_factory.h" #include "omg/parser/weights_parser.h" #include "parser/common/pre_checker.h" #include "parser/common/convert/pb2json.h" #include "proto/ge_ir.pb.h" #include "register/op_registry.h" using nlohmann::json; using ProcParam = struct PROC_PARAM; using domi::ModelParserFactory; using domi::WeightsParserFactory; using std::ostringstream; namespace google { namespace protobuf { namespace io { class FileOutputStream; } } // namespace protobuf } // namespace google namespace ge { namespace { const std::string kGraphDefaultName = "domi_default"; const std::string kScopeIdAttr = "fusion_scope"; const char *const kOutputTypeSample = "correct sample is \"opname:index:dtype\""; const char *const kOutputTypeSupport = "only support FP32, FP16, UINT8"; const char *const kOutputTypeError = "The multiple out nodes set in output_type must be found in out_nodes."; const size_t kNodeNameIndex = 0; const size_t kIndexStrIndex = 1; const size_t kDTValueIndex = 2; const size_t kOmInfoSize = 4; } // namespace // When the model is converted to a JSON file, the following operator attributes in the blacklist will be ignored const std::set kOmBlackFields = {"output", "data_offset", "data", "workspace", "workspace_bytes", "memory_size", "weight_size", "size", "bt", "quantize_factor"}; static std::map output_type_str_to_datatype = { {"FP32", ge::DT_FLOAT}, {"FP16", ge::DT_FLOAT16}, {"UINT8", ge::DT_UINT8}}; static bool CheckInputTrueOrFalse(const std::string &s, const std::string &atc_param) { if ((s == "true") || (s == "false")) { return true; } else { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10005", {"parameter", "value"}, {atc_param, s}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Input parameter[--%s]'s value[%s] must be true or false.", atc_param.c_str(), s.c_str()); return false; } } static void ParseAtcParms(const std::map &atc_params, const std::string &key, std::string ¶m) { auto iter = atc_params.find(key); if (iter != atc_params.end()) { param = iter->second; } } static Status CheckInputShapeNode(const ComputeGraphPtr &graph, const bool is_dynamic_input, RunMode run_mode) { if (!is_dynamic_input && run_mode != MODEL_TO_JSON) { for (auto node : graph->GetDirectNode()) { if (node->GetType() == DATA) { auto data_op_desc = node->GetOpDesc(); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(data_op_desc); auto tensor_desc = data_op_desc->MutableInputDesc(0); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(tensor_desc); for (auto dim : tensor_desc->GetShape().GetDims()) { if (dim < 0) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Input op [%s] shape %ld is negative, maybe you should set input_shape to specify its shape", node->GetName().c_str(), dim); const string reason = "maybe you should set input_shape to specify its shape"; ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10001", {"parameter", "value", "reason"}, {node->GetName(), to_string(dim), reason}); return PARAM_INVALID; } } } } } for (auto it : domi::GetContext().user_input_dims) { std::string node_name = it.first; ge::NodePtr node = graph->FindNode(node_name); if (node == nullptr) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10016", {"parameter", "opname"}, {"input_shape", node_name}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Input parameter[--input_shape]'s opname[%s] is not exist in model", node_name.c_str()); return PARAM_INVALID; } if (node->GetType() != DATA) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10017", {"parameter", "opname"}, {"input_shape", node_name}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Input parameter[--input_shape]'s opname[%s] is not a input opname", node_name.c_str()); return PARAM_INVALID; } } return SUCCESS; } void AddAttrsForInputNodes(const vector &adjust_fp16_format_vec, const string &fp16_nodes_name, uint32_t index, OpDescPtr &op_desc) { if (AttrUtils::SetStr(op_desc, ATTR_ATC_USER_DEFINE_DATATYPE, TypeUtils::DataTypeToSerialString(DT_FLOAT16))) { if ((index < adjust_fp16_format_vec.size()) && (adjust_fp16_format_vec[index] == "true")) { GELOGI("This node [%s] should be set NC1HWC0", fp16_nodes_name.c_str()); if (!AttrUtils::SetStr(op_desc, ATTR_ATC_USER_DEFINE_FORMAT, TypeUtils::FormatToSerialString(FORMAT_NC1HWC0))) { GELOGW("This node [%s] set NC1HWC0 failed", fp16_nodes_name.c_str()); } } } } static Status CheckInputFp16Nodes(const ComputeGraphPtr &graph, const string &input_fp16_nodes, const string &is_input_adjust_hw_layout) { GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(graph); vector adjust_fp16_format_vec; if (!is_input_adjust_hw_layout.empty()) { adjust_fp16_format_vec = StringUtils::Split(is_input_adjust_hw_layout, ','); for (auto &s : adjust_fp16_format_vec) { StringUtils::Trim(s); if (!CheckInputTrueOrFalse(s, "is_input_adjust_hw_layout")) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Invalid Param, is_input_adjust_hw_layout only support true/false: but is [%s]", is_input_adjust_hw_layout.c_str()); return PARAM_INVALID; } } } if (input_fp16_nodes.empty()) { return SUCCESS; } GELOGI("The input_fp16_nodes is set %s", input_fp16_nodes.c_str()); vector input_fp16_nodes_vec = StringUtils::Split(input_fp16_nodes, ';'); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < input_fp16_nodes_vec.size(); ++i) { ge::NodePtr node = graph->FindNode(input_fp16_nodes_vec[i]); if (node == nullptr) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10016", {"parameter", "opname"}, {"input_fp16_nodes", input_fp16_nodes_vec[i]}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Input parameter[--input_fp16_nodes]'s opname[%s] is not exist in model", input_fp16_nodes_vec[i].c_str()); return PARAM_INVALID; } auto op_desc = node->GetOpDesc(); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(op_desc); if (op_desc->GetType() != DATA) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10017", {"parameter", "opname"}, {"input_fp16_nodes", input_fp16_nodes_vec[i]}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Input parameter[--input_fp16_nodes]'s opname[%s] is not a input opname", input_fp16_nodes_vec[i].c_str()); return PARAM_INVALID; } AddAttrsForInputNodes(adjust_fp16_format_vec, input_fp16_nodes_vec[i], i, op_desc); } return SUCCESS; } static Status ParseOutputFp16NodesFormat(const string &is_output_fp16) { if (is_output_fp16.empty()) { return SUCCESS; } vector &output_formats = domi::GetContext().output_formats; output_formats.clear(); vector node_format_vec = StringUtils::Split(is_output_fp16, ','); for (auto &is_fp16 : node_format_vec) { StringUtils::Trim(is_fp16); if (!CheckInputTrueOrFalse(is_fp16, "is_output_adjust_hw_layout")) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Invalid Param, is_output_adjust_hw_layout only support true/false: but is [%s]", is_output_fp16.c_str()); return PARAM_INVALID; } if (is_fp16 == "false") { output_formats.push_back(DOMI_TENSOR_ND); } else if (is_fp16 == "true") { output_formats.push_back(domi::DOMI_TENSOR_NC1HWC0); } } return SUCCESS; } void FindParserSo(const string &path, vector &file_list, string &caffe_parser_path) { // path, Change to absolute path string real_path = RealPath(path.c_str()); if (real_path.empty()) { // plugin path does not exist return; } struct stat stat_buf; if ((stat(real_path.c_str(), &stat_buf) != 0) || (!S_ISDIR(stat_buf.st_mode))) { GELOGI("The path %s is not a directory.", real_path.c_str()); return; } struct dirent *dent(nullptr); DIR *dir = opendir(real_path.c_str()); if (nullptr == dir) { // plugin path does not exist GELOGW("Open directory %s failed.", path.c_str()); return; } while ((dent = readdir(dir)) != nullptr) { if (strcmp(dent->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(dent->d_name, "..") == 0) continue; string name = dent->d_name; string full_name = real_path + "/" + name; const string so_suff = ".so"; const string caffe_parser_so_suff = "lib_caffe_parser.so"; if (name.size() >= so_suff.size() && name.compare(name.size() - so_suff.size(), so_suff.size(), so_suff) == 0) { if (full_name.size() >= caffe_parser_so_suff.size() && full_name.compare(full_name.size() - caffe_parser_so_suff.size(), caffe_parser_so_suff.size(), caffe_parser_so_suff) == 0) { caffe_parser_path = full_name; } else { // save parser so path into file_list vector file_list.push_back(full_name); } continue; } FindParserSo(full_name, file_list, caffe_parser_path); } closedir(dir); return; } Status SetOutFormatAndDataTypeAttr(ge::OpDescPtr op_desc, const ge::Format format, const ge::DataType data_type) { if (op_desc == nullptr) { GELOGE(domi::FAILED, "Input op desc invalid."); return domi::FAILED; } (void)ge::AttrUtils::SetInt(op_desc, ATTR_NAME_NET_OUTPUT_FORMAT, format); (void)ge::AttrUtils::SetInt(op_desc, ATTR_NAME_NET_OUTPUT_DATATYPE, data_type); return domi::SUCCESS; } bool CheckDigitStr(std::string &str) { for (char c : str) { if (!isdigit(c)) { GELOGE(domi::FAILED, "value[%s] is not positive integer", str.c_str()); return false; } } return true; } Status StringToInt(std::string &str, int32_t &value) { try { if (!CheckDigitStr(str)) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Invalid of digit string: %s ", str.c_str()); ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10001", {"parameter", "value", "reason"}, {"--output_type", str, "is not positive integer"}); return PARAM_INVALID; } value = stoi(str); } catch (std::invalid_argument &) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Invalid of digit string: %s, catch invalid_argument.", str.c_str()); ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10014", {"parameter", "value"}, {"--output_type", str}); return PARAM_INVALID; } catch (std::out_of_range &) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Invalid of digit string: %s, catch out_of_range.", str.c_str()); ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10013", {"parameter", "value"}, {"--output_type", str}); return PARAM_INVALID; } return SUCCESS; } Status VerifyOutputTypeAndOutNodes(std::vector &out_type_vec) { std::vector> user_out_nodes = domi::GetContext().user_out_nodes; std::set out_nodes_info; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < user_out_nodes.size(); ++i) { // out_nodes set should include output_type and output_format std::string tmp = user_out_nodes[i].first + ":" + to_string(user_out_nodes[i].second); out_nodes_info.emplace(tmp); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < out_type_vec.size(); ++i) { if (out_nodes_info.find(out_type_vec[i]) == out_nodes_info.end()) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10001", {"parameter", "value", "reason"}, {"--output_type", out_type_vec[i], kOutputTypeError}); GELOGE(domi::FAILED, "Invalid value for --output_type[%s], %s.", out_type_vec[i].c_str(), kOutputTypeError); return domi::FAILED; } } return domi::SUCCESS; } Status CheckOutPutDataTypeSupport(const std::string &output_type) { auto it = output_type_str_to_datatype.find(output_type); if (it == output_type_str_to_datatype.end()) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10001", {"parameter", "value", "reason"}, {"--output_type", output_type, kOutputTypeSupport}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Invalid value for --output_type[%s], %s.", output_type.c_str(), kOutputTypeSupport); return domi::FAILED; } return domi::SUCCESS; } Status ParseOutputType(const std::string &output_type, std::map> &output_node_dt_map) { if (output_type.find(':') == std::string::npos) { GELOGI("output_type is not multiple nodes, means all out nodes"); return CheckOutPutDataTypeSupport(output_type); } std::vector out_type_vec; vector nodes_v = StringUtils::Split(output_type, ';'); for (const string &node : nodes_v) { vector node_index_type_v = StringUtils::Split(node, ':'); if (node_index_type_v.size() != 3) { // The size must be 3. ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10001", {"parameter", "value", "reason"}, {"--output_type", node, kOutputTypeSample}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Invalid value for --output_type[%s], %s.", node.c_str(), kOutputTypeSample); return domi::FAILED; } ge::DataType tmp_dt; std::string node_name = StringUtils::Trim(node_index_type_v[kNodeNameIndex]); std::string index_str = StringUtils::Trim(node_index_type_v[kIndexStrIndex]); int32_t index; if (StringToInt(index_str, index) != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "This str must be digit string, while the actual input is %s.", index_str.c_str()); return domi::FAILED; } std::string dt_value = StringUtils::Trim(node_index_type_v[kDTValueIndex]); auto it = output_type_str_to_datatype.find(dt_value); if (it == output_type_str_to_datatype.end()) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10001", {"parameter", "value", "reason"}, {"--output_type", dt_value, kOutputTypeSupport}); GELOGE(ge::PARAM_INVALID, "Invalid value for --output_type[%s], %s.", dt_value.c_str(), kOutputTypeSupport); return domi::FAILED; } else { tmp_dt = it->second; } out_type_vec.push_back(node_name + ":" + index_str); std::string index_dt_str = index_str + ":" + TypeUtils::DataTypeToSerialString(tmp_dt); auto it1 = output_node_dt_map.find(node_name); if (it1 == output_node_dt_map.end()) { vector tmp_vec; tmp_vec.push_back(index_dt_str); output_node_dt_map.emplace(node_name, tmp_vec); } else { it1->second.push_back(index_dt_str); } } return VerifyOutputTypeAndOutNodes(out_type_vec); } Status CheckOutNode(ge::OpDescPtr op_desc, int32_t index) { int32_t out_size = op_desc->GetOutputsSize(); if (index < 0 || index >= out_size) { GELOGE(domi::FAILED, "out_node [%s] output index:%d must be smaller " "than node output size:%d and can not be negative!", op_desc->GetName().c_str(), index, out_size); std::string fail_reason = "output index:" + to_string(index) + " must be smaller than output size:" + to_string(out_size) + " and can not be negative!"; ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10003", {"parameter", "value", "reason"}, {"out_nodes", op_desc->GetName(), fail_reason}); return domi::FAILED; } return domi::SUCCESS; } Status GetDefaultOutInfo(ge::ComputeGraphPtr &compute_graph, std::vector> &output_nodes_info) { std::vector> default_out_nodes = domi::GetContext().default_out_nodes; if (domi::GetContext().type == domi::CAFFE && !default_out_nodes.empty()) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < default_out_nodes.size(); ++i) { ge::NodePtr out_node = compute_graph->FindNode(default_out_nodes[i].first); if (out_node == nullptr) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10016", {"parameter", "opname"}, {"out_nodes", default_out_nodes[i].first}); GELOGE(domi::FAILED, "Can not find src node (%s) in graph.", default_out_nodes[i].first.c_str()); return domi::FAILED; } output_nodes_info.push_back(std::make_pair(out_node, default_out_nodes[i].second)); GELOGD("Get default output node:%s.", out_node->GetName().c_str()); } return domi::SUCCESS; } for (ge::NodePtr node : compute_graph->GetDirectNode()) { if (!node->GetInAllNodes().empty() && node->GetOutAllNodes().empty()) { Status ret = GetOutputLeaf(node, output_nodes_info); GE_CHK_BOOL_RET_STATUS(ret == SUCCESS, ret, "find leaf fail."); } } return domi::SUCCESS; } Status SetOutputNodeInfo(ge::Graph &graph, const std::string &output_type, const std::string &output) { ge::ComputeGraphPtr compute_graph = ge::GraphUtils::GetComputeGraph(graph); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(compute_graph); std::vector> user_out_nodes = domi::GetContext().user_out_nodes; std::vector output_formats = domi::GetContext().output_formats; std::vector> output_nodes_info; std::vector output_nodes_name; std::map> output_node_dt_map; if (!output_type.empty()) { if (ParseOutputType(output_type, output_node_dt_map) != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(domi::FAILED, "Parse output_type failed."); return domi::FAILED; } } // User declared outputs for (uint32_t i = 0; i < user_out_nodes.size(); ++i) { ge::NodePtr out_node = compute_graph->FindNode(user_out_nodes[i].first); if (out_node == nullptr) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10016", {"parameter", "opname"}, {"out_nodes", user_out_nodes[i].first}); GELOGE(domi::FAILED, "Can not find src node (%s) in graph.", user_out_nodes[i].first.c_str()); return domi::FAILED; } auto op_desc = out_node->GetOpDesc(); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(op_desc); if (CheckOutNode(op_desc, user_out_nodes[i].second) != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(domi::FAILED, "Check out node (%s) fail.", user_out_nodes[i].first.c_str()); return domi::FAILED; } // add user_define_output_nodes attr. (void)ge::AttrUtils::SetStr(op_desc, ATTR_ATC_USER_DEFINE_OUTPUT_NODES, "true"); if (i < output_formats.size()) { if (output_formats[i] == domi::DOMI_TENSOR_NC1HWC0) { GELOGI("The output node [%s] should be set NC1HWC0", user_out_nodes[i].first.c_str()); vector output_fp16_5hd_vec; (void)ge::AttrUtils::GetListStr(op_desc, "_user_defined_output_fp16_5hd", output_fp16_5hd_vec); output_fp16_5hd_vec.push_back(std::to_string(user_out_nodes[i].second) + ":" + "NC1HWC0"); (void)ge::AttrUtils::SetListStr(op_desc, "_user_defined_output_fp16_5hd", output_fp16_5hd_vec); } } auto it = output_node_dt_map.find(user_out_nodes[i].first); if (it != output_node_dt_map.end()) { GELOGI("The output node [%s] need to be set output_type", user_out_nodes[i].first.c_str()); (void)ge::AttrUtils::SetListStr(op_desc, "_user_defined_output_data_type", it->second); } output_nodes_info.push_back(std::make_pair(out_node, user_out_nodes[i].second)); } // default output node (leaf) if (user_out_nodes.empty()) { if (GetDefaultOutInfo(compute_graph, output_nodes_info) != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(domi::FAILED, "Get default output info failed."); return domi::FAILED; } } GetOutputNodesNameAndIndex(output_nodes_info, output_nodes_name); compute_graph->SetGraphOutNodesInfo(output_nodes_info); domi::GetContext().net_out_nodes = output_nodes_name; return domi::SUCCESS; } void GetOutputNodesNameAndIndex(std::vector> &output_nodes_info, std::vector &output_nodes_name) { output_nodes_name.clear(); if (domi::GetContext().out_top_names.empty()) { // tf process, no top name. for (const auto output_node_info : output_nodes_info) { std::string node_name = output_node_info.first->GetName(); int32_t index = output_node_info.second; output_nodes_name.push_back(node_name + ":" + std::to_string(index)); } return; } // caffe process, need add top name after node_name:index for (size_t i = 0; i < output_nodes_info.size(); ++i) { std::string node_name = output_nodes_info[i].first->GetName(); int32_t index = output_nodes_info[i].second; if (i < domi::GetContext().out_top_names.size()) { output_nodes_name.push_back(node_name + ":" + std::to_string(index) + ":" + domi::GetContext().out_top_names[i]); } else { GELOGW("Get top name of node [%s] fail.", node_name.c_str()); output_nodes_name.push_back(node_name + ":" + std::to_string(index)); } } } Status GetOutputLeaf(NodePtr node, std::vector> &output_nodes_info) { ge::OpDescPtr tmpDescPtr = node->GetOpDesc(); if (tmpDescPtr == nullptr) { GELOGE(domi::FAILED, "Get outnode op desc fail."); return domi::FAILED; } size_t size = tmpDescPtr->GetOutputsSize(); if (node->GetType() != NETOUTPUT) { for (size_t index = 0; index < size; ++index) { output_nodes_info.push_back(std::make_pair(node, index)); GELOGD("Get output leaf node:%s.", node->GetName().c_str()); } } else { const auto in_anchors = node->GetAllInDataAnchors(); for (auto in_anchor : in_anchors) { auto out_anchor = in_anchor->GetPeerOutAnchor(); if (out_anchor == nullptr) { GELOGE(domi::FAILED, "Get leaf node op desc fail."); return domi::FAILED; } auto out_node = out_anchor->GetOwnerNode(); output_nodes_info.push_back(std::make_pair(out_node, out_anchor->GetIdx())); } } return SUCCESS; } /// /// @ingroup domi_common /// @brief Initialize omgcontext based on command line input /// @param [in] input_shape Input shape string to be parsed /// @return SUCCESS: parse successfully; PARAM_INVALID:parse failed /// Status InitDomiOmgContext(const string &input_shape, const string &input_format, const string &net_format, bool is_dynamic_input) { // Clear omgcontext data first domi::GetContext().input_dims.clear(); domi::GetContext().user_input_dims.clear(); domi::GetContext().is_dynamic_input = is_dynamic_input; // the default value is ND domi::GetContext().format = DOMI_TENSOR_ND; if (!input_format.empty()) { auto iter = ge::input_format_str_to_geformat.find(input_format); if (iter != ge::input_format_str_to_geformat.end()) { domi::GetContext().format = iter->second; } else { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Input format %s not support , expect ND/NCHW/NHWC/CHWN/NC1HWC0/NHWC1C0.", input_format.c_str()); return PARAM_INVALID; } } // Input is empty, do not process if (input_shape.empty()) { return SUCCESS; } // Analyze the input shape paramete map> &shape_map = domi::GetContext().input_dims; if (!ge::ParseInputShape(input_shape, domi::GetContext().input_dims, domi::GetContext().user_input_dims, is_dynamic_input) || shape_map.empty()) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Failed to parse input shape: %s", input_shape.c_str()); return PARAM_INVALID; } return SUCCESS; } Status ParseOutNodes(const string &out_nodes) { try { // parse output node if (!out_nodes.empty()) { domi::GetContext().out_nodes_map.clear(); domi::GetContext().user_out_nodes.clear(); domi::GetContext().user_out_nodes_top_vec.clear(); vector nodes_v = StringUtils::Split(out_nodes, ';'); for (const string &node : nodes_v) { vector key_value_v = StringUtils::Split(node, ':'); if (key_value_v.size() != 2) { // The size must be 2. if (key_value_v.size() == 1 && domi::GetContext().type == domi::CAFFE) { domi::GetContext().user_out_nodes_top_vec.push_back(node); continue; } ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage( "E10001", {"parameter", "value", "reason"}, {"--out_nodes", node, "the correct format is \"node_name1:0;node_name1:1;node_name2:0\""}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "The input format of --out_nodes is invalid, the correct format is " "\"node_name1:0;node_name1:1;node_name2:0\", while the actual input is %s.", node.c_str()); return PARAM_INVALID; } if (!domi::GetContext().user_out_nodes_top_vec.empty()) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10001", {"parameter", "value", "reason"}, {"--out_nodes", out_nodes, "is not all index or top_name"}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "This out_nodes str must be all index or top_name, while the actual input is %s", out_nodes.c_str()); return PARAM_INVALID; } // stoi: The method may throw an exception: invalid_argument/out_of_range if (!CheckDigitStr(key_value_v[1])) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10001", {"parameter", "value", "reason"}, {"--out_nodes", out_nodes, "is not positive integer"}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "This str must be digit string, while the actual input is %s", out_nodes.c_str()); return PARAM_INVALID; } auto iter = domi::GetContext().out_nodes_map.find(key_value_v[0]); int32_t index = stoi(StringUtils::Trim(key_value_v[1])); GELOGD("Get output info: node[%s] and index[%d]", key_value_v[0].c_str(), index); if (iter != domi::GetContext().out_nodes_map.end()) { iter->second.emplace_back(index); } else { std::vector index_v; index_v.emplace_back(index); domi::GetContext().out_nodes_map.emplace(key_value_v[0], index_v); } domi::GetContext().user_out_nodes.push_back(std::make_pair(key_value_v[0], index)); } } } catch (std::invalid_argument &) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Invalid of out_nodes: %s ", out_nodes.c_str()); ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10014", {"parameter", "value"}, {"--out_nodes", out_nodes}); return PARAM_INVALID; } catch (std::out_of_range &) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Invalid of out_nodes: %s ", out_nodes.c_str()); ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10013", {"parameter", "value"}, {"--out_nodes", out_nodes}); return PARAM_INVALID; } return SUCCESS; } /// @ingroup domi_common /// @brief Judge whether the op_Name_Map parameter matches the network /// @param [in] graph Input network graph /// @return SUCCESS: Input parameters are correct; PARAM_INVALID: Input parameters are incorrect /// static Status CheckOpNameMap(const ComputeGraphPtr &graph, const std::string &op_conf) { GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(graph); map graphNodeTypes; for (const NodePtr &node : graph->GetAllNodes()) { auto op_desc = node->GetOpDesc(); if (op_desc == nullptr) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Invalid parameter for opDesc."); return PARAM_INVALID; } graphNodeTypes[op_desc->GetType()] = ""; } std::map &propertiesMap = domi::GetContext().op_conf_map; if (propertiesMap.empty()) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage( "E10003", {"parameter", "value", "reason"}, {"op_name_map", op_conf, "the file content is empty"}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "op_name_map file content is empty, please check file!"); return PARAM_INVALID; } for (auto iter = propertiesMap.begin(); iter != propertiesMap.end(); iter++) { GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(graphNodeTypes.find(iter->second) == graphNodeTypes.end(), ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage( "E10003", {"parameter", "value", "reason"}, {"op_name_map", op_conf, "type[" + iter->second + "] is not found in model"}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Invalid parameter for op_name_map."); return PARAM_INVALID;); } return SUCCESS; } FMK_FUNC_HOST_VISIBILITY Status ParseGraph(ge::Graph &graph, const std::map &atc_params, const char *model_file, const char *weights_file, domi::FrameworkType type, const char *op_conf, const char *target, RunMode run_mode, bool is_dynamic_input) { GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(model_file); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(weights_file); domi::GetContext().type = type; domi::GetContext().run_mode = run_mode; // Prevent data residue in multiple calls PreChecker::Instance().Clear(); Params::Instance()->SetTarget(target); // Create an empty computegraph std::string om_name; ParseAtcParms(atc_params, "output", om_name); ModelHelper model_helper; string graph_name = ""; Status name_ret = model_helper.GetBaseNameFromFileName(om_name, graph_name); if (name_ret != SUCCESS) { graph_name = kGraphDefaultName + "_" + CurrentTimeInStr(); } ComputeGraphPtr compute_graph = MakeShared(graph_name); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(compute_graph); graph = GraphUtils::CreateGraphFromComputeGraph(compute_graph); // initialize omgContext std::string input_shape; ParseAtcParms(atc_params, "input_shape", input_shape); std::string input_format; ParseAtcParms(atc_params, "input_format", input_format); GE_RETURN_WITH_LOG_IF_ERROR(InitDomiOmgContext(input_shape, input_format, "", is_dynamic_input), "ATC Generate call InitDomiOmgContext ret fail"); std::string is_output_adjust_hw_layout; ParseAtcParms(atc_params, "is_output_adjust_hw_layout", is_output_adjust_hw_layout); GE_RETURN_WITH_LOG_IF_ERROR(ParseOutputFp16NodesFormat(is_output_adjust_hw_layout), "Parse is_output_fp16 failed"); std::string out_nodes; ParseAtcParms(atc_params, "out_nodes", out_nodes); GE_RETURN_WITH_LOG_IF_ERROR(ParseOutNodes(out_nodes), "ATC Generate parse out nodes fail"); std::string output_type; ParseAtcParms(atc_params, "output_type", output_type); // parse configuration item if (op_conf != nullptr && *op_conf != '\0') { // divided by ":" PropertiesManager::Instance().SetPropertyDelimiter(OP_CONF_DELIMITER); // Parsing the op_conf configuration item file GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(!PropertiesManager::Instance().Init(op_conf), ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10003", {"parameter", "value", "reason"}, {"op_name_map", op_conf, "file content error"}); GELOGE(FAILED, "op_name_map init failed!"); return FAILED); // Return map and put it into ATC global variable domi::GetContext().op_conf_map = PropertiesManager::Instance().GetPropertyMap(); } // parse network model auto model_parser = ModelParserFactory::Instance()->CreateModelParser(type); GE_CHK_BOOL_RET_STATUS(model_parser != nullptr, FAILED, "ATC create model parser ret fail, type:%d.", type); UpdateParserCtxWithOmgCtx(); Status ret = model_parser->Parse(model_file, graph); UpdateOmgCtxWithParserCtx(); // Generate the report in case of pre inspection failure or only pre inspection mode if (PreChecker::Instance().HasError() || run_mode == ONLY_PRE_CHECK) { std::string check_report; ParseAtcParms(atc_params, "check_report", check_report); GE_RETURN_WITH_LOG_IF_ERROR(PreChecker::Instance().Save(check_report), "Generate pre-checking report failed."); GEEVENT("The pre-checking report has been saved to %s.", check_report.c_str()); } GE_CHK_BOOL_RET_STATUS(ret == SUCCESS, ret, "ATC model parse ret fail."); std::string input_fp16_nodes; ParseAtcParms(atc_params, "input_fp16_nodes", input_fp16_nodes); std::string is_input_adjust_hw_layout; ParseAtcParms(atc_params, "is_input_adjust_hw_layout", is_input_adjust_hw_layout); compute_graph = GraphUtils::GetComputeGraph(graph); GE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(CheckInputFp16Nodes(compute_graph, input_fp16_nodes, is_input_adjust_hw_layout)); GE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(CheckInputShapeNode(compute_graph, is_dynamic_input, run_mode)); // Verify the contents of the op_name_map if (op_conf != nullptr && *op_conf != '\0') { GE_RETURN_WITH_LOG_IF_ERROR(CheckOpNameMap(compute_graph, op_conf), "op_name_map parameter is not fit with input net!"); } // Print parse network structure compute_graph->Dump(); // parse weight graph = GraphUtils::CreateGraphFromComputeGraph(compute_graph); auto weights_parser = WeightsParserFactory::Instance()->CreateWeightsParser(type); ret = weights_parser->Parse(weights_file, graph); // IN ONLY_PRE_CHECK mode, generate pre inspection report only. if (PreChecker::Instance().HasError() || run_mode == ONLY_PRE_CHECK) { std::string check_report; ParseAtcParms(atc_params, "check_report", check_report); GE_RETURN_WITH_LOG_IF_ERROR(PreChecker::Instance().Save(check_report), "Generate pre-checking report failed."); GEEVENT("The pre-checking report has been saved to %s.", check_report.c_str()); } // Prevent data residue in multiple calls PreChecker::Instance().Clear(); GE_CHK_BOOL_RET_STATUS(ret == SUCCESS, ret, "ATC weights parse ret fail."); GELOGI("ATC parser success."); return SUCCESS; } void GetGroupName(ge::proto::ModelDef &model_def) { auto modelAttrMap = model_def.mutable_attr(); auto fusionModelOpListIter = modelAttrMap->find(MODEL_ATTR_FUSION_MODEL_DEF); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC( fusionModelOpListIter != modelAttrMap->end(), int fusionOpIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < model_def.graph_size(); i++) { auto graph = model_def.mutable_graph(i); for (int j = 0; j < graph->op_size(); j++) { int64_t scope_id = 0; auto bt = fusionModelOpListIter->second.list().bt(fusionOpIndex++); ge::proto::OpDef fusion_op_def; GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(bt.size() != 0, GELOGW("Invalid bt size"); return;); (void)(fusion_op_def.ParseFromArray(bt.data(), bt.size())); auto fusion_attr_map = fusion_op_def.mutable_attr(); auto fusion_iter = fusion_attr_map->find(kScopeIdAttr); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(fusion_iter == fusion_attr_map->end(), continue;); scope_id = fusion_iter->second.i(); ge::proto::OpDef *opdef = graph->mutable_op(j); auto attr_map = opdef->mutable_attr(); int64_t stream_id = opdef->stream_id(); uint16_t l1_id = (((uint64_t)scope_id & 0xFFFF0000)) >> 16; GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(l1_id != 0, ostringstream groupName; groupName << "group_op_l1_" << l1_id << "_" << stream_id; (*attr_map)["group_op_name"].set_s(groupName.str()); continue;); uint16_t ub_id = ((uint64_t)scope_id & 0xFFFF); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(ub_id != 0, ostringstream groupName; groupName << "group_op_ub_" << ub_id << "_" << stream_id; (*attr_map)["group_op_name"].set_s(groupName.str());); } }); } FMK_FUNC_HOST_VISIBILITY void PrintModelInfo(ge::proto::ModelDef *model_def, uint32_t modeldef_size) { std::cout << "============ Display Model Info start ============" << std::endl; auto model_attr_map = model_def->mutable_attr(); // system info auto iter = model_attr_map->find(ATTR_MODEL_ATC_VERSION); auto atc_version = (iter != model_attr_map->end()) ? iter->second.s() : ""; iter = model_attr_map->find("soc_version"); auto soc_version = (iter != model_attr_map->end()) ? iter->second.s() : ""; iter = model_attr_map->find("framework_type"); auto framework_type = (iter != model_attr_map->end()) ? iter->second.s() : ""; std::cout << "system info: " << ATTR_MODEL_ATC_VERSION << "[" << atc_version << "], " << "soc_version" << "[" << soc_version << "], " << "framework_type" << "[" << framework_type << "]." << std::endl; // resource info iter = model_attr_map->find(ATTR_MODEL_MEMORY_SIZE); auto memory_size = (iter != model_attr_map->end()) ? iter->second.i() : -1; iter = model_attr_map->find(ATTR_MODEL_WEIGHT_SIZE); auto weight_size = (iter != model_attr_map->end()) ? iter->second.i() : -1; iter = model_attr_map->find(ATTR_MODEL_STREAM_NUM); auto stream_num = (iter != model_attr_map->end()) ? iter->second.i() : -1; iter = model_attr_map->find(ATTR_MODEL_EVENT_NUM); auto event_num = (iter != model_attr_map->end()) ? iter->second.i() : -1; std::cout << "resource info: " << ATTR_MODEL_MEMORY_SIZE << "[" << memory_size << " B], " << ATTR_MODEL_WEIGHT_SIZE << "[" << weight_size << " B], " << ATTR_MODEL_STREAM_NUM << "[" << stream_num << "], " << ATTR_MODEL_EVENT_NUM << "[" << event_num << "]." << std::endl; // om info iter = model_attr_map->find("om_info_list"); if (iter == model_attr_map->end()) { std::cout << "Display Model Info failed, attr \"om_info_list\" is not found in om, check the version is matched." << std::endl; std::cout << "============ Display Model Info end ============" << std::endl; return; } auto list_size = iter->second.list().i_size(); if (list_size == kOmInfoSize) { std::cout << "om info: " << "modeldef_size" << "[" << modeldef_size << " B], " << "weight_data_size" << "[" << iter->second.list().i(0) << " B], " << "tbe_kernels_size" << "[" << iter->second.list().i(1) << " B], " << "cust_aicpu_kernel_store_size" << "[" << iter->second.list().i(2) << " B], " << "task_info_size" << "[" << iter->second.list().i(3) << " B]." << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Display Model Info error, please check!" << std::endl; }; std::cout << "============ Display Model Info end ============" << std::endl; } FMK_FUNC_HOST_VISIBILITY Status ConvertOm(const char *model_file, const char *json_file, bool is_covert_to_json) { GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(model_file); if (is_covert_to_json) { GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(json_file); } ge::ModelData model; // Mode 2 does not need to verify the priority, and a default value of 0 is passed int32_t priority = 0; // Load model from file Status ret = ModelParserBase::LoadFromFile(model_file, "", priority, model); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(ret, "LoadFromFile failed."); return ret; } uint8_t *model_data = nullptr; uint32_t model_len = 0; try { // Parse the contents of the file to get the modeldef object ret = ModelParserBase::ParseModelContent(model, model_data, model_len); if (ret == SUCCESS) { OmFileLoadHelper omFileLoadHelper; ge::graphStatus status = omFileLoadHelper.Init(model_data, model_len); if (status != ge::GRAPH_SUCCESS) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E19021", {"reason"}, {"Om file init failed"}); GELOGE(ge::FAILED, "Om file init failed."); if (model.model_data != nullptr) { delete[] reinterpret_cast(model.model_data); model.model_data = nullptr; } return status; } ModelPartition ir_part; status = omFileLoadHelper.GetModelPartition(MODEL_DEF, ir_part); if (status != ge::GRAPH_SUCCESS) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E19021", {"reason"}, {"Get model part failed"}); GELOGE(ge::FAILED, "Get model part failed."); if (model.model_data != nullptr) { delete[] reinterpret_cast(model.model_data); model.model_data = nullptr; } return status; } ge::proto::ModelDef model_def; // De serialization bool flag = ReadProtoFromArray(ir_part.data, ir_part.size, &model_def); if (flag) { if (is_covert_to_json) { GetGroupName(model_def); json j; Pb2Json::Message2Json(model_def, kOmBlackFields, j, true); ret = ModelSaver::SaveJsonToFile(json_file, j); } else { PrintModelInfo(&model_def, ir_part.size); } } else { ret = INTERNAL_ERROR; ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E19021", {"reason"}, {"ReadProtoFromArray failed"}); GELOGE(ret, "ReadProtoFromArray failed."); } } else { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10003", {"parameter", "value", "reason"}, {"om", model_file, "invalid om file"}); GELOGE(ACL_ERROR_GE_PARAM_INVALID, "ParseModelContent failed because of invalid om file. Please check --om param."); } if (model.model_data != nullptr) { delete[] reinterpret_cast(model.model_data); model.model_data = nullptr; } return ret; } catch (const std::exception &e) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E19021", {"reason"}, {"Convert om model to json failed, exception message[" + std::string(e.what()) + "]"}); GELOGE(FAILED, "Convert om model to json failed, exception message : %s.", e.what()); return FAILED; } } FMK_FUNC_HOST_VISIBILITY Status ConvertPbtxtToJson(const char *model_file, const char *json_file) { ge::ModelData model; // Mode 2 does not need to verify the priority, and a default value of 0 is passed int32_t priority = 0; // Load model from file Status ret = ModelParserBase::LoadFromFile(model_file, "", priority, model); auto free_model_data = [](void **ptr) -> void { if (ptr != nullptr && *ptr != nullptr) { delete[] reinterpret_cast(*ptr); *ptr = nullptr; } }; if (ret != SUCCESS) { free_model_data(&model.model_data); GELOGE(ret, "LoadFromFile failed."); return ret; } try { bool flag = false; ge::proto::ModelDef model_def; flag = google::protobuf::TextFormat::ParseFromString(reinterpret_cast(model.model_data), &model_def); if (!flag) { free_model_data(&model.model_data); ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E19021", {"reason"}, {"ParseFromString failed"}); GELOGE(FAILED, "ParseFromString failed."); return FAILED; } GetGroupName(model_def); json j; Pb2Json::Message2Json(model_def, kOmBlackFields, j, true); ret = ModelSaver::SaveJsonToFile(json_file, j); if (ret != SUCCESS) { free_model_data(&model.model_data); GELOGE(ret, "Save json to file fail."); return ret; } free_model_data(&model.model_data); return SUCCESS; } catch (google::protobuf::FatalException &e) { free_model_data(&model.model_data); ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E19021", {"reason"}, {"ParseFromString failed, exception message[" + std::string(e.what()) + "]"}); GELOGE(FAILED, "ParseFromString failed. exception message : %s", e.what()); return FAILED; } catch (const std::exception &e) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E19021", {"reason"}, {"Convert pbtxt to json failed, exception message[" + std::string(e.what()) + "]"}); GELOGE(FAILED, "Convert pbtxt to json failed, exception message : %s.", e.what()); return FAILED; } } FMK_FUNC_HOST_VISIBILITY Status ConvertFwkModelToJson(const domi::FrameworkType framework, const char *model_file, const char *json_file) { if (framework == domi::CAFFE || framework == domi::TENSORFLOW || framework == domi::ONNX) { auto model_parser = ModelParserFactory::Instance()->CreateModelParser(framework); GE_CHK_BOOL_RET_STATUS(model_parser != nullptr, FAILED, "ATC create model parser ret fail, framework:%d.", framework); return model_parser->ToJson(model_file, json_file); } ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage( "E10001", {"parameter", "value", "reason"}, {"--framework", std::to_string(framework), "only support 0(Caffe) 3(TensorFlow) 5(Onnx)"}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Input parameter[--framework] is mandatory and it's value must be: 0(Caffe) 3(TensorFlow) " "or 5(Onnx)."); return PARAM_INVALID; } FMK_FUNC_HOST_VISIBILITY Status DumpInfershapeJson(const ge::Graph &graph, const char *json_file) { // Create buffer GELOGI("Enter to dump infershape json schedule."); ge::Model model("", ""); model.SetGraph(graph); Buffer buffer; model.Save(buffer, true); ge::proto::ModelDef ge_proto; if (buffer.GetData() != nullptr) { std::string str(reinterpret_cast(buffer.GetData()), buffer.GetSize()); if (!ge_proto.ParseFromString(str)) { GELOGE(GRAPH_FAILED, "parse from string failed."); return FAILED; } nlohmann::json j; Pb2Json::Message2Json(ge_proto, std::set(), j); ModelSaver::SaveJsonToFile(json_file, j); } return SUCCESS; } void UpdateOmgCtxWithParserCtx() { domi::GetContext().format = GetParserContext().format; domi::GetContext().input_dims = GetParserContext().input_dims; domi::GetContext().user_input_dims = GetParserContext().user_input_dims; domi::GetContext().is_dynamic_input = GetParserContext().is_dynamic_input; domi::GetContext().type = GetParserContext().type; domi::GetContext().user_out_nodes = GetParserContext().user_out_nodes; domi::GetContext().train_flag = GetParserContext().train_flag; domi::GetContext().run_mode = GetParserContext().run_mode; domi::GetContext().op_conf_map = GetParserContext().op_conf_map; domi::GetContext().out_nodes_map = GetParserContext().out_nodes_map; domi::GetContext().input_nodes_format_map = GetParserContext().input_nodes_format_map; domi::GetContext().out_top_names = GetParserContext().out_top_names; domi::GetContext().user_out_nodes_top_vec = GetParserContext().user_out_nodes_top_vec; domi::GetContext().default_out_nodes = GetParserContext().default_out_nodes; domi::GetContext().data_top_names = GetParserContext().data_top_names; } void UpdateParserCtxWithOmgCtx() { GetParserContext().format = domi::GetContext().format; GetParserContext().input_dims = domi::GetContext().input_dims; GetParserContext().user_input_dims = domi::GetContext().user_input_dims; GetParserContext().is_dynamic_input = domi::GetContext().is_dynamic_input; GetParserContext().type = domi::GetContext().type; GetParserContext().user_out_nodes = domi::GetContext().user_out_nodes; GetParserContext().train_flag = domi::GetContext().train_flag; GetParserContext().run_mode = domi::GetContext().run_mode; GetParserContext().op_conf_map = domi::GetContext().op_conf_map; GetParserContext().out_nodes_map = domi::GetContext().out_nodes_map; GetParserContext().input_nodes_format_map = domi::GetContext().input_nodes_format_map; GetParserContext().out_top_names = domi::GetContext().out_top_names; GetParserContext().user_out_nodes_top_vec = domi::GetContext().user_out_nodes_top_vec; GetParserContext().data_top_names = domi::GetContext().data_top_names; } } // namespace ge