/** * Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "graph/passes/variable_op_pass.h" #include #include #include "common/formats/formats.h" #include "common/formats/utils/formats_trans_utils.h" #include "graph/ge_context.h" #include "graph/graph.h" #include "graph/manager/graph_var_manager.h" #include "graph/utils/graph_utils.h" #include "graph/utils/tensor_utils.h" #include "graph/utils/type_utils.h" namespace ge { namespace { const int kTransOpOutIndex = 0; Status ByPassTransNode(NodePtr &front_node, NodePtr &back_node) { GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(front_node); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(back_node); GELOGD("Begin to bypass trans node %s", front_node->GetName().c_str()); auto ret = GraphUtils::CopyInCtrlEdges(front_node, back_node); if (ret != GRAPH_SUCCESS) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to move control edges from trans " "node %s to var-ref %s", front_node->GetName().c_str(), back_node->GetName().c_str()); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } auto back_node_in_anchor = back_node->GetInDataAnchor(0); if (back_node_in_anchor == nullptr) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "The back node %s does not have an " "input anchor", back_node->GetName().c_str()); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } back_node_in_anchor->UnlinkAll(); auto trans_in_anchor = front_node->GetInDataAnchor(0); if (trans_in_anchor == nullptr) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to get the in data anchor from trans" " node %s type %s", front_node->GetName().c_str(), front_node->GetType().c_str()); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } auto prev_trans_node_out_anchor = trans_in_anchor->GetPeerOutAnchor(); if (prev_trans_node_out_anchor == nullptr) { GELOGW( "The trans node %s does not have an input, so the ref node %s does" " not have any inputs after bypass", front_node->GetName().c_str(), front_node->GetName().c_str()); } else { ret = GraphUtils::AddEdge(prev_trans_node_out_anchor, back_node_in_anchor); if (ret != GRAPH_SUCCESS) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to add edge between ref node %s " "and the prev node of trans node %s", back_node->GetName().c_str(), front_node->GetName().c_str()); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } } return SUCCESS; } bool IsTransSupport(const TransNodeInfo &trans_info) { if (trans_info.output.GetShape().IsUnknownShape()) { return false; } if (trans_info.node_type == RESHAPE || trans_info.node_type == REFORMAT) { return true; } else if (trans_info.node_type == TRANSDATA || trans_info.node_type == TRANSPOSED) { formats::TransArgs args{nullptr, trans_info.input.GetFormat(), trans_info.output.GetFormat(), trans_info.input.GetShape().GetDims(), trans_info.output.GetShape().GetDims(), trans_info.input.GetDataType()}; return formats::IsTransFormatSupport(args); } else if (trans_info.node_type == CAST) { formats::CastArgs datatype_args{nullptr, static_cast(trans_info.input.GetShape().GetShapeSize()), trans_info.input.GetDataType(), trans_info.output.GetDataType()}; return formats::IsTransDataTypeSupport(datatype_args); } else { return false; } } std::string GetInAndOutDecsDiff(NodePtr &trans_node, bool reverse = false) { int tran_in_index = TransOpUtil::GetTransOpDataIndex(trans_node->GetType()); auto op_desc = trans_node->GetOpDesc(); GeTensorDesc input_desc = op_desc->GetInputDesc(tran_in_index); GeTensorDesc output_desc = op_desc->GetOutputDesc(kTransOpOutIndex); if (reverse) { GeTensorDesc tmp_desc = input_desc; input_desc = output_desc; output_desc = tmp_desc; } auto input_format = input_desc.GetFormat(); auto input_type = input_desc.GetDataType(); auto input_shape = input_desc.GetShape(); auto output_format = output_desc.GetFormat(); auto output_type = output_desc.GetDataType(); auto output_shape = output_desc.GetShape(); std::stringstream diff_key; diff_key.str(""); if (input_format != output_format) { diff_key << static_cast(input_format) << '-' << static_cast(output_format) << '-'; } else { diff_key << "*-"; } if (input_type != output_type) { diff_key << static_cast(input_type) << '-' << static_cast(output_type) << '-'; } else { diff_key << "*-"; } if (!ge::formats::IsShapeEqual(input_shape, output_shape)) { for (auto dim : input_shape.GetDims()) { diff_key << dim << '-'; } for (auto dim : output_shape.GetDims()) { diff_key << dim << '-'; } } else { diff_key << "*"; } return diff_key.str(); } } // namespace Status VariableOpPass::Run(ge::ComputeGraphPtr graph) { if (graph == nullptr) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to run variable op pass, null graph"); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } GELOGD("Begin to run variable op pass on graph %s, session %lu, graph id %u", graph->GetName().c_str(), GetContext().SessionId(), graph->GetGraphID()); if (var_accelerate_ctrl_ == nullptr) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to run var op pass, the variable accelerate control is null"); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } GELOGD("Begin to generate ref map for variable and refs, graph name:%s.", graph->GetName().c_str()); if (RenewVarDesc(graph) != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to renew var desc on graph"); return GE_GRAPH_VARIABLE_OP_PASS_FAILED; } if (GenerateVariableVariableRefMap(graph) != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to generate variable map for graph %s", graph->GetName().c_str()); return GE_GRAPH_VARIABLE_OP_PASS_FAILED; } GELOGD("Begin to fusion variables and trans nodes"); for (auto &var_to_refs : var_and_var_ref_map_) { auto &node = var_to_refs.first; GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(node); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(var_accelerate_ctrl_); if (!var_accelerate_ctrl_->IsVarPermitToChangeFormats(node->GetName())) { GELOGD("The var %s does not permit to change formats, skip it", node->GetName().c_str()); continue; } VarTransRoad fusion_road; auto ret = FusionIfNeed(node, fusion_road); if (ret != SUCCESS) { return ret; } if (fusion_road.empty()) { GELOGD("No need to fusion variable %s because it's fusion road is empty", node->GetName().c_str()); continue; } ret = RenewTransRoadDesc(node, fusion_road); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to renew description fusion road for var %s", node->GetName().c_str()); return GE_GRAPH_VARIABLE_OP_PASS_FAILED; } auto start_iter = fusion_road.begin(); auto end_iter = fusion_road.rbegin(); GELOGD( "Trans variable data for %s from format %s to %s, shape %s to %s " "data-type %s to %s, path len %zu success", node->GetName().c_str(), TypeUtils::FormatToSerialString(start_iter->input.GetFormat()).c_str(), TypeUtils::FormatToSerialString(end_iter->output.GetFormat()).c_str(), formats::ShapeToString(start_iter->input.GetShape().GetDims()).c_str(), formats::ShapeToString(end_iter->output.GetShape().GetDims()).c_str(), TypeUtils::DataTypeToSerialString(start_iter->input.GetDataType()).c_str(), TypeUtils::DataTypeToSerialString(end_iter->output.GetDataType()).c_str(), fusion_road.size()); ret = VarManager::Instance(graph->GetSessionID())->SetTransRoad(node->GetName(), fusion_road); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to update the format fusion road for var %s", node->GetName().c_str()); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } ret = VarManager::Instance(graph->GetSessionID())->SetChangedGraphId(node->GetName(), graph->GetGraphID()); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to update the graph id for var %s", node->GetName().c_str()); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } var_accelerate_ctrl_->SetVarChanged(node->GetName()); GELOGD("Begin to update format info for var %s.", node->GetName().c_str()); std::set node_set({node}); if (UpdateIOFormatInfo(end_iter->output, node_set) != SUCCESS) { return GE_GRAPH_VARIABLE_OP_PASS_FAILED; } // renew var desc if the trans_road is all reshape or reformat ret = RenewVarDesc(graph->GetSessionID(), node, fusion_road); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(FAILED, "var manager renew var[%s] descriptor failed!", node->GetName().c_str()); return FAILED; } } return SUCCESS; } Status VariableOpPass::RenewTransRoadDesc(const NodePtr &var, VarTransRoad &fusion_road) { auto var_desc = var->GetOpDesc(); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(var_desc); TransNodeInfo prev_node_info; prev_node_info.node_type = var->GetType(); prev_node_info.output = var_desc->GetOutputDesc(0); // two cases // fisrt Var->cast->transdata which transdata in fusion road // the input of transdata is not equal with output of var // case 1 : suppose input dtype of transdata equal with out dtype // but not equal with var // so we make input dtype and output dytpe of transroad equal with var // case 2: suppose input format of transdata not equal with out format // and input format not equal with var // so we make input format equal with var for (auto &cur_trans : fusion_road) { if (cur_trans.input.GetFormat() == cur_trans.output.GetFormat()) { cur_trans.output.SetFormat(prev_node_info.output.GetFormat()); } if (cur_trans.input.GetDataType() == cur_trans.output.GetDataType()) { cur_trans.output.SetDataType(prev_node_info.output.GetDataType()); } if (ge::formats::IsShapeEqual(cur_trans.input.GetShape(), cur_trans.output.GetShape())) { cur_trans.output.SetShape(prev_node_info.output.GetShape()); } cur_trans.input = prev_node_info.output; prev_node_info.output = cur_trans.output; } return SUCCESS; } Status VariableOpPass::FusionIfNeed(const NodePtr &var, VarTransRoad &fusion_road) { bool can_fusion = false; while (true) { map> trans_type_to_trans_ops ; map> trans_type_to_changed_desc; // record the order of trans op in first path vector first_path_trans_order; auto ret = CheckIfCouldBeOptimized(var, first_path_trans_order, trans_type_to_changed_desc, trans_type_to_trans_ops, can_fusion); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Check trans ops after vatiable could be optimized or not failed"); return ret; } if (!can_fusion) { break; } vector> delete_var_ref_trans_nodes; ret = GetAndCheckTransOpOfVarRef(var, can_fusion, trans_type_to_changed_desc, delete_var_ref_trans_nodes); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(FAILED, "get and check trans op of varref failed"); return ret; } if (!can_fusion) { break; } ret = UpdateTransRoad(fusion_road, first_path_trans_order, trans_type_to_changed_desc, trans_type_to_trans_ops); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Update trans road failed"); return ret; } if (fusion_road.empty()) { return SUCCESS; } ret = DealFusion(var, fusion_road, trans_type_to_changed_desc, trans_type_to_trans_ops, delete_var_ref_trans_nodes); if (ret != SUCCESS) { return ret; } } return SUCCESS; } Status VariableOpPass::UpdateTransRoad(VarTransRoad &fusion_road, vector &first_path_trans_order, map> &trans_type_to_changed_desc, map> &trans_type_to_trans_ops){ vector delete_trans_type; for (auto &trans_type : first_path_trans_order) { if (trans_type_to_changed_desc.find(trans_type) == trans_type_to_changed_desc.end()) { continue; } bool delete_flag = false; for (auto &trans_node : trans_type_to_trans_ops[trans_type]) { int tran_in_index = TransOpUtil::GetTransOpDataIndex(trans_node->GetType()); auto out_op_desc = trans_node->GetOpDesc(); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(out_op_desc); TransNodeInfo trans_node_info; trans_node_info.node_type = trans_node->GetType(); trans_node_info.input = out_op_desc->GetInputDesc(tran_in_index); trans_node_info.output = out_op_desc->GetOutputDesc(kTransOpOutIndex); if (!IsTransSupport(trans_node_info)) { delete_flag = true; GELOGD("The trans node %s does not support, skip the variable accelerating", trans_node_info.node_type.c_str()); break; } } if (delete_flag) { delete_trans_type.push_back(trans_type); } else { auto &trans_node = *trans_type_to_trans_ops[trans_type].begin(); auto out_op_desc = trans_node->GetOpDesc(); int tran_in_index = TransOpUtil::GetTransOpDataIndex(trans_node->GetType()); TransNodeInfo trans_node_info; trans_node_info.node_type = trans_node->GetType(); trans_node_info.input = out_op_desc->GetInputDesc(tran_in_index); trans_node_info.output = out_op_desc->GetOutputDesc(kTransOpOutIndex); fusion_road.emplace_back(trans_node_info); } } for (auto &trans_type : delete_trans_type) { trans_type_to_changed_desc.erase(trans_type); } return SUCCESS; } Status VariableOpPass::DealFusion(const ge::NodePtr &var_node, VarTransRoad &fusion_road, map> trans_type_to_changed_desc, map> trans_type_to_trans_ops, vector> &delete_trans_nodes) { GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(var_node); GELOGD("Begin to fusion var %s with trans", var_node->GetName().c_str()); auto graph = var_node->GetOwnerComputeGraph(); for (auto &trans_type : trans_type_to_changed_desc) { for (auto &trans_node : trans_type_to_trans_ops[trans_type.first]) { GELOGD("Remove node %s type %s when fusion with variable %s", trans_node->GetName().c_str(), trans_node->GetType().c_str(), var_node->GetName().c_str()); if (RenewTransOpDesc(trans_node, true) != SUCCESS) { return GE_GRAPH_VARIABLE_OP_PASS_FAILED; } if (GraphUtils::IsolateNode(trans_node, {0}) != SUCCESS) { return GE_GRAPH_VARIABLE_OP_PASS_FAILED; } if (GraphUtils::RemoveNodeWithoutRelink(graph, trans_node) != SUCCESS) { return GE_GRAPH_VARIABLE_OP_PASS_FAILED; } } } // Iterate delete_trans_nodes backward, eg a->b->c, delete_trans_nodes:{{b,c},{a,b}} // we should delete {a,b} first , then b->c,then we can delete {b,c} // if we delete {b,c} first, then a->c, then we can not get b when we delete {a,b} for (auto iter = delete_trans_nodes.rbegin(); iter != delete_trans_nodes.rend(); ++iter) { auto front_node = iter->first; auto back_node = iter->second; if (RenewTransOpDesc(front_node, false) != SUCCESS) { return GE_GRAPH_VARIABLE_OP_PASS_FAILED; } if (front_node->GetOutDataNodes().size() > 1) { GELOGD("The trans node %s type %s connecting with var-ref %s has more" " than one output data nodes, unlink the edge between them", front_node->GetName().c_str(), front_node->GetType().c_str(), back_node->GetName().c_str()); if (ByPassTransNode(front_node, back_node) != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to bypass trans node %s to node %s", front_node->GetName().c_str(), back_node->GetName().c_str()); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } } else { GELOGD("The trans node %s type %s connecting with %s has only" " one output data nodes, isolate and remove it.", front_node->GetName().c_str(), front_node->GetType().c_str(), back_node->GetName().c_str()); if (GraphUtils::IsolateNode(front_node, {0}) != SUCCESS) { return GE_GRAPH_VARIABLE_OP_PASS_FAILED; } if (GraphUtils::RemoveNodeWithoutRelink(graph, front_node) != SUCCESS) { return GE_GRAPH_VARIABLE_OP_PASS_FAILED; } } } return SUCCESS; } Status VariableOpPass::RenewTransOpDesc(ge::NodePtr &node, bool is_reverse) { int tran_in_index = TransOpUtil::GetTransOpDataIndex(node->GetType()); auto op_desc = node->GetOpDesc(); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(op_desc); GeTensorDesc input_desc = op_desc->GetInputDesc(tran_in_index); GeTensorDesc output_desc = op_desc->GetOutputDesc(kTransOpOutIndex); GeTensorDesc renew_desc = is_reverse ? output_desc : input_desc; bool format_changed = false; bool shape_changed = false; bool dtype_changed = false; if (input_desc.GetFormat() != output_desc.GetFormat()) { format_changed = true; } if (input_desc.GetDataType() != output_desc.GetDataType()) { dtype_changed = true; } if (!ge::formats::IsShapeEqual(input_desc.GetShape(), output_desc.GetShape())) { shape_changed = true; } auto cur_node = node; while (TransOpUtil::IsTransOp(cur_node)) { tran_in_index = TransOpUtil::GetTransOpDataIndex(cur_node->GetType()); auto next_node = is_reverse ? NodeUtils::GetInDataNodeByIndex(*cur_node, tran_in_index) : cur_node->GetOutDataNodes().at(kTransOpOutIndex); if (!TransOpUtil::IsTransOp(next_node)) { break; } auto prev_desc = next_node->GetOpDesc(); tran_in_index = TransOpUtil::GetTransOpDataIndex(next_node->GetType()); auto mutable_output_desc = prev_desc->MutableOutputDesc(kTransOpOutIndex); auto mutable_input_desc = prev_desc->MutableInputDesc(tran_in_index); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(prev_desc->MutableOutputDesc(kTransOpOutIndex)); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(prev_desc->MutableInputDesc(tran_in_index)); if (shape_changed) { mutable_input_desc->SetShape(renew_desc.GetShape()); mutable_output_desc->SetShape(renew_desc.GetShape()); } if (dtype_changed) { mutable_input_desc->SetDataType(renew_desc.GetDataType()); mutable_output_desc->SetDataType(renew_desc.GetDataType()); } if (format_changed) { mutable_input_desc->SetFormat(renew_desc.GetFormat()); mutable_output_desc->SetFormat(renew_desc.GetFormat()); } cur_node = next_node; } return SUCCESS; } Status VariableOpPass::CheckIfCouldBeOptimized(const NodePtr &var, vector &first_path_trans_order, map> &trans_type_to_changed_desc, map> &trans_type_to_trans_ops, bool &flag) { bool is_match = true; auto ret = GetSameTransOP(var, first_path_trans_order, trans_type_to_changed_desc, trans_type_to_trans_ops, is_match); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Get same trans op of variable node: %s failed", var->GetName().c_str()); return GE_GRAPH_VARIABLE_OP_PASS_FAILED; } if (!is_match) { flag = false; GELOGI("trans nodes after variable do not meet the condition"); return SUCCESS; } flag = true; return SUCCESS; } Status VariableOpPass::GetSameTransOP(const NodePtr &var, vector &first_path_trans_order, map> &trans_type_to_changed_desc, map> &trans_type_to_trans_ops, bool &is_match) { GELOGD("Begin to get Node: %s trans op info of first path", var->GetName().c_str()); auto ret = GetFisrtPathTransInfo(var, first_path_trans_order, trans_type_to_changed_desc, trans_type_to_trans_ops); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Get var: %s first path trans info failed", var->GetName().c_str()); return FAILED; } if (first_path_trans_order.empty()) { GELOGD("var %s first path has no trans op, not need to pass", var->GetName().c_str()); is_match = false; return SUCCESS; } GELOGD("Begin to depth first search Node: %s ", var->GetName().c_str()); VariableDFS(var, trans_type_to_changed_desc, trans_type_to_trans_ops, is_match); return SUCCESS; } void VariableOpPass::VariableDFS(const NodePtr &node, map> &trans_type_to_changed_desc, map> &trans_type_to_trans_ops, bool &is_match) { std::stack node_stack; std::stack> path_stack; for (auto &out_node : node->GetOutDataNodes()) { if (!is_match) { break; } if (out_node->GetOutDataNodesSize() == 0 || !ge::TransOpUtil::IsTransOp(out_node)) { is_match = false; break; } node_stack.push(out_node); path_stack.emplace(vector{out_node}); while (!node_stack.empty() && is_match) { auto cur_node = node_stack.top(); auto cur_path = path_stack.top(); node_stack.pop(); path_stack.pop(); if (cur_node->GetOutDataNodesSize() == 0 || !ge::TransOpUtil::IsTransOp(cur_node)) { UpdateTransInfo(cur_path, is_match, trans_type_to_changed_desc, trans_type_to_trans_ops); continue; } for (auto &next_node : cur_node->GetOutDataNodes()) { node_stack.push(next_node); auto next_path = cur_path; next_path.push_back(next_node); path_stack.emplace(next_path); } } } } Status VariableOpPass::UpdateTransInfo(vector &cur_path, bool& is_match, map> &trans_type_to_changed_desc, map> &trans_type_to_trans_ops) { GELOGD("Begin to update trans info by path"); std::set trans_op_occured; for (auto &trans_node : cur_path) { auto trans_node_type = trans_node->GetType(); if (trans_op_occured.find(trans_node_type) != trans_op_occured.end() || !ge::TransOpUtil::IsTransOp(trans_node_type)) { continue; } trans_op_occured.insert(trans_node_type); auto desc_diff = GetInAndOutDecsDiff(trans_node); if (trans_type_to_changed_desc.find(trans_node_type) != trans_type_to_changed_desc.end() && desc_diff == trans_type_to_changed_desc[trans_node_type].first) { trans_type_to_changed_desc[trans_node_type].second = true; auto iter = find(trans_type_to_trans_ops[trans_node_type].begin(), trans_type_to_trans_ops[trans_node_type].end(), trans_node); if (iter == trans_type_to_trans_ops[trans_node_type].end()) { trans_type_to_trans_ops[trans_node_type].push_back(trans_node); } } } std::set delete_trans_types; for (auto &trans_item : trans_type_to_changed_desc) { if (!trans_item.second.second) { delete_trans_types.insert(trans_item.first); } else { trans_item.second.second = false; } } for (auto& delete_item : delete_trans_types) { trans_type_to_changed_desc.erase(delete_item); } if (trans_type_to_changed_desc.empty()) { is_match = false; } return SUCCESS; } Status VariableOpPass::GetFisrtPathTransInfo(const NodePtr &var, vector &first_path_trans_order, map> &trans_type_to_changed_desc, map> &trans_type_to_trans_ops) { auto cur_node = var; while (cur_node->GetOutDataNodesSize() != 0) { cur_node = cur_node->GetOutDataNodes().at(0); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(cur_node); if (!ge::TransOpUtil::IsTransOp(cur_node)) { break; } auto cur_node_type = cur_node->GetType(); // only get the the first occurrence operator of same type if (trans_type_to_changed_desc.find(cur_node_type) == trans_type_to_changed_desc.end()) { auto desc_diff = GetInAndOutDecsDiff(cur_node); trans_type_to_changed_desc[cur_node->GetType()] = make_pair(desc_diff, false); trans_type_to_trans_ops[cur_node->GetType()] = vector{cur_node}; first_path_trans_order.push_back(cur_node->GetType()); } } GELOGD("get var %s first path trans info success", var->GetName().c_str()); return SUCCESS; } Status VariableOpPass::GetAndCheckTransOpOfVarRef(const ge::NodePtr &var_node, bool &pass_check, map> &trans_type_to_changed_desc, vector> &delete_var_ref_trans_nodes) { auto iterator = var_and_var_ref_map_.find(var_node); if (iterator == var_and_var_ref_map_.end()) { GELOGD("there is no var_ref of node %s", var_node->GetName().c_str()); return SUCCESS; } vector delete_trans_type; for (auto &trans_type : trans_type_to_changed_desc) { delete_trans_type.push_back(trans_type.first); } for (auto &ref_node : iterator->second) { GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(ref_node); auto cur_node = *ref_node->GetInDataNodes().begin(); auto behind_node = ref_node; GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(cur_node); vector tmp_delete_trans_type = delete_trans_type; while (TransOpUtil::IsTransOp(cur_node)) { GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(cur_node); auto iter = find(tmp_delete_trans_type.begin(), tmp_delete_trans_type.end(), cur_node->GetType()); if (iter != tmp_delete_trans_type.end()) { CheckTransOpOfVarAndVarRefSymmetry(cur_node, trans_type_to_changed_desc[cur_node->GetType()].first, pass_check); if (!pass_check) { GELOGD("trans op : %s of var ref %s is illegal", cur_node->GetName().c_str(), ref_node->GetName().c_str()); return SUCCESS; } tmp_delete_trans_type.erase(iter); delete_var_ref_trans_nodes.emplace_back(std::make_pair(cur_node, behind_node)); } int tran_in_index = TransOpUtil::GetTransOpDataIndex(cur_node->GetType()); behind_node = cur_node; cur_node = cur_node->GetInDataNodes().at(tran_in_index); } if (!tmp_delete_trans_type.empty()) { pass_check = false; return SUCCESS; } } return SUCCESS; } Status VariableOpPass::CheckTransOpOfVarAndVarRefSymmetry(NodePtr &var_ref_trans_op, const string &desc_diff, bool &is_symmetry){ auto var_ref_trans_op_desc_diff = GetInAndOutDecsDiff(var_ref_trans_op, true); is_symmetry = (var_ref_trans_op_desc_diff == desc_diff); return SUCCESS; } Status VariableOpPass::UpdateVarAndRefOutputFormatInfo(const GeTensorDesc &final_output, const ge::NodePtr &node) { if (node == nullptr || node->GetOpDesc() == nullptr) { GELOGE(FAILED, "node or opdesc is nullptr"); return FAILED; } const Format &format = final_output.GetFormat(); const DataType &data_type = final_output.GetDataType(); const GeShape &shape = final_output.GetShape(); GELOGD("last ref is (%s, %s, %lu), var_ref_name is %s.", TypeUtils::DataTypeToSerialString(data_type).c_str(), TypeUtils::FormatToSerialString(format).c_str(), shape.GetDims().size(), node->GetName().c_str()); auto node_desc = node->GetOpDesc()->GetOutputDesc(0); CopyVariableFormatDataTypeAndShape(final_output, node_desc); if (node->GetOpDesc()->UpdateOutputDesc(0, node_desc) != GRAPH_SUCCESS) { GELOGE(FAILED, "update output desc fail."); return FAILED; } GELOGD("node ref is (%s, %s, %lu), var_ref_name is %s.", TypeUtils::DataTypeToSerialString(node->GetOpDesc()->GetOutputDesc(0).GetDataType()).c_str(), TypeUtils::FormatToSerialString(node->GetOpDesc()->GetOutputDesc(0).GetFormat()).c_str(), node->GetOpDesc()->GetOutputDesc(0).GetShape().GetDims().size(), node->GetName().c_str()); auto iterator = var_and_var_ref_map_.find(node); if (iterator == var_and_var_ref_map_.end()) { auto graph = node->GetOwnerComputeGraph(); if (GenerateVariableVariableRefMap(graph) != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to generate variable map for graph %s", graph->GetName().c_str()); return GE_GRAPH_VARIABLE_OP_PASS_FAILED; } } iterator = var_and_var_ref_map_.find(node); if (iterator == var_and_var_ref_map_.end()) { GELOGW("The var node %s which belongs to graph %s can not be found on the graph", node->GetName().c_str(), node->GetOwnerComputeGraph()->GetName().c_str()); return SUCCESS; } for (const auto &var_ref_node : iterator->second) { auto var_ref_node_description = var_ref_node->GetOpDesc(); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(var_ref_node_description); GELOGD("var_ref_node before is (%s, %s, %zu), var_ref_name is %s.", TypeUtils::DataTypeToSerialString(data_type).c_str(), TypeUtils::FormatToSerialString(format).c_str(), shape.GetDims().size(), var_ref_node->GetName().c_str()); if (var_ref_node_description->UpdateOutputDesc(0, node_desc) != GRAPH_SUCCESS) { GELOGW("UpdateOutputDesc fail."); } if (var_ref_node_description->UpdateInputDesc(0, node_desc) != GRAPH_SUCCESS) { GELOGW("UpdateInputDesc fail."); } const auto &input_desc = var_ref_node_description->MutableInputDesc(0); const auto &output_desc = var_ref_node_description->MutableOutputDesc(0); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(input_desc); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(output_desc); GELOGD("var_ref_node ref is (%s, %s, %zu), var_ref_name is %s.", TypeUtils::DataTypeToSerialString(input_desc->GetDataType()).c_str(), TypeUtils::FormatToSerialString(input_desc->GetFormat()).c_str(), output_desc->GetShape().GetDims().size(), var_ref_node->GetName().c_str()); } return SUCCESS; } Status VariableOpPass::GenerateVariableVariableRefMap(const ComputeGraphPtr &compute_graph) { std::map names_to_var; std::map> names_to_refs; GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(compute_graph); for (auto &node : compute_graph->GetDirectNode()) { if (node->GetType() != VARIABLE) { continue; } std::string ref_var_name; if (!ge::AttrUtils::GetStr(node->GetOpDesc(), REF_VAR_SRC_VAR_NAME, ref_var_name)) { names_to_var[node->GetName()] = node; } else { names_to_refs[ref_var_name].insert(node); } } for (auto &name_to_var : names_to_var) { var_and_var_ref_map_[name_to_var.second] = names_to_refs[name_to_var.first]; } return SUCCESS; } void VariableOpPass::CopyVariableFormatDataTypeAndShape(const GeTensorDesc &src_tensor_desc, GeTensorDesc &dst_tensor_desc) { dst_tensor_desc.SetShape(src_tensor_desc.GetShape()); dst_tensor_desc.SetFormat(src_tensor_desc.GetFormat()); dst_tensor_desc.SetDataType(src_tensor_desc.GetDataType()); } Status VariableOpPass::UpdateIOFormatInfo(const GeTensorDesc &final_output, std::set &nodes) { for (auto &need_set_node : nodes) { auto ret = UpdateVarAndRefOutputFormatInfo(final_output, need_set_node); if (ret != SUCCESS) { return GE_GRAPH_VARIABLE_OP_PASS_FAILED; } } return SUCCESS; } Status VariableOpPass::RenewVarDesc(ge::ComputeGraphPtr &graph) { GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(graph); // renew var manager desc Status ret = SUCCESS; for (auto &node : graph->GetDirectNode()) { bool is_var_node = (node->GetType() == VARIABLE) || (node->GetType() == VARIABLEV2) || (node->GetType() == VARHANDLEOP); if (is_var_node) { if (!ge::VarManager::Instance(graph->GetSessionID())->IsVarExist(node->GetName())) { GELOGD("var manager does not exist var node[%s]", node->GetName().c_str()); continue; } GELOGD("var manager exist var node[%s], graph name[%s]", node->GetName().c_str(), graph->GetName().c_str()); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(node->GetOpDesc()); ret = ge::VarManager::Instance(graph->GetSessionID())->RenewCurVarDesc(node->GetName(), node->GetOpDesc()); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(FAILED, "var manager renew var[%s] descriptor failed!", node->GetName().c_str()); return FAILED; } } } return SUCCESS; } Status VariableOpPass::RenewVarDesc(uint64_t session_id, const NodePtr &node, const VarTransRoad &fusion_road) { // renew var desc if the trans_road is all reshape or reformat for (auto &road : fusion_road) { if (road.node_type != RESHAPE && road.node_type != REFORMAT) { return SUCCESS; } } if (!ge::VarManager::Instance(session_id)->IsVarExist(node->GetName())) { GELOGD("var manager does not exist var node[%s]", node->GetName().c_str()); return SUCCESS; } GELOGD("var manager exist var node[%s]", node->GetName().c_str()); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(node->GetOpDesc()); Status ret = ge::VarManager::Instance(session_id)->RenewCurVarDesc(node->GetName(), node->GetOpDesc()); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(FAILED, "var manager renew var[%s] descriptor failed!", node->GetName().c_str()); return FAILED; } return SUCCESS; } } // namespace ge