/** * Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "graph/load/new_model_manager/davinci_model_parser.h" #include #include #include #include "securec.h" #include "common/debug/log.h" #include "graph/load/new_model_manager/davinci_model.h" namespace ge { FMK_FUNC_HOST_VISIBILITY FMK_FUNC_DEV_VISIBILITY Status ModelInfoParser(const ModelData &model, ModelInfo &model_info) { GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtSetDevice(0)); try { uint32_t model_len = 0; uint8_t *model_data = nullptr; Status ret = DavinciModelParser::ParseModelContent(model, model_data, model_len); GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG(ret != SUCCESS, GE_CHK_RT(rtDeviceReset(0)); return ret, "Parse model failed"); auto *file_header = reinterpret_cast(model.model_data); GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG(file_header == nullptr, GE_CHK_RT(rtDeviceReset(0)); return PARAM_INVALID, "file_header is null."); model_info.version = file_header->version; model_info.is_encrypt = false; GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(ENCRYPTED == file_header->is_encrypt, model_info.is_encrypt = true); std::shared_ptr davinci_model = std::shared_ptr(new (std::nothrow) DavinciModel(model.priority, nullptr)); GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG(davinci_model == nullptr, GE_CHK_RT(rtDeviceReset(0)); return PARAM_INVALID, "davinci_model is null."); GE_MAKE_GUARD(davinci_model, [&] { davinci_model = nullptr; }); ModelHelper model_helper; ret = model_helper.LoadModel(model); GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG((ret != SUCCESS), GE_CHK_RT(rtDeviceReset(0)); return FAILED, "load model failed"); ret = davinci_model->Assign(model_helper.GetGeModel()); GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG(ret != SUCCESS, GE_CHK_RT(rtDeviceReset(0)); return ret, "Parse davinci model data failed"); ret = davinci_model->Init(); GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG(ret != SUCCESS, GE_CHK_RT(rtDeviceReset(0)); return ret, "Davinci model init failed"); vector input_list; vector output_list; ret = davinci_model->GetInputOutputDescInfo(input_list, output_list); GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG(ret != SUCCESS, GE_CHK_RT(rtDeviceReset(0)); return ret, "Davinci model GetInputOutputDescInfo failed"); for (const auto &desc : input_list) { model_info.input_desc.push_back(desc.shape_info); } for (const auto &desc : output_list) { model_info.output_desc.push_back(desc.shape_info); } model_info.name = davinci_model->Name(); } catch (...) { DOMI_LOGE("OM model parser failed, some exceptions occur !"); GE_CHK_RT(rtDeviceReset(0)); return FAILED; } GE_CHK_RT(rtDeviceReset(0)); return SUCCESS; } DavinciModelParser::DavinciModelParser() {} DavinciModelParser::~DavinciModelParser() {} } // namespace ge