/** * Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "analyzer.h" #include #include #include #include "framework/common/debug/ge_log.h" #include "framework/common/util.h" #include "graph/utils/graph_utils.h" #include "graph/utils/node_utils.h" #include "graph/utils/type_utils.h" namespace ge { using json = nlohmann::json; using Status = ge::Status; using ComputeGraph = ge::ComputeGraph; using namespace analyzer; namespace { constexpr int kFileAuthority = 0640; constexpr int kJsonDumpLevel = 4; const std::string kFilePath = "./"; const std::string kAnalyzeFile = "ge_check_op.json"; const std::string kUnknownShape = "unknownshape"; const std::string kUnsupport = "unsupport"; const std::string kSessionId = "session_id"; const std::string kGraphId = "graph_id"; const std::string kOpInfo = "op_info"; const std::string kErrorType = "error_type"; const std::string kOpName = "name"; const std::string kOpType = "type"; const std::string kReason = "reason"; const std::string kInput = "input"; const std::string kOutput = "output"; const std::string kShape = "shape"; const std::string kDataType = "data_type"; const std::string kLayout = "layout"; const std::string kResult = "result"; const std::string kOp = "op"; std::map errors_map { {PARSER, "paser_error"}, {INFER_SHAPE, "infer_shape_error"}, {CHECKSUPPORT, "check_support_error"}, {GRAPH_OPTIMIZE, "graph_optimize_error"}, {GRAPH_PARTION, "graph_partion_error"}, {GRAPH_BUILDER, "graph_builder_error"} }; } Analyzer* Analyzer::GetInstance() { static Analyzer instance; return &instance; } Status Analyzer::BuildJsonObject(uint64_t session_id, uint64_t graph_id) { GELOGD("Start to build map. SessionId:%lu GraphId:%lu", session_id, graph_id); std::lock_guard lg(mutex_); auto iter = graph_infos_.find(session_id); if (iter == graph_infos_.end()) { std::shared_ptr graph_info(new(std::nothrow) GraphInfo()); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(graph_info); std::map> graph_map; graph_map[graph_id] = graph_info; graph_info->session_id = session_id; graph_info->graph_id = graph_id; graph_infos_.insert({session_id, graph_map}); } else { auto iter1 = (iter->second).find(graph_id); if (iter1 == (iter->second).end()) { std::shared_ptr graph_info(new(std::nothrow) GraphInfo()); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(graph_info); graph_info->session_id = session_id; graph_info->graph_id = graph_id; (iter->second).insert({graph_id, graph_info}); } else { GELOGI("session_id:%lu graph_id:%lu already existed json object", session_id, graph_id); } } return SUCCESS; } ge::Status Analyzer::Initialize() { // Initialize file string real_path = RealPath(kFilePath.c_str()); if (real_path.empty()) { GELOGE(FAILED, "[Check][AnalyzeFilePath]File path is empty, Path invalid."); return FAILED; } json_file_name_ = real_path + "/" + kAnalyzeFile; return SUCCESS; } void Analyzer::Finalize() { GELOGD("Analyzer start to finalize!"); std::lock_guard lg(mutex_); for (auto &session_resource : graph_infos_) { session_resource.second.clear(); } graph_infos_.clear(); std::lock_guard lk(file_mutex_); if (json_file_.is_open()) { json_file_.close(); } } void Analyzer::DestroySessionJsonObject(uint64_t session_id) { std::lock_guard lg(mutex_); auto iter = graph_infos_.find(session_id); if (iter == graph_infos_.end()) { GELOGW("can not find the stored object by session_id[%lu].Do nothing", session_id); } else { graph_infos_.erase(iter); } } void Analyzer::DestroyGraphJsonObject(uint64_t session_id, uint64_t graph_id) { std::lock_guard lg(mutex_); auto iter = graph_infos_.find(session_id); if (iter == graph_infos_.end()) { GELOGW("can not find the stored object by session_id[%lu].Do nothing", session_id); } else { auto iter1 = (iter->second).find(graph_id); if (iter1 == (iter->second).end()) { GELOGW("Can not find the graph json object by session_id[%lu] and graph_id[%lu]. Do nothing.", session_id, graph_id); return; } (iter->second).erase(iter1); } } std::shared_ptr Analyzer::GetJsonObject(uint64_t session_id, uint64_t graph_id) { std::lock_guard lg(mutex_); auto iter = graph_infos_.find(session_id); if (iter == graph_infos_.end()) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "[Check][Session_id]session_id:%lu does not exist! graph_id:%lu.", session_id, graph_id); return nullptr; } else { auto iter1 = (iter->second).find(graph_id); if (iter1 == (iter->second).end()) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "[Check][Graph_id]graph_id:%lu does not exist! session_id:%lu.", graph_id, session_id); return nullptr; } GELOGI("GetJsonObject Success!session_id:%lu graph_id:%lu", session_id, graph_id); return iter1->second; } } void Analyzer::ClearHistoryFile() { GELOGD("Analyzer start to clear history file!"); // Remove history files int res = remove(json_file_name_.c_str()); GELOGD("remove file %s, result:%d", json_file_name_.c_str(), res); } ge::Status Analyzer::CreateAnalyzerFile() { if (is_json_file_create_) { GELOGD("analyzer file has been created!No necessary to create again!"); return SUCCESS; } GELOGD("start to create analyzer file!"); std::lock_guard lg(file_mutex_); int fd = open(json_file_name_.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, kFileAuthority); if (fd < 0) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "[FileOpen][AnalyzeFile]Fail to open the analyze file: %s.", json_file_name_.c_str()); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (close(fd) != 0) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "[FileClose][AnalyzeFile]Fail to close the analyze file: %s.", json_file_name_.c_str()); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } is_json_file_create_ = true; GELOGD("success to create analyzer file[%s]!", json_file_name_.c_str()); return SUCCESS; } ge::Status Analyzer::SaveAnalyzerDataToFile(uint64_t session_id, uint64_t graph_id) { GELOGD("start to save analyze file."); auto graph_info = GetJsonObject(session_id, graph_id); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(graph_info); if (graph_info->op_info.size() == 0) { GELOGD("session_id:%lu graph_id:%lu does not owner op info, break it!", session_id, graph_id); return SUCCESS; } std::lock_guard lg(file_mutex_); json_file_.open(json_file_name_, std::ios::app); if (!json_file_.is_open()) { GELOGE(FAILED, "[Check][AnalyzeFile]analyze file does not exist[%s]", json_file_name_.c_str()); return PARAM_INVALID; } json jsn; GraphInfoToJson(jsn, *graph_info); bool ret_failed = false; try { json_file_ << jsn.dump(kJsonDumpLevel) << std::endl; } catch (nlohmann::detail::type_error &e) { GELOGE(FAILED, "[Json.dump][GraphInfo]json.dump to analyze file [%s] failed because [%s], session_id:%lu, graph_id:%lu", json_file_name_.c_str(), e.what(), session_id, graph_id); ret_failed = true; } json_file_.close(); return ret_failed ? FAILED : SUCCESS; } ge::Status Analyzer::DoAnalyze(DataInfo &data_info) { GELOGD("start to do analyzer process!"); auto pnode = data_info.node_ptr; GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(pnode); auto desc = pnode->GetOpDesc(); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(desc); // buff analyze data std::lock_guard lg(mutex_); auto graph_info = GetJsonObject(data_info.session_id, data_info.graph_id); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(graph_info); auto status = SaveOpInfo(desc, data_info, graph_info); if (status != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(status, "[Check][SaveOpInfo]save op info: desc_name [%s] desc_type [%s] failed!", desc->GetName().c_str(), desc->GetType().c_str()); return FAILED; } // create json file return CreateAnalyzerFile(); } ge::Status Analyzer::SaveOpInfo(ge::OpDescPtr desc, DataInfo &data_info, std::shared_ptr graph_info) { auto iter = errors_map.find(data_info.analyze_type); if (iter == errors_map.end()) { return PARAM_INVALID; } OpInfo op_info; op_info.error_type = iter->second; op_info.op_name = desc->GetName(); op_info.op_type = desc->GetType(); op_info.reason = data_info.reason; for (const auto &ptr : desc->GetAllInputsDescPtr()) { TensorInfo tensor_info; tensor_info.shape = ptr->GetShape().GetDims(); tensor_info.d_type = ge::TypeUtils::DataTypeToSerialString(ptr->GetDataType()); tensor_info.layout = ge::TypeUtils::FormatToSerialString(ptr->GetFormat()); op_info.input_info.emplace_back(tensor_info); } for (const auto &ptr : desc->GetAllOutputsDescPtr()) { TensorInfo tensor_info; tensor_info.shape = ptr->GetShape().GetDims(); tensor_info.d_type = ge::TypeUtils::DataTypeToSerialString(ptr->GetDataType()); tensor_info.layout = ge::TypeUtils::FormatToSerialString(ptr->GetFormat()); op_info.output_info.emplace_back(tensor_info); } graph_info->op_info.emplace_back(op_info); return SUCCESS; } void Analyzer::TensorInfoToJson(json& j, const TensorInfo &tensor_info) { j[kShape] = tensor_info.shape; j[kDataType] = tensor_info.d_type; j[kLayout] = tensor_info.layout; } void Analyzer::OpInfoToJson(json& j, const OpInfo &op_info) { j[kErrorType] = op_info.error_type; j[kOpName] = op_info.op_name; j[kOpType] = op_info.op_type; j[kReason] = op_info.reason; for (size_t i = 0; i < op_info.input_info.size(); i++) { json json_tensor_info; TensorInfoToJson(json_tensor_info, op_info.input_info.at(i)); j[kInput + std::to_string(i)] = json_tensor_info; } for (size_t i = 0; i < op_info.output_info.size(); i++) { json json_tensor_info; TensorInfoToJson(json_tensor_info, op_info.output_info.at(i)); j[kOutput + std::to_string(i)] = json_tensor_info; } } void Analyzer::GraphInfoToJson(json& j, const GraphInfo &graph_info) { GELOGD("start to buff graph info!"); j[kSessionId] = graph_info.session_id; j[kGraphId] = graph_info.graph_id; std::vector json_op_infos; for (size_t i = 0; i < graph_info.op_info.size(); i++) { json json_op_info; OpInfoToJson(json_op_info, graph_info.op_info.at(i)); json_op_infos.emplace_back(json_op_info); } j[kOp] = json_op_infos; } } // namespace ge