/** * Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "hybrid/node_executor/node_executor.h" #include "framework/common/debug/log.h" #include "common/math/math_util.h" #include "graph/utils/node_utils.h" #include "init/gelib.h" #include "graph/utils/tensor_utils.h" #include "hybrid/executor/hybrid_execution_context.h" #include "hybrid/model/hybrid_model.h" #include "graph/debug/ge_attr_define.h" #include "opskernel_manager/ops_kernel_builder_manager.h" namespace ge { namespace hybrid { namespace { const char *const kEngineNameAiCore = "AIcoreEngine"; const char *const kEngineNameGeLocal = "DNN_VM_GE_LOCAL_OP_STORE"; const char *const kEngineNameAiCpu = "aicpu_ascend_kernel"; const char *const kEngineNameAiCpuTf = "aicpu_tf_kernel"; const char *const kEngineNameHccl = "ops_kernel_info_hccl"; const char *const kEngineNameRts = "DNN_VM_RTS_OP_STORE"; const char *const kEngineNameHostCpu = "DNN_VM_HOST_CPU_OP_STORE"; } Status NodeExecutor::PrepareTask(NodeTask &task, TaskContext &context) const { GE_CHK_STATUS_RET_NOLOG(context.AllocateOutputs()); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET_NOLOG(context.AllocateWorkspaces()); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET_NOLOG(task.UpdateArgs(context)); return SUCCESS; } Status NodeExecutor::ExecuteTask(NodeTask &task, TaskContext &context, const std::function &callback) const { HYBRID_CHK_STATUS_RET(task.ExecuteAsync(context, callback), "Failed to execute task. node = %s", context.GetNodeItem().NodeName().c_str()); return SUCCESS; } Status NodeExecutor::LoadTask(const HybridModel &model, const NodePtr &node, shared_ptr &task) const { return UNSUPPORTED; } Status NodeExecutor::CompileTask(const HybridModel &model, const NodePtr &node, shared_ptr &task) const { return UNSUPPORTED; } Status NodeExecutorManager::EnsureInitialized() { GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(InitializeExecutors()); std::lock_guard lk(mu_); if (initialized_) { return SUCCESS; } engine_mapping_.emplace(kEngineNameAiCore, NodeExecutorManager::ExecutorType::AICORE); engine_mapping_.emplace(kEngineNameGeLocal, NodeExecutorManager::ExecutorType::GE_LOCAL); engine_mapping_.emplace(kEngineNameAiCpuTf, NodeExecutorManager::ExecutorType::AICPU_TF); engine_mapping_.emplace(kEngineNameAiCpu, NodeExecutorManager::ExecutorType::AICPU_TF); engine_mapping_.emplace(kEngineNameHccl, NodeExecutorManager::ExecutorType::HCCL); engine_mapping_.emplace(kEngineNameRts, NodeExecutorManager::ExecutorType::RTS); engine_mapping_.emplace(kEngineNameHostCpu, NodeExecutorManager::ExecutorType::HOST_CPU); initialized_ = true; GELOGI("Initializing NodeExecutors successfully"); return SUCCESS; } NodeExecutorManager::ExecutorType NodeExecutorManager::ResolveExecutorType(Node &node) const { auto op_type = node.GetType(); if (op_type == PARTITIONEDCALL) { const auto &subgraph = NodeUtils::GetSubgraph(node, 0); if (subgraph != nullptr && subgraph->GetGraphUnknownFlag()) { return ExecutorType::DYNAMIC_SUBGRAPH; } bool is_dynamic = false; (void)NodeUtils::GetNodeUnknownShapeStatus(node, is_dynamic); if (is_dynamic) { return ExecutorType::DYNAMIC_SUBGRAPH; } return ExecutorType::COMPILED_SUBGRAPH; } // rts kernel store is assigned to NetOutput if (op_type == NETOUTPUT || op_type == VARIABLE) { return ExecutorType::GE_LOCAL; } if (IsControlOp(op_type)) { return ExecutorType::CONTROL_OP; } auto op_desc = node.GetOpDesc(); // checked before const auto &lib_name = op_desc->GetOpKernelLibName(); auto it = engine_mapping_.find(lib_name); if (it == engine_mapping_.end()) { GELOGE(UNSUPPORTED, "KernelLib not supported. node = %s, lib_name = %s", node.GetName().c_str(), lib_name.c_str()); return ExecutorType::RESERVED; } return it->second; } Status NodeExecutorManager::GetExecutor(Node &node, const NodeExecutor **executor) const { auto executor_type = ResolveExecutorType(node); const auto it = executors_.find(executor_type); if (it == executors_.end()) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to get executor by type: %d.", static_cast(executor_type)); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } GELOGD("[%s] Set node executor by type: %d.", node.GetName().c_str(), static_cast(executor_type)); *executor = it->second.get(); return SUCCESS; } void NodeExecutorManager::RegisterExecutorBuilder(NodeExecutorManager::ExecutorType executor_type, const std::function &builder) { builders_.emplace(executor_type, builder); } Status NodeExecutorManager::CalcOpRunningParam(Node &node) const { auto op_desc = node.GetOpDesc(); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(op_desc); if (op_desc->GetType() == PARTITIONEDCALL) { GELOGD("[%s] Skipping CalcOpRunningParam for PartitionedCall.", node.GetName().c_str()); return SUCCESS; } for (size_t i = 0; i < op_desc->GetOutputsSize(); ++i) { GeTensorDescPtr output_tensor = op_desc->MutableOutputDesc(static_cast(i)); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(output_tensor); TensorUtils::SetSize(*(output_tensor.get()), 0); } // calc hccl output size independent, hccl ops kernel manager should GetSize for // input which is the output size of input-op, but sometimes return error // when multi-thread if (op_desc->GetOpKernelLibName() == kEngineNameHccl) { for (size_t i = 0; i < op_desc->GetOutputsSize(); ++i) { GeTensorDesc output_tensor = op_desc->GetOutputDesc(static_cast(i)); Format format = output_tensor.GetFormat(); DataType data_type = output_tensor.GetDataType(); GeShape output_shape = output_tensor.GetShape(); int64_t output_mem_size = 0; GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(TensorUtils::CalcTensorMemSize(output_shape, format, data_type, output_mem_size), "hccl calc tensor mem size failed."); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(CheckInt64AddOverflow(output_mem_size, MEMORY_ALIGN_RATIO * MEMORY_ALIGN_SIZE - 1), "[%s] Invalid output mem size: %ld", node.GetName().c_str(), output_mem_size); output_mem_size = ((output_mem_size + MEMORY_ALIGN_RATIO * MEMORY_ALIGN_SIZE - 1) / MEMORY_ALIGN_SIZE) * MEMORY_ALIGN_SIZE; TensorUtils::SetSize(output_tensor, output_mem_size); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(op_desc->UpdateOutputDesc(static_cast(i), output_tensor), "hccl update output size failed."); GELOGD("%s output desc[%zu], dim_size: %zu, mem_size: %ld.", node.GetName().c_str(), i, output_tensor.GetShape().GetDimNum(), output_mem_size); } return SUCCESS; } return OpsKernelBuilderManager::Instance().CalcOpRunningParam(node); } Status NodeExecutorManager::InitializeExecutors() { std::lock_guard lk(mu_); if (executor_initialized_) { ++ref_count_; GELOGI("Executor is already initialized. add ref count to [%d]", ref_count_); return SUCCESS; } GELOGI("Start to Initialize NodeExecutors"); for (auto &it : builders_) { auto engine_type = it.first; auto build_fn = it.second; GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(build_fn); auto executor = std::unique_ptr(build_fn()); if (executor == nullptr) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to create executor for engine type = %d", static_cast(engine_type)); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } GELOGD("Executor of engine type = %d was created successfully", static_cast(engine_type)); auto ret = executor->Initialize(); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(ret, "Failed to initialize NodeExecutor of type = %d, clear executors", static_cast(engine_type)); for (auto &executor_it : executors_) { executor_it.second->Finalize(); } executors_.clear(); return ret; } executors_.emplace(engine_type, std::move(executor)); } ++ref_count_; executor_initialized_ = true; GELOGI("Initializing NodeExecutors successfully."); return SUCCESS; } void NodeExecutorManager::FinalizeExecutors() { std::lock_guard lk(mu_); if (!executor_initialized_) { GELOGD("No need for finalizing for not initialized."); return; } if (--ref_count_ > 0) { GELOGD("Ref count = %d, do not finalize executors.", ref_count_); return; } GELOGD("Start to invoke Finalize on executors."); for (auto &it : executors_) { it.second->Finalize(); } executors_.clear(); executor_initialized_ = false; GELOGD("Done invoking Finalize successfully."); } NodeExecutorRegistrar::NodeExecutorRegistrar(NodeExecutorManager::ExecutorType executor_type, NodeExecutor *(*builder)()) { NodeExecutorManager::GetInstance().RegisterExecutorBuilder(executor_type, builder); } Status NoOpTask::UpdateArgs(TaskContext &context) { GELOGD("[%s] Skipping UpdateArgs for op with empty outputs", context.GetNodeName()); return SUCCESS; } Status NoOpTask::ExecuteAsync(TaskContext &context, std::function done_callback) { GELOGD("[%s] Skipping execution for op with empty outputs", context.GetNodeName()); return context.TryExecuteCallback(done_callback); } } // namespace hybrid } // namespace ge