/** * Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "engine_manager/dnnengine_manager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/debug/log.h" #include "common/ge/ge_util.h" #include "common/util/error_manager/error_manager.h" #include "framework/common/debug/ge_log.h" #include "analyzer/analyzer.h" #include "graph/ge_context.h" #include "graph/utils/graph_utils.h" #include "graph/utils/node_utils.h" #include "init/gelib.h" namespace { const char *const kSchedulerUnits = "schedule_units"; const char *const kId = "id"; const char *const kName = "name"; const char *const kExAttrs = "ex_attrs"; const char *const kIndependent = "independent"; const char *const kSkipAssignStream = "skip_assign_stream"; const char *const kCalEngines = "cal_engines"; const char *const kAttch = "attach"; const char *const kVectorCore = "VectorCore"; const char *const kVectorEngine = "VectorEngine"; const char *const kAIcoreEngine = "AIcoreEngine"; const char *const kCustomOpFlag = "_custom_op_flag"; const char *const kHostCpuEngineName = "DNN_VM_HOST_CPU"; const char *const kHostCpuOpKernelLibName = "DNN_VM_HOST_CPU_OP_STORE"; } // namespace namespace ge { DNNEngineManager::DNNEngineManager() : init_flag_(false) {} DNNEngineManager::~DNNEngineManager() { engines_attrs_map_.clear(); schedulers_.clear(); } Status DNNEngineManager::Initialize(const std::map &options) { // Multiple initializations are not supported if (init_flag_) { GELOGW("DNNEngineManager has been initialized."); return SUCCESS; } // Load engine so std::string so_path = "plugin/nnengine/"; std::string path = PluginManager::GetPath(); path.append(so_path); std::string so_api_func = "GetDNNEngineObjs"; std::vector so_func{so_api_func}; Status status = plugin_mgr_.Load(path, so_func); if (status != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(status, "Load engine's so failed. LibPath is %s", path.c_str()); return status; } status = plugin_mgr_.InvokeAll &>(so_api_func, engines_map_); if (status != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(status, "Get DNNEngineObjs failed."); return status; } GELOGI("The number of DNNEngineObjs is %zu.", engines_map_.size()); // Engines initialize for (auto iter = engines_map_.begin(); iter != engines_map_.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->second == nullptr) { GELOGI("Engine: %s point to nullptr", (iter->first).c_str()); continue; } GELOGI("DNNEngine name: %s.", (iter->first).c_str()); status = iter->second->Initialize(options); if (status != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(status, "Engine: %s initialize failed.", (iter->first).c_str()); return status; } // Check engines' attribute DNNEngineAttribute attrs; iter->second->GetAttributes(attrs); if (attrs.runtime_type == RuntimeType::DEVICE) { if ((attrs.mem_type.size()) != 1 || (attrs.mem_type[0] != GE_ENGINE_ATTR_MEM_TYPE_HBM)) { GELOGE(GE_ENG_MEMTYPE_ERROR, "Engine: %s in aicore, but the memory type is not HBM", (iter->first).c_str()); return GE_ENG_MEMTYPE_ERROR; } } } status = ParserJsonFile(); if (status != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(status, "parse json file failed"); return status; } status = CheckJsonFile(); if (status != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(status, "check json file failed"); return status; } init_flag_ = true; return SUCCESS; } Status DNNEngineManager::Finalize() { // Finalize is not allowed, initialize first is necessary if (!init_flag_) { GELOGW("DNNEngineManager has been finalized."); return SUCCESS; } for (auto iter = engines_map_.begin(); iter != engines_map_.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->second != nullptr) { GELOGI("DNNEngine name: %s.", (iter->first).c_str()); Status status = iter->second->Finalize(); if (status != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(status, "Engine finalize failed."); return status; } } } init_flag_ = false; engines_map_.clear(); return SUCCESS; } std::shared_ptr DNNEngineManager::GetEngine(const std::string &name) const { auto iter = engines_map_.find(name); if (iter != engines_map_.end()) { return iter->second; } GELOGW("Failed to get engine object by engine name. %s.", name.c_str()); return nullptr; } bool DNNEngineManager::IsEngineRegistered(const std::string &name) { auto iter = engines_map_.find(name); if (iter != engines_map_.end()) { return true; } GELOGW("Engine: %s is not Registered", name.c_str()); return false; } void DNNEngineManager::InitPerformanceStaistic() { std::lock_guard lock(mutex_); checksupport_cost_.clear(); } const map &DNNEngineManager::GetCheckSupportCost() const { std::lock_guard lock(mutex_); return checksupport_cost_; } std::string DNNEngineManager::GetDNNEngineName(const ge::NodePtr &node_ptr) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex_); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(node_ptr == nullptr, GELOGE(GE_CLI_GE_NOT_INITIALIZED, "DNNEngineManager: node_ptr is nullptr"); return ""); auto op_desc = node_ptr->GetOpDesc(); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(op_desc == nullptr, GELOGE(GE_CLI_GE_NOT_INITIALIZED, "DNNEngineManager: op_desc is nullptr"); return ""); // Use the OpsKernelManager in GELib to get the opInfos for this opCode std::shared_ptr instance_ptr = ge::GELib::GetInstance(); if ((instance_ptr == nullptr) || (!instance_ptr->InitFlag())) { GELOGE(GE_CLI_GE_NOT_INITIALIZED, "GetDNNEngineName failed."); return ""; } OpsKernelManager &ops_kernel_manager = instance_ptr->OpsKernelManagerObj(); std::vector op_infos = ops_kernel_manager.GetOpsKernelInfo(op_desc->GetType()); if (op_infos.empty()) { GELOGI("DNNEngineManager: Can not get op info by op type %s", op_desc->GetType().c_str()); return ""; } GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(ge::GetContext().GetHostExecFlag(), return GetHostCpuEngineName(op_infos, op_desc)); std::string ge_core_type; Status ret = ge::GetContext().GetOption(ge::CORE_TYPE, ge_core_type); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(ret != SUCCESS, GELOGD("get the option CORE_TYPE fail, set it to default value VECTOR_ENGINE")); std::string exclude_core_Type = (ge_core_type == kVectorCore) ? kAIcoreEngine : kVectorEngine; GELOGD("engine type will exclude: %s", exclude_core_Type.c_str()); auto root_graph = ge::GraphUtils::FindRootGraph(node_ptr->GetOwnerComputeGraph()); std::map unsupported_reasons; for (const auto &it : op_infos) { if (it.engine == exclude_core_Type) { continue; } auto &kernel_map = ops_kernel_manager.GetAllOpsKernelInfoStores(); auto &kernel_name = it.opKernelLib; auto kernel_info_store = kernel_map.find(kernel_name); if (kernel_info_store != kernel_map.end()) { std::string unsupported_reason; // It will be replaced by engine' checksupport uint64_t start_time = GetCurrentTimestamp(); if (kernel_info_store->second->CheckSupported(op_desc, unsupported_reason)) { checksupport_cost_[kernel_name] += GetCurrentTimestamp() - start_time; op_desc->SetOpEngineName(it.engine); op_desc->SetOpKernelLibName(kernel_name); // set attrs for taking information when load txt to graph object (void) AttrUtils::SetStr(op_desc, ATTR_NAME_ENGINE_NAME_FOR_LX, it.engine); (void) AttrUtils::SetStr(op_desc, ATTR_NAME_KKERNEL_LIB_NAME_FOR_LX, kernel_name); GELOGD("DNNEngineManager:Set OpKernelLibName %s and engine name %s to op_desc %s", kernel_name.c_str(), it.engine.c_str(), op_desc->GetName().c_str()); return it.engine; } else { checksupport_cost_[kernel_name] += GetCurrentTimestamp() - start_time; bool is_custom_op = false; if ((ge::AttrUtils::GetBool(op_desc, kCustomOpFlag, is_custom_op)) && is_custom_op) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E13001", {"kernelname", "optype", "opname"}, {kernel_name, op_desc->GetType(), op_desc->GetName()}); GELOGE(FAILED, "The custom operator registered by the user does not support the logic function delivered by this " "network. Check support failed, kernel_name is %s, op type is %s, op name is %s", kernel_name.c_str(), op_desc->GetType().c_str(), op_desc->GetName().c_str()); std::string error_info = "The custom operator registered by the user does not support the logic function" "delivered by this network"; return ""; } unsupported_reasons.emplace(kernel_name, unsupported_reason); GELOGI("DNNEngineManager:Check support failed, kernel_name is %s, op type is %s, op name is %s", kernel_name.c_str(), op_desc->GetType().c_str(), op_desc->GetName().c_str()); if (!op_desc->HasAttr("_is_ge_op")) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("W11001", {"opname"}, {op_desc->GetName()}); } } } else { GELOGW( "DNNEngineManager:Can not find any supported ops kernel info store by kernel_name %s," "op type is %s, op name is %s", kernel_name.c_str(), op_desc->GetType().c_str(), op_desc->GetName().c_str()); } } // concat unsupported reasons analyzed data selection string reason; for (const auto &it : unsupported_reasons) { reason += it.first + ":" + it.second + ";"; ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage( "E13002", {"optype", "opskernel", "reason"}, {op_desc->GetType(), it.first, it.second}); GELOGE(GE_GRAPH_ASSIGN_ENGINE_FAILED, "GetDNNEngineName:Op type %s of ops kernel %s is unsupported, reason:%s", op_desc->GetType().c_str(), it.first.c_str(), it.second.c_str()); } analyzer::DataInfo analyze_info{root_graph->GetSessionID(), root_graph->GetGraphID(), analyzer::CHECKSUPPORT, node_ptr, reason}; // do not change original process (void)Analyzer::GetInstance()->DoAnalyze(analyze_info); ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage( "E13003", {"opname", "optype"}, {op_desc->GetName(), op_desc->GetType()}); GELOGE(GE_GRAPH_ASSIGN_ENGINE_FAILED, "Can't find any supported ops kernel and engine of %s, type is %s", op_desc->GetName().c_str(), op_desc->GetType().c_str()); return ""; } std::string DNNEngineManager::GetHostCpuEngineName(const std::vector &op_infos, const OpDescPtr &op_desc) const { for (const auto &it : op_infos) { if ((it.engine == kHostCpuEngineName) && (it.opKernelLib == kHostCpuOpKernelLibName)) { op_desc->SetOpEngineName(kHostCpuEngineName); op_desc->SetOpKernelLibName(kHostCpuOpKernelLibName); GELOGI("DNNEngineManager: Set OpKernelLibName %s and OpEngineName %s to %s", kHostCpuOpKernelLibName, kHostCpuEngineName, op_desc->GetName().c_str()); return kHostCpuEngineName; } } GELOGE(FAILED, "DNNEngineManager: HostCpuEngine not support [%s, %s].", op_desc->GetName().c_str(), op_desc->GetType().c_str()); return ""; } const std::map &DNNEngineManager::GetSchedulers() const { return schedulers_; } Status DNNEngineManager::ParserJsonFile() { GELOGI("Begin to parser json file"); std::string json_file_path = "plugin/nnengine/ge_config/engine_conf.json"; std::string path = PluginManager::GetPath(); path.append(json_file_path); nlohmann::json scheduler_json_file; Status status = ReadJsonFile(path, &scheduler_json_file); if (status != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Read scheduler json file failed and the file path is %s", path.c_str()); return FAILED; } if (scheduler_json_file.is_null()) { // when engine_conf.json is not exist, just return success GELOGW("Json file is null"); return SUCCESS; } try { nlohmann::json scheduler_utils_json = scheduler_json_file[kSchedulerUnits]; if (scheduler_utils_json.is_null()) { GELOGE(FAILED, "The message of scheduler units is not found"); return FAILED; } if (!scheduler_utils_json.is_array()) { GELOGE(FAILED, "The message of kSchedulerUnits is not array and the file path is %s", json_file_path.c_str()); return FAILED; } auto size = scheduler_json_file[kSchedulerUnits].size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { SchedulerConf scheduler_conf; std::map engine_conf_map; nlohmann::json engines_json_map = scheduler_utils_json[i][kCalEngines]; if (engines_json_map.is_null()) { GELOGE(FAILED, "The message of cal_engines is not found"); return FAILED; } std::string scheduler_id_temp = scheduler_utils_json[i][kId]; if (!scheduler_id_temp.empty()) { scheduler_conf.id = scheduler_id_temp; } else { GELOGE(FAILED, "Scheduler ID is null"); return FAILED; } status = ParserEngineMessage(engines_json_map, scheduler_id_temp, engine_conf_map); if (status != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Parser engines messages failed"); return FAILED; } scheduler_conf.name = scheduler_utils_json[i][kName]; scheduler_conf.ex_attrs = scheduler_utils_json[i][kExAttrs]; scheduler_conf.cal_engines = engine_conf_map; auto it = schedulers_.find(scheduler_id_temp); if (it != schedulers_.end()) { GELOGE(FAILED, "There are the same scheduler ts %s in the json file", scheduler_id_temp.c_str()); return FAILED; } schedulers_.emplace(scheduler_id_temp, scheduler_conf); } } catch (const nlohmann::detail::type_error &e) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Parser json file failed"); return FAILED; } GELOGI("Parser json file SUCCESS"); return SUCCESS; } Status DNNEngineManager::ParserEngineMessage(const json engines_json, const std::string &scheduler_mark, std::map &engines) { GELOGI("Begin to parser engine massage"); if (engines_json.is_null()) { GELOGE(FAILED, "The message of cal_engines is null"); return FAILED; } try { if (engines_json.is_array()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < engines_json.size(); i++) { nlohmann::json engines_elems = engines_json[i]; EngineConfPtr engine_conf_ptr = MakeShared(); if (engine_conf_ptr == nullptr) { return FAILED; } std::string engine_id = engines_elems[kId]; if (!engine_id.empty()) { engine_conf_ptr->id = engine_id; } else { GELOGE(FAILED, "engineID is null"); return FAILED; } if (engines_elems.find(kName) != engines_elems.end()) { engine_conf_ptr->name = engines_elems[kName]; } else { GELOGW("The engine %s name is null", engine_id.c_str()); } if (engines_elems.find(kIndependent) != engines_elems.end()) { engine_conf_ptr->independent = engines_elems[kIndependent]; } if (engines_elems.find(kAttch) != engines_elems.end()) { engine_conf_ptr->attach = engines_elems[kAttch]; } if (engines_elems.find(kSkipAssignStream) != engines_elems.end()) { engine_conf_ptr->skip_assign_stream = engines_elems[kSkipAssignStream]; } engine_conf_ptr->scheduler_id = scheduler_mark; auto it = engines.find(engine_id); if (it != engines.end()) { GELOGE(FAILED, "There are the same engine %s message in the json file", engine_id.c_str()); return FAILED; } engines.emplace(engine_id, engine_conf_ptr); } } else { GELOGE(FAILED, "The message of cal_engines is not array in the json file"); return FAILED; } } catch (const json::exception &e) { GELOGE(FAILED, "construct json content failed"); return FAILED; } GELOGI("Parser engine massage success"); return SUCCESS; } Status DNNEngineManager::ReadJsonFile(const std::string &file_path, JsonHandle handle) { GELOGD("Begin to read json file"); if (file_path.empty()) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Json path %s is not valid", file_path.c_str()); return FAILED; } nlohmann::json *json_file = reinterpret_cast(handle); if (json_file == nullptr) { GELOGE(FAILED, "JsonFile is nullptr"); return FAILED; } const char *file = file_path.data(); if ((mmAccess2(file, M_F_OK)) != EN_OK) { if (engines_map_.size() != 0) { GELOGE(FAILED, "The json file %s is not exist, %s", file_path.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return FAILED; } else { GELOGW("The json file %s is not needed.", file_path.c_str()); return SUCCESS; } } std::ifstream ifs(file_path); if (!ifs.is_open()) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Open json file %s failed", file_path.c_str()); return FAILED; } try { ifs >> *json_file; } catch (const json::exception &e) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Read json file failed"); ifs.close(); return FAILED; } ifs.close(); GELOGD("Read json file success"); return SUCCESS; } Status DNNEngineManager::CheckJsonFile() { GELOGD("Begin to check json file"); for (auto &it : engines_map_) { std::string engine_name = it.first; int count = 0; for (auto &iter : schedulers_) { auto engine_map = iter.second.cal_engines; auto iter_engine_name = engine_map.find(engine_name); if (iter_engine_name != engine_map.end()) { count++; } } if (count == 0) { GELOGE(FAILED, "The engine message %s is not found in the json file", engine_name.c_str()); return FAILED; } if (count > 1) { GELOGE(FAILED, "The same engine message %s is existed in the json file", engine_name.c_str()); return FAILED; } } GELOGD("Check json file success"); return SUCCESS; } } // namespace ge