/** * Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "single_op_parser.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "framework/common/debug/ge_log.h" #include "common/util/error_manager/error_manager.h" #include "common/ge_inner_error_codes.h" #include "framework/common/util.h" #include "graph/utils/tensor_utils.h" #include "graph/utils/type_utils.h" #include "graph/utils/op_desc_utils.h" #include "graph/operator_factory_impl.h" using Json = nlohmann::json; using std::string; using std::vector; using std::map; namespace ge { namespace { constexpr char const *kKeyOp = "op"; constexpr char const *kKeyInputDesc = "input_desc"; constexpr char const *kKeyOutputDesc = "output_desc"; constexpr char const *kKeyAttr = "attr"; constexpr char const *kKeyName = "name"; constexpr char const *kKeyType = "type"; constexpr char const *kKeyShape = "shape"; constexpr char const *kKeyOriginShape = "origin_shape"; constexpr char const *kKeyShapeRange = "shape_range"; constexpr char const *kKeyValue = "value"; constexpr char const *kKeyFormat = "format"; constexpr char const *kKeyOriginFormat = "origin_format"; constexpr char const *kFileSuffix = ".om"; constexpr char const *kKeyDynamicInput = "dynamic_input"; constexpr char const *kKeyDynamicOutput = "dynamic_output"; constexpr int kDumpJsonIndent = 2; constexpr int kShapeRangePairSize = 2; constexpr int kShapeRangeLow = 0; constexpr int kShapeRangeHigh = 1; constexpr int kMaxFileNameLen = 128; map kAttrTypeDict = { {"bool", GeAttrValue::VT_BOOL}, {"int", GeAttrValue::VT_INT}, {"float", GeAttrValue::VT_FLOAT}, {"string", GeAttrValue::VT_STRING}, {"list_bool", GeAttrValue::VT_LIST_BOOL}, {"list_int", GeAttrValue::VT_LIST_INT}, {"list_float", GeAttrValue::VT_LIST_FLOAT}, {"list_string", GeAttrValue::VT_LIST_STRING}, {"list_list_int", GeAttrValue::VT_LIST_LIST_INT}, {"data_type", GeAttrValue::VT_DATA_TYPE}, }; map kDataTypeDict = { {"bool", DT_BOOL}, {"int8", DT_INT8}, {"uint8", DT_UINT8}, {"int16", DT_INT16}, {"uint16", DT_UINT16}, {"int32", DT_INT32}, {"uint32", DT_UINT32}, {"int64", DT_INT64}, {"uint64", DT_UINT64}, {"float16", DT_FLOAT16}, {"half", DT_FLOAT16}, {"fp16", DT_FLOAT16}, {"float", DT_FLOAT}, {"float32", DT_FLOAT}, {"double", DT_DOUBLE}, }; map kFormatDict = { {"nchw", FORMAT_NCHW}, {"nhwc", FORMAT_NHWC}, {"nd", FORMAT_ND}, {"nc1hwc0", FORMAT_NC1HWC0}, {"fractal_z", FORMAT_FRACTAL_Z}, {"nc1c0hwpad", FORMAT_NC1C0HWPAD}, {"nhwc1c0", FORMAT_NHWC1C0}, {"fsr_nchw", FORMAT_FSR_NCHW}, {"fractal_deconv", FORMAT_FRACTAL_DECONV}, {"c1hwnc0", FORMAT_C1HWNC0}, {"fractal_deconv_transpose", FORMAT_FRACTAL_DECONV_TRANSPOSE}, {"fractal_deconv_sp_stride_trans", FORMAT_FRACTAL_DECONV_SP_STRIDE_TRANS}, {"nc1hwc0_c04", FORMAT_NC1HWC0_C04}, {"fractal_z_c04", FORMAT_FRACTAL_Z_C04}, {"chwn", FORMAT_CHWN}, {"deconv_sp_stride8_trans", FORMAT_FRACTAL_DECONV_SP_STRIDE8_TRANS}, {"nc1khkwhwc0", FORMAT_NC1KHKWHWC0}, {"bn_weight", FORMAT_BN_WEIGHT}, {"filter_hwck", FORMAT_FILTER_HWCK}, {"hwcn", FORMAT_HWCN}, {"lookup_lookups", FORMAT_HASHTABLE_LOOKUP_LOOKUPS}, {"lookup_keys", FORMAT_HASHTABLE_LOOKUP_KEYS}, {"lookup_value", FORMAT_HASHTABLE_LOOKUP_VALUE}, {"lookup_output", FORMAT_HASHTABLE_LOOKUP_OUTPUT}, {"lookup_hits", FORMAT_HASHTABLE_LOOKUP_HITS}, {"md", FORMAT_MD}, {"c1hwncoc0", FORMAT_C1HWNCoC0}, {"fractal_nz", FORMAT_FRACTAL_NZ}, {"ndhwc", FORMAT_NDHWC}, {"ncdhw", FORMAT_NCDHW}, {"dhwcn", FORMAT_DHWCN}, {"dhwnc", FORMAT_DHWNC}, {"ndc1hwc0", FORMAT_NDC1HWC0}, {"fractal_z_3d", FORMAT_FRACTAL_Z_3D}, {"fractal_z_3d_transpose", FORMAT_FRACTAL_Z_3D_TRANSPOSE}, {"cn", FORMAT_CN}, {"nc", FORMAT_NC}, {"fractal_zn_lstm", FORMAT_FRACTAL_ZN_LSTM}, {"fractal_z_g", FORMAT_FRACTAL_Z_G} }; std::string GenerateFileName(const SingleOpDesc &single_op_desc, int index) { std::stringstream file_name_ss; file_name_ss << index; file_name_ss << "_" << single_op_desc.op; for (auto &desc : single_op_desc.input_desc) { file_name_ss << "_" << desc.type << "_" << desc.format; for (auto dim : desc.dims) { file_name_ss << "_" << dim; } } for (auto &desc : single_op_desc.output_desc) { file_name_ss << "_" << desc.type << "_" << desc.format; for (auto dim : desc.dims) { file_name_ss << "_" << dim; } } std::string file_name = file_name_ss.str(); if (file_name.length() > kMaxFileNameLen) { GELOGI("Trim file name for it is too long, origin file name = %s", file_name.c_str()); file_name = file_name.substr(0, kMaxFileNameLen); } file_name += kFileSuffix; return file_name; } } // namespace template void SetAttrValue(const Json &j, SingleOpAttr &attr) { attr.value.SetValue(j.at(kKeyValue).get()); } template T GetValue(const map &dict, string &key, T default_val) { transform(key.begin(), key.end(), key.begin(), ::tolower); auto it = dict.find(key); if (it == dict.end()) { return default_val; } return it->second; } void from_json(const Json &j, SingleOpTensorDesc &desc) { bool is_tensor_valid = true; desc.dims = j.at(kKeyShape).get>(); auto it = j.find(kKeyShapeRange); if (it != j.end()) { desc.dim_ranges = j.at(kKeyShapeRange).get>>(); } it = j.find(kKeyOriginShape); if (it != j.end()) { desc.ori_dims = j.at(kKeyOriginShape).get>(); } string format_str = j.at(kKeyFormat).get(); string type_str = j.at(kKeyType).get(); desc.format = GetValue(kFormatDict, format_str, FORMAT_RESERVED); desc.type = GetValue(kDataTypeDict, type_str, DT_UNDEFINED); is_tensor_valid = is_tensor_valid && ge::TypeUtils::IsFormatValid(format_str); is_tensor_valid = is_tensor_valid && ge::TypeUtils::IsDataTypeValid(type_str); it = j.find(kKeyOriginFormat); if (it != j.end()) { string origin_format_str = j.at(kKeyOriginFormat).get(); is_tensor_valid = is_tensor_valid && ge::TypeUtils::IsFormatValid(origin_format_str); desc.ori_format = GetValue(kFormatDict, origin_format_str, FORMAT_RESERVED); } auto tensor_name = j.find(kKeyName); if (tensor_name != j.end()) { desc.name = tensor_name->get(); } auto dynamic_input_name = j.find(kKeyDynamicInput); if (dynamic_input_name != j.end()) { desc.dynamic_input_name = dynamic_input_name->get(); } if (!is_tensor_valid) { desc.SetValidFlag(is_tensor_valid); } } void from_json(const Json &j, SingleOpAttr &attr) { attr.name = j.at(kKeyName).get(); attr.type = j.at(kKeyType).get(); auto it = kAttrTypeDict.find(attr.type); if (it == kAttrTypeDict.end()) { GELOGE(UNSUPPORTED, "[Find][JsonAttr] name=%s, type=%s failed for Unsupported type.", attr.name.c_str(), attr.type.c_str()); REPORT_INNER_ERROR("E19999", "Find jsonattr name=%s, type=%s failed for Unsupported type.", attr.name.c_str(), attr.type.c_str()); return; } switch (it->second) { case GeAttrValue::VT_BOOL: SetAttrValue(j, attr); break; case GeAttrValue::VT_INT: SetAttrValue(j, attr); break; case GeAttrValue::VT_FLOAT: SetAttrValue(j, attr); break; case GeAttrValue::VT_STRING: SetAttrValue(j, attr); break; case GeAttrValue::VT_LIST_BOOL: SetAttrValue>(j, attr); break; case GeAttrValue::VT_LIST_INT: SetAttrValue>(j, attr); break; case GeAttrValue::VT_LIST_FLOAT: SetAttrValue>(j, attr); break; case GeAttrValue::VT_LIST_STRING: SetAttrValue>(j, attr); break; case GeAttrValue::VT_LIST_LIST_INT: SetAttrValue>>(j, attr); break; case GeAttrValue::VT_DATA_TYPE: SetAttrValue(j, attr); break; default: GELOGE(UNSUPPORTED, "[Find][JsonAttr] name=%s, type=%s failed for Unsupported type.", attr.name.c_str(), attr.type.c_str()); REPORT_INNER_ERROR("E19999", "Find jsonattr name=%s, type=%s failed for Unsupported type.", attr.name.c_str(), attr.type.c_str()); break; } } void from_json(const Json &j, SingleOpDesc &desc) { desc.op = j.at(kKeyOp).get(); auto input_desc = j.find(kKeyInputDesc); if (input_desc != j.end()) { desc.input_desc = input_desc->get>(); } auto output_desc = j.find(kKeyOutputDesc); if (output_desc != j.end()) { desc.output_desc = output_desc->get>(); } auto attr_field = j.find(kKeyAttr); if (attr_field != j.end()) { desc.attrs = attr_field->get>(); } } Status SingleOpParser::ReadJsonFile(const std::string &file, Json &json_obj) { std::string real_path = RealPath(file.c_str()); if (real_path.empty()) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10023", {"value"}, {file}); GELOGE(FAILED, "[Read][JsonFile]Input parameter[--singleop]'s value[%s] is not a valid path.", file.c_str()); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } std::ifstream ifs(real_path); if (!ifs.is_open()) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10024", {"value"}, {file}); GELOGE(FAILED, "[Open][JsonFile] failed for file[%s] provided in input parameter[--singleop].", file.c_str()); return FAILED; } try { ifs >> json_obj; } catch (const std::exception &e) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10025", {"realpath", "errmsg"}, {real_path, e.what()}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "[Parse][JsonFile] fail for file[%s] provided in input parameter[--singleop], exception = %s.", real_path.c_str(), e.what()); return PARAM_INVALID; } ifs.close(); return SUCCESS; } bool SingleOpParser::Validate(const SingleOpDesc &op_desc) { if (op_desc.op.empty()) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10026"); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "[Check][Param] fail for name of input SingleOpDesc is empty."); return false; } int index = 0; for (auto &tensor_desc : op_desc.input_desc) { if (!tensor_desc.GetValidFlag()) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10027", {"input", "type", "index"}, {"intput", "datatype or format", std::to_string(index)}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "[Check][Param] fail for Input's dataType or format is invalid when the index is %d", index); return false; } if ((tensor_desc.type == DT_UNDEFINED && tensor_desc.format != FORMAT_RESERVED) || (tensor_desc.type != DT_UNDEFINED && tensor_desc.format == FORMAT_RESERVED)){ ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10027", {"input", "type", "index"}, {"intput", "datatype or format", std::to_string(index)}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "[Check][Param]Input's dataType or format is invalid when the index is %d", index); return false; } ++index; } index = 0; for (auto &tensor_desc : op_desc.output_desc) { if (!tensor_desc.GetValidFlag()) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10027", {"input", "type", "index"}, {"output", "datatype", std::to_string(index)}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "[Check][Param]fail for Output's dataType is invalid when the index is %d", index); return false; } if (tensor_desc.type == DT_UNDEFINED) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10027", {"input", "type", "index"}, {"output", "datatype", std::to_string(index)}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "[Check][Param]Output's dataType is invalid when the index is %d", index); return false; } if (tensor_desc.format == FORMAT_RESERVED) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10027", {"input", "type", "index"}, {"output", "format", std::to_string(index)}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "[Check][Param]Output's format is invalid when the index is %d", index); return false; } ++index; } for (auto &attr : op_desc.attrs) { if (attr.name.empty()) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10029"); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "[Parse][Attr]attr name is empty"); return false; } if (attr.value.IsEmpty()) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10030", {"attrname"}, {attr.name}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "[Parse][Attr] fail for vale of attr name:\"%s\" is empty. ", attr.name.c_str()); return false; } } return true; } std::unique_ptr SingleOpParser::CreateOpDesc(const string &op_type) { return std::unique_ptr(new(std::nothrow) OpDesc(op_type, op_type)); } Status SingleOpParser::UpdateDynamicTensorName(std::vector &desc) { std::map dynamic_name_map; for (auto &tensor : desc) { if (tensor.dynamic_input_name.empty()) { continue; } if (dynamic_name_map.find(tensor.dynamic_input_name) == dynamic_name_map.end()) { dynamic_name_map[tensor.dynamic_input_name] = 0; } else { dynamic_name_map[tensor.dynamic_input_name]++; } tensor.name = tensor.dynamic_input_name + std::to_string(dynamic_name_map[tensor.dynamic_input_name]); } GELOGD("Update dynamic tensor name success!"); return SUCCESS; } Status SingleOpParser::ConvertToBuildParam(int index, const SingleOpDesc &single_op_desc, SingleOpBuildParam &build_param) { auto op_desc = CreateOpDesc(single_op_desc.op); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(op_desc); for (auto &desc : single_op_desc.input_desc) { GeTensorDesc ge_tensor_desc(GeShape(desc.dims), desc.format, desc.type); auto ori_format_to_set = desc.ori_format != FORMAT_RESERVED ? desc.ori_format : desc.format; auto ori_dims = !desc.ori_dims.empty() ? desc.ori_dims : desc.dims; ge_tensor_desc.SetOriginFormat(ori_format_to_set); ge_tensor_desc.SetOriginShape(GeShape(ori_dims)); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET_NOLOG(SetShapeRange(op_desc->GetName(), desc, ge_tensor_desc)); TensorUtils::SetRealDimCnt(ge_tensor_desc, ori_dims.size()); TensorUtils::SetInputTensor(ge_tensor_desc, true); TensorUtils::SetOutputTensor(ge_tensor_desc, false); if (desc.name.empty()) { op_desc->AddInputDesc(ge_tensor_desc); } else { op_desc->AddInputDesc(desc.name, ge_tensor_desc); } build_param.inputs.emplace_back(ge_tensor_desc); } for (auto &desc : single_op_desc.output_desc) { GeTensorDesc ge_tensor_desc(GeShape(desc.dims), desc.format, desc.type); auto ori_format_to_set = desc.ori_format != FORMAT_RESERVED ? desc.ori_format : desc.format; auto ori_dims = !desc.ori_dims.empty() ? desc.ori_dims : desc.dims; ge_tensor_desc.SetOriginFormat(ori_format_to_set); ge_tensor_desc.SetOriginShape(GeShape(ori_dims)); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET_NOLOG(SetShapeRange(op_desc->GetName(), desc, ge_tensor_desc)); TensorUtils::SetRealDimCnt(ge_tensor_desc, ori_dims.size()); TensorUtils::SetInputTensor(ge_tensor_desc, false); TensorUtils::SetOutputTensor(ge_tensor_desc, true); if (desc.name.empty()) { op_desc->AddOutputDesc(ge_tensor_desc); } else { op_desc->AddOutputDesc(desc.name, ge_tensor_desc); } build_param.outputs.emplace_back(ge_tensor_desc); } for (const auto &attr : single_op_desc.attrs) { op_desc->SetAttr(attr.name, attr.value); } if (VerifyOpInputOutputSizeByIr(*op_desc) != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "[Verify][OpInputOutputSize] fail for input op [%s] invalid.", op_desc->GetType().c_str()); return PARAM_INVALID; } build_param.file_name = GenerateFileName(single_op_desc, index); build_param.op_desc.reset(op_desc.release()); return SUCCESS; } Status SingleOpParser::VerifyOpInputOutputSizeByIr(const OpDesc ¤t_op_desc) { ge::Operator operator_ir = ge::OperatorFactory::CreateOperator("tmp_operator", current_op_desc.GetType()); if (!operator_ir.IsEmpty()) { auto opdesc_ir = ge::OpDescUtils::GetOpDescFromOperator(operator_ir); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(opdesc_ir); size_t current_opdesc_inputs_num = current_op_desc.GetInputsSize(); size_t ir_opdesc_inputs_num = opdesc_ir->GetInputsSize(); if (current_opdesc_inputs_num < ir_opdesc_inputs_num) { string reason = "is smaller than the ir needed input size " + std::to_string(ir_opdesc_inputs_num); ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E19014", {"opname", "value", "reason"}, {current_op_desc.GetName(), "input size " + std::to_string(current_opdesc_inputs_num), reason}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "[Verify][OpInputOutputSize]This op:%s input size %zu is smaller than the ir needed input size %zu", current_op_desc.GetName().c_str(), current_opdesc_inputs_num, ir_opdesc_inputs_num); return PARAM_INVALID; } size_t current_opdesc_outputs_num = current_op_desc.GetOutputsSize(); size_t ir_opdesc_outputs_num = opdesc_ir->GetOutputsSize(); if (current_opdesc_outputs_num < ir_opdesc_outputs_num) { string reason = "is smaller than the ir needed output size " + std::to_string(ir_opdesc_outputs_num); ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E19014", {"opname", "value", "reason"}, {current_op_desc.GetName(), "output size " + std::to_string(current_opdesc_outputs_num), reason}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "[Verify][OpInputOutputSize]This op:%s output size %zu is smaller than the ir needed output size %zu", current_op_desc.GetName().c_str(), current_opdesc_outputs_num, ir_opdesc_outputs_num); return PARAM_INVALID; } } return SUCCESS; } Status SingleOpParser::SetShapeRange(const std::string &op_name, const SingleOpTensorDesc &tensor_desc, GeTensorDesc &ge_tensor_desc) { auto num_shape_ranges = tensor_desc.dim_ranges.size(); GELOGD("Number of shape ranges = %zu", num_shape_ranges); auto it = std::find(tensor_desc.dims.begin(), tensor_desc.dims.end(), ge::UNKNOWN_DIM_NUM); if (it != tensor_desc.dims.end()) { if (tensor_desc.dims != ge::UNKNOWN_RANK) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E19014", {"opname", "value", "reason"}, {op_name, "shape", "has unknown rank but dim size is not one"}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "[Set][ShapeRange]Invalid tensor shape:%s.", ge_tensor_desc.MutableShape().ToString().c_str()); return PARAM_INVALID; } if (!tensor_desc.dim_ranges.empty()) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E19014", {"opname", "value", "reason"}, {op_name, "shape range", "is not needed while the rank the shape is unknown"}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "[Set][ShapeRange]Shape range is not needed while the rank the shape is unknown."); return PARAM_INVALID; } GELOGD("Shape is unknown rank, do not set shape range"); return SUCCESS; } std::vector> shape_range; size_t range_index = 0; for (auto dim : tensor_desc.dims) { if (dim >= 0) { shape_range.emplace_back(dim, dim); GELOGD("Adding shape range: [%ld, %ld]", dim, dim); } else { GELOGD("To get shape range by index = %zu", range_index); if (range_index >= num_shape_ranges) { string reason = "is smaller than the unknown dim size " + std::to_string(++range_index); ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E19014", {"opname", "value", "reason"}, {op_name, "shape range size " + std::to_string(num_shape_ranges), reason}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "[Set][ShapeRange]The number of shape_range mismatches that of unknown dims."); return PARAM_INVALID; } auto &range = tensor_desc.dim_ranges[range_index]; if (range.size() != kShapeRangePairSize) { string reason = "has " + std::to_string(range.size()) + " item(s)"; ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E19014", {"opname", "value", "reason"}, {op_name, "shape range " + std::to_string(range_index), reason}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "[Set][ShapeRange]Invalid shape range entry. index = %zu, size = %zu", range_index, range.size()); return PARAM_INVALID; } shape_range.emplace_back(range[kShapeRangeLow], range[kShapeRangeHigh]); GELOGD("Adding shape range: [%ld, %ld]", range[kShapeRangeLow], range[kShapeRangeHigh]); ++range_index; } } if (num_shape_ranges != range_index) { string reason = "is greater than the unknown dim size " + std::to_string(range_index); ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E19014", {"opname", "value", "reason"}, {op_name, "shape range size " + std::to_string(num_shape_ranges), reason}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "[Set][ShapeRange]The number of shape_range(%zu) mismatches that of unknown dims(%zu).", num_shape_ranges, range_index); return PARAM_INVALID; } if (range_index > 0) { ge_tensor_desc.SetShapeRange(shape_range); } return SUCCESS; } Status SingleOpParser::ParseSingleOpList(const std::string &file, std::vector &op_list) { int index = 0; try { Json single_op_list_json; auto ret = ReadJsonFile(file, single_op_list_json); if (ret != SUCCESS) { return ret; } for (const Json &single_op_json : single_op_list_json) { SingleOpDesc single_op_desc; GELOGI("Parsing op[%d], jsonStr = %s", index, single_op_json.dump(kDumpJsonIndent).c_str()); single_op_desc = single_op_json; if (UpdateDynamicTensorName(single_op_desc.input_desc) != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(FAILED, "[Update][DynamicTensorName] failed for invalid input param!"); REPORT_CALL_ERROR("E19999", "UpdateDynamicTensorName failed for invalid input param."); return FAILED; } if (!Validate(single_op_desc)) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "[Check][OpDesc]Validate the index[%d] of op failed when read json file[%s].", index, file.c_str()); return PARAM_INVALID; } SingleOpBuildParam param; ret = ConvertToBuildParam(index, single_op_desc, param); if (ret != SUCCESS) { return ret; } op_list.emplace_back(param); GELOGI("Parse the index[%d] of op success", index); index += 1; } } catch (const nlohmann::json::exception &e) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().ATCReportErrMessage("E10032", {"index", "jsonfile", "exception"}, {std::to_string(index), file, e.what()}); GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "[Parse][OpList] the index:%d of op failed when read json file:%s, exception:%s", index, file.c_str(), e.what()); return PARAM_INVALID; } return SUCCESS; } } // namespace ge