/** * Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "host_kernels/dynamic_stitch_kernel.h" #include #include #include "common/fp16_t.h" #include "common/ge_inner_error_codes.h" #include "common/math/math_util.h" #include "common/op/ge_op_utils.h" #include "common/types.h" #include "framework/common/debug/ge_log.h" #include "graph/utils/type_utils.h" #include "inc/kernel_factory.h" namespace ge { namespace { const int kDoubleAttrN = 2; const int kFirstOutputDescIdx = 0; const int kMergedShapeSecondDim = 1; const size_t kNullTensorDimNum = 1; const int64_t kNullTensorDimValue = 0; const std::set kSupportedTypeSet = {DT_INT8, DT_UINT8, DT_INT16, DT_UINT16, DT_INT32, DT_INT64, DT_BOOL, DT_FLOAT16, DT_FLOAT, DT_DOUBLE}; } // namespace Status DynamicStitchKernel::Compute(const OpDescPtr op_desc_ptr, const vector &input, vector &v_output) { GELOGD("DynamicStitch Kernel in."); Status validate_ret = ValidateParams(op_desc_ptr, input); if (validate_ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGW("Dynamic stitch kernel params validate failed."); return NOT_CHANGED; } // OutputDesc size is not null, validated before GeTensorPtr output_ptr = MakeShared(op_desc_ptr->GetOutputDesc(kFirstOutputDescIdx)); if (output_ptr == nullptr) { GELOGW("Fail to malloc output."); return NOT_CHANGED; } Status ret = GenData(input, output_ptr); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGW("Dynamic stitch folding failed."); return NOT_CHANGED; } v_output.push_back(output_ptr); GELOGD("Dynamic stitch end."); return SUCCESS; } Status DynamicStitchKernel::ValidateParams(const OpDescPtr &op_desc_ptr, const std::vector &input) { if (op_desc_ptr == nullptr) { GELOGW("Input op_desc is nullptr."); return PARAM_INVALID; } if (op_desc_ptr->GetOutputsSize() == 0) { GELOGW("Current output_desc is empty."); return PARAM_INVALID; } // validate input // input[0]~input[N-1] is indices, input[N]~input[2N-1] is data if (input.empty()) { GELOGI("Input is empty. Ignore dynamic stitch kernel."); return NOT_CHANGED; } for (const auto &in : input) { if (in == nullptr) { GELOGW("input is nullptr."); return PARAM_INVALID; } } // validate attrs if (!(AttrUtils::GetInt(op_desc_ptr, ATTR_NAME_N, n_))) { GELOGW("Attr %s is not exist.", ATTR_NAME_N.c_str()); return NOT_CHANGED; } // validate attr N and input.size if ((kDoubleAttrN * n_) > static_cast(input.size())) { GELOGW("Input size %zu is not not match with attr %d. Ignore dynamic stitch kernel.", input.size(), n_); return NOT_CHANGED; } // validate supported datatype DataType data_type = input[n_]->GetTensorDesc().GetDataType(); if (kSupportedTypeSet.find(data_type) == kSupportedTypeSet.end()) { GELOGW("Input data_type %s is not supported. Please check IR definition. Ignore dynamic stitch kernel.", TypeUtils::DataTypeToSerialString(data_type).c_str()); return NOT_CHANGED; } return SUCCESS; } void DynamicStitchKernel::ComputeMergedShape(const vector &input, GeShape &merged_shape) { // Safety note: index [1~2*n_] for input is valid, and all input is not null, validated in ValidateParams // merged.shape = [max(indices)] + step // 1. Compute merged first dim, which is the max index. int32_t merged_first_dim = 0; int64_t indices_shape_size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n_; i++) { // shape is [] means scalar indices_shape_size = input[i]->GetTensorDesc().GetShape().GetDims().empty() ? 1 : input[i]->GetTensorDesc().GetShape().GetShapeSize(); const int32_t *input_indices = reinterpret_cast(input[i]->GetData().data()); for (int64_t j = 0; j < indices_shape_size; j++) { merged_first_dim = std::max(merged_first_dim, input_indices[j]); } } // 2. Compute step, which is follow : step = data[t].shape - indices[t].shape size_t indices_dim_num = input[0]->GetTensorDesc().GetShape().GetDimNum(); GeShape data_shape = input[n_]->GetTensorDesc().GetShape(); int64_t step = (data_shape.GetDimNum() == indices_dim_num) ? 0 : data_shape.GetDim(indices_dim_num); vector merged_dim_vec = {merged_first_dim + 1}; if (step > 0) { merged_dim_vec.emplace_back(step); GELOGD("merged_shape is [ %d, %ld].", merged_first_dim, step); } merged_shape = GeShape(merged_dim_vec); GELOGD("merged_shape is [ %d ].", merged_first_dim); } Status DynamicStitchKernel::GenData(const vector &input, GeTensorPtr &output_ptr) { // Safety note: index [1~2*n_] for input is valid, and all input is not null, validated in ValidateParams GeShape merged_shape; ComputeMergedShape(input, merged_shape); auto data_type = input[n_]->GetTensorDesc().GetDataType(); // 1.calc output data size auto output_size = merged_shape.GetShapeSize(); int64_t data_size = GetSizeByDataType(data_type); auto step = merged_shape.GetDim(kMergedShapeSecondDim); if (!CheckInt64MulOverflow(output_size, data_size) || !CheckInt64MulOverflow(step, data_size)) { GELOGW("Check int64 mul overflow failed. Output_size is %ld, data_size is %ld, step is %ld.", output_size, data_size, step); return NOT_CHANGED; } auto allowance = output_size * data_size; auto data_unit = step > 0 ? step * data_size : data_size; // 2.allocate memery for output std::unique_ptr buf(new (std::nothrow) uint8_t[allowance]); if (buf == nullptr) { GELOGW("new buffer failed"); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } // 3.copy data from input_data along with the sequence of input_indices Status stitch_ret = StitchDataFollowIndices(data_unit, input, allowance, buf); if (stitch_ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGW("Stitch data follow index failed."); return NOT_CHANGED; } output_ptr->MutableTensorDesc().SetDataType(data_type); output_ptr->MutableTensorDesc().SetShape(merged_shape); Status ret = output_ptr->SetData(buf.get(), allowance); if (ret != GRAPH_SUCCESS) { GELOGW("set data failed"); return NOT_CHANGED; } return SUCCESS; } Status DynamicStitchKernel::StitchDataFollowIndices(int64_t data_unit, const vector &input, int64_t allowance, std::unique_ptr &buf) { // Safety note: index [1~2*n_] for input is valid, and all input is not null, validated in ValidateParams int64_t dst_offset = 0; int64_t src_offset = 0; std::set indices_set; for (int i = 0; i < n_; i++) { GeShape indices_shape = input[i]->GetTensorDesc().GetShape(); size_t indices_dim_num = indices_shape.GetDimNum(); // skip null indices tensor if (indices_dim_num == kNullTensorDimNum && indices_shape.GetDim(0) == kNullTensorDimValue) { GELOGD("Input indices[%d] has null tensor, skip it.", i); continue; } auto indices_shape_size = indices_shape.GetShapeSize(); // to normalize logic, assume scalar as vector with shape of [1]. indices_shape_size = (indices_shape_size == 0) ? 1 : indices_shape_size; // all index for input is less than size of input const int32_t *input_indices = reinterpret_cast(input[i]->GetData().data()); const uint8_t *input_data = input[i + n_]->GetData().data(); for (int64_t j = 0; j < indices_shape_size; j++) { // if index repeated, need new data replace old data , so give more allowance if (indices_set.find(input_indices[j]) != indices_set.end()) { if (ge::CheckInt64AddOverflow(input_indices[j], data_unit) != SUCCESS) { GELOGW("Check int64 mul overflow failed. Indices is %d, data_unit is %ld.", input_indices[j], data_unit); return NOT_CHANGED; } allowance += data_unit; } indices_set.insert(input_indices[j]); if (!CheckInt64MulOverflow(input_indices[j], data_unit)) { GELOGW("Check int64 mul overflow failed. Indices is %d, data_unit is %ld.", input_indices[j], data_unit); return NOT_CHANGED; } dst_offset = input_indices[j] * data_unit; src_offset = j * data_unit; auto protected_size = allowance < static_cast(SECUREC_MEM_MAX_LEN) ? allowance : static_cast(SECUREC_MEM_MAX_LEN); auto ret = memcpy_s(buf.get() + dst_offset, protected_size, input_data + src_offset, data_unit); if (ret != EOK) { GELOGW("Memory copy failed."); return NOT_CHANGED; } allowance -= data_unit; } } return SUCCESS; } REGISTER_KERNEL(DYNAMICSTITCH, DynamicStitchKernel); } // namespace ge