/** * Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "task_context.h" #include "framework/common/ge_inner_error_codes.h" #include "framework/common/debug/log.h" #include "graph/utils/tensor_utils.h" #include "graph/debug/ge_attr_define.h" #include "hybrid/executor/hybrid_execution_context.h" #include "hybrid/executor/subgraph_executor.h" namespace ge { namespace hybrid { TaskContext::TaskContext(GraphExecutionContext *execution_context, const NodeItem *node_item, SubgraphContext *subgraph_context) : node_item_(node_item), execution_context_(execution_context), subgraph_context_(subgraph_context) { } TaskContext::~TaskContext() { GELOGD("[%s] TaskContext destroyed.", node_item_->NodeName().c_str()); for (auto ws_addr : workspaces_) { execution_context_->allocator->Deallocate(ws_addr); } // release output for (int i = 0; i < NumOutputs(); ++i) { auto output_tensor = MutableOutput(i); if (output_tensor != nullptr) { output_tensor->Destroy(); } } } std::unique_ptr TaskContext::Create(const NodeItem &node_item, GraphExecutionContext *execution_context, SubgraphContext *subgraph_context) { GELOGI("[%s] To create task context, input start = %d, num_inputs = %d, output start = %d, num_outputs = %d.", node_item.NodeName().c_str(), node_item.input_start, node_item.num_inputs, node_item.output_start, node_item.num_outputs); if (node_item.input_start < 0 || node_item.output_start < 0) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "NodeItem not property initialized. input_start = %d, output_start = %d", node_item.input_start, node_item.output_start); return nullptr; } auto task_context = std::unique_ptr( new(std::nothrow)TaskContext(execution_context, &node_item, subgraph_context)); if (task_context == nullptr) { GELOGE(MEMALLOC_FAILED, "[%s] Failed to create instance of TaskContext.", node_item.NodeName().c_str()); return nullptr; } task_context->node_item_ = &node_item; task_context->inputs_start_ = subgraph_context->all_inputs_.data() + node_item.input_start; task_context->outputs_start_ = subgraph_context->all_outputs_.data() + node_item.output_start; task_context->iteration_ = execution_context->iteration; return task_context; } int TaskContext::NumInputs() const { return node_item_->num_inputs; } int TaskContext::NumOutputs() const { return node_item_->num_outputs; } TensorValue *TaskContext::MutableInput(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= node_item_->num_inputs) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Index out of range. index = %d, num_inputs = %d", index, node_item_->num_inputs); return nullptr; } return inputs_start_ + index; } const TensorValue *TaskContext::GetOutput(int index) const { if (index < 0 || index >= node_item_->num_outputs) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Index out of range. index = %d, num_outputs = %d", index, node_item_->num_outputs); return nullptr; } return outputs_start_ + index; } TensorValue *TaskContext::MutableOutput(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= node_item_->num_outputs) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Index out of range. index = %d, num_outputs = %d", index, node_item_->num_outputs); return nullptr; } return outputs_start_ + index; } std::size_t TaskContext::NumWorkspaces() const { return workspaces_.size(); } void *TaskContext::MutableWorkspace(int index) { if (index < 0 || static_cast(index) >= workspaces_.size()) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Index out of range. index = %d, num_workspaces = %d", index, node_item_->num_outputs); return nullptr; } return workspaces_[index]; } const TensorValue *TaskContext::GetInput(int index) const { if (index < 0 || index >= node_item_->num_inputs) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Index out of range. index = %d, num_inputs = %d", index, node_item_->num_inputs); return nullptr; } return inputs_start_ + index; } Status TaskContext::AllocateWorkspaces() { auto workspace_sizes = node_item_->node->GetOpDesc()->GetWorkspaceBytes(); for (auto size : workspace_sizes) { void *workspace = execution_context_->allocator->Allocate(size); if (workspace == nullptr) { GELOGE(MEMALLOC_FAILED, "Failed to allocate workspace of size: %ld", size); return MEMALLOC_FAILED; } workspaces_.emplace_back(workspace); } return SUCCESS; } Status TaskContext::RegisterCallback(const std::function &callback_fun) const { auto ret = execution_context_->callback_manager->RegisterCallback(callback_fun); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(ret, "[%s] Failed to register callback", GetNodeName()); execution_context_->callback_manager->Destroy(); return ret; } return SUCCESS; } string TaskContext::TensorDesc2String(const GeTensorDesc &desc) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "[TensorDesc] "; ss << "DataType = " << desc.GetDataType(); ss << ", Format = " << desc.GetFormat(); ss << ", Shape = ["; for (auto dim : desc.GetShape().GetDims()) { ss << dim << ", "; } ss << "]"; return ss.str(); } Status TaskContext::AllocateTensor(const GeTensorDesc &tensor_desc, TensorValue &tensor, AllocationAttr *attr) { int64_t size = 0; if (ge::TensorUtils::GetSize(tensor_desc, size) != GRAPH_SUCCESS) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to get tensor size"); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (size == 0) { GELOGW("size from tensor_desc == 0"); } auto buffer = TensorBuffer::Create(execution_context_->allocator, size, attr); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(buffer); tensor = TensorValue(shared_ptr(buffer.release())); return SUCCESS; } Status TaskContext::AllocateOutput(int index, const GeTensorDesc &tensor_desc, TensorValue **tensor, AllocationAttr *attr) { GELOGI("To allocate output for node: %s. index = %d, tensor desc = %s", node_item_->NodeName().c_str(), index, TensorDesc2String(tensor_desc).c_str()); if (index < 0 || index >= node_item_->num_outputs) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "output index out of range. num_output = %d, index = %d", node_item_->num_outputs, index); return PARAM_INVALID; } if (outputs_start_[index].GetData() != nullptr) { GELOGI("already allocated as net output"); return SUCCESS; } auto it = node_item_->ref_outputs.find(index); if (it != node_item_->ref_outputs.end()) { auto &ref_node = it->second; GELOGD("source node of %s:%d = %s, op_type = %s", node_item_->NodeName().c_str(), index, ref_node->GetName().c_str(), ref_node->GetType().c_str()); TensorValue *ref_tensor = execution_context_->model->GetVariable(ref_node->GetName()); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(ref_tensor); outputs_start_[index] = *ref_tensor; } else { auto reuse_input = node_item_->reuse_inputs.find(index); if (reuse_input != node_item_->reuse_inputs.end()) { GELOGD("[%s] Output[%d] is referenced to input[%d]", GetNodeName(), index, reuse_input->second); outputs_start_[index] = inputs_start_[reuse_input->second]; } else { GE_CHK_STATUS_RET_NOLOG(AllocateTensor(tensor_desc, outputs_start_[index], attr)); GELOGD("Allocating output successfully. node: %s. index = %d, size = %zu", node_item_->NodeName().c_str(), index, outputs_start_[index].GetSize()); } } if (execution_context_->trace_enabled) { outputs_start_[index].SetName(node_item_->NodeName() + "_out_" + std::to_string(index)); } if (tensor != nullptr) { *tensor = outputs_start_ + index; } return SUCCESS; } Status TaskContext::AllocateOutputs(AllocationAttr *attr) { for (int i = 0; i < node_item_->num_outputs; ++i) { const auto &output_desc = node_item_->op_desc->MutableOutputDesc(i); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(output_desc); uint32_t mem_type = 0; (void)AttrUtils::GetInt(output_desc, ATTR_OUTPUT_MEMORY_TYPE, mem_type); if (attr == nullptr) { auto tmp_attr = AllocationAttr(0, nullptr, static_cast(mem_type)); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET_NOLOG(AllocateOutput(i, *output_desc, nullptr, &tmp_attr)); } else { attr->SetMemType(static_cast(mem_type)); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET_NOLOG(AllocateOutput(i, *output_desc, nullptr, attr)); } } return SUCCESS; } Status TaskContext::AllocateTensor(size_t size, TensorValue &tensor, AllocationAttr *attr) { auto buffer = TensorBuffer::Create(execution_context_->allocator, size, attr); if (buffer == nullptr) { GELOGE(MEMALLOC_FAILED, "Failed to allocate buffer of size: %zu", size); return MEMALLOC_FAILED; } tensor = TensorValue(shared_ptr(buffer.release())); return SUCCESS; } const NodeItem &TaskContext::GetNodeItem() const { return *node_item_; } Status TaskContext::SetOutput(int index, const TensorValue &tensor) { if (index < 0 || index >= node_item_->num_outputs) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "output index out of range. num_output = %d, index = %d", node_item_->num_outputs, index); return PARAM_INVALID; } GELOGD("Set %s:%d with tensor: %s", node_item_->NodeName().c_str(), index, tensor.DebugString().c_str()); outputs_start_[index] = tensor; return SUCCESS; } rtStream_t TaskContext::GetStream() { return execution_context_->stream; } int64_t TaskContext::GetSessionId() const { return execution_context_->session_id; } Status TaskContext::GetStatus() const { return status_; } void TaskContext::SetStatus(Status status) { status_ = status; if (status != SUCCESS) { execution_context_->SetErrorCode(status); } } Status TaskContext::AllocateWorkspace(size_t size, void **buffer, void *ori_addr) { GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(buffer); if (ori_addr == nullptr) { *buffer = execution_context_->allocator->Allocate(size, nullptr); } else { AllocationAttr attr(ori_addr); *buffer = execution_context_->allocator->Allocate(size, &attr); } if (*buffer == nullptr) { GELOGE(MEMALLOC_FAILED, "Failed to allocate workspace of size = %zu", size); return MEMALLOC_FAILED; } GELOGD("Allocating workspace of size = %zu successfully", size); workspaces_.emplace_back(*buffer); return SUCCESS; } Status TaskContext::PropagateOutputs() { // propagate outputs for (int i = 0; i < NumOutputs(); ++i) { auto tensor = MutableOutput(i); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(tensor); if (tensor->GetData() == nullptr) { GELOGD("[%s] Node output[%d] is null.", node_item_->NodeName().c_str(), i); } auto &output_nodes = node_item_->outputs[i]; for (auto &dst_input_index_and_node : output_nodes) { auto dst_input_idx = dst_input_index_and_node.first; auto dst_node_item = dst_input_index_and_node.second; auto input_offset = dst_node_item->input_start + dst_input_idx; GELOGI( "Propagate output of node %s, output index = %d, dst node = %s, " "dst_input_index = %d, dst_input_offset = %d.", node_item_->NodeName().c_str(), i, dst_node_item->NodeName().c_str(), dst_input_idx, input_offset); if (subgraph_context_->all_inputs_.size() <= static_cast(input_offset)) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "[%s] input index out of range. index = %d, total input num = %zu", GetNodeName(), input_offset, subgraph_context_->all_inputs_.size()); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } subgraph_context_->all_inputs_[input_offset] = *tensor; if (execution_context_->trace_enabled) { subgraph_context_->all_inputs_[input_offset].SetName( node_item_->NodeName() + "_in_" + std::to_string(dst_input_idx)); } } } return SUCCESS; } const void *TaskContext::GetVarBaseAddr() { return execution_context_->model->GetVarMemBase(); } const char *TaskContext::GetNodeName() const { return node_item_->NodeName().c_str(); } void TaskContext::ReleaseInput(int index) { auto input_tensor = MutableInput(index); if (input_tensor != nullptr) { input_tensor->Destroy(); GELOGD("[%s] Tensor of input[%d] released", GetNodeName(), index); } } ConstGeTensorDescPtr TaskContext::GetOutputDesc(int index) { return node_item_->op_desc->MutableOutputDesc(static_cast(index)); } ConstGeTensorDescPtr TaskContext::GetInputDesc(int index) { return node_item_->op_desc->MutableInputDesc(static_cast(index)); } GeTensorDescPtr TaskContext::MutableInputDesc(int index) { return node_item_->op_desc->MutableInputDesc(static_cast(index)); } GeTensorDescPtr TaskContext::MutableOutputDesc(int index) { return node_item_->op_desc->MutableOutputDesc(static_cast(index)); } bool TaskContext::IsForceInferShape() const { return force_infer_shape_; } void TaskContext::SetForceInferShape(bool force_infer_shape) { force_infer_shape_ = force_infer_shape; } void TaskContext::NodeDone() { subgraph_context_->NodeDone(node_item_->node); } void TaskContext::OnError(Status error) { subgraph_context_->OnError(error); execution_context_->SetErrorCode(error); } bool TaskContext::IsTraceEnabled() const { return execution_context_->trace_enabled; } TensorValue *TaskContext::GetVariable(const std::string &name) { return execution_context_->model->GetVariable(name); } uint64_t TaskContext::GetIterationNumber() const { return iteration_; } bool TaskContext::IsDumpEnabled() const { return execution_context_->dump_enabled; } Status TaskContext::TryExecuteCallback(const function &callback_fun) const { if (!callback_fun) { return SUCCESS; } if (node_item_->has_observer) { return RegisterCallback(callback_fun); } callback_fun(); return SUCCESS; } const DumpProperties &TaskContext::GetDumpProperties() const { return execution_context_->dump_properties; } } // namespace hybrid } // namespace ge