/** * Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "graph/partition/dynamic_shape_partition.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/ge/ge_util.h" #include "framework/common/debug/ge_log.h" #include "framework/common/types.h" #include "graph/debug/ge_attr_define.h" #include "graph/utils/graph_utils.h" #include "graph/utils/op_desc_utils.h" #define REQUIRE(cond, ...) \ do { \ if (!(cond)) { \ GELOGE(FAILED, "[Dynamic shape partition]" __VA_ARGS__); \ return FAILED; \ } \ } while (0) #define REQUIRE_NOT_NULL(cond, ...) REQUIRE(((cond) != nullptr), __VA_ARGS__) #define REQUIRE_SUCCESS(cond, ...) REQUIRE(((cond) == SUCCESS), __VA_ARGS__) #define REQUIRE_GRAPH_SUCCESS(cond, ...) REQUIRE(((cond) == GRAPH_SUCCESS), __VA_ARGS__) bool IsExperimental() { const static bool kIsExperimental = (std::getenv("EXPERIMENTAL_DYNAMIC_PARTITION") != nullptr); return kIsExperimental; } namespace ge { using Cluster = DynamicShapePartitioner::Cluster; using ClusterPtr = std::shared_ptr; Status DynamicShapePartitioner::Partition() { REQUIRE_NOT_NULL(root_graph_, "Graph is nullptr."); if (!IsExperimental()) { GELOGD("Skip dynamic shape partition as not in experimental mode."); REQUIRE(AttrUtils::SetBool(*root_graph_, ATTR_NAME_DYNAMIC_SHAPE_PARTITIONED, false), "Failed set dynamic shape partitioned flag on root graph."); return SUCCESS; } GELOGD("Start dynamic shape partition graph %s.", root_graph_->GetName().c_str()); REQUIRE_SUCCESS(MarkUnknownShapeNodes(), "Failed mark unknown shape nodes, root grah name:%s.", root_graph_->GetName().c_str()); if (unknown_shape_nodes_.empty()) { GELOGD("Skip dynamic shape partition of graph %s as all nodes are known shape.", root_graph_->GetName().c_str()); REQUIRE(AttrUtils::SetBool(*root_graph_, ATTR_NAME_DYNAMIC_SHAPE_PARTITIONED, false), "Failed set dynamic shape partitioned flag on root graph %s.", root_graph_->GetName().c_str()); return SUCCESS; } REQUIRE(AttrUtils::SetBool(*root_graph_, ATTR_NAME_DYNAMIC_SHAPE_PARTITIONED, true), "Failed set dynamic shape partitioned flag on root graph %s.", root_graph_->GetName().c_str()); DumpGraph("_Before_DSP"); auto status = PartitionImpl(); GELOGD("%s.", DebugString().c_str()); if (status != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(status, "Failed dynamic shape partition graph: %s, status:\n %s", root_graph_->GetName().c_str(), DebugString().c_str()); } DumpGraph("_After_DSP"); GELOGD("Finish dynamic shape partition graph %s.", root_graph_->GetName().c_str()); ClearResource(); return status; } Status DynamicShapePartitioner::PartitionImpl() { REQUIRE_SUCCESS(root_graph_->TopologicalSorting(), "Graph topological sort failed."); REQUIRE_SUCCESS(InitClusters(), "Failed init cluster nodes."); REQUIRE_SUCCESS(MergeClusters(), "Failed merge clusters."); PruneUniqueClusters(); REQUIRE_SUCCESS(BuildPartitionFrame(), "Failed build cluster partition frame."); REQUIRE_SUCCESS(CombinePartitionFrame(), "Failed combine cluster partition frame."); REQUIRE_SUCCESS(BuildPartitionSubgraph(), "Failed build cluster partition subgraph."); return SUCCESS; } void DynamicShapePartitioner::PruneUniqueClusters() { for (auto &node : root_graph_->GetDirectNode()) { auto cluster = node_2_cluster_[node]; if (unique_clusters_.count(cluster) != 0) { continue; } if (unique_clusters_.insert(cluster).second) { sorted_unique_clusters_.emplace_back(cluster); } } auto comp_func = [](std::shared_ptr clu_a, std::shared_ptr clu_b) -> bool { return clu_a->Id() < clu_b->Id(); }; std::sort(sorted_unique_clusters_.begin(), sorted_unique_clusters_.end(), comp_func); } Status DynamicShapePartitioner::BuildPartitionFrame() { for (const auto &cluster : sorted_unique_clusters_) { REQUIRE_SUCCESS(cluster->BuildFrame(), "Failed build frame of cluster[%lu].", cluster->Id()); } return SUCCESS; } Status DynamicShapePartitioner::CombinePartitionFrame() { for (const auto &cluster : sorted_unique_clusters_) { REQUIRE_SUCCESS(cluster->CombinePartitionFrame(), "Failed combine frame of cluster[%lu].", cluster->Id()); } return SUCCESS; } Status DynamicShapePartitioner::BuildPartitionSubgraph() { for (const auto &cluster : sorted_unique_clusters_) { REQUIRE_SUCCESS(cluster->BuildPartitionSubgraph(), "Failed build subgraph of cluster[%lu].", cluster->Id()); } return SUCCESS; } std::string DynamicShapePartitioner::DebugString() const { size_t unknown = 0; size_t known = 0; size_t data = 0; size_t netoutput = 0; size_t is_inputnode = 0; std::stringstream ss; ss << "All unknown shape nodes:" << std::endl; for (const auto &node : unknown_shape_nodes_) { ss << " [" << node->GetName() << "](" << node->GetType() << ")" << std::endl; } for (const auto &cluster : unique_clusters_) { if (cluster->IsUnknownShape()) { unknown++; } else if (cluster->IsKnownShape()) { known++; } else if (cluster->IsData()) { data++; } else if (cluster->IsNetOutput()) { netoutput++; } else if (cluster->IsInputNode()) { is_inputnode++; } } ss << "All clusters:" << unique_clusters_.size() << ", data:" << data << ", known:" << known << ", unknown:" << unknown << ", netoutput:" << netoutput << ", is_inputnode:" << is_inputnode << std::endl; for (const auto &cluster : unique_clusters_) { ss << " " << cluster->DebugString() << std::endl; } return ss.str(); } void DynamicShapePartitioner::DumpGraph(const std::string &suffix) { GraphUtils::DumpGEGraphToOnnx(*root_graph_, root_graph_->GetName() + suffix); for (const auto &sub_graph : root_graph_->GetAllSubgraphs()) { GraphUtils::DumpGEGraphToOnnx(*sub_graph, sub_graph->GetName() + suffix); } } void DynamicShapePartitioner::ClearResource() { for (const auto &cluster : unique_clusters_) { cluster->Clear(); } node_2_cluster_.clear(); ordered_cluster_.clear(); unique_clusters_.clear(); sorted_unique_clusters_.clear(); unknown_shape_nodes_.clear(); root_graph_.reset(); } Status DynamicShapePartitioner::MarkUnknownShapeNodes() { for (auto &node : root_graph_->GetDirectNode()) { REQUIRE_SUCCESS(CollectSpreadUnknownShapeNodes(node), "Failed collect spread unknown shape nodes %s.", node->GetName().c_str()); } return SUCCESS; } Status DynamicShapePartitioner::InitClusters() { auto graph = root_graph_; size_t rank = 0; for (const auto &node : graph->GetDirectNode()) { Cluster::Type type = Cluster::DATA; bool is_input = ((node->GetType() == CONSTANT) || (node->GetType() == CONSTANTOP)) && node->GetInNodes().empty(); if (node->GetType() == DATA) { type = Cluster::DATA; } else if (is_input) { type = Cluster::INPUT_NODE; } else if (node->GetType() == NETOUTPUT) { type = Cluster::NETOUTPUT; } else if (unknown_shape_nodes_.count(node) > 0) { type = Cluster::UNKNOWN_SHAPE; } else { type = Cluster::KNOWN_SHAPE; } auto cluster = MakeShared(rank++, type, node, this); REQUIRE_NOT_NULL(cluster, "Failed new memory for cluster."); node_2_cluster_[node] = cluster; if (cluster->IsUnknownShape()) { ordered_cluster_.push_back(cluster); } // Already sorted topologically, so access to the parent cluster is safe for (const auto &parent : node->GetInAllNodes()) { cluster->AddInput(node_2_cluster_[parent]); } } for (const auto &node : graph->GetDirectNode()) { GELOGD("Make cluster for node %s : %s.", node->GetName().c_str(), node_2_cluster_[node]->DebugString().c_str()); } return SUCCESS; } Status DynamicShapePartitioner::TopologicalSortClusters() { ordered_cluster_.clear(); // BFS topological sort clusters for known shape cluster std::queue ready_clusters; std::unordered_map cluster_pending_count; std::unordered_set seen_clusters; for (auto &node : root_graph_->GetDirectNode()) { auto &cluster = node_2_cluster_[node]; if (seen_clusters.count(cluster) != 0) { continue; } seen_clusters.insert(cluster); auto pending_count = cluster->Inputs().size(); if (pending_count == 0) { ready_clusters.push(cluster); } else { cluster_pending_count[cluster] = pending_count; } } size_t rank = 0; while (!ready_clusters.empty()) { auto cluster = ready_clusters.front(); ready_clusters.pop(); cluster->UpdateRank(rank++); if (cluster->IsKnownShape() || cluster->IsInputNode()) { ordered_cluster_.push_back(cluster); } for (const auto &out_cluster : cluster->Outputs()) { if (cluster_pending_count[out_cluster] > 0 && --cluster_pending_count[out_cluster] == 0) { ready_clusters.push(out_cluster); } } } if (rank != seen_clusters.size()) { return FAILED; } return SUCCESS; } namespace { static std::string ToString(const std::vector &clusters) { if (clusters.empty()) { return "()"; } std::stringstream ss; ss << "("; auto iter = clusters.begin(); for (size_t i = 0; i < clusters.size() - 1; i++) { ss << (*iter)->Id() << ","; iter++; } ss << (*iter)->Id() << ")."; return ss.str(); } } // namespace void DynamicShapePartitioner::MergeClustersUnknownShape() { // Merge unknown shape clusters for (const auto &cluster : ordered_cluster_) { for (const auto &in_cluster : cluster->Inputs()) { if (!in_cluster->IsUnknownShape()) { continue; } auto merged_clusters = cluster->MergeAllPathFrom(in_cluster); GELOGD("Merge all path cluster from %lu to %lu %s.", in_cluster->Id(), cluster->Id(), ToString(merged_clusters).c_str()); for (const auto &merged_cluster : merged_clusters) { for (const auto &node : merged_cluster->Nodes()) { node_2_cluster_[node] = cluster; } } } } } void DynamicShapePartitioner::MergeClustersKnownShape() { // Merge known shape clusters for (const auto &cluster : ordered_cluster_) { if (cluster->IsRefVariable() && cluster->Inputs().size() == 1) { auto in_cluster = *(cluster->Inputs().begin()); in_cluster->Merge(cluster); node_2_cluster_[*(cluster->Nodes().begin())] = in_cluster; continue; } for (const auto &in_cluster : cluster->Inputs()) { if (!in_cluster->IsKnownShape()) { continue; } if (cluster->TryMerge(in_cluster)) { GELOGD("Success merge known shape cluster from %lu to %lu.", in_cluster->Id(), cluster->Id()); for (const auto &node : in_cluster->Nodes()) { node_2_cluster_[node] = cluster; } } } } } void DynamicShapePartitioner::MergeClustersInputData() { // Merge input clusters std::shared_ptr cluster_pre = nullptr; for (const auto &cluster : ordered_cluster_) { if (!cluster->IsInputNode()) { continue; } if (cluster_pre != nullptr) { cluster_pre->Merge(cluster); } else { cluster_pre = cluster; } GELOGD("Success merge input node cluster from %lu to %lu.", cluster->Id(), cluster->Id()); for (const auto &node : cluster->Nodes()) { node_2_cluster_[node] = cluster_pre; } } } Status DynamicShapePartitioner::MergeClusters() { MergeClustersUnknownShape(); REQUIRE_SUCCESS(TopologicalSortClusters(), "Failed topological sort clusters after merge unknown shape clusters."); MergeClustersKnownShape(); MergeClustersInputData(); return SUCCESS; } Status DynamicShapePartitioner::CollectSpreadUnknownShapeNodes(NodePtr node) { if (unknown_shape_nodes_.count(node) > 0) { return SUCCESS; } auto opdesc = node->GetOpDesc(); // One can set 'ATTR_NAME_IS_UNKNOWN_SHAPE=true' on node so as to forcing the node flow into the unknown subgraph, // ignore the actual shape. bool is_forced_unknown = false; if (AttrUtils::GetBool(opdesc, ATTR_NAME_IS_UNKNOWN_SHAPE, is_forced_unknown) && is_forced_unknown) { GELOGD("Collect node %s as unknown as it was marked unknown forcibly.", node->GetName().c_str()); unknown_shape_nodes_.insert(node); return SUCCESS; } size_t anchor_index = 0; bool is_unknown = false; for (auto &out_tensor : opdesc->GetAllOutputsDesc()) { if (IsUnknownShapeTensor(out_tensor)) { GELOGD("Collect node %s as unknown as output %lu is unknown.", node->GetName().c_str(), anchor_index); is_unknown = true; auto anchor = node->GetOutDataAnchor(static_cast(anchor_index)); for (const auto peer_anchor : anchor->GetPeerInDataAnchors()) { if (peer_anchor != nullptr) { GELOGD("Collect node %s as has unknown input from %s:%lu.", peer_anchor->GetOwnerNode()->GetName().c_str(), node->GetName().c_str(), anchor_index); unknown_shape_nodes_.insert(peer_anchor->GetOwnerNode()); } } } anchor_index++; } anchor_index = 0; for (auto &in_tensor : opdesc->GetAllInputsDesc()) { if (IsUnknownShapeTensor(in_tensor)) { GELOGD("Collect node %s as unknown as input %lu is unknown.", node->GetName().c_str(), anchor_index); is_unknown = true; auto anchor = node->GetInDataAnchor(static_cast(anchor_index)); const auto peer_anchor = anchor->GetPeerOutAnchor(); if (peer_anchor != nullptr) { GELOGD("Collect node %s as has unknown output to %s:%lu.", peer_anchor->GetOwnerNode()->GetName().c_str(), node->GetName().c_str(), anchor_index); unknown_shape_nodes_.insert(peer_anchor->GetOwnerNode()); } } anchor_index++; } if (is_unknown) { unknown_shape_nodes_.insert(node); } else { auto graph = root_graph_; for (const auto &subgraph_name : opdesc->GetSubgraphInstanceNames()) { auto subgraph = graph->GetSubgraph(subgraph_name); REQUIRE_NOT_NULL(subgraph, "Failed get subgraph %s of node %s on root graph.", subgraph_name.c_str(), node->GetName().c_str()); bool is_graph_unknow = false; REQUIRE_SUCCESS(IsUnknownShapeGraph(subgraph, is_graph_unknow), "Failed check subgraph %s shape of node %s.", subgraph_name.c_str(), node->GetName().c_str()); if (is_graph_unknow) { GELOGD("Collect node %s as its subgraph %s is unknown.", node->GetName().c_str(), subgraph->GetName().c_str()); unknown_shape_nodes_.insert(node); break; } } } return SUCCESS; } Status DynamicShapePartitioner::IsUnknownShapeNode(NodePtr node, bool &is_unknown) { auto opdesc = node->GetOpDesc(); auto graph = root_graph_; for (auto &out_tensor : opdesc->GetAllOutputsDesc()) { if (IsUnknownShapeTensor(out_tensor)) { GELOGD("Mark node %s unknown as unknown output.", node->GetName().c_str()); is_unknown = true; return SUCCESS; } } for (auto &in_tensor : opdesc->GetAllInputsDesc()) { if (IsUnknownShapeTensor(in_tensor)) { GELOGD("Mark node %s unknown as unknown intput.", node->GetName().c_str()); is_unknown = true; return SUCCESS; } } for (auto &subgraph_name : opdesc->GetSubgraphInstanceNames()) { auto subgraph = graph->GetSubgraph(subgraph_name); REQUIRE_NOT_NULL(subgraph, "Failed get subgraph %s of node %s on root graph.", subgraph_name.c_str(), node->GetName().c_str()); REQUIRE_SUCCESS(IsUnknownShapeGraph(subgraph, is_unknown), "Failed check subgraph %s shape of node %s.", subgraph_name.c_str(), node->GetName().c_str()); if (is_unknown) { GELOGD("Mark node %s unknown as unknown subgraph.", node->GetName().c_str()); return SUCCESS; } } is_unknown = false; return SUCCESS; } Status DynamicShapePartitioner::IsUnknownShapeGraph(ComputeGraphPtr graph, bool &is_unknown) { for (auto &node : graph->GetDirectNode()) { REQUIRE_SUCCESS(IsUnknownShapeNode(node, is_unknown), "Failed check node %s shape on graph %s.", node->GetName().c_str(), graph->GetName().c_str()); if (is_unknown) { GELOGD("Mark graph %s unknown as contains unknown node %s.", graph->GetName().c_str(), node->GetName().c_str()); return SUCCESS; } } return SUCCESS; } bool DynamicShapePartitioner::IsUnknownShapeTensor(const GeTensorDesc &tensor) { const static int kUnknowShape = -1; const static int kUnknowRank = -2; for (auto dim_size : tensor.GetShape().GetDims()) { if (dim_size == kUnknowShape || dim_size == kUnknowRank) { return true; } } return false; } std::string Cluster::DebugString() const { std::stringstream ss; switch (type_) { case DATA: ss << "DATA"; break; case INPUT_NODE: ss << "INPUT_NODE"; break; case NETOUTPUT: ss << "NETOUTPUT"; break; case UNKNOWN_SHAPE: ss << "UNKNOW"; break; case KNOWN_SHAPE: ss << "KNOW"; break; } ss << "[" << id_ << "](size:" << nodes_.size() << ")"; ss << "(" << min_ << "," << max_ << ")("; for (const auto &cluster : in_clusters_) { ss << cluster->id_ << ","; } ss << ")->("; for (const auto &cluster : out_clusters_) { ss << cluster->id_ << ","; } ss << ")|"; for (const auto &node : nodes_) { ss << (node->GetName() + "|"); } return ss.str(); } size_t Cluster::Id() const { return id_; } void Cluster::UpdateRank(size_t rank) { max_ = rank; min_ = rank; }; bool Cluster::IsData() const { return type_ == DATA; }; bool Cluster::IsKnownShape() const { return type_ == KNOWN_SHAPE; }; bool Cluster::IsUnknownShape() const { return type_ == UNKNOWN_SHAPE; }; bool Cluster::IsNetOutput() const { return type_ == NETOUTPUT; }; bool Cluster::IsInputNode() const { return type_ == INPUT_NODE; }; bool Cluster::IsRefVariable() const { if ((nodes_.size() == 1) && ((nodes_[0]->GetType() == VARIABLE) || (nodes_[0]->GetType() == VARIABLEV2))) { std::string ref_variable_name; return (AttrUtils::GetStr(nodes_[0]->GetOpDesc(), REF_VAR_SRC_VAR_NAME, ref_variable_name) && !ref_variable_name.empty()); } return false; } void Cluster::AddInput(ClusterPtr in) { if (std::find(in_clusters_.begin(), in_clusters_.end(), in) != in_clusters_.end()) return; in_clusters_.insert(in_clusters_.end(), in); if (std::find(in->out_clusters_.begin(), in->out_clusters_.end(), shared_from_this()) != in->out_clusters_.end()) return; in->out_clusters_.insert(in->out_clusters_.end(), shared_from_this()); }; void Cluster::RemoveInput(ClusterPtr in) { in_clusters_.erase(std::remove(in_clusters_.begin(), in_clusters_.end(), in), in_clusters_.end()); in->out_clusters_.erase(std::remove(in->out_clusters_.begin(), in->out_clusters_.end(), shared_from_this()), in->out_clusters_.end()); }; void Cluster::AddOutput(ClusterPtr out) { if (std::find(out_clusters_.begin(), out_clusters_.end(), out) != out_clusters_.end()) return; out_clusters_.insert(out_clusters_.end(), out); if (std::find(out->in_clusters_.begin(), out->in_clusters_.end(), shared_from_this()) != out->in_clusters_.end()) return; out->in_clusters_.insert(out->in_clusters_.end(), shared_from_this()); }; void Cluster::RemoveOutput(ClusterPtr out) { out_clusters_.erase(std::remove(out_clusters_.begin(), out_clusters_.end(), out), out_clusters_.end()); out->in_clusters_.erase(std::remove(out->in_clusters_.begin(), out->in_clusters_.end(), shared_from_this()), out->in_clusters_.end()); }; void Cluster::Merge(ClusterPtr other) { nodes_.insert(nodes_.end(), other->nodes_.begin(), other->nodes_.end()); other->in_clusters_.erase(std::remove(other->in_clusters_.begin(), other->in_clusters_.end(), shared_from_this()), other->in_clusters_.end()); other->out_clusters_.erase(std::remove(other->out_clusters_.begin(), other->out_clusters_.end(), shared_from_this()), other->out_clusters_.end()); in_clusters_.erase(std::remove(in_clusters_.begin(), in_clusters_.end(), other), in_clusters_.end()); out_clusters_.erase(std::remove(out_clusters_.begin(), out_clusters_.end(), other), out_clusters_.end()); auto in_clusters = other->in_clusters_; for (const auto &cluster : in_clusters) { cluster->RemoveOutput(other); cluster->AddOutput(shared_from_this()); } auto out_clusters = other->out_clusters_; for (const auto &cluster : out_clusters) { cluster->RemoveInput(other); cluster->AddInput(shared_from_this()); } if (other->max_ > max_) { max_ = other->max_; } if (other->min_ < min_) { min_ = other->min_; } }; bool Cluster::TryMerge(ClusterPtr other) { std::queue forward_reached; forward_reached.push(other); while (!forward_reached.empty()) { auto current_cluster = forward_reached.front(); forward_reached.pop(); for (const auto &cluster : current_cluster->out_clusters_) { if (cluster->max_ == max_ && current_cluster != other) { return false; } else if (cluster->min_ < max_) { forward_reached.push(cluster); } } } Merge(other); return true; }; std::vector Cluster::MergeAllPathFrom(ClusterPtr other) { std::queue forward_reached_queue; std::queue backward_reached_queue; std::unordered_set forward_reached_clusters; std::unordered_set backward_reached_clusters; std::vector path_clusters; if (std::find(other->out_clusters_.begin(), other->out_clusters_.end(), shared_from_this()) == other->out_clusters_.end()) { return path_clusters; } path_clusters.push_back(other); forward_reached_queue.push(other); backward_reached_queue.push(shared_from_this()); while (!forward_reached_queue.empty()) { auto current_cluster = forward_reached_queue.front(); forward_reached_queue.pop(); for (const auto &cluster : current_cluster->out_clusters_) { if (cluster->min_ < max_ && cluster->max_ != max_ && forward_reached_clusters.count(cluster) == 0) { forward_reached_clusters.insert(cluster); forward_reached_queue.push(cluster); } } } while (!backward_reached_queue.empty()) { auto current_cluster = backward_reached_queue.front(); backward_reached_queue.pop(); for (const auto &cluster : current_cluster->in_clusters_) { if (cluster->max_ > other->min_ && cluster->max_ != other->max_ && backward_reached_clusters.count(cluster) == 0) { backward_reached_clusters.insert(cluster); backward_reached_queue.push(cluster); if (forward_reached_clusters.count(cluster) != 0) { path_clusters.push_back(cluster); } } } } for (const auto &cluster : path_clusters) { Merge(cluster); } return path_clusters; } std::vector Cluster::Inputs() const { return in_clusters_; }; std::vector Cluster::Outputs() const { return out_clusters_; }; std::vector Cluster::Nodes() const { return nodes_; }; void Cluster::AddFrameInput(InDataAnchorPtr anchor) { inputs_index_[anchor] = inputs_.size(); inputs_.push_back(anchor); }; void Cluster::AddFrameOutput(OutDataAnchorPtr anchor) { outputs_index_[anchor] = outputs_.size(); outputs_.push_back(anchor); }; InDataAnchorPtr Cluster::GetFrameInDataAnchor(InDataAnchorPtr anchor) { return partition_node_->GetInDataAnchor(static_cast(inputs_index_[anchor])); }; OutDataAnchorPtr Cluster::GetFrameOutDataAnchor(OutDataAnchorPtr anchor) { return partition_node_->GetOutDataAnchor(static_cast(outputs_index_[anchor])); }; InControlAnchorPtr Cluster::GetFrameInControlAnchor() { return partition_node_->GetInControlAnchor(); }; OutControlAnchorPtr Cluster::GetFrameOutControlAnchor() { return partition_node_->GetOutControlAnchor(); }; Status Cluster::BuildFrame() { if (IsUnknownShape() || IsKnownShape() || IsInputNode()) { return BuildPartitionFrame(); } else { auto node = nodes_.front(); auto in_control_anchor = node->GetInControlAnchor(); if (in_control_anchor != nullptr) { for (const auto &peer_out_control_anchor : in_control_anchor->GetPeerOutControlAnchors()) { auto src_cluster = partitioner_->node_2_cluster_[peer_out_control_anchor->GetOwnerNode()]; if (src_cluster->id_ != id_) { REQUIRE_GRAPH_SUCCESS( GraphUtils::RemoveEdge(peer_out_control_anchor, in_control_anchor), "Failed remove edge from node %s index %d to node %s index %d.", peer_out_control_anchor->GetOwnerNode()->GetName().c_str(), AnchorUtils::GetIdx(peer_out_control_anchor), in_control_anchor->GetOwnerNode()->GetName().c_str(), AnchorUtils::GetIdx(in_control_anchor)); control_inputs_.insert(src_cluster); src_cluster->control_outputs_.insert(peer_out_control_anchor); } } } if (IsData()) { for (const auto &anchor : node->GetAllOutDataAnchors()) { AddFrameOutput(anchor); } } else { for (const auto &anchor : node->GetAllInDataAnchors()) { AddFrameInput(anchor); } } partition_node_ = node; } return SUCCESS; } Status Cluster::BuildPartitionFrame() { auto graph = partitioner_->root_graph_; bool is_unknown_shape = IsUnknownShape(); bool is_input = IsInputNode(); string known_name = (is_unknown_shape ? "_unknow" : "_know"); string sub_graph_name_patten = (is_input ? "_input" : known_name); std::string sub_graph_name = graph->GetName() + "_sub_" + std::to_string(unique_id_) + sub_graph_name_patten; subgraph_ = MakeShared(sub_graph_name); REQUIRE_NOT_NULL(subgraph_, "Failed new memory for subgraph."); auto partition_op = MakeShared("PartitionedCall_" + std::to_string(unique_id_++), "PartitionedCall"); REQUIRE_NOT_NULL(partition_op, "Failed new memory for partition op."); REQUIRE(AttrUtils::SetBool(partition_op, ATTR_NAME_IS_UNKNOWN_SHAPE, is_unknown_shape), "Failed set _is_unknown_shape flag on partitioned op %s.", partition_op->GetName().c_str()); REQUIRE_GRAPH_SUCCESS(partition_op->AddSubgraphName(subgraph_->GetName()), "Failed add subgraph name."); REQUIRE_GRAPH_SUCCESS(partition_op->SetSubgraphInstanceName(0, subgraph_->GetName()), "Failed set subgraph instance name."); for (auto &node : nodes_) { REQUIRE_NOT_NULL(subgraph_->AddNode(node), "Failed add node to subgraph."); REQUIRE(AttrUtils::SetBool(node->GetOpDesc(), ATTR_NAME_IS_UNKNOWN_SHAPE, is_unknown_shape), "Failed set shape flag."); REQUIRE_GRAPH_SUCCESS(GraphUtils::RemoveJustNode(graph, node), "Failed remove root graph node."); REQUIRE_GRAPH_SUCCESS(node->SetOwnerComputeGraph(subgraph_), "Failed set owner graph."); for (const auto &anchor : node->GetAllInDataAnchors()) { auto peer_out_anchor = anchor->GetPeerOutAnchor(); if (peer_out_anchor == nullptr) { continue; // Skip overhang input. } auto src_cluster = partitioner_->node_2_cluster_[peer_out_anchor->GetOwnerNode()]; if (src_cluster->id_ != id_) { AddFrameInput(anchor); REQUIRE_GRAPH_SUCCESS(partition_op->AddInputDesc(node->GetOpDesc()->GetInputDesc(anchor->GetIdx())), "Failed add input desc."); } } auto in_control_anchor = node->GetInControlAnchor(); if (in_control_anchor != nullptr) { for (const auto &peer_out_control_anchor : in_control_anchor->GetPeerOutControlAnchors()) { if (peer_out_control_anchor == nullptr) { continue; } auto src_cluster = partitioner_->node_2_cluster_[peer_out_control_anchor->GetOwnerNode()]; if (src_cluster->id_ != id_) { REQUIRE_GRAPH_SUCCESS( GraphUtils::RemoveEdge(peer_out_control_anchor, in_control_anchor), "Failed remove edge from %s:%d to %s:%d.", peer_out_control_anchor->GetOwnerNode()->GetName().c_str(), peer_out_control_anchor->GetIdx(), node->GetName().c_str(), in_control_anchor->GetIdx()); control_inputs_.insert(src_cluster); src_cluster->control_outputs_.insert(peer_out_control_anchor); } } } for (const auto &anchor : node->GetAllOutDataAnchors()) { auto peer_in_anchors = anchor->GetPeerInDataAnchors(); for (const auto &peer_in_anchor : peer_in_anchors) { auto src_cluster = partitioner_->node_2_cluster_[peer_in_anchor->GetOwnerNode()]; if (src_cluster->id_ != id_) { AddFrameOutput(anchor); REQUIRE_GRAPH_SUCCESS(partition_op->AddOutputDesc(node->GetOpDesc()->GetOutputDesc(anchor->GetIdx())), "Failed add output desc."); break; } } } } partition_node_ = graph->AddNode(partition_op); REQUIRE_NOT_NULL(partition_node_, "Failed add partition node."); REQUIRE_GRAPH_SUCCESS(partition_node_->SetOwnerComputeGraph(graph), "Failed set owner graph."); subgraph_->SetParentNode(partition_node_); subgraph_->SetParentGraph(graph); REQUIRE_GRAPH_SUCCESS(graph->AddSubgraph(subgraph_), "Failed add subgraph to root graph."); std::string session_graph_id; REQUIRE(AttrUtils::GetStr(*graph, ATTR_NAME_SESSION_GRAPH_ID, session_graph_id), "Failed get ATTR_NAME_SESSION_GRAPH_ID on root graph."); REQUIRE(AttrUtils::SetStr(*subgraph_, ATTR_NAME_SESSION_GRAPH_ID, session_graph_id), "Failed set ATTR_NAME_SESSION_GRAPH_ID on subgraph."); return SUCCESS; } Status Cluster::CombinePartitionFrame() { for (const auto &anchor : inputs_) { auto peer_out_anchor = anchor->GetPeerOutAnchor(); auto src_cluster = partitioner_->node_2_cluster_[peer_out_anchor->GetOwnerNode()]; auto src_anchor = src_cluster->GetFrameOutDataAnchor(peer_out_anchor); auto dst_anchor = GetFrameInDataAnchor(anchor); REQUIRE_GRAPH_SUCCESS(GraphUtils::RemoveEdge(peer_out_anchor, anchor), "Failed remove edge from %s:%d to %s:%d.", peer_out_anchor->GetOwnerNode()->GetName().c_str(), peer_out_anchor->GetIdx(), anchor->GetOwnerNode()->GetName().c_str(), anchor->GetIdx()); REQUIRE_GRAPH_SUCCESS(GraphUtils::AddEdge(src_anchor, dst_anchor), "Failed add edge from %s:%d to %s:%d.", src_anchor->GetOwnerNode()->GetName().c_str(), src_anchor->GetIdx(), dst_anchor->GetOwnerNode()->GetName().c_str(), dst_anchor->GetIdx()); } for (const auto &src_cluster : control_inputs_) { auto src_anchor = src_cluster->GetFrameOutControlAnchor(); auto dst_anchor = GetFrameInControlAnchor(); REQUIRE_GRAPH_SUCCESS(GraphUtils::AddEdge(src_anchor, dst_anchor), "Failed add edge from %s:%d to %s:%d.", src_anchor->GetOwnerNode()->GetName().c_str(), src_anchor->GetIdx(), dst_anchor->GetOwnerNode()->GetName().c_str(), dst_anchor->GetIdx()); } return SUCCESS; } Status Cluster::BuildPartitionSubgraph() { if (IsData() || IsNetOutput()) { return SUCCESS; } int64_t parent_node_index = 0; for (auto anchor : inputs_) { auto data_op = MakeShared(subgraph_->GetName() + std::string("Data_") + std::to_string(parent_node_index), ge::DATA); REQUIRE_NOT_NULL(data_op, "Failed new memory for data op."); auto input_desc = anchor->GetOwnerNode()->GetOpDesc()->GetInputDesc(anchor->GetIdx()); REQUIRE_GRAPH_SUCCESS(data_op->AddInputDesc(input_desc), "Failed add input desc."); REQUIRE_GRAPH_SUCCESS(data_op->AddOutputDesc(input_desc), "Failed add output desc."); REQUIRE(AttrUtils::SetInt(data_op, ATTR_NAME_PARENT_NODE_INDEX, parent_node_index), "Failed set parent_node_index on subgraph data node."); bool is_unknown_shape = IsUnknownShape(); REQUIRE(AttrUtils::SetBool(data_op, ATTR_NAME_IS_UNKNOWN_SHAPE, is_unknown_shape), "Failed set _is_unknown_shape flag on data op %s.", data_op->GetName().c_str()); auto data_node = subgraph_->AddNode(data_op); REQUIRE_NOT_NULL(data_node, "Failed add data node to subgraph."); REQUIRE_GRAPH_SUCCESS(data_node->SetOwnerComputeGraph(subgraph_), "Failed set owner graph of data node."); REQUIRE_GRAPH_SUCCESS(GraphUtils::AddEdge(data_node->GetOutDataAnchor(0), anchor), "Faile add data input edge to %s:%d", anchor->GetOwnerNode()->GetName().c_str(), anchor->GetIdx()); parent_node_index++; } if (outputs_.empty() && control_outputs_.empty()) { return SUCCESS; } auto net_output_op = MakeShared(subgraph_->GetName() + "_" + NODE_NAME_NET_OUTPUT, ge::NETOUTPUT); REQUIRE_NOT_NULL(net_output_op, "Failed new memory for netoutput op."); bool is_unknown_shape = IsUnknownShape(); REQUIRE(AttrUtils::SetBool(net_output_op, ATTR_NAME_IS_UNKNOWN_SHAPE, is_unknown_shape), "Failed set _is_unknown_shape flag on net_output_op %s.", net_output_op->GetName().c_str()); for (size_t i = 0; i < outputs_.size(); ++i) { GeTensorDesc input_desc; REQUIRE_GRAPH_SUCCESS(net_output_op->AddInputDesc(input_desc), "Failed add input desc."); } auto net_output_node = subgraph_->AddNode(net_output_op); REQUIRE_NOT_NULL(net_output_node, "Failed add netoutput node to subgraph."); REQUIRE_GRAPH_SUCCESS(net_output_node->SetOwnerComputeGraph(subgraph_), "Failed set owner graph of netoutput node."); parent_node_index = 0; for (const auto &anchor : outputs_) { auto output_desc = anchor->GetOwnerNode()->GetOpDesc()->GetOutputDesc(static_cast(anchor->GetIdx())); REQUIRE(AttrUtils::SetInt(output_desc, ATTR_NAME_PARENT_NODE_INDEX, parent_node_index), "Failed set parent_node_index on subgraph netoutput's input."); REQUIRE_GRAPH_SUCCESS(net_output_op->UpdateInputDesc(parent_node_index, output_desc), "Failed update input desc of netoutput node."); REQUIRE_GRAPH_SUCCESS(GraphUtils::AddEdge(anchor, net_output_node->GetInDataAnchor(parent_node_index)), "Faile add edge from %s:%d to netoutput node.", anchor->GetOwnerNode()->GetName().c_str(), anchor->GetIdx()); parent_node_index++; } for (const auto &anchor : control_outputs_) { REQUIRE_GRAPH_SUCCESS(GraphUtils::AddEdge(anchor, net_output_node->GetInControlAnchor()), "Faile add control edge from %s:%d to netoutput node.", anchor->GetOwnerNode()->GetName().c_str(), anchor->GetIdx()); } return SUCCESS; } void Cluster::Clear() { in_clusters_.clear(); out_clusters_.clear(); nodes_.clear(); partitioner_ = nullptr; inputs_index_.clear(); outputs_index_.clear(); inputs_.clear(); outputs_.clear(); control_inputs_.clear(); control_outputs_.clear(); partition_node_.reset(); subgraph_.reset(); unique_id_ = 0; } thread_local size_t Cluster::unique_id_ = 0; } // namespace ge