/** * Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "ge/ge_api.h" #include #include #include "common/debug/log.h" #include "framework/common/debug/ge_log.h" #include "common/ge/datatype_util.h" #include "proto/ge_api.pb.h" #include "graph/model_serialize.h" #include "graph/detail/model_serialize_imp.h" #include "graph/utils/tensor_adapter.h" #include "init/gelib.h" #include "session/session_manager.h" #include "graph/opsproto_manager.h" #include "graph/utils/type_utils.h" #include "graph/manager/util/rt_context_util.h" #include "graph/common/ge_call_wrapper.h" #include "register/op_registry.h" #include "common/ge/tbe_plugin_manager.h" #include "common/util/error_manager/error_manager.h" #include "toolchain/plog.h" using domi::OpRegistry; using std::map; using std::string; using std::vector; namespace { const int32_t kMaxStrLen = 128; } // namespace static bool g_ge_initialized = false; static std::mutex g_ge_release_mutex; // GEFinalize and ~Session use namespace ge { void GetOpsProtoPath(std::string &opsproto_path) { GELOGI("Enter get ops proto path schedule"); const char *path_env = std::getenv("ASCEND_OPP_PATH"); if (path_env != nullptr) { std::string path = path_env; opsproto_path = (path + "/op_proto/custom/" + ":") + (path + "/op_proto/built-in/"); GELOGI("Get opsproto so path from env: %s", path.c_str()); return; } std::string path_base = PluginManager::GetPath(); GELOGI("path_base is %s", path_base.c_str()); path_base = path_base.substr(0, path_base.rfind('/')); path_base = path_base.substr(0, path_base.rfind('/') + 1); opsproto_path = (path_base + "ops/op_proto/custom/" + ":") + (path_base + "ops/op_proto/built-in/"); } Status CheckOptionsValid(const std::map &options) { // check job_id is valid auto job_id_iter = options.find(OPTION_EXEC_JOB_ID); if (job_id_iter != options.end()) { if (job_id_iter->second.length() > kMaxStrLen) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "CheckOptionsValid job_id failed, string len > %d", kMaxStrLen); return FAILED; } } return SUCCESS; } // Initialize GE, prepare for execution, call GELib::Initialize Status GEInitializeImpl(const std::map &options) { GELOGT(TRACE_INIT, "GEInitialize start"); ErrorManager::GetInstance().GenWorkStreamIdDefault(); // 0.check init status if (g_ge_initialized) { GELOGW("GEInitialize is called more than once"); return SUCCESS; } // Load OpsProto lib plugin std::string opsproto_path; GetOpsProtoPath(opsproto_path); OpsProtoManager *manager = OpsProtoManager::Instance(); std::map option_tmp; option_tmp.emplace(std::pair(string("ge.opsProtoLibPath"), opsproto_path)); GE_TIMESTAMP_START(GEInitialize); bool is_proto_init = manager->Initialize(option_tmp); GE_TIMESTAMP_END(GEInitialize, "GEInitialize::ManagerInitialize"); if (!is_proto_init) { GELOGE(GE_CLI_INIT_FAILED, "geInitialize failed, ops proto path is invalid."); return FAILED; } // check options is valid GE_TIMESTAMP_START(CheckOptionsValid); if (CheckOptionsValid(options) != SUCCESS) { return FAILED; } GE_TIMESTAMP_END(CheckOptionsValid, "GEInitialize::CheckOptionsValid"); GE_TIMESTAMP_START(InitPreparation); TBEPluginManager::Instance().InitPreparation(options); GE_TIMESTAMP_END(InitPreparation, "GEInitialize::InitPreparation"); // call Initialize GELOGT(TRACE_RUNNING, "Initializing environment"); GE_TIMESTAMP_START(GELibInitialize); Status ret = ge::GELib::Initialize(options); GE_TIMESTAMP_END(GELibInitialize, "GEInitialize::GELibInitialize"); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(GE_CLI_INIT_FAILED, "geInitialize failed, error code = %u", ret); return FAILED; } // 7.check return status, return if (!g_ge_initialized) { // Initialize success, first time calling initialize g_ge_initialized = true; } GELOGT(TRACE_STOP, "GEInitialize finished"); return ret; } // Initialize GE, prepare for execution, call GELib::Initialize Status GEInitialize(const std::map &options) { if (DlogReportInitialize() != SUCCESS) { GELOGW("Dlog report device log initialize failed."); } return GEInitializeImpl(options); } Status GEInitialize(const std::map &options) { std::map str_options; for (auto &option : options) { if (option.first.GetString() == nullptr || option.second.GetString() == nullptr) { GELOGE(FAILED, "GEInitialize options is nullptr."); return FAILED; } std::string key = option.first.GetString(); std::string val = option.second.GetString(); str_options[key] = val; } if (DlogReportInitialize() != SUCCESS) { GELOGW("Dlog report device log initialize failed."); } return GEInitializeImpl(str_options); } // GE finalize, releasing all resources Status GEFinalize() { GELOGT(TRACE_INIT, "GEFinalize start"); ErrorManager::GetInstance().GenWorkStreamIdDefault(); // check init status if (!g_ge_initialized) { GELOGW("GEFinalize is called before GEInitialize"); return SUCCESS; } std::lock_guard lock(g_ge_release_mutex); // call Finalize Status ret = SUCCESS; Status middle_ret; GELOGT(TRACE_RUNNING, "Finalizing environment"); std::shared_ptr instancePtr = ge::GELib::GetInstance(); if (instancePtr == nullptr || !instancePtr->InitFlag()) { GELOGW("GEFinalize Failed: GE not initialized."); ret = GE_CLI_GE_NOT_INITIALIZED; } if (ret != GE_CLI_GE_NOT_INITIALIZED) { middle_ret = instancePtr->Finalize(); GELOGI("GEFinalize finalize gelib ret=%u", middle_ret); if (middle_ret != SUCCESS) { ret = middle_ret; } } middle_ret = TBEPluginManager::Instance().Finalize(); if (middle_ret != SUCCESS) { ret = middle_ret; } if (g_ge_initialized && ret == SUCCESS) { // Unified destruct rt_context RtContextUtil::GetInstance().DestroyAllRtContexts(); g_ge_initialized = false; } // to avoid memory fragment, use malloc_trim to back free stack to system malloc_trim(0); if (DlogReportFinalize() != SUCCESS) { GELOGW("Dlog report device log finalize failed."); } GELOGT(TRACE_STOP, "GEFinalize finished"); return ret; } std::string GEGetErrorMsg() { return ErrorManager::GetInstance().GetErrorMessage(); } std::string GEGetWarningMsg() { return ErrorManager::GetInstance.GetWarningMessage(); } // Initialize session,which calls innerSession Session::Session(const std::map &options) { GELOGT(TRACE_INIT, "Session Constructor start"); ErrorManager::GetInstance().GenWorkStreamIdDefault(); // check init status sessionId_ = 0; if (!g_ge_initialized) { GELOGE(GE_CLI_GE_NOT_INITIALIZED, "GE is not initialized."); return; } // call Initialize std::shared_ptr instance_ptr = ge::GELib::GetInstance(); if (instance_ptr == nullptr || !instance_ptr->InitFlag()) { GELOGE(GE_CLI_GE_NOT_INITIALIZED, "Session Constructor failed"); return; } GELOGT(TRACE_RUNNING, "Creating session"); uint64_t session_id = 0; Status ret = instance_ptr->SessionManagerObj().CreateSession(options, session_id); GELOGT(TRACE_RUNNING, "Session id is %lu", session_id); // check return status, return, update session id if success if (ret == SUCCESS) { sessionId_ = session_id; } else { GELOGE(ret, "Session constructor failed, session Id not initialized"); return; } GELOGT(TRACE_STOP, "Session Constructor finished"); } Session::Session(const std::map &options) { GELOGT(TRACE_INIT, "Session Constructor start"); ErrorManager::GetInstance().GenWorkStreamIdDefault(); // check init status sessionId_ = 0; if (!g_ge_initialized) { GELOGE(GE_CLI_GE_NOT_INITIALIZED, "GE is not initialized."); return; } // call Initialize std::shared_ptr instance_ptr = ge::GELib::GetInstance(); if (instance_ptr == nullptr || !instance_ptr->InitFlag()) { GELOGE(GE_CLI_GE_NOT_INITIALIZED, "Session Constructor failed"); return; } GELOGT(TRACE_RUNNING, "Creating session"); std::map str_options; for (auto &option : options) { if (option.first.GetString() == nullptr || option.second.GetString() == nullptr) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Session options is nullptr."); return; } std::string key = option.first.GetString(); std::string val = option.second.GetString(); str_options[key] = val; } uint64_t session_id = 0; Status ret = instance_ptr->SessionManagerObj().CreateSession(str_options, session_id); GELOGT(TRACE_RUNNING, "Session id is %lu", session_id); // check return status, return, update session id if success if (ret == SUCCESS) { sessionId_ = session_id; } else { GELOGE(ret, "Session constructor failed, session Id not initialized"); return; } GELOGT(TRACE_STOP, "Session Constructor finished"); } // session destructor Session::~Session() { GELOGT(TRACE_INIT, "Session Destructor start"); // 0.check init status if (!g_ge_initialized) { GELOGW("GE is not yet initialized or is finalized."); return; } Status ret = FAILED; std::lock_guard lock(g_ge_release_mutex); try { uint64_t session_id = sessionId_; // call DestroySession std::shared_ptr instance_ptr = ge::GELib::GetInstance(); if (instance_ptr == nullptr || !instance_ptr->InitFlag()) { GELOGW("GE is not yet initialized or is finalized."); return; } GELOGT(TRACE_RUNNING, "Session id is %lu", session_id); GELOGT(TRACE_RUNNING, "Destroying session"); ret = instance_ptr->SessionManagerObj().DestroySession(session_id); } catch (google::protobuf::FatalException &e) { GELOGE(GE_CLI_SESS_DESTROY_FAILED, "SessionDestructor throws FatalException"); } // check return status, return, update session id if success if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(ret, "Session Destructor failed"); } GELOGT(TRACE_STOP, "Session Destructor finished"); } Status Session::AddGraph(uint32_t graph_id, const Graph &graph) { std::map options; ErrorManager::GetInstance().GenWorkStreamIdBySessionGraph(sessionId_, graph_id); return AddGraph(graph_id, graph, options); } Status Session::AddGraph(uint32_t graph_id, const Graph &graph, const std::map &options) { GELOGT(TRACE_INIT, "Start to add graph in Session. graph_id: %u, session_id: %lu.", graph_id, sessionId_); ErrorManager::GetInstance().GenWorkStreamIdBySessionGraph(sessionId_, graph_id); std::shared_ptr instance_ptr = ge::GELib::GetInstance(); if (instance_ptr == nullptr || !instance_ptr->InitFlag()) { GELOGE(GE_CLI_GE_NOT_INITIALIZED, "AddGraph failed in Session."); return FAILED; } GELOGD("Adding graph to session"); Status ret = instance_ptr->SessionManagerObj().AddGraph(sessionId_, graph_id, graph, options); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(ret, "AddGraph failed in Session."); return FAILED; } GELOGD("AddGraph finished in Session."); return ret; } Status Session::AddGraph(uint32_t graph_id, const Graph &graph, const std::map &options) { GELOGT(TRACE_INIT, "Start to add graph in Session. graph_id: %u, session_id: %lu.", graph_id, sessionId_); ErrorManager::GetInstance().GenWorkStreamIdBySessionGraph(sessionId_, graph_id); std::shared_ptr instance_ptr = ge::GELib::GetInstance(); if (instance_ptr == nullptr || !instance_ptr->InitFlag()) { GELOGE(GE_CLI_GE_NOT_INITIALIZED, "AddGraph failed in Session."); return FAILED; } GELOGD("Adding graph to session"); std::map str_options; for (auto &option : options) { if (option.first.GetString() == nullptr || option.second.GetString() == nullptr) { GELOGE(FAILED, "AddGraph options is nullptr."); return FAILED; } std::string key = option.first.GetString(); std::string val = option.second.GetString(); str_options[key] = val; } Status ret = instance_ptr->SessionManagerObj().AddGraph(sessionId_, graph_id, graph, str_options); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(ret, "AddGraph failed in Session."); return FAILED; } GELOGD("AddGraph finished in Session."); return ret; } Status Session::AddGraphWithCopy(uint32_t graph_id, const Graph &graph) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().GenWorkStreamIdBySessionGraph(sessionId_, graph_id); std::map options; return AddGraphWithCopy(graph_id, graph, options); } Status Session::AddGraphWithCopy(uint32_t graph_id, const Graph &graph, const std::map &options) { GELOGT(TRACE_INIT, "Start to add graph in Session. graph_id: %u, session_id: %lu.", graph_id, sessionId_); ErrorManager::GetInstance().GenWorkStreamIdBySessionGraph(sessionId_, graph_id); std::shared_ptr instance_ptr = ge::GELib::GetInstance(); if (instance_ptr == nullptr || !instance_ptr->InitFlag()) { GELOGE(GE_CLI_GE_NOT_INITIALIZED, "AddGraph failed in Session."); return FAILED; } std::map str_options; for (auto it = options.begin(); it != options.end(); ++it) { str_options.insert({it->first.GetString(), it->second.GetString()}); } GELOGD("Adding graph to session"); Status ret = instance_ptr->SessionManagerObj().AddGraphWithCopy(sessionId_, graph_id, graph, str_options); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(ret, "AddGraph failed in Session."); return FAILED; } GELOGD("AddGraph finished in Session."); return ret; } Status Session::RemoveGraph(uint32_t graph_id) { GELOGT(TRACE_INIT, "Session RemoveGraph start"); ErrorManager::GetInstance().GenWorkStreamIdBySessionGraph(sessionId_, graph_id); // call RemoveGraph std::shared_ptr instance_ptr = ge::GELib::GetInstance(); if (!instance_ptr || !instance_ptr->InitFlag()) { GELOGE(GE_CLI_GE_NOT_INITIALIZED, "Session RemoveGraph failed"); return FAILED; } GELOGT(TRACE_RUNNING, "Removing Graph from session"); Status ret = instance_ptr->SessionManagerObj().RemoveGraph(sessionId_, graph_id); // check return status, return if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(ret, "session RemoveGraph failed"); return FAILED; } GELOGT(TRACE_STOP, "Session RemoveGraph finished"); return ret; } void PrintOutputResult(std::vector &outputs) { if (outputs.empty() || outputs[0].GetData() == nullptr) { GELOGW("outputs is empty or data is nullptr."); return; } size_t out_buf_size = outputs[0].GetSize(); TensorDesc desc(outputs[0].GetTensorDesc()); DataType data_type = desc.GetDataType(); auto iter = CONST_OPDATA_TYPE_SIZE_MAP.find(data_type); if (iter == CONST_OPDATA_TYPE_SIZE_MAP.end()) { GELOGI("DataType %s has not defined size", TypeUtils::DataTypeToSerialString(data_type).c_str()); return; } size_t length = CONST_OPDATA_TYPE_SIZE_MAP[data_type]; for (size_t i = 0; i < 10 && i < (out_buf_size / length); ++i) { // take first 10 at most switch (data_type) { case DT_BOOL: case DT_INT8: case DT_UINT8: GELOGI("output data[%zu]=%d", i, *(reinterpret_cast(outputs[0].GetData()) + i)); break; case DT_INT16: case DT_UINT16: GELOGI("output data[%zu]=%d", i, *(reinterpret_cast(outputs[0].GetData()) + i)); break; case DT_INT32: case DT_UINT32: GELOGI("output data[%zu]=%d", i, *(reinterpret_cast(outputs[0].GetData()) + i)); break; case DT_INT64: case DT_UINT64: GELOGI("output data[%zu]=%ld", i, *(reinterpret_cast(outputs[0].GetData()) + i)); break; case DT_FLOAT: GELOGI("output data[%zu]=%f", i, *(reinterpret_cast(outputs[0].GetData()) + i)); break; case DT_DOUBLE: GELOGI("output data[%zu]=%lf", i, *(reinterpret_cast(outputs[0].GetData()) + i)); break; default: GELOGI("Output datatype %s is not supported.", TypeUtils::DataTypeToSerialString(data_type).c_str()); return; } } } Status Session::RunGraph(uint32_t graph_id, const std::vector &inputs, std::vector &outputs) { GELOGT(TRACE_INIT, "Session RunGraph start"); ErrorManager::GetInstance().GenWorkStreamIdBySessionGraph(sessionId_, graph_id); std::vector graph_inputs = inputs; // call RunGraph std::shared_ptr instance_ptr = ge::GELib::GetInstance(); if (instance_ptr == nullptr || !instance_ptr->InitFlag()) { GELOGE(GE_CLI_GE_NOT_INITIALIZED, "Session RunGraph failed"); return FAILED; } GELOGT(TRACE_RUNNING, "Running Graph"); Status ret = instance_ptr->SessionManagerObj().RunGraph(sessionId_, graph_id, graph_inputs, outputs); // check return status if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(ret, "Session RunGraph failed"); return FAILED; } // print output if (outputs.size() > 0) { PrintOutputResult(outputs); } // return GELOGT(TRACE_STOP, "Session RunGraph finished"); return ret; } Status Session::RegisterCallBackFunc(const std::string &key, const pCallBackFunc &callback) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().GenWorkStreamIdDefault(); return ge::GELib::GetInstance()->SessionManagerObj().RegisterCallBackFunc(sessionId_, key, callback); } Status Session::RegisterCallBackFunc(const char *key, const session::pCallBackFunc &callback) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().GenWorkStreamIdDefault(); std::string str_key; if (key != nullptr) { str_key = key; } return ge::GELib::GetInstance()->SessionManagerObj().RegisterCallBackFunc(sessionId_, str_key, callback); } Status Session::BuildGraph(uint32_t graph_id, const std::vector &inputs) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().GenWorkStreamIdBySessionGraph(sessionId_, graph_id); std::shared_ptr instance_ptr = ge::GELib::GetInstance(); if (instance_ptr == nullptr || !instance_ptr->InitFlag()) { GELOGE(GE_CLI_GE_NOT_INITIALIZED, "SessionConstructor failed"); return FAILED; } GELOGT(TRACE_RUNNING, "Building Graph"); Status ret = instance_ptr->SessionManagerObj().BuildGraph(sessionId_, graph_id, inputs); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(ret, "Session BuildGraph failed"); return FAILED; } return SUCCESS; } Status Session::RunGraphAsync(uint32_t graph_id, const std::vector &inputs, RunAsyncCallback callback) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().GenWorkStreamIdBySessionGraph(sessionId_, graph_id); std::shared_ptr instance_ptr = ge::GELib::GetInstance(); if (instance_ptr == nullptr || !instance_ptr->InitFlag()) { GELOGE(GE_CLI_GE_NOT_INITIALIZED, "SessionConstructor failed"); return FAILED; } GELOGT(TRACE_RUNNING, "Run Graph Asynchronously"); GELOGW( "The callback function will not be checked. Please ensure that the implementation of the function is trusted."); Status ret = ge::GELib::GetInstance()->SessionManagerObj().RunGraphAsync(sessionId_, graph_id, inputs, callback); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(ret, "SessionManager RunGraphAsync failed"); return FAILED; } return SUCCESS; } Status Session::GetVariables(const std::vector &var_names, std::vector &var_values) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().GenWorkStreamIdDefault(); auto instance_ptr = ge::GELib::GetInstance(); if (instance_ptr == nullptr || !instance_ptr->InitFlag()) { GELOGE(GE_CLI_GE_NOT_INITIALIZED, "SessionConstructor failed"); return FAILED; } GELOGT(TRACE_RUNNING, "Get Variables"); Status ret = ge::GELib::GetInstance()->SessionManagerObj().GetVariables(sessionId_, var_names, var_values); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(ret, "SessionManager RunGraphAsync failed"); return FAILED; } return SUCCESS; } Status Session::GetVariables(const std::vector &var_names, std::vector &var_values) { ErrorManager::GetInstance().GenWorkStreamIdDefault(); auto instance_ptr = ge::GELib::GetInstance(); if (instance_ptr == nullptr || !instance_ptr->InitFlag()) { GELOGE(GE_CLI_GE_NOT_INITIALIZED, "SessionConstructor failed"); return FAILED; } GELOGT(TRACE_RUNNING, "Get Variables"); std::vector str_var_names; for (auto &var_name : var_names) { if (var_name.GetString() == nullptr) { GELOGE(FAILED, "GetVariables name is nullptr."); return FAILED; } str_var_names.emplace_back(var_name.GetString()); } Status ret = ge::GELib::GetInstance()->SessionManagerObj().GetVariables(sessionId_, str_var_names, var_values); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(ret, "SessionManager RunGraphAsync failed"); return FAILED; } return SUCCESS; } bool Session::IsGraphNeedRebuild(uint32_t graph_id) { return ge::GELib::GetInstance()->SessionManagerObj().IsGraphNeedRebuild(sessionId_, graph_id); } } // namespace ge