/** * Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "common/properties_manager.h" #include #include #include #include "common/ge/ge_util.h" #include "common/util.h" #include "framework/common/debug/ge_log.h" #include "framework/common/debug/log.h" #include "framework/common/ge_types.h" #include "framework/common/types.h" #include "graph/debug/ge_attr_define.h" #include "graph/ge_context.h" #include "graph/utils/attr_utils.h" namespace ge { PropertiesManager::PropertiesManager() : is_inited_(false), delimiter("=") {} PropertiesManager::~PropertiesManager() {} // singleton FMK_FUNC_HOST_VISIBILITY FMK_FUNC_DEV_VISIBILITY PropertiesManager &PropertiesManager::Instance() { static PropertiesManager instance; return instance; } // Initialize property configuration FMK_FUNC_HOST_VISIBILITY FMK_FUNC_DEV_VISIBILITY bool PropertiesManager::Init(const std::string &file_path) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex_); if (is_inited_) { GELOGW("Already inited, will be initialized again"); properties_map_.clear(); is_inited_ = false; return is_inited_; } if (!LoadFileContent(file_path)) { return false; } is_inited_ = true; return is_inited_; } // Load file contents bool PropertiesManager::LoadFileContent(const std::string &file_path) { // Normalize the path string resolved_file_path = RealPath(file_path.c_str()); if (resolved_file_path.empty()) { DOMI_LOGE("Invalid input file path [%s], make sure that the file path is correct.", file_path.c_str()); return false; } std::ifstream fs(resolved_file_path, std::ifstream::in); if (!fs.is_open()) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Open %s failed.", file_path.c_str()); return false; } std::string line; while (getline(fs, line)) { // line not with \n if (!ParseLine(line)) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Parse line failed. content is [%s].", line.c_str()); fs.close(); return false; } } fs.close(); // close the file GELOGI("LoadFileContent success."); return true; } // Parsing the command line bool PropertiesManager::ParseLine(const std::string &line) { std::string temp = Trim(line); // Comment or newline returns true directly if (temp.find_first_of('#') == 0 || *(temp.c_str()) == '\n') { return true; } if (!temp.empty()) { std::string::size_type pos = temp.find_first_of(delimiter); if (pos == std::string::npos) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Incorrect line [%s], it must include [%s].Perhaps you use illegal chinese symbol", line.c_str(), delimiter.c_str()); return false; } std::string map_key = Trim(temp.substr(0, pos)); std::string value = Trim(temp.substr(pos + 1)); if (map_key.empty() || value.empty()) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Map_key or value empty. %s", line.c_str()); return false; } properties_map_[map_key] = value; } return true; } // Remove the space and tab before and after the string std::string PropertiesManager::Trim(const std::string &str) { if (str.empty()) { return str; } std::string::size_type start = str.find_first_not_of(" \t\r\n"); if (start == std::string::npos) { return str; } std::string::size_type end = str.find_last_not_of(" \t\r\n") + 1; return str.substr(start, end); } // Get property value, if not found, return "" FMK_FUNC_HOST_VISIBILITY FMK_FUNC_DEV_VISIBILITY std::string PropertiesManager::GetPropertyValue( const std::string &map_key) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex_); auto iter = properties_map_.find(map_key); if (properties_map_.end() != iter) { return iter->second; } return ""; } // Set property value FMK_FUNC_HOST_VISIBILITY FMK_FUNC_DEV_VISIBILITY void PropertiesManager::SetPropertyValue(const std::string &map_key, const std::string &value) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex_); properties_map_[map_key] = value; } // return properties_map_ FMK_FUNC_HOST_VISIBILITY FMK_FUNC_DEV_VISIBILITY std::map PropertiesManager::GetPropertyMap() { std::lock_guard lock(mutex_); return properties_map_; } // Set separator FMK_FUNC_HOST_VISIBILITY FMK_FUNC_DEV_VISIBILITY void PropertiesManager::SetPropertyDelimiter(const std::string &de) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex_); delimiter = de; } FMK_FUNC_HOST_VISIBILITY FMK_FUNC_DEV_VISIBILITY DumpProperties &PropertiesManager::GetDumpProperties( uint64_t session_id) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex_); // If session_id is not found in dump_properties_map_, operator[] will insert one. return dump_properties_map_[session_id]; } FMK_FUNC_HOST_VISIBILITY FMK_FUNC_DEV_VISIBILITY void PropertiesManager::AddDumpProperties( uint64_t session_id, const DumpProperties &dump_properties) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex_); dump_properties_map_.emplace(session_id, dump_properties); } FMK_FUNC_HOST_VISIBILITY FMK_FUNC_DEV_VISIBILITY void PropertiesManager::RemoveDumpProperties(uint64_t session_id) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex_); auto iter = dump_properties_map_.find(session_id); if (iter != dump_properties_map_.end()) { dump_properties_map_.erase(iter); } } } // namespace ge