/** * Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "init/gelib.h" #include "ops_kernel_builder_manager.h" #include "register/ops_kernel_builder_registry.h" namespace ge { namespace { const std::vector kBasicBuilderLibs = { "libge_local_opskernel_builder.so", "libhost_cpu_opskernel_builder.so", "librts_kernel_builder.so", "libaicpu_ascend_builder.so", "libaicpu_tf_builder.so" }; const std::vector kHcclBuilderLibs = { "libhcom_opskernel_builder.so", "libhvd_opskernel_builder.so" }; } // namespace OpsKernelBuilderManager::~OpsKernelBuilderManager() { // it's OK to call Finalize multiply times (void) Finalize(); } OpsKernelBuilderManager &OpsKernelBuilderManager::Instance() { static OpsKernelBuilderManager instance; return instance; } Status OpsKernelBuilderManager::Initialize(const map &options, bool is_train) { if (is_train) { std::string lib_paths; GE_CHK_STATUS_RET_NOLOG(GetLibPaths(options, lib_paths)); plugin_manager_.reset(new (std::nothrow)PluginManager()); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(plugin_manager_); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(plugin_manager_->LoadSo(lib_paths), "Failed to load libs"); } auto &kernel_builders = OpsKernelBuilderRegistry::GetInstance().GetAll(); GELOGI("Number of OpBuild = %zu", kernel_builders.size()); for (const auto &it : kernel_builders) { const std::string &kernel_lib_name = it.first; GELOGI("Initialize ops kernel util for %s", kernel_lib_name.c_str()); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(it.second); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(it.second->Initialize(options), "Failed to invoke Initialize, kernel lib name = %s", kernel_lib_name.c_str()); ops_kernel_builders_.emplace(kernel_lib_name, it.second); } return SUCCESS; } Status OpsKernelBuilderManager::Finalize() { for (const auto &it : ops_kernel_builders_) { const std::string &kernel_lib_name = it.first; GELOGI("Finalize ops kernel util for %s", kernel_lib_name.c_str()); auto ret = it.second->Finalize(); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGW("Failed to invoke Finalize, kernel lib name = %s", kernel_lib_name.c_str()); } } ops_kernel_builders_.clear(); plugin_manager_.reset(); return SUCCESS; } const map &OpsKernelBuilderManager::GetAllOpsKernelBuilders() const { return ops_kernel_builders_; } OpsKernelBuilderPtr OpsKernelBuilderManager::GetOpsKernelBuilder(const string &name) const { auto it = ops_kernel_builders_.find(name); if (it != ops_kernel_builders_.end()) { return it->second; } GELOGW("Failed to get opsKernelInfoStore object by name. OpKernelLibName is %s", name.c_str()); return nullptr; } Status OpsKernelBuilderManager::GetLibPaths(const std::map &options, std::string &lib_paths) { GELOGD("Start to execute GetLibPaths"); std::string path_base = PluginManager::GetPath(); std::string so_path = "plugin/opskernel/"; std::string path = path_base + so_path; std::string all_lib_paths; for (const auto &lib_name : kBasicBuilderLibs) { all_lib_paths += (path + lib_name + ":"); } auto iter = options.find(OPTION_EXEC_HCCL_FLAG); if (iter == options.end() || iter->second != "0") { for (const auto &lib_name : kHcclBuilderLibs) { all_lib_paths += (path + lib_name + ":"); } } lib_paths = std::move(all_lib_paths); GELOGI("Get lib paths by default. paths = %s", lib_paths.c_str()); return SUCCESS; } Status OpsKernelBuilderManager::CalcOpRunningParam(Node &node) const { auto op_desc = node.GetOpDesc(); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(op_desc); const std::string &lib_name = op_desc->GetOpKernelLibName(); auto it = ops_kernel_builders_.find(lib_name); if (it == ops_kernel_builders_.end()) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to get OpKernelStore. libName = %s, node = %s", lib_name.c_str(), op_desc->GetName().c_str()); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } GELOGD("To invoke CalcOpRunningParam, node = %s, lib name = %s", op_desc->GetName().c_str(), lib_name.c_str()); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(it->second->CalcOpRunningParam(node), "Failed to invoke CalcOpRunningParam, libName = %s, node = %s", lib_name.c_str(), op_desc->GetName().c_str()); GELOGD("Done invoking CalcOpRunningParam successfully"); return SUCCESS; } Status OpsKernelBuilderManager::GenerateTask(const Node &node, RunContext &context, std::vector &tasks) const { auto op_desc = node.GetOpDesc(); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(op_desc); const std::string &lib_name = op_desc->GetOpKernelLibName(); auto it = ops_kernel_builders_.find(lib_name); if (it == ops_kernel_builders_.end()) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to get OpKernelStore. libName = %s, node = %s", lib_name.c_str(), op_desc->GetName().c_str()); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } GELOGD("To invoke GenerateTask, node = %s, lib name = %s", op_desc->GetName().c_str(), lib_name.c_str()); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(it->second->GenerateTask(node, context, tasks), "Failed to invoke GenerateTask, libName = %s, node = %s", lib_name.c_str(), op_desc->GetName().c_str()); GELOGD("Done invoking GenerateTask successfully"); return SUCCESS; } } // namespace ge