/** * Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef __CCE_RUNTIME_CONFIG_H__ #define __CCE_RUNTIME_CONFIG_H__ #include "base.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define PLAT_COMBINE(arch, chip, ver) ((arch << 16) | (chip << 8) | (ver)) #define PLAT_GET_ARCH(type) ((type >> 16) & 0xffff) #define PLAT_GET_CHIP(type) ((type >> 8) & 0xff) #define PLAT_GET_VER(type) (type & 0xff) typedef enum tagRtArchType { ARCH_BEGIN = 0, ARCH_V100 = ARCH_BEGIN, ARCH_V200, ARCH_END, } rtArchType_t; typedef enum tagRtChipType { CHIP_BEGIN = 0, CHIP_MINI = CHIP_BEGIN, CHIP_CLOUD, CHIP_MDC, CHIP_LHISI, CHIP_DC, CHIP_END, } rtChipType_t; typedef enum tagRtVersion { VER_BEGIN = 0, VER_NA = VER_BEGIN, VER_ES, VER_CS, VER_END, } rtVersion_t; /* match rtChipType_t */ typedef enum tagRtPlatformType { PLATFORM_BEGIN = 0, PLATFORM_MINI_V1 = PLATFORM_BEGIN, PLATFORM_CLOUD_V1, PLATFORM_MINI_V2, PLATFORM_LHISI_ES, PLATFORM_LHISI_CS, PLATFORM_END, } rtPlatformType_t; typedef enum tagRtCubeFracMKNFp16 { RT_CUBE_MKN_FP16_2_16_16 = 0, RT_CUBE_MKN_FP16_4_16_16, RT_CUBE_MKN_FP16_16_16_16, RT_CUBE_MKN_FP16_Default, } rtCubeFracMKNFp16_t; typedef enum tagRtCubeFracMKNInt8 { RT_CUBE_MKN_INT8_2_32_16 = 0, RT_CUBE_MKN_INT8_4_32_4, RT_CUBE_MKN_INT8_4_32_16, RT_CUBE_MKN_INT8_16_32_16, RT_CUBE_MKN_INT8_Default, } rtCubeFracMKNInt8_t; typedef enum tagRtVecFracVmulMKNFp16 { RT_VEC_VMUL_MKN_FP16_1_16_16 = 0, RT_VEC_VMUL_MKN_FP16_Default, } rtVecFracVmulMKNFp16_t; typedef enum tagRtVecFracVmulMKNInt8 { RT_VEC_VMUL_MKN_INT8_1_32_16 = 0, RT_VEC_VMUL_MKN_INT8_Default, } rtVecFracVmulMKNInt8_t; typedef struct tagRtAiCoreSpec { uint32_t cubeFreq; uint32_t cubeMSize; uint32_t cubeKSize; uint32_t cubeNSize; rtCubeFracMKNFp16_t cubeFracMKNFp16; rtCubeFracMKNInt8_t cubeFracMKNInt8; rtVecFracVmulMKNFp16_t vecFracVmulMKNFp16; rtVecFracVmulMKNInt8_t vecFracVmulMKNInt8; } rtAiCoreSpec_t; typedef struct tagRtAiCoreRatesPara { uint32_t ddrRate; uint32_t l2Rate; uint32_t l2ReadRate; uint32_t l2WriteRate; uint32_t l1ToL0ARate; uint32_t l1ToL0BRate; uint32_t l0CToUBRate; uint32_t ubToL2; uint32_t ubToDDR; uint32_t ubToL1; } rtAiCoreMemoryRates_t; typedef struct tagRtMemoryConfig { uint32_t flowtableSize; uint32_t compilerSize; } rtMemoryConfig_t; typedef struct tagRtPlatformConfig { uint32_t platformConfig; } rtPlatformConfig_t; /** * @ingroup * @brief get platform * @param [in] platForm * @return platForm */ RTS_API rtError_t rtGetPlatformConfig(rtPlatformConfig_t *platForm); /** * @ingroup * @brief get AI core count * @param [in] aiCoreCnt * @return aiCoreCnt */ RTS_API rtError_t rtGetAiCoreCount(uint32_t *aiCoreCnt); /** * @ingroup * @brief get AI cpu count * @param [in] aiCpuCnt * @return aiCpuCnt */ RTS_API rtError_t rtGetAiCpuCount(uint32_t *aiCpuCnt); /** * @ingroup * @brief get AI core frequency * @param [in] aiCoreSpec * @return aiCoreSpec */ RTS_API rtError_t rtGetAiCoreSpec(rtAiCoreSpec_t *aiCoreSpec); /** * @ingroup * @brief AI get core band Info * @param [in] aiCoreMemoryRates * @return aiCoreMemoryRates */ RTS_API rtError_t rtGetAiCoreMemoryRates(rtAiCoreMemoryRates_t *aiCoreMemoryRates); /** * @ingroup * @brief AI get core buffer Info,FlowTable Size,Compiler Size * @param [in] memoryConfig * @return memoryConfig */ RTS_API rtError_t rtGetMemoryConfig(rtMemoryConfig_t *memoryConfig); /** * @ingroup * @brief set platform in gen ctx * @param [in] platForm * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok, errno for failed */ RTS_API rtError_t rtSetPlatformType(rtPlatformType_t platformType); /** * @ingroup * @brief get l2 buffer Info,virtual baseaddr,Size * @param [in] stream * @return RT_ERROR_NONE for ok, errno for failed */ RTS_API rtError_t rtMemGetL2Info(rtStream_t stream, void **ptr, uint32_t *size); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // __CCE_RUNTIME_STREAM_H__