/** * Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "single_op/single_op.h" #include "common/fmk_types.h" #include "common/ge_types.h" #include "common/math/math_util.h" #include "common/profiling/profiling_manager.h" #include "framework/common/debug/ge_log.h" #include "framework/common/util.h" #include "graph/load/model_manager/model_utils.h" #include "runtime/mem.h" #include "single_op/single_op_manager.h" #include "single_op/task/build_task_utils.h" #include "graph/load/model_manager/model_manager.h" namespace ge { namespace { const size_t kDataMemAlignSize = 32; const size_t kDataMemAlignUnit = 2; const string kShapeTypeDynamic = "dynamic"; const string kShapeTypeStatic = "static"; size_t GetAlignedSize(size_t size) { size_t aligned_size = (size + kDataMemAlignUnit * kDataMemAlignSize - 1) / kDataMemAlignSize * kDataMemAlignSize; return aligned_size; } Status ProfilingTaskInfo(OpTask *op_task, const string &shape_type) { if (!ProfilingManager::Instance().ProfilingModelLoadOn()) { return SUCCESS; } string model_name; string op_name; uint32_t model_id; uint32_t block_dim; if (op_task->GetProfilingArgs(model_name, op_name, model_id, block_dim) != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(ACL_ERROR_GE_PARAM_INVALID, "Get profiling data of task failed"); return ACL_ERROR_GE_PARAM_INVALID; } GELOGD("ProfilingReport of op[%s] model[%s] start.", op_name.c_str(), model_name.c_str()); std::vector task_desc_info; uint32_t task_id = 0; uint32_t stream_id = 0; if (rtGetTaskIdAndStreamID(&task_id, &stream_id) != RT_ERROR_NONE) { GELOGE(ACL_ERROR_GE_PARAM_INVALID, "Get task_id and stream_id failed."); return ACL_ERROR_GE_PARAM_INVALID; } TaskDescInfo tmp_task_desc_info; tmp_task_desc_info.model_name = model_name; tmp_task_desc_info.op_name = op_name; tmp_task_desc_info.block_dim = block_dim; tmp_task_desc_info.task_id = task_id; tmp_task_desc_info.stream_id = stream_id; tmp_task_desc_info.shape_type = shape_type; tmp_task_desc_info.cur_iter_num = 0; tmp_task_desc_info.task_type = op_task->GetTaskType(); GELOGD("GetTaskDescInfo of op [%s] end, task_id[%u], stream_id[%u]", op_name.c_str(), task_id, stream_id); task_desc_info.emplace_back(tmp_task_desc_info); std::vector compute_graph_info; auto &profiling_manager = ProfilingManager::Instance(); profiling_manager.ReportProfilingData(model_id, task_desc_info, compute_graph_info); return SUCCESS; } } // namespace SingleOp::SingleOp(StreamResource *stream_resource, std::mutex *stream_mutex, rtStream_t stream) : stream_resource_(stream_resource), stream_mutex_(stream_mutex), stream_(stream) { } FMK_FUNC_HOST_VISIBILITY FMK_FUNC_DEV_VISIBILITY SingleOp::~SingleOp() { for (auto task : tasks_) { delete task; task = nullptr; } } Status SingleOp::ValidateArgs(const std::vector &inputs, const std::vector &outputs) { auto num_inputs = inputs.size(); if (num_inputs != input_sizes_.size()) { GELOGE(ACL_ERROR_GE_PARAM_INVALID, "Input num mismatch. model expect %zu, but given %zu", input_addr_list_.size(), inputs.size()); return ACL_ERROR_GE_PARAM_INVALID; } for (size_t i = 0; i < num_inputs; ++i) { // preventing from read out of bound size_t aligned_size = GetAlignedSize(inputs[i].length); GELOGI("Input [%zu], aligned_size:%zu, inputs.length:%lu, input_sizes_:%zu", i, aligned_size, inputs[i].length, input_sizes_[i]); if (aligned_size < input_sizes_[i]) { GELOGE(ACL_ERROR_GE_PARAM_INVALID, "Input size mismatch. index = %zu, model expect %zu," " but given %zu(after align)", i, input_sizes_[i], aligned_size); return ACL_ERROR_GE_PARAM_INVALID; } } auto num_outputs = outputs.size(); if (num_outputs != output_sizes_.size()) { GELOGE(ACL_ERROR_GE_PARAM_INVALID, "output num mismatch. model expect %zu, but given %zu", output_sizes_.size(), outputs.size()); return ACL_ERROR_GE_PARAM_INVALID; } for (size_t i = 0; i < num_outputs; ++i) { // preventing from write out of bound size_t aligned_size = GetAlignedSize(outputs[i].length); GELOGI("Output [%zu], aligned_size:%zu, outputs.length:%lu, output_sizes_:%zu", i, aligned_size, outputs[i].length, output_sizes_[i]); if (aligned_size < output_sizes_[i]) { GELOGE(ACL_ERROR_GE_PARAM_INVALID, "Output size mismatch. index = %zu, model expect %zu," "but given %zu(after align)", i, output_sizes_[i], aligned_size); return ACL_ERROR_GE_PARAM_INVALID; } } return SUCCESS; } Status SingleOp::GetArgs(const std::vector &inputs, const std::vector &outputs) { size_t arg_index = 0; for (auto &input : inputs) { args_[arg_index++] = reinterpret_cast(input.data); } for (auto &output : outputs) { args_[arg_index++] = reinterpret_cast(output.data); } return SUCCESS; } Status SingleOp::UpdateArgs(const std::vector &inputs, const std::vector &outputs) { Status ret = GetArgs(inputs, outputs); if (ret != SUCCESS) { return ret; } // update tbe task args size_t num_args = arg_table_.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_args; ++i) { std::vector &ptr_to_arg_in_tasks = arg_table_[i]; if (ptr_to_arg_in_tasks.empty()) { GELOGW("found NO arg address to update for arg[%lu]", i); continue; } for (uintptr_t *arg_addr : ptr_to_arg_in_tasks) { *arg_addr = args_[i]; } } return SUCCESS; } FMK_FUNC_HOST_VISIBILITY FMK_FUNC_DEV_VISIBILITY Status SingleOp::ExecuteAsync(const std::vector &inputs, const std::vector &outputs) { Status ret = ValidateArgs(inputs, outputs); if (ret != SUCCESS) { return ret; } GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(stream_resource_); std::lock_guard lk(*stream_mutex_); auto current_mem_base = stream_resource_->GetMemoryBase(); if (running_param_->mem_base != current_mem_base) { running_param_->mem_base = const_cast(current_mem_base); GELOGD("Memory base changed, new memory base = %p", current_mem_base); for (auto &task : tasks_) { auto new_address = BuildTaskUtils::GetAddresses(task->GetOpdesc(), *running_param_); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(task->UpdateArgTable(*running_param_), "[%s] Failed to update arg table", task->GetOpdesc()->GetName().c_str()); } } ret = UpdateArgs(inputs, outputs); if (ret != SUCCESS) { return ret; } for (auto &task : tasks_) { ret = task->LaunchKernel(stream_); if (ret != SUCCESS) { return ret; } GE_CHK_STATUS_RET_NOLOG(ProfilingTaskInfo(task, kShapeTypeStatic)); } return ret; } void SingleOp::SetStream(rtStream_t stream) { stream_ = stream; } DynamicSingleOp::DynamicSingleOp(uintptr_t resource_id, std::mutex *stream_mutex, rtStream_t stream) : resource_id_(resource_id), stream_mutex_(stream_mutex), stream_(stream) { } Status DynamicSingleOp::ValidateParams(const vector &input_desc, const std::vector &inputs, std::vector &output_desc, std::vector &outputs) const { if (inputs.size() != input_desc.size()) { GELOGE(ACL_ERROR_GE_PARAM_INVALID, "Input number mismatches input desc number. Input num = %zu, input desc num = %zu", inputs.size(), input_desc.size()); return ACL_ERROR_GE_PARAM_INVALID; } if (outputs.size() != output_desc.size()) { GELOGE(ACL_ERROR_GE_PARAM_INVALID, "Output number mismatches output desc number. Output num = %zu, output desc num = %zu", outputs.size(), output_desc.size()); return ACL_ERROR_GE_PARAM_INVALID; } if (input_desc.size() != num_inputs_) { GELOGE(ACL_ERROR_GE_PARAM_INVALID, "Input number mismatches. expect %zu, but given %zu", num_inputs_, input_desc.size()); return ACL_ERROR_GE_PARAM_INVALID; } if (output_desc.size() != num_outputs_) { GELOGE(ACL_ERROR_GE_PARAM_INVALID, "Output number mismatches. expect %zu, but given %zu", num_outputs_, output_desc.size()); return ACL_ERROR_GE_PARAM_INVALID; } return SUCCESS; } Status DynamicSingleOp::ExecuteAsync(const vector &input_desc, const vector &input_buffers, vector &output_desc, vector &output_buffers) { GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(op_task_); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET_NOLOG(ValidateParams(input_desc, input_buffers, output_desc, output_buffers)); std::lock_guard lk(*stream_mutex_); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET_NOLOG(op_task_->LaunchKernel(input_desc, input_buffers, output_desc, output_buffers, stream_)); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET_NOLOG(ProfilingTaskInfo(op_task_.get(), kShapeTypeDynamic)); return SUCCESS; } } // namespace ge