/** * Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "graph/load/new_model_manager/davinci_model.h" #include #include #include #include #include "common/debug/log.h" #include "common/formats/formats.h" #include "common/formats/utils/formats_trans_utils.h" #include "common/math/math_util.h" #include "common/op/ge_op_utils.h" #include "common/profiling/profiling_manager.h" #include "common/properties_manager.h" #include "common/scope_guard.h" #include "common/thread_pool.h" #include "framework/common/debug/ge_log.h" #include "graph/common/ge_call_wrapper.h" #include "graph/compute_graph.h" #include "graph/debug/ge_attr_define.h" #include "graph/ge_context.h" #include "graph/graph.h" #include "graph/load/new_model_manager/cpu_queue_schedule.h" #include "graph/load/new_model_manager/model_manager.h" #include "graph/load/new_model_manager/tbe_handle_store.h" #include "graph/manager/graph_mem_allocator.h" #include "graph/manager/graph_var_manager.h" #include "graph/manager/trans_var_data_utils.h" #include "graph/manager/util/debug.h" #include "graph/model_serialize.h" #include "graph/node.h" #include "graph/utils/graph_utils.h" #include "graph/utils/type_utils.h" #include "init/gelib.h" #include "mmpa/mmpa_api.h" #include "omm/csa_interact.h" #include "runtime/base.h" #include "runtime/dev.h" #include "runtime/event.h" #include "runtime/mem.h" #include "runtime/rt_model.h" #include "runtime/stream.h" #include "securec.h" #include "graph/common/local_context.h" #include "common/formats/utils/formats_trans_utils.h" // create std::thread, catch exceptions using try/catch #define CREATE_STD_THREAD(thread_id, func, args) \ do { \ try { \ thread_id = std::thread(func, args); \ } catch (const std::system_error &e) { \ GELOGE(FAILED, "Caught system_error with code:%d, meaning:%s", e.code().value(), e.what()); \ GELOGE(FAILED, "Thread creat FAIL, Please check the left resource!"); \ return FAILED; \ } \ } while (0) namespace ge { namespace { const uint32_t kDataIndex = 0; const uint32_t kOutputNum = 1; const uint32_t kTrueBranchStreamNum = 1; const uint32_t kGetDynamicDimsCount = 1; const uint32_t kThreadNum = 16; const uint32_t kAddrLen = sizeof(void *); const int kDecimal = 10; const int kBytes = 8; const uint32_t kDataMemAlignSizeCompare = 64; const uint32_t kDumpL1FusionOpMByteSize = 2097152; // 2 * 1024 * 1024 const uint32_t kDumpFlagOfL1Fusion = 0; const char *const kDefaultBatchLable = "Batch_default"; const char *const kGetDynamicDimsName = "ascend_mbatch_get_dynamic_dims_node"; const int32_t kInvalidStream = -1; const uint32_t kEndOfSequence = 0x0704000a; const uint32_t kEndOfSequenceNew = 507005; const int32_t kModelAbortNormal = 0x0704000e; const int32_t kModelAbortNormalNew = 507024; inline bool IsDataOp(const std::string &node_type) { return node_type == DATA_TYPE || node_type == AIPP_DATA_TYPE || node_type == ANN_DATA_TYPE; } inline bool IsNoTaskAndDumpNeeded(const OpDescPtr &op_desc) { bool save_dump_info = false; (void)ge::AttrUtils::GetBool(op_desc, ATTR_NO_TASK_AND_DUMP_NEEDED, save_dump_info); return save_dump_info; } } // namespace std::mutex DavinciModel::tvm_bin_mutex_; DavinciModel::DavinciModel(int32_t priority, const std::shared_ptr &listener) : weights_mem_base_(nullptr), var_mem_base_(nullptr), fixed_mem_base_(0), mem_base_(nullptr), is_inner_mem_base_(false), is_inner_weight_base_(false), is_inner_p2p_mem_base_(false), data_inputer_(nullptr), load_begin_time_(0), load_end_time_(0), time_info_(), dataInputTid(0), is_weight_mem_has_inited_(false), is_feature_map_mem_has_inited_(false), model_id_(0), runtime_model_id_(0), version_(0), ge_model_(nullptr), thread_id_(), listener_(listener), run_flg_(false), priority_(priority), rt_model_handle_(nullptr), rt_model_stream_(nullptr), is_inner_model_stream_(false), is_async_mode_(false), last_execute_mode_(INITIALIZATION), session_id_(0), device_id_(0), maxDumpOpNum_(0), data_dumper_(runtime_param_), iterator_count_(0), is_l1_fusion_enable_(false), is_first_execute_(true) { op_list_.clear(); skt_info_ = {0, 0, 0, 0, nullptr, nullptr, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, RT_KERNEL_DEFAULT, -1, 0, nullptr}; } DavinciModel::~DavinciModel() { try { Status ret = data_dumper_.UnloadDumpInfo(); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGW("UnloadDumpInfo failed, ret: %u.", ret); } for (const auto &op_and_addr : saved_task_addrs_) { auto addr = op_and_addr.second; if (addr != nullptr) { GE_CHK_RT(rtFree(addr)); } addr = nullptr; } saved_task_addrs_.clear(); GE_CHK_STATUS(ModelRunStop()); op_list_.clear(); data_op_list_.clear(); tensor_name_to_fixed_addr_size_.clear(); tensor_name_to_peer_output_index_.clear(); GE_DELETE_NEW_SINGLE(data_inputer_); // check rt ctx is exist. rt api call will cause error log when ctx not exist rtContext_t ctx = nullptr; rtError_t rt_ret = rtCtxGetCurrent(&ctx); if (rt_ret == RT_ERROR_NONE) { UnbindTaskSinkStream(); for (size_t i = 0; i < label_list_.size(); ++i) { if (label_list_[i] != nullptr) { GE_LOGW_IF(rtLabelDestroy(label_list_[i]) != RT_ERROR_NONE, "Destroy label failed, index: %zu", i); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < stream_list_.size(); ++i) { GE_LOGW_IF(rtStreamDestroy(stream_list_[i]) != RT_ERROR_NONE, "Destroy stream failed, index: %zu", i); } for (size_t i = 0; i < event_list_.size(); ++i) { GE_LOGW_IF(rtEventDestroy(event_list_[i]) != RT_ERROR_NONE, "Destroy event failed, index: %zu", i); } FreeWeightsMem(); FreeFeatureMapMem(); FreeP2PMem(); if (l1_fusion_addr_ != nullptr) { GE_CHK_RT(rtFree(l1_fusion_addr_)); } if (rt_model_handle_ != nullptr) { GE_CHK_RT(rtModelDestroy(rt_model_handle_)); rt_model_handle_ = nullptr; } } OpDebugUnRegister(); ReleaseTask(); CleanTbeHandle(); var_mem_base_ = nullptr; if (known_node_) { if (args_ != nullptr) { GE_CHK_RT(rtFree(args_)); } total_io_addrs_.clear(); if (fixed_addrs_ != nullptr) { GE_CHK_RT(rtFree(fixed_addrs_)); } } } catch (...) { GELOGW("DavinciModel::~DavinciModel: clear op_list catch exception."); } } void DavinciModel::UnbindHcomStream() { if (!all_hccl_stream_list_.empty()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < all_hccl_stream_list_.size(); i++) { GE_LOGW_IF(rtModelUnbindStream(rt_model_handle_, all_hccl_stream_list_[i]) != RT_ERROR_NONE, "Unbind hccl stream from model failed! Index: %zu", i); GE_LOGW_IF(rtStreamDestroy(all_hccl_stream_list_[i]) != RT_ERROR_NONE, "Destroy hccl stream for rt_model failed!") } } return; } void DavinciModel::ReleaseTask() { for (const auto &task : cpu_task_list_) { if (task != nullptr) { GE_CHK_STATUS(task->Release(), "Release task failed."); } } cpu_task_list_.clear(); for (const auto &task : task_list_) { if (task != nullptr) { GE_CHK_STATUS(task->Release(), "Release task failed."); } } } Status DavinciModel::Assign(const GeModelPtr &ge_model) { if (ge_model == nullptr) { GELOGI("can't assign null ge_model"); return FAILED; } ge_model_ = ge_model; return SUCCESS; } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief Reduce memory usage after task sink. /// @return: void /// void DavinciModel::Shrink() { skt_info_ = {0, 0, 0, 0, nullptr, nullptr, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, RT_KERNEL_DEFAULT, -1, 0, nullptr}; ge_model_.reset(); // delete object. } Status DavinciModel::InitWeightMem(void *dev_ptr, void *weight_ptr, size_t weight_size) { if (is_weight_mem_has_inited_) { GELOGE(FAILED, "call InitWeightMem more than once."); return FAILED; } is_weight_mem_has_inited_ = true; const Buffer &weights = ge_model_->GetWeight(); std::size_t weights_size = weights.GetSize(); GE_CHECK_LE(weights_size, ALLOC_MEMORY_MAX_SIZE); if ((weight_ptr != nullptr) && (weight_size < weights_size)) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Invalid mem param: weight_size=%zu totalsize=%zu.", weight_size, weights_size); return FAILED; } weights_mem_base_ = static_cast(dev_ptr); is_inner_weight_base_ = false; if (weights_size != 0) { weights_mem_base_ = static_cast(weight_ptr); is_inner_weight_base_ = false; if (weight_ptr == nullptr) { weights_mem_base_ = MallocWeightsMem(weights_size); if (weights_mem_base_ == nullptr) { GELOGE(ACL_ERROR_GE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION, "Alloc weight memory failed. size: %zu", weights_size); return ACL_ERROR_GE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION; } is_inner_weight_base_ = true; } GELOGI("[IMAS]InitWeightMem graph_%u MallocMemory type[W] memaddr[%p] mem_size[%zu]", runtime_param_.graph_id, weights_mem_base_, weights_size); GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtMemcpy(weights_mem_base_, weights_size, weights.GetData(), weights_size, RT_MEMCPY_HOST_TO_DEVICE)); GELOGI("copy weights data to device"); } runtime_param_.weight_base = weights_mem_base_; return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::InitFeatureMapAndP2PMem(void *dev_ptr, size_t mem_size) { if (is_feature_map_mem_has_inited_) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "call InitFeatureMapMem more than once."); return PARAM_INVALID; } is_feature_map_mem_has_inited_ = true; std::size_t data_size = TotalMemSize(); std::size_t p2p_data_size = P2PMemInfos().at(RT_MEMORY_P2P_DDR).memory_size; if ((dev_ptr != nullptr) && (mem_size < TotalMemSize())) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Invalid mem param: mem_size=%zu totalsize=%zu.", mem_size, TotalMemSize()); return PARAM_INVALID; } mem_base_ = static_cast(dev_ptr); p2p_mem_base_ = static_cast(dev_ptr); is_inner_mem_base_ = false; if (TotalMemSize() && mem_base_ == nullptr) { mem_base_ = MallocFeatureMapMem(data_size); if (mem_base_ == nullptr) { GELOGE(ACL_ERROR_GE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION, "Alloc feature map memory failed. size: %zu", data_size); return ACL_ERROR_GE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION; } GEEVENT("[IMAS]InitFeatureMapAndP2PMem graph_%u MallocMemory type[F] memaddr[%p] mem_size[%zu]", runtime_param_.graph_id, mem_base_, data_size); if (!is_inner_weight_base_) { weights_mem_base_ = mem_base_; is_inner_weight_base_ = true; } is_inner_mem_base_ = true; } if (p2p_data_size != 0) { p2p_mem_base_ = MallocP2PMem(p2p_data_size); if (p2p_mem_base_ == nullptr) { GELOGE(ACL_ERROR_GE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION, "Alloc p2p memory failed,size: %zu", p2p_data_size); return ACL_ERROR_GE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION; } GELOGI("InitFeatureMapAndP2PMem graph_%u MallocMemory type[F] memaddr[%p] mem_size[%zu]", runtime_param_.graph_id, p2p_mem_base_, p2p_data_size); is_inner_p2p_mem_base_ = true; } GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(InitVariableMem(), "Init variable memory failed."); runtime_param_.mem_base = mem_base_; runtime_param_.weight_base = weights_mem_base_; runtime_param_.memory_infos[RT_MEMORY_P2P_DDR].memory_base = p2p_mem_base_; return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::InitVariableMem() { // malloc variable memory base var_mem_base_ = VarManager::Instance(session_id_)->GetVarMemoryBase(RT_MEMORY_HBM); if (TotalVarMemSize() && var_mem_base_ == nullptr) { Status ret = VarManager::Instance(session_id_)->MallocVarMemory(TotalVarMemSize()); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(ret, "Malloc variable memory failed."); return ret; } var_mem_base_ = VarManager::Instance(session_id_)->GetVarMemoryBase(RT_MEMORY_HBM); GEEVENT("[IMAS]InitVariableMem graph_%u MallocMemory type[V] memaddr[%p] mem_size[%zu]", runtime_param_.graph_id, var_mem_base_, TotalVarMemSize()); } runtime_param_.var_base = var_mem_base_; return SUCCESS; } void DavinciModel::InitRuntimeParams() { int64_t value = 0; bool ret; MemInfo p2p_mem_info; ret = ge::AttrUtils::GetInt(ge_model_, ATTR_MODEL_MEMORY_SIZE, value); runtime_param_.mem_size = ret ? (uint64_t)value : 0; ret = ge::AttrUtils::GetInt(ge_model_, ATTR_MODEL_WEIGHT_SIZE, value); runtime_param_.weight_size = ret ? (uint64_t)value : 0; ret = ge::AttrUtils::GetInt(ge_model_, ATTR_MODEL_STREAM_NUM, value); runtime_param_.stream_num = ret ? (uint32_t)value : 0; ret = ge::AttrUtils::GetInt(ge_model_, ATTR_MODEL_EVENT_NUM, value); runtime_param_.event_num = ret ? (uint32_t)value : 0; ret = ge::AttrUtils::GetInt(ge_model_, ATTR_MODEL_LABEL_NUM, value); runtime_param_.label_num = ret ? (uint32_t)value : 0; ret = ge::AttrUtils::GetInt(ge_model_, ATTR_MODEL_BATCH_NUM, value); runtime_param_.batch_num = ret ? (uint32_t)value : 0; ret = ge::AttrUtils::GetInt(ge_model_, MODEL_ATTR_TASK_GEN_BASE_ADDR, value); runtime_param_.logic_mem_base = ret ? (uint64_t)value : 0; ret = ge::AttrUtils::GetInt(ge_model_, MODEL_ATTR_TASK_GEN_WEIGHT_ADDR, value); runtime_param_.logic_weight_base = ret ? (uint64_t)value : 0; ret = ge::AttrUtils::GetInt(ge_model_, ge::MODEL_ATTR_SESSION_ID, value); runtime_param_.session_id = ret ? (uint64_t)value : 0; ret = ge::AttrUtils::GetInt(ge_model_, ATTR_MODEL_TASK_GEN_VAR_ADDR, value); runtime_param_.logic_var_base = ret ? (uint64_t)value : 0; ret = ge::AttrUtils::GetInt(ge_model_, ATTR_MODEL_VAR_SIZE, value); runtime_param_.var_size = ret ? (uint64_t)value : 0; session_id_ = runtime_param_.session_id; ret = ge::AttrUtils::GetInt(ge_model_, ATTR_MODEL_P2P_MEMORY_SIZE, value); p2p_mem_info.memory_size = ret ? (uint64_t)value : 0; runtime_param_.memory_infos[RT_MEMORY_P2P_DDR] = std::move(p2p_mem_info); GELOGI( "InitRuntimeParams(), session_id:%lu, stream_num:%u, event_num:%u, label_num:%u, " "logic_mem_base:0x%lx, logic_weight_base:0x%lx, logic_var_base:0x%lx, " "memory_size:%lu, weight_size:%lu, var_size:%lu", runtime_param_.session_id, runtime_param_.stream_num, runtime_param_.event_num, runtime_param_.label_num, runtime_param_.logic_mem_base, runtime_param_.logic_weight_base, runtime_param_.logic_var_base, runtime_param_.mem_size, runtime_param_.weight_size, runtime_param_.var_size); } void DavinciModel::CheckHasHcomOp() { Graph graph = ge_model_->GetGraph(); auto compute_graph = GraphUtils::GetComputeGraph(graph); if (compute_graph == nullptr) { return; } for (const auto &node : compute_graph->GetAllNodes()) { OpDescPtr op_desc = node->GetOpDesc(); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(op_desc == nullptr, GELOGW("Node OpDesc is nullptr"); continue); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(((op_desc->GetType() == HCOMBROADCAST) || (op_desc->GetType() == HCOMALLGATHER) || (op_desc->GetType() == HCOMALLREDUCE) || (op_desc->GetType() == HCOMSEND) || (op_desc->GetType() == HCOMRECEIVE) || (op_desc->GetType() == HCOMREDUCESCATTER) || (op_desc->GetType() == HVDCALLBACKALLREDUCE) || (op_desc->GetType() == HVDCALLBACKALLGATHER) || (op_desc->GetType() == HVDCALLBACKBROADCAST) || (op_desc->GetType() == HVDWAIT) || (op_desc->GetType() == HCOMREDUCE)), uint32_t stream_id = static_cast(op_desc->GetStreamId()); (void)hcom_streams_.emplace(stream_id); GELOGD("hcom stream: %u.", stream_id); continue); } } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief Make active stream list and bind to model. /// @return: 0 for success / others for fail /// Status DavinciModel::BindModelStream() { // Stream not in active_stream_indication_ is active stream. is_stream_list_bind_ = false; if ((!input_queue_ids_.empty() || !output_queue_ids_.empty()) || (deploy_type_ == AICPU_DEPLOY_CROSS_THREAD)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < stream_list_.size(); ++i) { if (active_stream_indication_.count(i) == 0) { active_stream_list_.push_back(stream_list_[i]); active_stream_indication_.insert(i); // deactive all model stream. } } } for (size_t i = 0; i < stream_list_.size(); ++i) { if (active_stream_indication_.count(i) > 0) { GELOGI("rtModelBindStream[%zu]", i); GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtModelBindStream(rt_model_handle_, stream_list_[i], RT_INVALID_FLAG)); } else { // bind rt_model_handel to all streams that relates to op GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtModelBindStream(rt_model_handle_, stream_list_[i], RT_HEAD_STREAM)); } } is_stream_list_bind_ = true; return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::DoTaskSink() { // task sink is supported as model_task_def is set const auto &model_task_def = ge_model_->GetModelTaskDefPtr(); if (model_task_def == nullptr) { return SUCCESS; } GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtGetAicpuDeploy(&deploy_type_)); GELOGI("do task_sink. AiCpu deploy type is: %x.", deploy_type_); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(BindModelStream(), "Bind model stream failed."); if (known_node_) { GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(MallocKnownArgs(), "Mallloc known node args failed."); } GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(InitTaskInfo(*model_task_def.get()), "InitTaskInfo failed."); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(ModelManager::GetInstance()->LaunchCustAicpuSo(), "Launch cust aicpu so failed."); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(ModelManager::GetInstance()->CheckAicpuOpList(ge_model_), "Check aicpu op type failed."); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(InitEntryTask(), "InitEntryTask failed."); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(DistributeTask(), "Distribute failed."); GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtModelLoadComplete(rt_model_handle_)); SetCopyOnlyOutput(); return SUCCESS; } // set device use aicore(0) or vectorcore(1) Status DavinciModel::SetTSDevice() { int64_t value = 0; bool ret = ge::AttrUtils::GetInt(ge_model_, ATTR_MODEL_CORE_TYPE, value); uint32_t core_type = ret ? static_cast(value) : 0; GELOGD("SetTSDevice: %u", core_type); rtError_t rt_ret = rtSetTSDevice(core_type); if (rt_ret != RT_ERROR_NONE) { GELOGE(RT_FAILED, "SetTSDevice failed, ret: 0x%X", rt_ret); return RT_ERROR_TO_GE_STATUS(rt_ret); } return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::OpDebugRegister() { bool is_op_debug = false; (void)ge::AttrUtils::GetBool(ge_model_, ATTR_OP_DEBUG_FLAG, is_op_debug); GELOGD("The value of op_debug in ge_model_ is %d.", is_op_debug); if (is_op_debug) { debug_reg_mutex_.lock(); rtError_t rt_ret = rtMalloc(&op_debug_addr_, kOpDebugMemorySize, RT_MEMORY_DDR); if (rt_ret != RT_ERROR_NONE) { GELOGE(RT_FAILED, "rtMalloc error, ret: 0x%X", rt_ret); return RT_ERROR_TO_GE_STATUS(rt_ret); } uint64_t debug_addrs_tmp = static_cast(reinterpret_cast(op_debug_addr_)); // For data dump, aicpu needs the pointer to pointer that save the real debug address. rt_ret = rtMalloc(&p2p_debug_addr_, kDebugP2pSize, RT_MEMORY_HBM); if (rt_ret != RT_ERROR_NONE) { GELOGE(RT_FAILED, "rtMalloc error, ret: 0x%X", rt_ret); return RT_ERROR_TO_GE_STATUS(rt_ret); } rt_ret = rtMemcpy(p2p_debug_addr_, sizeof(uint64_t), &debug_addrs_tmp, sizeof(uint64_t), RT_MEMCPY_HOST_TO_DEVICE); if (rt_ret != RT_ERROR_NONE) { GELOGE(RT_FAILED, "rtMemcpy to p2p_addr error: 0x%X", rt_ret); return RT_ERROR_TO_GE_STATUS(rt_ret); } uint32_t op_debug_mode = 0; (void)ge::AttrUtils::GetInt(ge_model_, ATTR_OP_DEBUG_MODE, op_debug_mode); GELOGD("The value of op_debug_mode in ge_model_ is %u.", op_debug_mode); uint32_t debug_task_id = 0; uint32_t debug_stream_id = 0; rt_ret = rtDebugRegister(rt_model_handle_, op_debug_mode, op_debug_addr_, &debug_stream_id, &debug_task_id); if (rt_ret != RT_ERROR_NONE) { GELOGE(RT_FAILED, "rtDebugRegister error, ret: 0x%X", rt_ret); return RT_ERROR_TO_GE_STATUS(rt_ret); } GELOGI("debug_task_id:%d, debug_stream_id:%u", debug_task_id, debug_stream_id); is_op_debug_reg_ = true; data_dumper_.SaveOpDebugId(debug_task_id, debug_stream_id, p2p_debug_addr_, is_op_debug); } return SUCCESS; } void DavinciModel::OpDebugUnRegister() { if (is_op_debug_reg_) { debug_reg_mutex_.unlock(); rtError_t rt_ret = RT_ERROR_NONE; if (rt_model_handle_ != nullptr) { GELOGD("start call debug_unregister."); rt_ret = rtDebugUnRegister(rt_model_handle_); if (rt_ret != RT_ERROR_NONE) { GELOGW("rtDebugUnRegister failed, ret: 0x%X", rt_ret); } } if (op_debug_addr_ != nullptr) { rt_ret = rtFree(op_debug_addr_); if (rt_ret != RT_ERROR_NONE) { GELOGW("rtFree failed, ret: 0x%X", rt_ret); } op_debug_addr_ = nullptr; } if (p2p_debug_addr_ != nullptr) { rt_ret = rtFree(p2p_debug_addr_); if (rt_ret != RT_ERROR_NONE) { GELOGW("rtFree failed, ret: 0x%X", rt_ret); } p2p_debug_addr_ = nullptr; } is_op_debug_reg_ = false; } return; } // initialize op sequence and call initialization function of each op respectively Status DavinciModel::Init(void *dev_ptr, size_t mem_size, void *weight_ptr, size_t weight_size) { // validating params GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG(priority_ < 0 || priority_ > 7, return PARAM_INVALID, "Priority must between 0-7, now is %d", priority_); GE_CHK_BOOL_RET_STATUS(ge_model_ != nullptr, PARAM_INVALID, "GeModel is null."); Graph graph = ge_model_->GetGraph(); ComputeGraphPtr compute_graph = GraphUtils::GetComputeGraph(graph); GE_CHK_BOOL_RET_STATUS(compute_graph != nullptr, INTERNAL_ERROR, "Get compute graph is nullptr."); // Initializing runtime_param_ InitRuntimeParams(); // RTS set aicore or vectorcore GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(SetTSDevice(), "SetTSDevice failed"); version_ = ge_model_->GetVersion(); name_ = ge_model_->GetName(); (void)ge::AttrUtils::GetBool(ge_model_, ATTR_NAME_SWITCH_FOR_L1_FUSION, is_l1_fusion_enable_); GELOGD("The value of ge.l1Fusion in ge_model_ is %d.", is_l1_fusion_enable_); CheckHasHcomOp(); vector huge_stream_list; (void)ge::AttrUtils::GetListInt(ge_model_, ATTR_MODEL_HUGE_STREAM_LIST, huge_stream_list); std::set huge_streams(huge_stream_list.begin(), huge_stream_list.end()); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < StreamNum(); i++) { rtStream_t stream = nullptr; GE_MAKE_GUARD_RTSTREAM(stream); uint32_t stream_flags = RT_STREAM_PERSISTENT; if (huge_streams.find(i) != huge_streams.end()) { GELOGI("Stream %u is huge stream.", i); stream_flags |= RT_STREAM_HUGE; } if (hcom_streams_.find(i) != hcom_streams_.end()) { GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtStreamCreateWithFlags(&stream, priority_, stream_flags | RT_STREAM_FORCE_COPY)); } else { GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtStreamCreateWithFlags(&stream, priority_, stream_flags)); } GE_DISMISS_GUARD(stream); stream_list_.push_back(stream); int32_t rt_stream_id = kInvalidStream; (void)rtGetStreamId(stream, &rt_stream_id); GELOGI("Logical stream index:%u, stream:%p, rtstream: %d.", i, stream, rt_stream_id); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < EventNum(); i++) { rtEvent_t rt_event; GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtEventCreate(&rt_event)); event_list_.push_back(rt_event); } label_list_.resize(LabelNum(), nullptr); // create model_handle to load model GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtModelCreate(&rt_model_handle_, 0)); GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtModelGetId(rt_model_handle_, &runtime_model_id_)); // inference will use default graph_id 0; runtime_param_.graph_id = compute_graph->GetGraphID(); // op debug register GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(OpDebugRegister(), "OpDebugRegister failed"); GE_TIMESTAMP_START(TransAllVarData); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(TransAllVarData(compute_graph, runtime_param_.graph_id), "TransAllVarData failed."); GE_TIMESTAMP_END(TransAllVarData, "GraphLoader::TransAllVarData"); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(TransVarDataUtils::CopyVarData(compute_graph, session_id_, device_id_), "copy var data failed."); GE_TIMESTAMP_START(InitModelMem); GELOGD("Known node is %d", known_node_); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET_NOLOG(InitWeightMem(dev_ptr, weight_ptr, weight_size)); if (!known_node_) { GE_CHK_STATUS_RET_NOLOG(InitFeatureMapAndP2PMem(dev_ptr, mem_size)); data_inputer_ = new (std::nothrow) DataInputer(); GE_CHK_BOOL_RET_STATUS(data_inputer_ != nullptr, MEMALLOC_FAILED, "data_inputer_ is nullptr."); } fixed_mem_base_ = reinterpret_cast(mem_base_); GE_TIMESTAMP_END(InitModelMem, "GraphLoader::InitModelMem"); for (const ge::NodePtr &node : compute_graph->GetDirectNode()) { auto op_desc = node->GetOpDesc(); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(op_desc == nullptr, continue); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(op_desc->GetType() != VARIABLE, continue); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(IsBroadCastOpData(node), (void)ge::AttrUtils::SetStr(op_desc, VAR_ATTR_VAR_IS_BROADCAST, "var_is_restore");); } GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(InitNodes(compute_graph), "Init nodes failed"); SetDataDumperArgs(compute_graph); GE_TIMESTAMP_START(DoTaskSink); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(DoTaskSink(), "Task sink failed"); GE_TIMESTAMP_END(DoTaskSink, "GraphLoader::DoTaskSink"); auto all_dump_model = GetDumpProperties().GetAllDumpModel(); bool findByOmName = all_dump_model.find(om_name_) != all_dump_model.end(); bool findByModelName = all_dump_model.find(name_) != all_dump_model.end(); bool dump_l1fusion_op = (all_dump_model.find(ge::DUMP_ALL_MODEL) != all_dump_model.end()) || findByOmName || findByModelName; if (dump_l1fusion_op) { // malloc 2M for dump l1fusion op GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtMalloc(&l1_fusion_addr_, kDumpL1FusionOpMByteSize, RT_MEMORY_DDR)); // send l1fusion dump addr to rts GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtDumpAddrSet(rt_model_handle_, l1_fusion_addr_, kDumpL1FusionOpMByteSize, kDumpFlagOfL1Fusion)); } /// In zero copy model, if a aicpu operator is connected to the first or last layer, before model execution, /// the aicpu opertor needs to destroy history record, and update operator memory address. /// The model with specified aicpu operators is only marked here, and destruction is in ModelManager::ExecuteModel(). need_destroy_aicpu_kernel_ = IsAicpuKernelConnectSpecifiedLayer(); (void)ge::AttrUtils::GetListStr(ge_model_, ATTR_MODEL_OUT_NODES_NAME, out_node_name_); string fp_ceiling_mode; if (ge::AttrUtils::GetStr(ge_model_, ATTR_FP_CEILING_MODE, fp_ceiling_mode)) { GELOGI("Get attr ATTR_FP_CEILING_MODE from model, value is %s.", fp_ceiling_mode.c_str()); // mode 0: Do not perform saturation processing. By default, IEEE754 is used. GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtSetCtxINFMode((fp_ceiling_mode != "0"))); } // collect profiling for ge GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(InitModelProfile(), "Init model profile failed"); auto &profiling_manager = ProfilingManager::Instance(); if (profiling_manager.ProfilingModelLoadOn()) { Status p_ret = ReportProfilingData(); if (p_ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(p_ret, "Report profiling data failed."); return p_ret; } } Shrink(); return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::ReportProfilingData() { std::vector compute_graph_desc_info; Status ret = GetComputeGraphInfo(compute_graph_desc_info); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(ret, "GetComputeGraphInfo failed."); return ret; } ProfilingManager::Instance().ReportProfilingData(model_id_, GetTaskDescInfo(), compute_graph_desc_info); GE_CHK_STATUS(SinkModelProfile(), "Sink model profiler failed."); op_list_.clear(); return SUCCESS; } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief Travel all nodes and determine if destruction is required. /// @return bool /// bool DavinciModel::IsAicpuKernelConnectSpecifiedLayer() { Graph graph = ge_model_->GetGraph(); ComputeGraphPtr compute_graph = GraphUtils::GetComputeGraph(graph); auto all_nodes = compute_graph->GetAllNodes(); for (auto &node : all_nodes) { GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(node == nullptr, continue); OpDescPtr op_desc = node->GetOpDesc(); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(op_desc == nullptr, continue); int64_t imply_type = -1; (void)ge::AttrUtils::GetInt(op_desc, ATTR_NAME_IMPLY_TYPE, imply_type); if (imply_type != static_cast(domi::ImplyType::AI_CPU)) { continue; } GELOGD("Current operator imply type is %ld, name is %s.", imply_type, op_desc->GetName().c_str()); for (auto &in_data_anchor : node->GetAllInDataAnchors()) { GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(in_data_anchor == nullptr, continue); auto peer_out_data_anchor = in_data_anchor->GetPeerOutAnchor(); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(peer_out_data_anchor == nullptr, continue); auto peer_node = peer_out_data_anchor->GetOwnerNode(); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(peer_node == nullptr, continue); auto peer_op_desc = peer_node->GetOpDesc(); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(peer_op_desc == nullptr, continue); if (IsDataOp(peer_op_desc->GetType())) { GELOGI("Mark specified aicpu operator connected to data."); return true; } } for (auto &out_data_anchor : node->GetAllOutDataAnchors()) { GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(out_data_anchor == nullptr, continue); auto peer_in_data_anchors = out_data_anchor->GetPeerInDataAnchors(); for (auto &peer_in_data_anchor : peer_in_data_anchors) { GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(peer_in_data_anchor == nullptr, continue); auto peer_node = peer_in_data_anchor->GetOwnerNode(); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(peer_node == nullptr, continue); auto peer_op_desc = peer_node->GetOpDesc(); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(peer_op_desc == nullptr, continue); if (peer_op_desc->GetType() == NETOUTPUT) { GELOGI("Mark specified aicpu operator connected to netoutput."); return true; } } } } return false; } Status DavinciModel::UpdateSessionId(uint64_t session_id) { GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(ge_model_); if (!AttrUtils::SetInt(ge_model_, MODEL_ATTR_SESSION_ID, static_cast(session_id))) { GELOGW("Set attr[%s] failed in updating session_id.", MODEL_ATTR_SESSION_ID.c_str()); } GELOGD("Update session id: %lu.", session_id); return SUCCESS; } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief Travel all nodes and do some init. /// @param [in] compute_graph: ComputeGraph to load. /// @return Status /// Status DavinciModel::InitNodes(const ComputeGraphPtr &compute_graph) { uint32_t data_op_index = 0; GE_TIMESTAMP_CALLNUM_START(LoadTBEKernelBinToOpDesc); GE_TIMESTAMP_CALLNUM_START(InitTbeHandle); typedef Status (DavinciModel::*OpDescCall)(const OpDescPtr &); static std::map op_desc_handle = { {VARIABLE, &DavinciModel::InitVariable}, {CONSTANTOP, &DavinciModel::InitConstant}, {STREAMACTIVE, &DavinciModel::InitStreamActive}, {STREAMSWITCH, &DavinciModel::InitStreamSwitch}, {STREAMSWITCHN, &DavinciModel::InitStreamSwitchN}, {LABELSET, &DavinciModel::InitLabelSet}, {CASE, &DavinciModel::InitCase}, }; vector output_op_list; map data_by_index; auto nodes = compute_graph->GetAllNodes(); const CustAICPUKernelStore &aicpu_kernel_store = ge_model_->GetCustAICPUKernelStore(); for (size_t i = 0; i < nodes.size(); ++i) { auto node = nodes.at(i); auto op_desc = node->GetOpDesc(); if (op_desc == nullptr) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "op_desc is null."); return PARAM_INVALID; } op_list_[op_desc->GetId()] = op_desc; GE_TIMESTAMP_RESTART(LoadTBEKernelBinToOpDesc); aicpu_kernel_store.LoadCustAICPUKernelBinToOpDesc(op_desc); GE_TIMESTAMP_ADD(LoadTBEKernelBinToOpDesc); if (IsDataOp(op_desc->GetType())) { if (InitDataOp(compute_graph, node, data_op_index, data_by_index) != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Data init failed, Name: %s", op_desc->GetName().c_str()); return PARAM_INVALID; } data_dumper_.SaveDumpInput(node); continue; } if (op_desc->GetType() == NETOUTPUT) { if (InitNetOutput(compute_graph, node, output_op_list) != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "NetOutput init failed, Name: %s", op_desc->GetName().c_str()); return PARAM_INVALID; } continue; } auto it = op_desc_handle.find(op_desc->GetType()); if (it != op_desc_handle.end()) { if ((this->*it->second)(op_desc) != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "NetOutput init failed, Name: %s", op_desc->GetName().c_str()); return PARAM_INVALID; } continue; } // for dynamic shape with control flow SetLabelForDynamic(node); if (IsNoTaskAndDumpNeeded(op_desc)) { GELOGD("node[%s] without task, and save op_desc and addr for dump", op_desc->GetName().c_str()); const RuntimeParam &rts_param = GetRuntimeParam(); const vector input_data_addrs = ModelUtils::GetInputDataAddrs(rts_param, op_desc); const vector output_data_addrs = ModelUtils::GetOutputDataAddrs(rts_param, op_desc); const vector workspace_data_addrs = ModelUtils::GetWorkspaceDataAddrs(rts_param, op_desc); vector tensor_device_addrs; tensor_device_addrs.insert(tensor_device_addrs.end(), input_data_addrs.begin(), input_data_addrs.end()); tensor_device_addrs.insert(tensor_device_addrs.end(), output_data_addrs.begin(), output_data_addrs.end()); tensor_device_addrs.insert(tensor_device_addrs.end(), workspace_data_addrs.begin(), workspace_data_addrs.end()); void *addr = nullptr; auto size = kAddrLen * tensor_device_addrs.size(); GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtMalloc(&addr, size, RT_MEMORY_HBM)); rtError_t rt_ret = rtMemcpy(addr, size, tensor_device_addrs.data(), size, RT_MEMCPY_HOST_TO_DEVICE); if (rt_ret != RT_ERROR_NONE) { GELOGE(RT_FAILED, "rtMemcpy error, ret: 0x%X", rt_ret); GE_CHK_RT(rtFree(addr)); return RT_ERROR_TO_GE_STATUS(rt_ret); } saved_task_addrs_.emplace(op_desc, addr); } GE_TIMESTAMP_RESTART(InitTbeHandle); uint32_t run_mode = static_cast(domi::ImplyType::INVALID); if (AttrUtils::GetInt(op_desc, ATTR_NAME_IMPLY_TYPE, run_mode) && run_mode == static_cast(domi::ImplyType::TVM)) { // Skip no_task operator, such as concat and split. bool attr_notask = false; bool get_attr_notask_flag = ge::AttrUtils::GetBool(op_desc, ATTR_NAME_NOTASK, attr_notask); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(get_attr_notask_flag && attr_notask, GELOGI("Node[name:%s, type:%s] does not generate task, skip initialization.", op_desc->GetName().c_str(), op_desc->GetType().c_str()); continue;); Status status = InitTbeHandle(op_desc); if (status != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(status, "TBE init failed. %s", op_desc->GetName().c_str()); return status; } } GE_TIMESTAMP_ADD(InitTbeHandle); } GE_TIMESTAMP_CALLNUM_END(LoadTBEKernelBinToOpDesc, "GraphLoader::LoadTBEKernelBinToOpDesc."); GE_TIMESTAMP_CALLNUM_END(InitTbeHandle, "GraphLoader::InitTbeHandle."); return OptInputOutputInfo(data_by_index, output_op_list); } void DavinciModel::SetLabelForDynamic(const NodePtr &node) { if (known_node_ && node->GetOpDesc()->GetType() == LABELSWITCHBYINDEX) { for (auto &in_data_anchor : node->GetAllInDataAnchors()) { auto peer_out_data_anchor = in_data_anchor->GetPeerOutAnchor(); if (peer_out_data_anchor != nullptr) { string tensor_name = node->GetName(); auto peer_node = peer_out_data_anchor->GetOwnerNode(); (void)AttrUtils::SetStr(peer_node->GetOpDesc(), ATTR_DYNAMIC_SHAPE_FIXED_ADDR, tensor_name); (void)AttrUtils::SetInt(peer_node->GetOpDesc(), ATTR_DYNAMIC_SHAPE_FIXED_ADDR_INDEX, 0); tensor_name_to_peer_output_index_[tensor_name] = 0; } } } } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief Data Op Initialize. /// @param [in] ComputeGraphPtr: root graph of the model. /// @param [in] NodePtr: Data Op. /// @param [in/out] data_op_index: index of courrent count. /// @param [in/out] data_by_index: Data ordered by index. /// @return Status /// Status DavinciModel::InitDataOp(const ComputeGraphPtr &graph, const NodePtr &node, uint32_t &data_op_index, map &data_by_index) { // op_desc Checked by Init: Data, valid. auto op_desc = node->GetOpDesc(); if (node->GetOwnerComputeGraph() != graph) { GELOGI("Skip subgraph Data node: %s.", op_desc->GetName().c_str()); return SUCCESS; } GELOGI("Init Data node: %s.", op_desc->GetName().c_str()); auto data_index = data_op_index++; if (AttrUtils::GetInt(op_desc, ATTR_NAME_INDEX, data_index)) { GELOGD("Get new index %u, old %u", data_index, data_op_index - 1); } data_by_index[data_index] = op_desc; data_op_list_.push_back(op_desc); if (known_node_) { return SUCCESS; } // Make information for copy input data. const vector output_size_list = ModelUtils::GetOutputSize(op_desc); const vector virtual_addr_list = ModelUtils::GetOutputDataAddrs(runtime_param_, op_desc); const vector output_offset_list = op_desc->GetOutputOffset(); if (output_size_list.empty() || virtual_addr_list.empty() || (output_size_list.size() != virtual_addr_list.size()) || (output_offset_list.size() != virtual_addr_list.size())) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Data[%s] init failed: output size is %zu, virtual_addr size is %zu, offset size is %zu.", op_desc->GetName().c_str(), output_size_list.size(), virtual_addr_list.size(), output_offset_list.size()); return PARAM_INVALID; } bool fusion_flag = false; ZeroCopyOffset zero_copy_offset; int64_t data_size = output_size_list[kDataIndex]; void *virtual_addr = virtual_addr_list[kDataIndex]; Status ret = zero_copy_offset.InitInputDataInfo(data_size, virtual_addr, op_desc, fusion_flag); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "InitDataInfo of input_info %s failed.", op_desc->GetName().c_str()); return PARAM_INVALID; } new_input_data_info_[data_index] = zero_copy_offset; for (size_t index = 0; index < virtual_addr_list.size(); ++index) { void *addr = virtual_addr_list.at(index); if (new_input_outside_addrs_.find(addr) != new_input_outside_addrs_.end()) { continue; } zero_copy_offset.SetInputOutsideAddrs(output_offset_list, addr, index, fusion_flag, real_virtual_addrs_); new_input_outside_addrs_[addr] = zero_copy_offset; } return SUCCESS; } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief Sort Data op list by index. /// @param [in] data_by_index: map of Data Op. /// @param [in] output_op_list: list of NetOutput op. /// @return Status /// Status DavinciModel::OptInputOutputInfo(const map &data_by_index, const vector &output_op_list) { GELOGD("Data node size: %zu, NetOutput node size: %zu", data_op_list_.size(), output_op_list.size()); if (data_by_index.size() != data_op_list_.size()) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "Data map size: %zu, Data list size: %zu.", data_by_index.size(), data_op_list_.size()); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } data_op_list_.clear(); for (auto &item : data_by_index) { data_op_list_.emplace_back(item.second); auto output_addrs = ModelUtils::GetOutputDataAddrs(runtime_param_, item.second); GELOGD("Data node: %s, output addr size: %zu", item.second->GetName().c_str(), output_addrs.size()); input_addrs_list_.emplace_back(output_addrs); if (item.second->GetType() == AIPP_DATA_TYPE) { GELOGI("This is dynamic aipp model, Node: %s", item.second->GetName().c_str()); is_dynamic_aipp_ = true; } } for (const auto &op_desc : output_op_list) { auto input_addrs = ModelUtils::GetInputDataAddrs(runtime_param_, op_desc); GELOGD("NetOutput node: %s, input addr size: %zu", op_desc->GetName().c_str(), input_addrs.size()); output_addrs_list_.emplace_back(input_addrs); bool getnext_sink_dynamic = false; if (AttrUtils::GetBool(op_desc, ATTR_GETNEXT_SINK_DYNMAIC, getnext_sink_dynamic) && getnext_sink_dynamic) { GELOGI("ATTR_GETNEXT_SINK_DYNMAIC has been set and is true, node: %s", op_desc->GetName().c_str()); is_getnext_sink_dynamic_ = true; } vector shape_info; if (AttrUtils::GetListStr(op_desc, ATTR_NAME_DYNAMIC_OUTPUT_DIMS, shape_info)) { dynamic_output_shape_info_.insert(dynamic_output_shape_info_.end(), shape_info.begin(), shape_info.end()); } if (InitOutputTensorInfo(op_desc) != SUCCESS) { return INTERNAL_ERROR; } } return InitOutputDescInfo(output_op_list, output_descs_, output_formats_); } bool DavinciModel::IsGetNextSinkDynamic(const OpDescPtr &op_desc) { bool getnext_sink_dynamic = false; if (ge::AttrUtils::GetBool(op_desc, ATTR_GETNEXT_SINK_DYNMAIC, getnext_sink_dynamic) && getnext_sink_dynamic) { GELOGI("ATTR_GETNEXT_SINK_DYNMAIC has been set and is true."); return true; } return false; } /// @ingroup ge /// @brief NetOutput Op Initialize. /// @param [in] ComputeGraphPtr: root graph of the model. /// @param [in] NodePtr: NetOutput Op. /// @param [in/out] vector: All NetOutput node in model. /// @return Status Status DavinciModel::InitNetOutput(const ComputeGraphPtr &graph, const NodePtr &node, vector &output_op_list) { // node->GetOpDesc Checked by Init: NetOutput, valid. auto op_desc = node->GetOpDesc(); // excludes the function op sub graph, e.g. case,if if (node->GetOwnerComputeGraph() != graph) { GELOGI("Skip subgraph NetOutput node: %s.", op_desc->GetName().c_str()); op_list_.erase(op_desc->GetId()); return SUCCESS; } GELOGI("Init NetOutput node: %s.", op_desc->GetName().c_str()); output_op_list.push_back(op_desc); if (known_node_) { return SUCCESS; } // Make information for copy output data. const vector input_size_list = ModelUtils::GetInputSize(op_desc); const vector virtual_addr_list = ModelUtils::GetInputDataAddrs(runtime_param_, op_desc); const vector input_offset_list = op_desc->GetInputOffset(); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(input_offset_list.size() != virtual_addr_list.size(), GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "virtual_addr size should be equal to offset size."); return PARAM_INVALID;); if (input_size_list.empty() && virtual_addr_list.empty()) { GELOGI("NetOutput[%s] is empty.", op_desc->GetName().c_str()); return SUCCESS; } if (input_size_list.empty() || input_size_list.size() != virtual_addr_list.size()) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "NetOutput[%s] init failed: Input size is %zu, Input addr is %zu", op_desc->GetName().c_str(), input_size_list.size(), virtual_addr_list.size()); return PARAM_INVALID; } size_t num = new_output_data_info_.size(); bool fusion_flag = false; size_t input_count = input_size_list.size(); is_getnext_sink_dynamic_ = false; if (IsGetNextSinkDynamic(op_desc)) { input_count = input_size_list.size() - kGetDynamicDimsCount; is_getnext_sink_dynamic_ = true; } for (size_t idx = 0; idx < input_count; ++idx) { ZeroCopyOffset zero_copy_offset; Status ret = zero_copy_offset.InitOutputDataInfo(input_size_list, virtual_addr_list, op_desc, idx, fusion_flag); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(ret != SUCCESS, GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "InitDataInfo of input_info %s failed.", op_desc->GetName().c_str()); return PARAM_INVALID;); new_output_data_info_[num + idx] = zero_copy_offset; void *addr = virtual_addr_list.at(idx); int64_t input_offset = input_offset_list.at(idx); vector tensor_addrs; zero_copy_offset.SetOutputOutsideAddrs(input_offset, fusion_flag, addr, tensor_addrs); auto rslt = new_output_outside_addrs_.insert(std::pair(addr, zero_copy_offset)); if (!rslt.second) { GELOGI("same output_tensor_addr %p to different input_tensor of %s", addr, op_desc->GetName().c_str()); DisableZeroCopy(addr); } for (size_t i = 0; i < tensor_addrs.size(); ++i) { void *real_addr = tensor_addrs.at(i); DisableZeroCopy(real_addr); real_virtual_addrs_.insert(real_addr); } } GetAllGearsInfo(node); if (is_getnext_sink_dynamic_) { GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(GetGetDynamicDimsNodeInfo(node) != SUCCESS, GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Failed to get info of getdynamicdims node."); return PARAM_INVALID;); } if (is_online_infer_dynamic_) { GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(GetGearAndRealOutSizeInfo(input_count, node) != SUCCESS, GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Failed to get gear and real out size info."); return PARAM_INVALID;); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(GetGearAndRealOutShapeInfo(input_count, op_desc) != SUCCESS, GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Failed to get gear and real out shape info."); return PARAM_INVALID;); } return SUCCESS; } void DavinciModel::GetAllGearsInfo(const NodePtr &node) { is_online_infer_dynamic_ = false; all_gears_info_.clear(); std::string shapes; (void) AttrUtils::GetStr(node->GetOpDesc(), ATTR_ALL_GEARS_INFO, shapes); if (!shapes.empty()) { is_online_infer_dynamic_ = true; std::vector shape_strs = ge::StringUtils::Split(shapes, ';'); for (const auto &shape_str : shape_strs) { if (shape_str.empty()) { continue; } std::vector gear_info; std::vector dims = ge::StringUtils::Split(shape_str, ','); for (const auto &dim : dims) { if (dim.empty()) { continue; } gear_info.emplace_back(std::strtol(dim.c_str(), nullptr, kDecimal)); } if (!gear_info.empty()) { all_gears_info_.emplace_back(gear_info); GELOGD("Init all gears info from %s, gaer info is %s.", node->GetName().c_str(), formats::JoinToString(gear_info).c_str()); } } } } Status DavinciModel::GetGetDynamicDimsNodeInfo(const NodePtr &node) { GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(node->GetOpDesc()); size_t input_count = node->GetAllInDataAnchors().size(); GELOGI("input_anchor count of %s is %zu.", node->GetName().c_str(), input_count); size_t get_dynamic_dims_index = input_count - kGetDynamicDimsCount; auto in_anchor = node->GetAllInDataAnchors().at(get_dynamic_dims_index); auto peer_out_anchor = in_anchor->GetPeerOutAnchor(); if (peer_out_anchor == nullptr) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Out anchor of getdynmaicdims node should not be nullptr."); return PARAM_INVALID; } auto peer_node = peer_out_anchor->GetOwnerNode(); auto op_desc = peer_node->GetOpDesc(); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(op_desc); if (op_desc->GetName() == kGetDynamicDimsName && op_desc->GetType() == GETDYNAMICDIMS) { GELOGD("Start get info of %s.", op_desc->GetName().c_str()); auto input_addr = ModelUtils::GetInputDataAddrs(runtime_param_, node->GetOpDesc()); auto input_size = ModelUtils::GetInputSize(node->GetOpDesc()); if (input_addr.empty() || input_size.empty()) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Not set output of %s", op_desc->GetName().c_str()); return PARAM_INVALID; } auto input_desc = node->GetOpDesc()->GetInputDescPtr(get_dynamic_dims_index); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(input_desc); if (input_desc->GetShape().GetDims().empty()) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Not set output desc shape of %s.", op_desc->GetName().c_str()); return PARAM_INVALID; } netoutput_last_input_addr_ = input_addr[get_dynamic_dims_index]; netoutput_last_input_size_ = input_size[get_dynamic_dims_index]; shape_of_cur_dynamic_dims_ = input_desc->GetShape().GetDims().at(0); GELOGD("Shape of cur dynamic dims is %zu, size is %ld, addr is %p.", shape_of_cur_dynamic_dims_, netoutput_last_input_size_, netoutput_last_input_addr_); } return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::GetGearAndRealOutSizeInfo(size_t input_count, const NodePtr &node) { GELOGD("Start get gear and real output size info of %s, input count is %zu.", node->GetName().c_str(), input_count); merge_nodes_gear_and_real_out_size_info_.clear(); for (size_t idx = 0; idx < input_count; ++idx) { auto in_anchor = node->GetAllInDataAnchors().at(idx); auto peer_out_anchor = in_anchor->GetPeerOutAnchor(); if (peer_out_anchor == nullptr) { continue; } auto peer_node = peer_out_anchor->GetOwnerNode(); auto op_desc = peer_node->GetOpDesc(); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(op_desc); if ((peer_node->GetType() == MERGE) && (op_desc->HasAttr(ATTR_INSERT_BY_MBATCH))) { if (GetRealOutputSizeOfMerge(idx, peer_node) != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "Get real output size of %s failed.", peer_node->GetName().c_str()); return PARAM_INVALID; } } } return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::GetRealOutputSizeOfMerge(size_t input_index, const NodePtr &merge_node) { GELOGD("Start get output size of %s, which is %zu input to netoutput.", merge_node->GetName().c_str(), input_index); std::map, int64_t> gear_and_real_out_size_info; for (auto &in_anchor : merge_node->GetAllInDataAnchors()) { auto peer_out_anchor = in_anchor->GetPeerOutAnchor(); if (peer_out_anchor == nullptr) { continue; } auto in_node = peer_out_anchor->GetOwnerNode(); GELOGD("Input node of merge is %s.", in_node->GetName().c_str()); auto op_desc = in_node->GetOpDesc(); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(op_desc); string batch_label; if (AttrUtils::GetStr(op_desc, ATTR_NAME_BATCH_LABEL, batch_label)) { size_t batch_index = static_cast(stoi(batch_label.substr(batch_label.rfind('_') + 1))); GELOGD("Batch index of %s is %zu.", op_desc->GetName().c_str(), batch_index); if (batch_index > all_gears_info_.size()) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "The value of ATTR_NAME_BATCH_LABEL is invalid."); return PARAM_INVALID; } const vector output_size_list = ModelUtils::GetOutputSize(op_desc); int output_index = ge::AnchorUtils::GetIdx(peer_out_anchor); auto tensor_desc = op_desc->GetOutputDescPtr(output_index); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(tensor_desc); int64_t data_size = 0; if (TensorUtils::GetTensorSizeInBytes(*tensor_desc, data_size) != GRAPH_SUCCESS) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Get tensor size in bytes failed."); return FAILED; } gear_and_real_out_size_info[all_gears_info_[batch_index]] = data_size; GELOGD("Get real gear index is: %zu, gear info is %s, size is %ld, tensor size is %ld", batch_index, formats::JoinToString(all_gears_info_[batch_index]).c_str(), output_size_list[output_index], data_size); } } merge_nodes_gear_and_real_out_size_info_[input_index] = gear_and_real_out_size_info; return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::GetGearAndRealOutShapeInfo(size_t input_count, const OpDescPtr &op_desc) { GELOGD("Start to get dynamic output dims of %s.", op_desc->GetName().c_str()); merge_nodes_gear_and_real_out_shape_info_.clear(); std::vector dynamic_output_shape_info; if (!AttrUtils::GetListStr(op_desc, ATTR_NAME_DYNAMIC_OUTPUT_DIMS, dynamic_output_shape_info)) { GELOGD("Can not get dynamic output dims attr"); return SUCCESS; } GELOGI("Dynamic output shape info is %s", formats::JoinToString(dynamic_output_shape_info).c_str()); std::vector> dynamic_output_shape; ParseDynamicOutShape(dynamic_output_shape_info, dynamic_output_shape); // idx: input_index to netoutput for (size_t idx = 0; idx < input_count; ++idx) { std::map, vector> gear_and_real_out_shape_info; for (auto &it : dynamic_output_shape) { auto gear_index = static_cast(it[0]); if (gear_index > all_gears_info_.size()) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "The value of cur index: %zu is invalid.", static_cast(it[0])); return PARAM_INVALID; } if (static_cast(it[1]) == idx) { vector output_shape; for (size_t i = 2; i < it.size(); ++i) { output_shape.emplace_back(it[i]); } gear_and_real_out_shape_info[all_gears_info_[gear_index]] = output_shape; GELOGD("Get real gear index is: %zu, gear info is %s, output shape is %s.", gear_index, formats::JoinToString(all_gears_info_[gear_index]).c_str(), formats::JoinToString(output_shape).c_str()); } } merge_nodes_gear_and_real_out_shape_info_[idx] = gear_and_real_out_shape_info; } return SUCCESS; } void DavinciModel::ParseDynamicOutShape(const std::vector &str_info, std::vector> &vec_info) { for (size_t i = 0; i < str_info.size(); ++i) { std::vector shape; std::vector dims = ge::StringUtils::Split(str_info[i], ','); for (const auto &dim : dims) { if (dim.empty()) { continue; } shape.emplace_back(std::strtol(dim.c_str(), nullptr, kDecimal)); } GELOGI("Shape from attr is %s.", formats::JoinToString(shape).c_str()); vec_info.emplace_back(shape); } } /// @ingroup ge /// @brief LabelSet Op Initialize. /// @param [in] op_desc: LabelSet Op descriptor. /// @return Status Status DavinciModel::InitLabelSet(const OpDescPtr &op_desc) { uint32_t label_index = 0; if (!AttrUtils::GetInt(op_desc, ATTR_NAME_LABEL_SWITCH_INDEX, label_index)) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "InitLabelSet: %s attr [%s] not exist.", op_desc->GetName().c_str(), ATTR_NAME_LABEL_SWITCH_INDEX.c_str()); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (label_index >= LabelNum()) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "InitLabelSet: label index: %u >= label size: %u.", label_index, LabelNum()); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (label_id_indication_.count(label_index) > 0) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "InitLabelSet: %s label index: %u already used.", op_desc->GetName().c_str(), label_index); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } rtStream_t stream = nullptr; uint32_t stream_id = static_cast(op_desc->GetStreamId()); if (stream_list_.size() == 1) { stream = stream_list_[0]; } else if (stream_list_.size() > stream_id) { stream = stream_list_[stream_id]; } else { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "InitLabelSet: stream index: %u >= stream size: %zu.", stream_id, stream_list_.size()); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } rtLabel_t rt_label = nullptr; rtError_t rt_error = rtLabelCreateEx(&rt_label, stream); if (rt_error != RT_ERROR_NONE || rt_label == nullptr) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "InitLabelSet: %s create label failed, error=0x%x.", op_desc->GetName().c_str(), rt_error); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } GELOGI("InitLabelSet: label[%u]=%p stream[%u]=%p.", label_index, rt_label, stream_id, stream); label_id_indication_.insert(label_index); label_list_[label_index] = rt_label; return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::InitVariable(const OpDescPtr &op_desc) { variable_op_list_.push_back(op_desc); return SUCCESS; } /// @ingroup ge /// @brief ACL case, Load task list with queue. /// @param [in] input_queue_ids: input queue ids from user, nums equal Data Op. /// @param [in] output_queue_ids: input queue ids from user, nums equal NetOutput Op. /// @return: 0 for success / others for failed Status DavinciModel::SetQueIds(const std::vector &input_queue_ids, const std::vector &output_queue_ids) { if (input_queue_ids.empty() && output_queue_ids.empty()) { GELOGE(ACL_ERROR_GE_EXEC_MODEL_QUEUE_ID_INVALID, "Param is empty"); return ACL_ERROR_GE_EXEC_MODEL_QUEUE_ID_INVALID; } input_queue_ids_ = input_queue_ids; output_queue_ids_ = output_queue_ids; return SUCCESS; } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief ACL case, Load task list with queue. /// @param [in] input_que_ids: input queue ids from user, nums equal Data Op. /// @param [in] output_que_ids: input queue ids from user, nums equal NetOutput Op. /// @return: 0 for success / others for failed /// Status DavinciModel::LoadWithQueue() { if (input_queue_ids_.empty() && output_queue_ids_.empty()) { return SUCCESS; } if (input_queue_ids_.size() != new_input_data_info_.size()) { GELOGE(ACL_ERROR_GE_EXEC_MODEL_QUEUE_ID_INVALID, "Input queue ids not match model: input_queue=%zu input_data=%zu", input_queue_ids_.size(), new_input_data_info_.size()); return ACL_ERROR_GE_EXEC_MODEL_QUEUE_ID_INVALID; } if (output_queue_ids_.size() != new_output_data_info_.size()) { GELOGE(ACL_ERROR_GE_EXEC_MODEL_QUEUE_ID_INVALID, "Output queue ids not match model: output_queue=%zu output_data=%zu", output_queue_ids_.size(), new_output_data_info_.size()); return ACL_ERROR_GE_EXEC_MODEL_QUEUE_ID_INVALID; } GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(AddHeadStream(), "Add head stream failed."); // Binding input_queue and Data Op. GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(BindInputQueue(), "Launch bind input queue failed."); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(CpuTaskModelZeroCopy(input_mbuf_list_, new_input_outside_addrs_), "Launch zero copy failed."); // Binding output_queue and NetOutput Op. GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(BindOutputQueue(), "Launch bind output queue failed."); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(CpuTaskModelZeroCopy(output_mbuf_list_, new_output_outside_addrs_), "Launch zero copy failed."); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(CpuActiveStream(), "Launch active entry stream failed."); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(CpuWaitEndGraph(), "Launch wait end graph failed."); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(BindEnqueue(), "Launch enqueue failed."); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(CpuModelRepeat(), "Launch model repeat failed."); return SUCCESS; } /// @ingroup ge /// @brief queue schedule, Bind input queue to Data output address. /// @return: 0 for success / others for failed Status DavinciModel::BindInputQueue() { // Caller checked: input_queue_ids_.size() == input_size_list_.size() != input_addr_list_.size() for (size_t i = 0; i < input_queue_ids_.size(); ++i) { auto it = new_input_data_info_.find(i); if (it == new_input_data_info_.end()) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Input not match: tensor num=%zu, Queue id index=%zu", new_input_data_info_.size(), i); return FAILED; } uint32_t queue_id = input_queue_ids_[i]; if (it->second.GetDataInfo().empty()) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "the %zu input_queue not set data_info.", i); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } uint32_t data_size = static_cast(it->second.GetDataInfo().at(0).first); uintptr_t data_addr = reinterpret_cast(it->second.GetDataInfo().at(0).second); GELOGI("BindInputToQueue: graph_%u index[%zu] queue id[%u] output addr[0x%lx] output size[%u]", runtime_param_.graph_id, i, queue_id, data_addr, data_size); rtError_t rt_ret = rtModelBindQueue(rt_model_handle_, queue_id, RT_MODEL_INPUT_QUEUE); if (rt_ret != RT_ERROR_NONE) { GELOGE(RT_FAILED, "Call rtModelBindQueue failed, ret: 0x%X", rt_ret); return RT_ERROR_TO_GE_STATUS(rt_ret); } if (CpuModelDequeue(queue_id) != SUCCESS) { return INTERNAL_ERROR; } } return SUCCESS; } /// @ingroup ge /// @brief definiteness queue schedule, bind input queue to task. /// @param [in] queue_id: input queue id from user. /// @return: 0 for success / others for failed Status DavinciModel::CpuModelDequeue(uint32_t queue_id) { GELOGI("Set CpuKernel model dequeue task enter."); std::shared_ptr dequeue_task = MakeShared(rt_entry_stream_); if (dequeue_task == nullptr) { GELOGE(MEMALLOC_FAILED, "Make CpuTaskModelDequeue task failed."); return MEMALLOC_FAILED; } // Get DataOp Output address and bind to queue. uintptr_t in_mbuf = 0; Status status = dequeue_task->Init(queue_id, in_mbuf); if (status != SUCCESS) { return status; } cpu_task_list_.push_back(dequeue_task); input_mbuf_list_.push_back(in_mbuf); GELOGI("Set CpuKernel model dequeue task success."); return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::CpuTaskModelZeroCopy(std::vector &mbuf_list, std::map &outside_addrs) { GELOGI("Set CpuKernel model zero_copy task enter."); std::shared_ptr zero_copy = MakeShared(rt_entry_stream_); if (zero_copy == nullptr) { GELOGE(MEMALLOC_FAILED, "Make CpuTaskZeroCopy task failed."); return MEMALLOC_FAILED; } // mdc zero_copy not support l2 fusion Status status = zero_copy->Init(mbuf_list, outside_addrs); if (status != SUCCESS) { return status; } cpu_task_list_.push_back(zero_copy); GELOGI("Set CpuKernel model zero_copy task success."); return SUCCESS; } /// @ingroup ge /// @brief queue schedule, bind output queue to NetOutput input address. /// @return: 0 for success / others for failed Status DavinciModel::BindOutputQueue() { // Caller checked: input_queue_ids_.size() == input_size_list_.size() != input_addr_list_.size() for (size_t i = 0; i < output_queue_ids_.size(); ++i) { auto it = new_output_data_info_.find(i); if (it == new_output_data_info_.end()) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Output not match: tensor num=%zu, Queue id index=%zu", new_output_data_info_.size(), i); return FAILED; } uint32_t queue_id = output_queue_ids_[i]; if (it->second.GetDataInfo().empty()) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "the %zu output_queue not set data_info.", i); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } uint32_t data_size = static_cast(it->second.GetDataInfo().at(0).first); uintptr_t data_addr = reinterpret_cast(it->second.GetDataInfo().at(0).second); GELOGI("BindOutputToQueue: graph_%u index[%zu] queue id[%u] input addr[0x%lx] input size[%u]", runtime_param_.graph_id, i, queue_id, data_addr, data_size); rtError_t rt_ret = rtModelBindQueue(rt_model_handle_, queue_id, RT_MODEL_OUTPUT_QUEUE); if (rt_ret != RT_ERROR_NONE) { GELOGE(RT_FAILED, "Call rtModelBindQueue failed, ret: 0x%X", rt_ret); return RT_ERROR_TO_GE_STATUS(rt_ret); } Status status = CpuModelPrepareOutput(data_addr, data_size); if (status != SUCCESS) { return status; } } return SUCCESS; } /// @ingroup ge /// @brief definiteness queue schedule, bind output queue to task. /// @param [in] addr: NetOutput Op input tensor address. /// @param [in] size: NetOutput Op input tensor size. /// @return: 0 for success / others for failed Status DavinciModel::CpuModelPrepareOutput(uintptr_t addr, uint32_t size) { GELOGI("Set CpuKernel model enqueue task enter."); if (input_mbuf_list_.empty()) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Need input mbuf for fill output mbuf head info."); return FAILED; } std::shared_ptr prepare_output = MakeShared(rt_entry_stream_); if (prepare_output == nullptr) { GELOGE(MEMALLOC_FAILED, "Make CpuTaskPrepareOutput task failed."); return MEMALLOC_FAILED; } uintptr_t out_mbuf = 0; if (prepare_output->Init(addr, size, input_mbuf_list_.back(), out_mbuf) != SUCCESS) { return FAILED; } cpu_task_list_.push_back(prepare_output); output_mbuf_list_.push_back(out_mbuf); GELOGI("Set CpuKernel model enqueue task success."); return SUCCESS; } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief definiteness queue schedule, active original model stream. /// @return: 0 for success / others for failed /// Status DavinciModel::CpuActiveStream() { GELOGI("Set CpuKernel active stream task enter."); std::shared_ptr active_entry = MakeShared(rt_entry_stream_); if (active_entry == nullptr) { GELOGE(MEMALLOC_FAILED, "Make CpuTaskActiveEntry task failed."); return MEMALLOC_FAILED; } Status status = active_entry->Init(rt_head_stream_); if (status != SUCCESS) { return status; } cpu_task_list_.push_back(active_entry); GELOGI("Set CpuKernel active stream task success."); return SUCCESS; } /// @ingroup ge /// @brief definiteness queue schedule, wait for end graph. /// @return: 0 for success / others for failed Status DavinciModel::CpuWaitEndGraph() { GELOGI("Set CpuKernel wait end graph task enter."); std::shared_ptr wait_endgraph = MakeShared(rt_entry_stream_); if (wait_endgraph == nullptr) { GELOGE(MEMALLOC_FAILED, "Make CpuTaskWaitEndGraph task failed."); return MEMALLOC_FAILED; } Status status = wait_endgraph->Init(runtime_model_id_); if (status != SUCCESS) { return status; } cpu_task_list_.push_back(wait_endgraph); GELOGI("Set CpuKernel wait end graph task success."); return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::BindEnqueue() { for (size_t i = 0; i < output_queue_ids_.size(); ++i) { auto it = new_output_data_info_.find(i); if (it == new_output_data_info_.end()) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Output not match: tensor num=%zu, Queue id index=%zu", new_output_data_info_.size(), i); return FAILED; } uint32_t queue_id = output_queue_ids_[i]; if (CpuModelEnqueue(queue_id, output_mbuf_list_[i]) != SUCCESS) { return INTERNAL_ERROR; } } return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::CpuModelEnqueue(uint32_t queue_id, uintptr_t out_mbuf) { GELOGI("Set CpuKernel model enqueue task enter."); std::shared_ptr model_enqueue = MakeShared(rt_entry_stream_); if (model_enqueue == nullptr) { GELOGE(MEMALLOC_FAILED, "Make CpuTaskModelEnqueue task failed."); return MEMALLOC_FAILED; } Status status = model_enqueue->Init(queue_id, out_mbuf); if (status != SUCCESS) { return status; } cpu_task_list_.push_back(model_enqueue); GELOGI("Set CpuKernel model enqueue task enter."); return SUCCESS; } /// @ingroup ge /// @brief definiteness queue schedule, repeat run model. /// @return: 0 for success / others for failed Status DavinciModel::CpuModelRepeat() { GELOGI("Set CpuKernel repeat task enter."); std::shared_ptr model_repeat = MakeShared(rt_entry_stream_); if (model_repeat == nullptr) { GELOGE(MEMALLOC_FAILED, "Make CpuTaskModelRepeat task failed."); return MEMALLOC_FAILED; } Status status = model_repeat->Init(runtime_model_id_); if (status != SUCCESS) { return status; } cpu_task_list_.push_back(model_repeat); GELOGI("Set CpuKernel repeat task success."); return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::GetInputOutputDescInfo(vector &input_desc, vector &output_desc) { if (input_addrs_list_.empty() || input_addrs_list_[0].size() != 1) { GELOGI("data_op_list_ is empty or input_desc size is not 1."); } else { vector input_formats; GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(GetInputDescInfo(input_desc, input_formats), "get input desc info failed."); } vector output_formats; GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(GetOutputDescInfo(output_desc, output_formats), "get output desc info failed"); return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::GetInputOutputDescInfo(vector &input_desc, vector &output_desc, vector &input_formats, vector &output_formats) { if (input_addrs_list_.empty() || input_addrs_list_[0].size() != 1) { GELOGE(FAILED, "OP List Pointer is null or input_desc size is not 1!"); return FAILED; } GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(GetInputDescInfo(input_desc, input_formats), "get input desc info failed"); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(GetOutputDescInfo(output_desc, output_formats), "get output desc info failed"); return SUCCESS; } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief Get dynamic batch_info /// @param [out] batch_info /// @param [out] dynamic_type /// @return execute result /// Status DavinciModel::GetDynamicBatchInfo(std::vector> &batch_info, int32_t &dynamic_type) const { dynamic_type = dynamic_type_; batch_info = batch_info_; return SUCCESS; } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief Get combined dynamic dims info /// @param [out] batch_info /// @return None /// void DavinciModel::GetCombinedDynamicDims(std::vector> &batch_info) const { batch_info.clear(); batch_info = combined_batch_info_; } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief Get user designate shape order /// @param [out] user_input_shape_order /// @return None /// void DavinciModel::GetUserDesignateShapeOrder(std::vector &user_input_shape_order) const { user_input_shape_order.clear(); user_input_shape_order = user_designate_shape_order_; } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief Get AIPP input info /// @param [in] index /// @param [out] aipp_info /// @return execute result /// Status DavinciModel::GetAIPPInfo(uint32_t index, AippConfigInfo &aipp_info) { GE_CHK_BOOL_RET_STATUS(index < data_op_list_.size(), PARAM_INVALID, "Index %u is invalid.", index); OpDescPtr data_op = data_op_list_[index]; if (!data_op->HasAttr(ATTR_NAME_AIPP)) { GELOGW("GetAIPPInfo: there is not AIPP related with index %u.", index); return ACL_ERROR_GE_AIPP_NOT_EXIST; } std::unique_ptr aipp_params(new (std::nothrow) domi::AippOpParams()); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(aipp_params); ge::GeAttrValue::NAMED_ATTRS aipp_attr; GE_CHK_BOOL_RET_STATUS(AttrUtils::GetNamedAttrs(data_op, ATTR_NAME_AIPP, aipp_attr), GE_AIPP_NOT_EXIST, "Data node do not contain param aipp!"); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(OpUtils::ConvertAippParams(aipp_attr, aipp_params.get()), "get aipp params failed"); GELOGI("GetAIPPInfo: node data: %s, type: %s, current index: %u, current node related input rank: %u", data_op->GetName().c_str(), data_op->GetType().c_str(), index, aipp_params->related_input_rank()); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(AippUtils::ConvertAippParams2AippInfo(aipp_params.get(), aipp_info), "convert aipp params to aipp config info failed"); return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::GetAippType(uint32_t index, InputAippType &type, size_t &aipp_index) { GE_CHK_BOOL_RET_STATUS(index < data_op_list_.size(), PARAM_INVALID, "Index %u is invalid.", index); // Set default value type = DATA_WITHOUT_AIPP; aipp_index = 0xFFFFFFFF; // default invalid value OpDescPtr data_op = data_op_list_[index]; GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(data_op); if (!data_op->HasAttr(ATTR_DATA_RELATED_AIPP_MODE)) { GELOGW("There is no aipp releated info with index %u.", index); return SUCCESS; } std::string data_mode; (void)AttrUtils::GetStr(data_op, ATTR_DATA_RELATED_AIPP_MODE, data_mode); if (data_mode == "static_aipp") { type = DATA_WITH_STATIC_AIPP; } else if (data_mode == "dynamic_aipp") { type = DATA_WITH_DYNAMIC_AIPP; } else if (data_mode == "dynamic_aipp_conf") { type = DYNAMIC_AIPP_NODE; } else { GELOGE(ACL_ERROR_GE_AIPP_MODE_INVALID, "The info of aipp releated info %s is invalid with index %u.", data_mode.c_str(), index); return ACL_ERROR_GE_AIPP_MODE_INVALID; } if (type == DATA_WITH_DYNAMIC_AIPP) { string releated_name; (void)AttrUtils::GetStr(data_op, ATTR_DATA_AIPP_DATA_NAME_MAP, releated_name); for (size_t i = 0; i < data_op_list_.size(); ++i) { GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(data_op_list_[i]); if (data_op_list_[i]->GetName() == releated_name) { GELOGI("Find aipp_data [%s] index %zu from index %u", releated_name.c_str(), i, index); aipp_index = i; } } if (aipp_index == 0xFFFFFFFF) { GELOGE(ACL_ERROR_GE_AIPP_NOT_EXIST, "Can not find aipp data node from index %u", index); return ACL_ERROR_GE_AIPP_NOT_EXIST; } } return SUCCESS; } void DavinciModel::SetDynamicSize(const std::vector &batch_num, int32_t dynamic_type) { batch_size_.clear(); if (batch_num.empty()) { GELOGD("User has not set dynammic data"); } for (size_t i = 0; i < batch_num.size(); i++) { batch_size_.emplace_back(batch_num[i]); } dynamic_type_ = dynamic_type; } void DavinciModel::GetCurShape(std::vector &batch_info, int32_t &dynamic_type) { if (batch_size_.empty()) { GELOGD("User does not set dynamic size"); } for (size_t i = 0; i < batch_size_.size(); i++) { GELOGI("Start to get current shape"); batch_info.emplace_back(batch_size_[i]); } dynamic_type = dynamic_type_; } void DavinciModel::GetModelAttr(vector &out_shape_info) { out_shape_info.insert(out_shape_info.end(), dynamic_output_shape_info_.begin(), dynamic_output_shape_info_.end()); } Status DavinciModel::GetInputOutputDescInfoForZeroCopy(vector &input_desc, vector &output_desc, std::vector &input_formats, std::vector &output_formats) { if (input_addrs_list_.empty() || input_addrs_list_[0].size() != kOutputNum) { GELOGE(FAILED, "OP List Pointer is null or input_desc size is not 1!"); return FAILED; } GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(GetInputDescInfo(input_desc, input_formats), "get input desc info failed"); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(GetOutputDescInfo(output_desc, output_formats), "get ouput desc info failed"); GE_CHK_BOOL_RET_STATUS(output_desc.size() == output_memory_size_list_.size(), INTERNAL_ERROR, "output_desc size[%zu] not equal output_size_list_[%zu] size!", output_desc.size(), output_memory_size_list_.size()); /// For function zero copy,the momery should be aligned by 512 bytes. /// And, because of the cce op limit, size should be lager than the real shape size. The memory should be padded by 32 /// bytes. /// *size equals to ((tensorDesc->dataSize + 2 * 32 - 1) / 32) * 32; for (size_t i = 0; i < output_memory_size_list_.size(); i++) { output_desc[i].size = output_memory_size_list_[i]; } return SUCCESS; } void DavinciModel::SetInputDimsInfo(const vector &model_input_dims, Format &format, InputOutputDescInfo &input) { uint32_t n, c, h, w; n = format == FORMAT_NHWC ? NHWC_DIM_N : NCHW_DIM_N; c = format == FORMAT_NHWC ? NHWC_DIM_C : NCHW_DIM_C; h = format == FORMAT_NHWC ? NHWC_DIM_H : NCHW_DIM_H; w = format == FORMAT_NHWC ? NHWC_DIM_W : NCHW_DIM_W; if (model_input_dims.size() == static_cast(NORMAL_TENSOR_SIZE)) { input.shape_info.num = model_input_dims[n]; input.shape_info.height = model_input_dims[h]; input.shape_info.width = model_input_dims[w]; input.shape_info.channel = model_input_dims[c]; } for (size_t k = 0; k < model_input_dims.size(); ++k) { input.shape_info.dims.push_back(model_input_dims[k]); } return; } void DavinciModel::CreateInputDimsInfo(const OpDescPtr &op_desc, Format format, InputOutputDescInfo &input) { if (is_new_model_desc_ && op_desc->HasAttr(ATTR_NAME_INPUT_DIMS)) { // When static aipp is set, need to get the model input dims which processed by aipp vector model_input_dims; (void)AttrUtils::GetListInt(op_desc, ATTR_NAME_INPUT_DIMS, model_input_dims); SetInputDimsInfo(model_input_dims, format, input); return; } // judge if this data is linked dynamic aipp first, multiply batch has been considered if (op_desc->HasAttr(ATTR_DYNAMIC_AIPP_INPUT_DIMS)) { vector dynamic_aipp_input_dims; (void)AttrUtils::GetListInt(op_desc, ATTR_DYNAMIC_AIPP_INPUT_DIMS, dynamic_aipp_input_dims); SetInputDimsInfo(dynamic_aipp_input_dims, format, input); return; } else { // judge if this data is multiply batch if (!op_desc->HasAttr(ATTR_MBATCH_ORIGIN_INPUT_DIMS)) { vector input_dims = op_desc->GetInputDescPtr(0)->GetShape().GetDims(); SetInputDimsInfo(input_dims, format, input); return; } else { vector origin_input_dims; (void)AttrUtils::GetListInt(op_desc, ATTR_MBATCH_ORIGIN_INPUT_DIMS, origin_input_dims); SetInputDimsInfo(origin_input_dims, format, input); return; } } } Status DavinciModel::GetInputDescInfo(vector &input_desc, std::vector &formats) { for (size_t index = 0; index < data_op_list_.size(); ++index) { InputOutputDescInfo input; GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(data_op_list_[index]); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(data_op_list_[index]->GetInputDescPtr(0)); Format format = data_op_list_[index]->GetInputDescPtr(0)->GetFormat(); CreateInputDimsInfo(data_op_list_[index], format, input); input.data_type = data_op_list_[index]->GetInputDescPtr(0)->GetDataType(); input.name = data_op_list_[index]->GetName(); int64_t input_size = 0; GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(TensorUtils::GetSize(*data_op_list_[index]->GetInputDescPtr(0), input_size), "get input size failed."); input.size = input_size; formats.push_back(format); input_desc.push_back(input); } // cause GetInputDescInfo called not only once, set is_new_model_desc_ to false after calc the model input dims is_new_model_desc_ = false; return SUCCESS; } void DavinciModel::CreateOutput(uint32_t index, const OpDescPtr &op_desc, InputOutputDescInfo &output, uint32_t &format_result) { /// netoutput input tensor desc GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(op_desc->GetInputDescPtr(index) == nullptr, GELOGE(FAILED, "OpDesc GetInputDescPtr is nullptr"); return ); Format format = op_desc->GetInputDescPtr(index)->GetFormat(); GeShape shape = op_desc->GetInputDescPtr(index)->GetShape(); DataType data_type = op_desc->GetInputDescPtr(index)->GetDataType(); int64_t dims[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; format_result = format; if (format == FORMAT_ND) { // for ND tensor for (size_t i = 0; i < shape.GetDimNum() && i < (sizeof(dims) / sizeof(dims[0])); i++) { dims[i] = shape.GetDim(i); } } else { // FOR FORMAT_NHWC or FORMAT_NCHW dims[0] = shape.GetDim(format == FORMAT_NHWC ? NHWC_DIM_N : NCHW_DIM_N); // 0: first dim dims[1] = shape.GetDim(format == FORMAT_NHWC ? NHWC_DIM_C : NCHW_DIM_C); // 1: second dim dims[2] = shape.GetDim(format == FORMAT_NHWC ? NHWC_DIM_H : NCHW_DIM_H); // 2: third dim dims[3] = shape.GetDim(format == FORMAT_NHWC ? NHWC_DIM_W : NCHW_DIM_W); // 3: forth dim } output.shape_info.num = dims[0]; // 0: first dim output.shape_info.channel = dims[1]; // 1: second dim output.shape_info.height = dims[2]; // 2: third dim output.shape_info.width = dims[3]; // 3: forth dim if (op_desc->GetInputDescPtr(index)->GetFormat() == FORMAT_FRACTAL_Z) { // FraczToHWCK int64_t k = shape.GetDim(0); // 0: first dim int64_t c = shape.GetDim(1); // 1: second dim int64_t h = shape.GetDim(2); // 2: third dim int64_t w = shape.GetDim(3); // 3: forth dim output.shape_info.dims.push_back(h); output.shape_info.dims.push_back(w); output.shape_info.dims.push_back(c); output.shape_info.dims.push_back(k); format_result = FORMAT_HWCN; } else { for (size_t j = 0; j < shape.GetDimNum(); j++) { output.shape_info.dims.push_back(shape.GetDim(j)); } } int64_t tensor_size = 0; if (AttrUtils::GetInt(op_desc->GetInputDescPtr(index), ATTR_NAME_SPECIAL_OUTPUT_SIZE, tensor_size) && (tensor_size > 0)) { GELOGI("netoutput[%s] [%d]th input has special size [%ld]", op_desc->GetName().c_str(), index, tensor_size); } else { (void)TensorUtils::CalcTensorMemSize(shape, format, data_type, tensor_size); // no need to check value } output.size = static_cast(tensor_size); output.data_type = op_desc->GetInputDescPtr(index)->GetDataType(); } Status DavinciModel::InitOutputDescInfo(const vector &output_op_list, vector &output_descs, vector &output_formats) { GELOGD("Output node size: %zu", output_op_list.size()); for (const auto &op_desc : output_op_list) { uint32_t out_size = static_cast(op_desc->GetInputsSize()); for (uint32_t index = 0; index < out_size; index++) { string output_name; InputOutputDescInfo output; uint32_t format_result; CreateOutput(index, op_desc, output, format_result); std::vector src_name = op_desc->GetSrcName(); std::vector src_index = op_desc->GetSrcIndex(); GE_CHK_BOOL_RET_STATUS(src_name.size() > index && src_index.size() > index, INTERNAL_ERROR, "construct output_name failed."); // forward compatbility, if old om has no out_node_name, need to return output follow origin way if (out_size == out_node_name_.size()) { // neweast plan, the index will add to name during generate model. bool contains_colon = out_node_name_[index].find(":") != std::string::npos; output_name = contains_colon ? out_node_name_[index] : out_node_name_[index] + ":" + std::to_string(src_index[index]); } else { output_name = std::string("output_") + std::to_string(index) + "_" + src_name[index] + "_" + std::to_string(src_index[index]); } output.name = output_name; output_descs.push_back(output); output_formats.push_back(format_result); } } return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::GetOutputDescInfo(vector &output_descs, vector &output_formats) { output_descs.insert(output_descs.end(), output_descs_.begin(), output_descs_.end()); output_formats.insert(output_formats.end(), output_formats_.begin(), output_formats_.end()); return SUCCESS; } ge::Format DavinciModel::GetFormat() { if ((data_op_list_.empty()) || data_op_list_[0] == nullptr || data_op_list_[0]->GetInputDescPtr(0) == nullptr) { GELOGW("OP List Pointer is null or input_desc size is not 1!"); return FORMAT_NCHW; } return data_op_list_[0]->GetInputDescPtr(0)->GetFormat(); } Status DavinciModel::CopyInputData(const InputData &input_data, bool device_data) { rtMemcpyKind_t kind = device_data ? RT_MEMCPY_DEVICE_TO_DEVICE : RT_MEMCPY_HOST_TO_DEVICE; const std::vector &blobs = input_data.blobs; for (const auto &data : new_input_data_info_) { if (data.first >= blobs.size()) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Blobs not match: blobs=%zu, tensor=%zu, index=%u, size=%ld, op_name(%s)", blobs.size(), new_input_data_info_.size(), data.first, data.second.GetDataInfo().at(0).first, data.second.GetOpName().c_str()); return FAILED; } const DataBuffer &data_buf = blobs[data.first]; if (data_buf.length == 0) { GELOGW("No data need to memcpy!"); return SUCCESS; } uint64_t data_size = data.second.GetDataSize(); GE_CHK_BOOL_RET_STATUS(data_size >= data_buf.length, PARAM_INVALID, "input data size(%lu) does not match model required size(%lu), op_name(%s) ret failed.", data_buf.length, data_size, data.second.GetOpName().c_str()); void *mem_addr = data.second.GetBasicAddr(); void *data_buf_addr = reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(data_buf.data)); uint64_t data_buf_length = data_buf.length; GELOGI("CopyPlainData memcpy graph_%u type[F] input[%s] rank[%u] dst[%p] src[%p] mem_size[%lu] datasize[%lu]", runtime_param_.graph_id, data.second.GetOpName().c_str(), data.first, mem_addr, data_buf_addr, data_size, data_buf_length); GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtMemcpy(mem_addr, data_size, data_buf_addr, data_buf_length, kind)); } return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::SyncVarData() { GELOGI("Sync var data, model id:%u", model_id_); Status ret = SUCCESS; OpDescPtr global_step = GetVariableOp(NODE_NAME_GLOBAL_STEP); if (global_step != nullptr) { auto v_output_size = ModelUtils::GetOutputSize(global_step); auto v_output_addr = ModelUtils::GetOutputDataAddrs(runtime_param_, global_step); if (v_output_size.empty() || v_output_addr.empty()) { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "global step op:%s not set output", global_step->GetName().c_str()); return PARAM_INVALID; } std::vector v_step; v_step.push_back(iterator_count_); GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtMemcpy(v_output_addr[0], v_output_size[0], v_step.data(), v_step.size() * sizeof(uint64_t), RT_MEMCPY_HOST_TO_DEVICE)); } return ret; } Status DavinciModel::InitModelProfile() { for (const auto &task : task_list_) { GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(task); const FusionOpInfo *fusion_op_info = task->GetFusionOpInfo(); // when type is RT_MODEL_TASK_KERNEL, ctx is not null if ((fusion_op_info == nullptr) || fusion_op_info->original_op_names.empty()) { continue; } GELOGI("task.id = %u, opNum = %zu", task->GetTaskID(), fusion_op_info->original_op_names.size()); op_id_map_.insert(std::make_pair(fusion_op_info->op_index, task->GetTaskID())); } std::set task_id_set; using CIT = std::multimap::const_iterator; using Range = std::pair; for (const auto &task : task_list_) { GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(task); const FusionOpInfo *fusion_op_info = task->GetFusionOpInfo(); if ((fusion_op_info == nullptr) || fusion_op_info->original_op_names.empty()) { continue; } if (task_id_set.count(task->GetTaskID()) > 0) { continue; } const auto &op_desc = GetOpByIndex(fusion_op_info->op_index); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(op_desc != nullptr, return FAILED, "index: %u out of range", fusion_op_info->op_index); ProfileInfo profile; profile.fusion_info = *fusion_op_info; Range range = op_id_map_.equal_range(fusion_op_info->op_index); for (CIT range_idx = range.first; range_idx != range.second; ++range_idx) { profile.task_count++; task_id_set.insert(range_idx->second); } // memory info TaskMemInfo &mem_info = profile.memory_info; const auto input_size = ModelUtils::GetInputSize(op_desc); const auto output_size = ModelUtils::GetOutputSize(op_desc); const auto workspace_size = ModelUtils::GetWorkspaceSize(op_desc); const auto weight_size = ModelUtils::GetWeightSize(op_desc); mem_info.input_size = std::accumulate(input_size.begin(), input_size.end(), 0); mem_info.output_size = std::accumulate(output_size.begin(), output_size.end(), 0); mem_info.workspace_size = std::accumulate(workspace_size.begin(), workspace_size.end(), 0); mem_info.weight_size = std::accumulate(weight_size.begin(), weight_size.end(), 0); mem_info.total_size = mem_info.weight_size + mem_info.input_size + mem_info.output_size + mem_info.workspace_size; profile_list_.emplace_back(profile); } GELOGI("fusion task size: %zu, profile info size: %zu", op_id_map_.size(), profile_list_.size()); return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::SinkModelProfile() { // profiling plugin must be registered auto &prof_mgr = ProfilingManager::Instance(); ReporterData reporter_data{}; // report model data tag name std::string tag_name("model_load_info_" + std::to_string(this->Id())); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(memcpy_s(reporter_data.tag, MSPROF_ENGINE_MAX_TAG_LEN, tag_name.c_str(), tag_name.size()) == EOK, return FAILED, "Sink model tag memcpy error."); // Model Header std::string name = om_name_.empty() ? name_ : om_name_; size_t name_len = name.size(); reporter_data.deviceId = device_id_; reporter_data.data = (unsigned char *)&name_len; reporter_data.dataLen = sizeof(int32_t); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(prof_mgr.CallMsprofReport(reporter_data) == 0, return FAILED, "Reporter data fail, model id:%u.", this->Id()); reporter_data.data = (unsigned char *)name.c_str(); reporter_data.dataLen = name.size(); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(prof_mgr.CallMsprofReport(reporter_data) == 0, return FAILED, "Reporter data fail, model id:%u.", this->Id()); uint32_t model_id = this->Id(); reporter_data.data = (unsigned char *)&model_id; reporter_data.dataLen = sizeof(uint32_t); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(prof_mgr.CallMsprofReport(reporter_data) == 0, return FAILED, "Reporter data fail, model id:%u.", this->Id()); // Load Start/End Time int64_t start_time = this->GetLoadBeginTime(); reporter_data.data = (unsigned char *)&start_time; reporter_data.dataLen = sizeof(int64_t); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(prof_mgr.CallMsprofReport(reporter_data) == 0, return FAILED, "Reporter data fail, model id:%u.", this->Id()); int64_t end_time = this->GetLoadEndTime(); reporter_data.data = (unsigned char *)&end_time; reporter_data.dataLen = sizeof(int64_t); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(prof_mgr.CallMsprofReport(reporter_data) == 0, return FAILED, "Reporter data fail, model id:%u.", this->Id()); using CIT = std::multimap::const_iterator; using Range = std::pair; for (const ProfileInfo &profile : profile_list_) { // op name after fusion string fusion_op_name = profile.fusion_info.op_name; int32_t fusion_op_name_len = fusion_op_name.size() == 0 ? 1 : fusion_op_name.size(); reporter_data.data = (unsigned char *)&fusion_op_name_len; reporter_data.dataLen = sizeof(int32_t); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(prof_mgr.CallMsprofReport(reporter_data) == 0, return FAILED, "Reporter data fail, model id:%u.", this->Id()); reporter_data.data = (unsigned char *)fusion_op_name.c_str(); reporter_data.dataLen = fusion_op_name_len; GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(prof_mgr.CallMsprofReport(reporter_data) == 0, return FAILED, "Reporter data fail, model id:%u.", this->Id()); // original op name before fusion uint32_t op_num = profile.fusion_info.original_op_names.size(); reporter_data.data = (unsigned char *)&op_num; reporter_data.dataLen = sizeof(int32_t); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(prof_mgr.CallMsprofReport(reporter_data) == 0, return FAILED, "Reporter data fail, model id:%u.", this->Id()); for (uint32_t k = 0; k < op_num; k++) { std::string op_name = profile.fusion_info.original_op_names[k]; int32_t op_name_len = op_name.size() == 0 ? 1 : op_name.size(); reporter_data.data = (unsigned char *)&op_name_len; reporter_data.dataLen = sizeof(int32_t); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(prof_mgr.CallMsprofReport(reporter_data) == 0, return FAILED, "Reporter data fail, model id:%u.", this->Id()); reporter_data.data = (unsigned char *)op_name.c_str(); reporter_data.dataLen = op_name_len; GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(prof_mgr.CallMsprofReport(reporter_data) == 0, return FAILED, "Reporter data fail, model id:%u.", this->Id()); } // stream id info uint32_t streamId = profile.fusion_info.stream_id; reporter_data.data = (unsigned char *)&streamId; reporter_data.dataLen = sizeof(int32_t); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(prof_mgr.CallMsprofReport(reporter_data) == 0, return FAILED, "Reporter data fail, model id:%u.", this->Id()); // memory info reporter_data.data = (unsigned char *)&profile.memory_info; reporter_data.dataLen = sizeof(profile.memory_info); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(prof_mgr.CallMsprofReport(reporter_data) == 0, return FAILED, "Reporter data fail, model id:%u.", this->Id()); // task info reporter_data.data = (unsigned char *)&profile.task_count; reporter_data.dataLen = sizeof(uint32_t); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(prof_mgr.CallMsprofReport(reporter_data) == 0, return FAILED, "Reporter data fail, model id:%u.", this->Id()); Range task_range = op_id_map_.equal_range(profile.fusion_info.op_index); for (CIT idx = task_range.first; idx != task_range.second; ++idx) { uint32_t task_id = idx->second; reporter_data.data = (unsigned char *)&task_id; reporter_data.dataLen = sizeof(uint32_t); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(prof_mgr.CallMsprofReport(reporter_data) == 0, return FAILED, "Reporter data fail, model id:%u.", this->Id()); } } return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::SinkTimeProfile(const InputData ¤t_data) { // profiling plugin must be registered auto &prof_mgr = ProfilingManager::Instance(); ReporterData reporter_data{}; // report model data tag name std::string tag_name; tag_name.append("model_time_info_") .append(std::to_string(this->Id())) .append("_") .append(std::to_string(current_data.index)); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(memcpy_s(reporter_data.tag, MSPROF_ENGINE_MAX_TAG_LEN, tag_name.c_str(), tag_name.size()) == EOK, return FAILED, "Sink model tag memcpy error."); // device id reporter_data.deviceId = device_id_; // Model Header string name; if (!om_name_.empty()) { name = om_name_; } else { name = name_; } size_t name_len = name.size(); reporter_data.data = (unsigned char *)&name_len; reporter_data.dataLen = sizeof(int32_t); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(prof_mgr.CallMsprofReport(reporter_data) == 0, return FAILED, "Reporter data fail, model id:%u.", this->Id()); reporter_data.data = (unsigned char *)name.c_str(); reporter_data.dataLen = name.size(); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(prof_mgr.CallMsprofReport(reporter_data) == 0, return FAILED, "Reporter data fail, model id:%u.", this->Id()); // request id uint64_t request_id = current_data.request_id; reporter_data.data = (unsigned char *)&request_id; reporter_data.dataLen = sizeof(uint32_t); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(prof_mgr.CallMsprofReport(reporter_data) == 0, return FAILED, "Reporter data fail, model id:%u, data index:%u.", this->Id(), current_data.index); // thread id int32_t thread_id = GetDataInputTid(); reporter_data.data = (unsigned char *)&thread_id; reporter_data.dataLen = sizeof(int32_t); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(prof_mgr.CallMsprofReport(reporter_data) == 0, return FAILED, "Reporter data fail, model id:%u, data index:%u.", this->Id(), current_data.index); // time info time_info_.modelId = this->Id(); reporter_data.data = (unsigned char *)&time_info_; reporter_data.dataLen = sizeof(struct timeInfo); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(prof_mgr.CallMsprofReport(reporter_data) == 0, return FAILED, "Reporter data fail, model id:%u, data index:%u.", this->Id(), current_data.index); return SUCCESS; } void DavinciModel::SetProfileTime(ModelProcStage stage, int64_t endTime) { int64_t time = endTime; if (time == 0) { mmTimespec timespec = mmGetTickCount(); time = timespec.tv_sec * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 + timespec.tv_nsec; // 1000 ^ 3 converts second to nanosecond } switch (stage) { case MODEL_LOAD_START: load_begin_time_ = time; break; case MODEL_LOAD_END: load_end_time_ = time; break; case MODEL_PRE_PROC_START: time_info_.processBeginTime = time; break; case MODEL_PRE_PROC_END: time_info_.processEndTime = time; break; case MODEL_INFER_START: time_info_.inferenceBeginTime = time; break; case MODEL_INFER_END: time_info_.inferenceEndTime = time; break; case MODEL_AFTER_PROC_START: time_info_.dumpBeginTime = time; break; case MODEL_AFTER_PROC_END: time_info_.dumpEndTime = time; break; default: break; } return; } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief send Output Op result to upper layer /// @already malloced in ModelLoad, no need to malloc again /// @param [in] data_id: the index of output_data /// @param [in/out] output_data: real user output_data /// @param [in] kind: the kind of rtMemcpy /// @return Status result /// @author /// Status DavinciModel::CopyOutputData(uint32_t data_id, OutputData &output_data, rtMemcpyKind_t kind) { if (output_addrs_list_.empty()) { Status ret = SyncVarData(); return ret; } output_data.index = data_id; output_data.model_id = model_id_; if (output_data.blobs.size() != new_output_data_info_.size()) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Output data buffer num=%zu not equal model data num=%zu", output_data.blobs.size(), new_output_data_info_.size()); return FAILED; } std::vector &blobs = output_data.blobs; size_t idx = 0; for (const auto &output : new_output_data_info_) { if (output.first >= blobs.size()) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Blobs not match: blobs=%zu, tensor=%zu, index=%u, size=%ld", blobs.size(), new_input_data_info_.size(), output.first, output.second.GetDataInfo().at(0).first); return FAILED; } if ((kind == RT_MEMCPY_DEVICE_TO_DEVICE) && (copy_only_addrs_.count(output.second.GetBasicAddr()) == 0)) { continue; // Skip: Feed by zero copy. } DataBuffer &buffer = blobs[output.first]; uint64_t mem_size = static_cast(output.second.GetDataSize()); if ((buffer.length == 0) || (mem_size == 0)) { GELOGI("Length of data is zero, No need copy. output tensor index=%u", output.first); continue; } if (is_dynamic_) { GELOGI("No need to check output data size."); } else if (buffer.length < mem_size) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Tensor data size=%lu, buffer size=%lu", mem_size, buffer.length); return FAILED; } else if (buffer.length > mem_size) { GELOGW("Tensor data size=%lu, buffer size=%lu", mem_size, buffer.length); } int64_t data_size = output.second.GetDataSize(); if (is_online_infer_dynamic_) { if (merge_nodes_gear_and_real_out_size_info_.find(idx) != merge_nodes_gear_and_real_out_size_info_.end()) { auto gear_and_real_out_size_info = merge_nodes_gear_and_real_out_size_info_[idx]; data_size = gear_and_real_out_size_info[cur_dynamic_dims_]; } } uint64_t buffer_length = buffer.length; void *buffer_addr = reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(buffer.data)); GELOGI("[IMAS]CopyPlainData memcpy graph_%u type[F] output[%u] memaddr[%p] mem_size[%lu] datasize[%lu]", runtime_param_.graph_id, output.first, output.second.GetBasicAddr(), data_size, buffer_length); GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtMemcpy(buffer_addr, buffer_length, output.second.GetBasicAddr(), data_size, kind)); idx++; } return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::InitOutputTensorInfo(const OpDescPtr &op_desc) { size_t input_num = op_desc->GetInputsSize(); if (is_getnext_sink_dynamic_) { input_num = input_num - kGetDynamicDimsCount; } for (size_t i = 0; i < input_num; ++i) { int64_t size = 0; auto input_desc = op_desc->GetInputDescPtr(i); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(input_desc); auto ret = TensorUtils::GetTensorSizeInBytes(*input_desc, size); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(ret != GRAPH_SUCCESS, GELOGE(ret, "Get size from TensorDesc failed, op:%s, input id:%zu", op_desc->GetName().c_str(), i); return ret); std::vector output_shape = input_desc->GetShape().GetDims(); if (is_online_infer_dynamic_) { if (merge_nodes_gear_and_real_out_size_info_.find(i) != merge_nodes_gear_and_real_out_size_info_.end()) { auto gear_and_real_out_size_info = merge_nodes_gear_and_real_out_size_info_[i]; size = gear_and_real_out_size_info[cur_dynamic_dims_]; auto gear_and_real_out_shape_info = merge_nodes_gear_and_real_out_shape_info_[i]; output_shape = gear_and_real_out_shape_info[cur_dynamic_dims_]; is_dynamic_ = true; } } GELOGI("Output size is %ld, output shape is %s.", size, formats::JoinToString(output_shape).c_str()); output_buffer_size_.push_back(size); output_shape_info_.push_back(output_shape); } return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::GenOutputTensorInfo(OutputData *output_data, vector &outputs) { GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(output_data); if (!output_data->blobs.empty()) { GELOGI("No need to generate output tensor info, model id:%u", model_id_); return SUCCESS; } GELOGI("Output blobs size:%zu, model id:%u", output_buffer_size_.size(), model_id_); for (size_t i = 0; i < output_buffer_size_.size(); ++i) { std::unique_ptr data_buf(new (std::nothrow) uint8_t[output_buffer_size_[i]]); if (data_buf == nullptr) { GELOGE(GE_GRAPH_MALLOC_FAILED, "Malloc buffer failed."); return GE_GRAPH_MALLOC_FAILED; } output_data->blobs.push_back({data_buf.get(), static_cast(output_buffer_size_[i]), false}); ge::OutputTensorInfo output; output.dims = output_shape_info_[i]; output.data = std::move(data_buf); output.length = output_buffer_size_[i]; outputs.emplace_back(std::move(output)); GELOGD("Output index:%zu, output dims is %s, data length:%lu.", i, formats::JoinToString(output.dims).c_str(), output.length); } return SUCCESS; } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief send Output Op result to upper layer /// @already malloced in ModelLoad, no need to malloc again /// @param [in] data_id: the index of output_data /// @param [in] rslt_flg: result flag /// @param [in] seq_end_flag: sequence end flag /// @param [out] output_data: real user output_data /// @return Status result /// @author /// Status DavinciModel::ReturnResult(uint32_t data_id, const bool rslt_flg, const bool seq_end_flag, OutputData *output_data) { GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(listener_ != nullptr, return PARAM_INVALID, "listener_ is null."); std::vector outputs; // return result is not required if (!rslt_flg && !seq_end_flag) { GELOGW("Compute failed, model id: %u", model_id_); auto model_manager = ModelManager::GetInstance(); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(model_manager); auto exception_infos = model_manager->GetExceptionInfos(); if (exception_infos.size() > 0) { GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(data_dumper_.DumpExceptionInfo(exception_infos), "Dump exception info failed"); } else { GELOGI("Exception info is null"); } GE_CHK_STATUS(listener_->OnComputeDone(model_id_, data_id, INTERNAL_ERROR, outputs), "OnComputeDone failed."); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (output_addrs_list_.empty()) { GELOGW("Output tensor list is empty, model id: %u", model_id_); GE_CHK_STATUS(listener_->OnComputeDone(model_id_, data_id, INTERNAL_ERROR, outputs), "OnComputeDone failed."); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(output_data); output_data->index = data_id; output_data->model_id = model_id_; if (is_getnext_sink_dynamic_) { GELOGD("Reinit cur dynamic dims when getnext sink dynamic."); cur_dynamic_dims_.clear(); cur_dynamic_dims_.resize(shape_of_cur_dynamic_dims_); auto ret = rtMemcpy(cur_dynamic_dims_.data(), shape_of_cur_dynamic_dims_ * sizeof(int64_t), netoutput_last_input_addr_, netoutput_last_input_size_, RT_MEMCPY_DEVICE_TO_HOST); GE_CHK_RT_RET(ret); } GELOGD("Cur dynamic dims is %s.", formats::JoinToString(cur_dynamic_dims_).c_str()); if (GenOutputTensorInfo(output_data, outputs) != SUCCESS) { return INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (CopyOutputData(data_id, *output_data, RT_MEMCPY_DEVICE_TO_HOST) != SUCCESS) { GE_CHK_STATUS(listener_->OnComputeDone(model_id_, data_id, INTERNAL_ERROR, outputs), "OnComputeDone failed"); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (seq_end_flag) { GELOGW("End of sequence, model id: %u", model_id_); GE_CHK_STATUS(listener_->OnComputeDone(model_id_, data_id, END_OF_SEQUENCE, outputs), "OnCompute Done failed."); return END_OF_SEQUENCE; } GE_CHK_STATUS(listener_->OnComputeDone(model_id_, data_id, SUCCESS, outputs), "OnComputeDone failed"); return SUCCESS; } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief return not output to upper layer for cloud case /// @param [in] data_id /// @return Status result /// Status DavinciModel::ReturnNoOutput(uint32_t data_id) { GELOGI("ReturnNoOutput model id:%u", model_id_); GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(listener_ != nullptr, return PARAM_INVALID, "listener_ is null!"); std::vector outputs; GE_CHK_STATUS(listener_->OnComputeDone(model_id_, data_id, SUCCESS, outputs), "OnComputeDone failed."); return SUCCESS; } void *DavinciModel::Run(DavinciModel *model) { GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(model != nullptr, CsaInteract::GetInstance().WriteErrorCode(FAILED, ERROR_MODULE_FMK, JOBSUBSTATE_GRAPH_EXEC); return nullptr, "model_pointer is null!") bool seq_end_flag = false; uint32_t model_id = model->Id(); uint32_t device_id = model->GetDeviceId(); GELOGI("Model Run thread start, model_id:%u.", model_id); rtError_t rt_ret = rtSetDevice(static_cast(device_id)); if (rt_ret != RT_ERROR_NONE) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Model run rtsetdevice failed."); return nullptr; } // DeviceReset before thread run finished! GE_MAKE_GUARD(not_used_var, [&] { GE_CHK_RT(rtDeviceReset(device_id)); }); while (model->RunFlag()) { bool rslt_flg = true; if (model->GetDataInputer() == nullptr) { GELOGW("Data inputer is nullptr."); CsaInteract::GetInstance().StoreInternalErrorCode(FAILED, ERROR_MODULE_FMK, JOBSUBSTATE_GRAPH_EXEC); break; } std::shared_ptr data_wrapper; Status ret = model->GetDataInputer()->Pop(data_wrapper); if (data_wrapper == nullptr || ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGI("data_wrapper is null!"); continue; } GELOGI("Getting the input data, model_id:%u", model_id); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(!model->RunFlag(), break); InputData current_data = data_wrapper->GetInput(); GELOGI("Model thread Run begin, model id:%u, data index:%u.", model_id, current_data.index); GE_TIMESTAMP_START(Model_SyncVarData); ret = model->SyncVarData(); GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG( ret != SUCCESS, (void)model->ReturnResult(current_data.index, false, false, data_wrapper->GetOutput()); CsaInteract::GetInstance().StoreInternalErrorCode(ret, ERROR_MODULE_FMK, JOBSUBSTATE_GRAPH_EXEC); continue, "Copy input data to model failed."); // [No need to check value] GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(model->is_first_execute_, GE_TIMESTAMP_EVENT_END(Model_SyncVarData, "Model Run SyncVarData")); GELOGI("Copy input data, model id:%u", model_id); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(ProfilingManager::Instance().ProfilingModelExecuteOn(), model->SetProfileTime(MODEL_PRE_PROC_START)); ret = model->CopyInputData(current_data, false); GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG( ret != SUCCESS, (void)model->ReturnResult(current_data.index, false, false, data_wrapper->GetOutput()); CsaInteract::GetInstance().StoreInternalErrorCode(ret, ERROR_MODULE_FMK, JOBSUBSTATE_GRAPH_EXEC); continue, "Copy input data to model failed."); // [No need to check value] if (model->is_online_infer_dynamic_ && !model->is_getnext_sink_dynamic_) { model->cur_dynamic_dims_.clear(); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(current_data.blobs.empty(), break); auto shape_data_buffer_data = current_data.blobs.back().data; auto shape_data_buffer_length = current_data.blobs.back().length; model->cur_dynamic_dims_.assign(reinterpret_cast(shape_data_buffer_data), reinterpret_cast(shape_data_buffer_data) + shape_data_buffer_length / sizeof(int64_t)); GELOGD("Data: cur dynamic dims is %s", formats::JoinToString(model->cur_dynamic_dims_).c_str()); delete[] reinterpret_cast(current_data.blobs.back().data); current_data.blobs.pop_back(); } GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(ProfilingManager::Instance().ProfilingModelExecuteOn(), model->SetProfileTime(MODEL_PRE_PROC_END)); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(ProfilingManager::Instance().ProfilingModelExecuteOn(), model->SetProfileTime(MODEL_INFER_START)); GE_TIMESTAMP_START(rtModelExecute); GELOGI("rtModelExecute start."); rt_ret = rtModelExecute(model->rt_model_handle_, model->rt_model_stream_, 0); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(rt_ret != RT_ERROR_NONE, rslt_flg = false; (void)model->ReturnResult(current_data.index, false, false, data_wrapper->GetOutput()); CsaInteract::GetInstance().WriteErrorCode(rt_ret, ERROR_MODULE_RUNTIME, JOBSUBSTATE_GRAPH_EXEC); continue); GELOGI("rtModelExecute end"); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(model->is_first_execute_, GE_TIMESTAMP_EVENT_END(rtModelExecute, "GraphExcute::rtModelExecute")); GE_TIMESTAMP_START(rtStreamSynchronize); GELOGI("rtStreamSynchronize start."); rt_ret = rtStreamSynchronize(model->rt_model_stream_); if (rt_ret == kEndOfSequence || rt_ret == kEndOfSequenceNew) { seq_end_flag = true; } if (rt_ret == kModelAbortNormal || rt_ret == kModelAbortNormalNew) { GELOGI("The model with multiple datasets aborts normally."); } else { GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC( rt_ret != RT_ERROR_NONE, rslt_flg = false; GELOGI("seq_end_flg: %d", seq_end_flag); (void)model->ReturnResult(current_data.index, false, seq_end_flag, data_wrapper->GetOutput()); // [No need to check value] CsaInteract::GetInstance().StoreInternalErrorCode(rt_ret, ERROR_MODULE_RUNTIME, JOBSUBSTATE_GRAPH_EXEC); continue); } GELOGI("rtStreamSynchronize end."); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(model->is_first_execute_, GE_TIMESTAMP_EVENT_END(rtStreamSynchronize, "GraphExcute::Wait for rtStreamSynchronize")); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(ProfilingManager::Instance().ProfilingModelExecuteOn(), model->SetProfileTime(MODEL_INFER_END)); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(ProfilingManager::Instance().ProfilingModelExecuteOn(), model->SetProfileTime(MODEL_AFTER_PROC_START)); GE_TIMESTAMP_START(ReturnResult3); // copy output data from device to host GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(!model->output_addrs_list_.empty(), (void)model->ReturnResult(current_data.index, rslt_flg, false, data_wrapper->GetOutput())) // copy output data from device to host for variable graph GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(model->output_addrs_list_.empty(), (void)model->ReturnNoOutput(current_data.index)); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(model->is_first_execute_, GE_TIMESTAMP_EVENT_END(ReturnResult3, "GraphExcute::CopyDataFromDeviceToHost")); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(ProfilingManager::Instance().ProfilingModelExecuteOn(), model->SetProfileTime(MODEL_AFTER_PROC_END)); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(ProfilingManager::Instance().ProfilingModelExecuteOn(), (void)model->SinkTimeProfile(current_data)); model->iterator_count_++; model->is_first_execute_ = false; GELOGI("run iterator count is %lu", model->iterator_count_); } CsaInteract::GetInstance().WriteInternalErrorCode(); GELOGI("Model run end, model id:%u", model->model_id_); return nullptr; } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief call API provided by data inputer to destroy thread /// @param [in] no /// @return Status Destroy result /// @author /// Status DavinciModel::DestroyThread() { GE_CHK_BOOL_RET_STATUS(data_inputer_ != nullptr, INTERNAL_ERROR, "data_inputer_ is nullptr."); run_flg_ = false; data_inputer_->Stop(); if (thread_id_.joinable()) { thread_id_.join(); } return SUCCESS; } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief create model std::thread, /// @brief start to execute Model /// @param [in] no /// @return Status create model thread and execute result /// @author /// Status DavinciModel::ModelRunStart() { GE_CHK_BOOL_RET_STATUS(data_inputer_ != nullptr, INTERNAL_ERROR, "data_inputer_ is nullptr."); LockRunFlg(); GE_MAKE_GUARD(tmp_lock, [&] { UnlockRunFlg(); }); GE_CHK_BOOL_RET_STATUS(!run_flg_, INTERNAL_ERROR, "Model already started."); run_flg_ = true; // create stream instance which rt_model_handel is running on GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtStreamCreate(&rt_model_stream_, priority_)); is_inner_model_stream_ = true; string opt = "0"; (void)ge::GetContext().GetOption(OPTION_GE_MAX_DUMP_OP_NUM, opt); // option may not be set up, no need to check value int64_t maxDumpOpNum = std::strtol(opt.c_str(), nullptr, kDecimal); maxDumpOpNum_ = maxDumpOpNum; CREATE_STD_THREAD(thread_id_, DavinciModel::Run, this); GELOGI("model tread create success, model id:%u.", model_id_); return SUCCESS; } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief call API provided by data inputer and destroy model Thread /// @param [in] no /// @return Status Destroy result /// @author /// Status DavinciModel::ModelRunStop() { LockRunFlg(); GE_MAKE_GUARD(tmp_lock, [&] { UnlockRunFlg(); }); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(!run_flg_, return SUCCESS); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(DestroyThread(), "DestoyThead failed."); return SUCCESS; } void DavinciModel::UnbindTaskSinkStream() { // unbinding hcom stream UnbindHcomStream(); if (is_stream_list_bind_) { for (size_t i = 0; i < stream_list_.size(); i++) { // unbind rt_model_handle and streams GE_LOGW_IF(rtModelUnbindStream(rt_model_handle_, stream_list_[i]) != RT_ERROR_NONE, "Unbind stream from model failed! Index: %zu", i); } } if (is_inner_model_stream_) { if (!input_queue_ids_.empty() || !output_queue_ids_.empty()) { GE_LOGW_IF(rtModelUnbindStream(rt_model_handle_, rt_model_stream_) != RT_ERROR_NONE, "Unbind stream failed!"); } // destroy stream that is bound with rt_model GE_LOGW_IF(rtStreamDestroy(rt_model_stream_) != RT_ERROR_NONE, "Destroy stream for rt_model failed.") } if (is_pure_head_stream_ && rt_head_stream_ != nullptr) { GE_LOGW_IF(rtModelUnbindStream(rt_model_handle_, rt_head_stream_) != RT_ERROR_NONE, "Unbind stream failed!"); GE_LOGW_IF(rtStreamDestroy(rt_head_stream_) != RT_ERROR_NONE, "Destroy stream for rt_model failed."); rt_head_stream_ = nullptr; } if (rt_entry_stream_ != nullptr) { GE_LOGW_IF(rtModelUnbindStream(rt_model_handle_, rt_entry_stream_) != RT_ERROR_NONE, "Unbind stream failed!"); GE_LOGW_IF(rtStreamDestroy(rt_entry_stream_) != RT_ERROR_NONE, "Destroy stream for rt_model failed."); rt_entry_stream_ = nullptr; } } void *DavinciModel::GetRunAddress(void *addr) const { if (fixed_mem_base_ == reinterpret_cast(mem_base_)) { return addr; } uintptr_t ptr = reinterpret_cast(addr); if ((fixed_mem_base_ <= ptr) && (ptr < fixed_mem_base_ + runtime_param_.mem_size)) { return mem_base_ + (ptr - fixed_mem_base_); } else { return addr; } } Status DavinciModel::CreateKnownZeroCopyMap(const vector &inputs, const vector &outputs) { GELOGI("in, inputs size: %zu, input addr size: %zu, outputs size: %zu, output addr size: %zu", inputs.size(), input_addrs_list_.size(), outputs.size(), output_addrs_list_.size()); if (inputs.size() > input_addrs_list_.size()) { GELOGE(FAILED, "input data addr %zu should less than input op num %zu.", inputs.size(), input_addrs_list_.size()); return FAILED; } // remove zero copy addr in last iteration known_input_data_info_.clear(); known_output_data_info_.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < inputs.size(); ++i) { const vector &addr_list = input_addrs_list_[i]; void *addr = GetRunAddress(addr_list[kDataIndex]); known_input_data_info_[addr] = inputs[i]; GELOGI("input %zu, v addr %p, r addr %p, p addr %p", i, addr_list[kDataIndex], addr, inputs[i]); } if (output_addrs_list_.empty()) { GELOGW("output op num in graph is %zu", output_addrs_list_.size()); return SUCCESS; } const vector &addr_list = output_addrs_list_.front(); for (size_t i = 0; i < addr_list.size() && i < outputs.size(); ++i) { void *addr = GetRunAddress(addr_list[i]); known_output_data_info_[addr] = outputs[i]; GELOGI("output %zu, v addr %p, r addr %p, p addr %p", i, addr_list[i], addr, outputs[i]); } GELOGI("success, known input data info size: %zu, known output data info size: %zu", known_input_data_info_.size(), known_output_data_info_.size()); return SUCCESS; } void DavinciModel::SetTotalIOAddrs(const vector &io_addrs) { if (fixed_mem_base_ == reinterpret_cast(mem_base_)) { total_io_addrs_.insert(total_io_addrs_.end(), io_addrs.begin(), io_addrs.end()); return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < io_addrs.size(); ++i) { total_io_addrs_.emplace_back(GetRunAddress(io_addrs[i])); } } Status DavinciModel::UpdateKnownZeroCopyAddr(vector &total_io_addrs) { if (fixed_mem_base_ != reinterpret_cast(mem_base_)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < total_io_addrs.size(); ++i) { total_io_addrs[i] = GetRunAddress(total_io_addrs[i]); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < total_io_addrs.size(); ++i) { auto it_in = known_input_data_info_.find(total_io_addrs[i]); if (it_in != known_input_data_info_.end()) { GELOGI("input %zu, v addr %p, p addr %p", i, total_io_addrs[i], known_input_data_info_.at(total_io_addrs[i])); total_io_addrs[i] = known_input_data_info_.at(total_io_addrs[i]); } auto it_out = known_output_data_info_.find(total_io_addrs[i]); if (it_out != known_output_data_info_.end()) { GELOGI("output %zu, v addr %p, p addr %p", i, total_io_addrs[i], known_output_data_info_.at(total_io_addrs[i])); total_io_addrs[i] = known_output_data_info_.at(total_io_addrs[i]); } } GELOGI("success, total io addrs size: %zu", total_io_addrs.size()); return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::UpdateKnownNodeArgs(const vector &inputs, const vector &outputs) { GELOGI("DavinciModel::UpdateKnownNodeArgs in"); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(CreateKnownZeroCopyMap(inputs, outputs), "DavinciModel::UpdateKnownNodeArgs create map for input/output zero copy."); if (!base_addr_not_changed_) { total_io_addrs_.clear(); orig_total_io_addrs_.clear(); for (size_t task_index = 0; task_index < task_list_.size(); ++task_index) { auto &task = task_list_[task_index]; if (task != nullptr) { Status ret = task->UpdateArgs(); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(FAILED, "task %zu created by davinci model is nullptr.", task_index); return FAILED; } } } // cache latest iterator io addr orig_total_io_addrs_ = total_io_addrs_; } else { total_io_addrs_ = orig_total_io_addrs_; } GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(UpdateKnownZeroCopyAddr(total_io_addrs_), "DavinciModel::UpdateKnownZeroCopyAddr failed."); if (total_args_size_ == 0) { GELOGW("DavinciModel::UpdateKnownNodeArgs device args %p, dst size %u, pass rtMemcpy.", args_, total_args_size_); } else { uint32_t total_addr_size = total_io_addrs_.size() * sizeof(uint64_t); GELOGI("DavinciModel::UpdateKnownNodeArgs device args %p, dst size %u, src size %u", args_, total_args_size_, total_addr_size); Status rt_ret = rtMemcpy(args_, total_args_size_, total_io_addrs_.data(), total_addr_size, RT_MEMCPY_HOST_TO_DEVICE); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(rt_ret != RT_ERROR_NONE, GELOGE(rt_ret, "rtMemcpy error, ret: Ox%X", rt_ret); return FAILED;) } GELOGI("DavinciModel::UpdateKnownNodeArgs success"); return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::InitTaskInfo(domi::ModelTaskDef &model_task_def) { GELOGI("InitTaskInfo in, task size %d", model_task_def.task().size()); task_list_.resize(model_task_def.task_size()); for (int i = 0; i < model_task_def.task_size(); ++i) { // dynamic shape will create task_list_ before const domi::TaskDef &task = model_task_def.task(i); if (this->task_list_[i] == nullptr) { task_list_[i] = TaskInfoFactory::Instance().Create(static_cast(task.type())); } GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(task_list_[i]); Status ret = task_list_[i]->Init(task, this); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(ret, "Task index %d init failed.", i); return ret; } } GELOGI("InitTaskInfo out"); return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::MallocKnownArgs() { GELOGI("DavinciModel::MallocKnownArgs in"); const auto &model_task_def = ge_model_->GetModelTaskDefPtr(); if (model_task_def->task_size() == 0) { GELOGW("DavinciModel::MallocKnownArgs davincimodel has no task info."); return SUCCESS; } task_list_.resize(model_task_def->task_size()); for (int32_t i = 0; i < model_task_def->task_size(); ++i) { const domi::TaskDef &taskdef = model_task_def->task(i); task_list_[i] = TaskInfoFactory::Instance().Create(static_cast(taskdef.type())); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(task_list_[i]); Status ret = task_list_[i]->CalculateArgs(taskdef, this); if (ret != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(ret, "TaskInfo CalculateArgs failed."); return ret; } } // malloc args memory if (total_args_size_ == 0) { GELOGW("DavinciModel::MallocKnownArgs total_args_size_ equals to zero."); return SUCCESS; } rtError_t rt_ret = rtMalloc(&args_, total_args_size_, RT_MEMORY_HBM); if (rt_ret != RT_ERROR_NONE) { GELOGE(RT_FAILED, "Call rtMalloc failed, ret: 0x%X", rt_ret); return RT_ERROR_TO_GE_STATUS(rt_ret); } // malloc dynamic and static hybrid memory if (total_hybrid_args_size_ != 0) { rt_ret = rtMalloc(&hybrid_addrs_, total_hybrid_args_size_, RT_MEMORY_HBM); if (rt_ret != RT_ERROR_NONE) { GELOGE(RT_FAILED, "Call rtMalloc failed, ret: 0x%X", rt_ret); return RT_ERROR_TO_GE_STATUS(rt_ret); } } // malloc fixed addr memory, eg: rts op if (total_fixed_addr_size_ != 0) { GELOGI("Begin to allocate fixed addr."); rt_ret = rtMalloc(&fixed_addrs_, total_fixed_addr_size_, RT_MEMORY_HBM); if (rt_ret != RT_ERROR_NONE) { GELOGE(RT_FAILED, "Call rtMalloc failed, ret: 0x%X", rt_ret); return RT_ERROR_TO_GE_STATUS(rt_ret); } } GELOGI("DavinciModel::MallocKnownArgs success, total args size %u. total fixed addr size %ld", total_args_size_, total_fixed_addr_size_); return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::DistributeTask() { GELOGI("do Distribute."); for (auto &task : cpu_task_list_) { if (task == nullptr) { GELOGW("task is null"); continue; } GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(task->Distribute()); } task_desc_info_.clear(); bool flag = GetL1FusionEnableOption(); char skt_enable_env[MMPA_MAX_PATH] = { 0x00 }; INT32 res = mmGetEnv("SKT_ENABLE", skt_enable_env, MMPA_MAX_PATH); int64_t env_flag = (res == EN_OK) ? std::strtol(skt_enable_env, nullptr, kDecimal) : 0; if (env_flag != 0) { flag = true; } const auto &model_task_def = ge_model_->GetModelTaskDefPtr(); for (size_t task_index = 0; task_index < task_list_.size(); ++task_index) { auto &task_def = model_task_def->task(task_index); auto &task = task_list_.at(task_index); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(task->Distribute(), "Task[%zu] distribute fail", task_index); // for data dump auto op_index = std::max(task_def.kernel().context().op_index(), task_def.kernel_ex().op_index()); OpDescPtr op = GetOpByIndex(op_index); GE_CHECK_NOTNULL(op); if (reinterpret_cast(task->GetDumpArgs()) != nullptr) { bool call_dump = GetDumpProperties().IsLayerNeedDump(name_, om_name_, op->GetName()) && task->CallSaveDumpInfo(); if (call_dump || is_op_debug_reg_) { SaveDumpTask(task->GetTaskID(), task->GetStreamId(), op, task->GetDumpArgs()); } } auto task_type = static_cast(task_def.type()); bool no_need_profiling = (task_type != RT_MODEL_TASK_KERNEL) && (task_type != RT_MODEL_TASK_KERNEL_EX); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(no_need_profiling, continue); SaveDumpOpInfo(runtime_param_, op, task->GetTaskID(), task->GetStreamId()); // Load task info for profiling TaskDescInfo task_desc_info; if (!om_name_.empty()) { task_desc_info.model_name = om_name_; } else { task_desc_info.model_name = name_; } task_desc_info.op_name = op->GetName(); task_desc_info.block_dim = task_def.kernel().block_dim(); task_desc_info.task_id = task->GetTaskID(); task_desc_info.stream_id = task->GetStreamId(); task_desc_info.shape_type = "static"; task_desc_info.cur_iter_num = 0; task_desc_info_.emplace_back(task_desc_info); if (flag) { if (task->GetSktTaskID() != 0xFFFFFFFF) { TaskDescInfo task_desc_info; string op_name = "super_kernel_" + to_string(task_index); task_desc_info.op_name = op_name; task_desc_info.task_id = task->GetSktTaskID(); task_desc_info_.emplace_back(task_desc_info); } } } // launch dump kernel to aicpu GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(data_dumper_.LoadDumpInfo(), "Load dump info failed."); return SUCCESS; } void DavinciModel::SetEndGraphId(uint32_t task_id, uint32_t stream_id) { auto all_dump_model = GetDumpProperties().GetAllDumpModel(); bool findByOmName = all_dump_model.find(om_name_) != all_dump_model.end(); bool findByModelName = all_dump_model.find(name_) != all_dump_model.end(); if (all_dump_model.find(ge::DUMP_ALL_MODEL) != all_dump_model.end() || findByOmName || findByModelName) { GELOGI("start save end_graph_info to dumper, task_id is %u, stream_id is %u", task_id, stream_id); data_dumper_.SaveEndGraphId(task_id, stream_id); } } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief Set copy only for No task feed NetOutput address. /// @return None. /// void DavinciModel::SetCopyOnlyOutput() { for (const auto &output_outside_addrs : new_output_outside_addrs_) { ZeroCopyOffset output_outside = output_outside_addrs.second; for (uint32_t out_count = 0; out_count < output_outside.GetAddrCount(); ++out_count) { auto &addrs_mapping_list = output_outside.GetOutsideAddrs(); std::map> virtual_args_addrs = addrs_mapping_list[out_count]; for (const auto &virtual_args_addr : virtual_args_addrs) { const auto &args_addrs = virtual_args_addr.second; if (args_addrs.empty()) { // No task feed Output addr, Need copy directly. GELOGI("[ZCPY] just copy %p to netoutput.", virtual_args_addr.first); copy_only_addrs_.insert(virtual_args_addr.first); } } } } } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief Set disabled input zero copy addr. /// @param [in] const void *addr: address of task /// @return None. /// void DavinciModel::DisableZeroCopy(const void *addr) { if (real_virtual_addrs_.find(addr) == real_virtual_addrs_.end()) { return; } // Data link to RTS Op directly. std::lock_guard lock(outside_addrs_mutex_); GELOGI("[ZCPY] disable zero copy of %p.", addr); copy_only_addrs_.insert(addr); } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief Save outside address used info for ZeroCopy. /// @param [in] const OpDescPtr &op_desc: current op desc /// @param [in] const std::vector &outside_addrs: address of task /// @param [in] const void *info: task args /// @param [in] const char *args: task args /// @param [in] size_t size: size of task args /// @param [in] size_t offset: offset of task args /// @return None. /// void DavinciModel::SetZeroCopyAddr(const OpDescPtr &op_desc, const std::vector &outside_addrs, const void *info, void *args, size_t size, size_t offset) { // Internal call has ensured that op_desc is not nullptr GELOGD("[ZCPY] SetZeroCopyAddr for %s.", op_desc->GetName().c_str()); size_t nums = outside_addrs.size(); ZeroCopyTask zero_copy_task(op_desc->GetName(), static_cast(args), size); for (size_t i = 0; i < nums; ++i) { std::lock_guard lock(outside_addrs_mutex_); for (auto &input_outside_addrs : new_input_outside_addrs_) { ZeroCopyOffset &input_outside = input_outside_addrs.second; input_outside.SetOutsideAddrsValue(zero_copy_task, outside_addrs[i], args, offset + i * kAddrLen); } for (auto &output_outside_addrs : new_output_outside_addrs_) { ZeroCopyOffset &output_outside = output_outside_addrs.second; output_outside.SetOutsideAddrsValue(zero_copy_task, outside_addrs[i], args, offset + i * kAddrLen); } } string batch_label; if (!AttrUtils::GetStr(op_desc, ATTR_NAME_BATCH_LABEL, batch_label) || batch_label.empty()) { zero_copy_task.SetBatchLabel(kDefaultBatchLable); } else { zero_copy_task.SetBatchLabel(batch_label); } std::lock_guard lock(outside_addrs_mutex_); if (zero_copy_task.IsTaskArgsSet()) { zero_copy_task.SetOriginalArgs(info, offset + nums * kAddrLen); zero_copy_tasks_.emplace_back(zero_copy_task); } } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief Copy Check input size and model op size. /// @param [in] const int64_t &input_size: input size. /// @param [in] const int64_t &op_size: model op size. /// @param [in] is_dynamic: dynamic batch input flag. /// @return true if success /// bool DavinciModel::CheckInputAndModelSize(const int64_t &input_size, const int64_t &op_size, bool is_dynamic) { if (is_dynamic) { // dynamic is max size. GELOGI("No need to check input and model size."); return true; } if (input_size > op_size) { GELOGW( "Input size [%ld] is bigger than om size need [%ld], " "MAY cause inference result ERROR, please check model input", input_size, op_size); } if (is_dynamic_aipp_) { GELOGI("This is dynamic aipp model, no need to judge smaller input size"); return true; } // Judge overflow first if (input_size > (INT64_MAX - kDataMemAlignSizeCompare)) { GELOGI("The Input size [%ld] is smaller than model size [%ld] and is in the range of 64 bytes", input_size, op_size); return true; } // The input and model input size can not be exactly equal because user input is not definite. if ((input_size + kDataMemAlignSizeCompare) < op_size) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Input size [%ld] can not be smaller than op size [%ld] after 64-byte alignment", input_size, op_size); return false; } return true; } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief Copy Inputs and Outputs addr to model for direct use. /// @param [in] const InputData &input_data: model input data. /// @param [in] OutputData &output_data: model output data. /// @param [in] bool is_dynamic_input: whether is dynamic input, true: is dynamic input; false: not is dynamic input /// @return SUCCESS handle successfully / PARAM_INVALID for failed /// Status DavinciModel::CopyModelData(const InputData &input_data, OutputData &output_data, bool is_dynamic) { if (UpdateIoTaskArgs(new_input_data_info_, true, input_data.blobs, is_dynamic, input_data.batch_label) != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(ACL_ERROR_GE_PARAM_INVALID, "[ZCPY] Update input data to model failed."); return ACL_ERROR_GE_PARAM_INVALID; } if (UpdateIoTaskArgs(new_output_data_info_, false, output_data.blobs, is_dynamic, input_data.batch_label) != SUCCESS) { GELOGE(ACL_ERROR_GE_PARAM_INVALID, "[ZCPY] Update output data to model failed."); return ACL_ERROR_GE_PARAM_INVALID; } for (ZeroCopyTask &task : zero_copy_tasks_) { GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(task.DistributeParam(is_async_mode_, rt_model_stream_), "[ZCPY] Update args failed."); } output_data.index = input_data.index; output_data.model_id = model_id_; return SUCCESS; } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief Copy Data addr to model for direct use. /// @param [in] data_info: model memory addr/size map { data_index, { tensor_size, tensor_addr } }. /// @param [in] is_input: input data or output data /// @param [in] blobs: user input/output data list. /// @param [in] is_dynamic: whether is dynamic input, true: is dynamic input; false: not is dynamic input /// @param [in] batch_label: batch label for multi-batch scenes /// @return SUCCESS handle successfully / others handle failed /// Status DavinciModel::UpdateIoTaskArgs(const std::map &data_info, bool is_input, const vector &blobs, bool is_dynamic, const string &batch_label) { string input_or_output = "input"; is_input ? input_or_output = "input" : input_or_output = "output"; if (blobs.size() != data_info.size()) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Verify %s data num failed: model requires %zu, but user actually feeds %zu", input_or_output.c_str(), data_info.size(), blobs.size()); return FAILED; } for (const auto &data : data_info) { if (data.first >= blobs.size()) { // check data index. GELOGE(FAILED, "Verify %s data num failed: can not find No.%u data, because user only feeds %zu", input_or_output.c_str(), data.first, blobs.size()); return FAILED; } const DataBuffer &buffer = blobs[data.first]; // index of data. if (buffer.data == nullptr) { GELOGE(FAILED, "data_buf.data is nullptr, index=%u", data.first); return FAILED; } if (!CheckInputAndModelSize(buffer.length, data.second.GetDataSize(), is_dynamic)) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Check input size and model size failed, op[%s]", data.second.GetOpName().c_str()); return FAILED; } void *basic_addr = data.second.GetBasicAddr(); uint64_t data_size = data.second.GetDataSize(); if (copy_only_addrs_.count(basic_addr) > 0) { if (is_input) { GELOGI("[IMAS] Find addr %p need direct copy from user malloc input %p", basic_addr, buffer.data); if (rtMemcpy(basic_addr, data_size, buffer.data, buffer.length, RT_MEMCPY_DEVICE_TO_DEVICE) != RT_ERROR_NONE) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Non-zero copy data node copy failed"); return FAILED; } } GELOGI("No need to exeucte zero copy task because this addr %p need direct copy.", basic_addr); continue; } for (size_t count = 0; count < data.second.GetDataCount(); ++count) { int64_t size = data.second.GetDataInfo().at(count).first; void *addr = data.second.GetDataInfo().at(count).second; void *buffer_addr = reinterpret_cast(reinterpret_cast(buffer.data) + data.second.GetRelativeOffset().at(count)); GELOGI("[ZCPY] Copy %s blobs_index %u, virtual_addr: %p, size: %ld, user_data_addr: %p, batch_label: %s", input_or_output.c_str(), data.first, addr, size, buffer_addr, batch_label.c_str()); // For input data, just copy for rts task. for (ZeroCopyTask &task : zero_copy_tasks_) { if (task.GetBatchLabel() != kDefaultBatchLable && task.GetBatchLabel() != batch_label) { continue; } uintptr_t addr_val = reinterpret_cast(addr); if (task.UpdateTaskParam(addr_val, buffer_addr) != SUCCESS) { return FAILED; } } } } return SUCCESS; } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief get unique identification for op when load two or more models /// @param [in] const OpDescPtr: current op. /// @param [in] string identification: unique identification for current op. /// @return SUCCESS handle successfully / others handle failed /// void DavinciModel::GetUniqueId(const OpDescPtr &op_desc, std::string &unique_identification) { std::string session_graph_id; GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(AttrUtils::GetStr(*op_desc, ATTR_NAME_SESSION_GRAPH_ID, session_graph_id), GELOGD("Get original type of session_graph_id.")); if (session_graph_id.empty()) { return; } else if (session_graph_id.find("-1") != string::npos) { unique_identification = session_graph_id + "_" + to_string(model_id_); } else { unique_identification = session_graph_id; } } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief For TVM Op, avoid Addr Reuse. /// @return void* /// const char *DavinciModel::GetRegisterStub(const string &binfile, const string &session_graph_id) { string binfile_key; if (session_graph_id.empty()) { binfile_key = binfile; } else { binfile_key = session_graph_id + "_" + binfile; } auto it = tvm_bin_kernel_.find(binfile_key); if (it != tvm_bin_kernel_.end()) { return it->c_str(); } else { it = tvm_bin_kernel_.insert(tvm_bin_kernel_.end(), binfile_key); return it->c_str(); } } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief Constant Op Init. /// @return Status /// Status DavinciModel::InitConstant(const OpDescPtr &op_desc) { auto v_weights = ModelUtils::GetWeights(op_desc); auto v_output_size = ModelUtils::GetOutputSize(op_desc); auto v_output_addr = ModelUtils::GetOutputDataAddrs(runtime_param_, op_desc); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(v_weights.empty() || v_output_size.empty() || v_output_addr.empty(), GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "const op:%s not set output", op_desc->GetName().c_str()); return PARAM_INVALID;); GeTensor *tensor = const_cast(v_weights[0].get()); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(static_cast(v_output_size[0]) < tensor->GetData().size(), GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "output size:%ld less than weight data size:%zu", v_output_size[0], tensor->GetData().size()); return PARAM_INVALID;); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(tensor->GetData().size() == 0, GELOGW("const op:%s has no weight data.", op_desc->GetName().c_str()); return SUCCESS;); auto desc = tensor->GetTensorDesc(); if (desc.GetDataType() == DT_STRING) { GeShape tensor_shape = desc.GetShape(); /// if tensor is a scaler, it's shape size if zero, according ge_tensor.cc. /// the logic of GetShapeSize is wrong, the scaler tensor's GetShapeSize is zero /// and that of unknown shape is zero too. /// unknown shape will not appear here, so we can use zero judge a tensor is scaler or not int64_t elem_num = tensor_shape.GetShapeSize(); if (elem_num == 0 && tensor_shape.GetDims().size() == 0) { elem_num = 1; } uint64_t *buff = reinterpret_cast(tensor->MutableData().data()); GE_CHK_BOOL_RET_STATUS(ge::CheckInt64Uint32MulOverflow(elem_num, kBytes) == SUCCESS, FAILED, "Shape size is invalid"); uint64_t offset = static_cast(elem_num * kBytes); uint64_t hbm_raw_data_base_addr = static_cast(reinterpret_cast(v_output_addr[0])) + offset; for (int64_t i = elem_num - 1; i >= 0; --i) { buff[i] = hbm_raw_data_base_addr + (buff[i] - buff[0]); } } GELOGI("[IMAS]InitConstant memcpy graph_%u type[V] name[%s] output[%d] memaddr[%p] mem_size[%lu] datasize[%zu]", runtime_param_.graph_id, op_desc->GetName().c_str(), 0, v_output_addr[0], v_output_size[0], tensor->GetData().size()); GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtMemcpy(v_output_addr[0], v_output_size[0], tensor->GetData().data(), tensor->GetData().size(), RT_MEMCPY_HOST_TO_DEVICE)); return SUCCESS; } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief TVM Op Init. /// @return Status /// Status DavinciModel::InitTbeHandle(const OpDescPtr &op_desc) { auto kernel = ge_model_->GetTBEKernelStore().FindKernel(op_desc->GetName()); auto tbe_kernel = (kernel != nullptr) ? kernel : op_desc->TryGetExtAttr(OP_EXTATTR_NAME_TBE_KERNEL, TBEKernelPtr()); if (tbe_kernel == nullptr) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "TBE: %s can't find tvm bin file!", op_desc->GetName().c_str()); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } std::string session_graph_model_id; GetUniqueId(op_desc, session_graph_model_id); const char *bin_file_key = GetRegisterStub(op_desc->GetName(), session_graph_model_id); // from set, always valid. TBEHandleStore &kernel_store = TBEHandleStore::GetInstance(); std::lock_guard lock(tvm_bin_mutex_); if (rtQueryFunctionRegistered(bin_file_key) != RT_ERROR_NONE) { void *bin_handle = nullptr; if (!kernel_store.FindTBEHandle(bin_file_key, bin_handle)) { GELOGD("TBE: can't find the kernel_name[%s] in HandleMap", bin_file_key); rtDevBinary_t binary; std::string json_string; GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(AttrUtils::GetStr(op_desc, TVM_ATTR_NAME_MAGIC, json_string), GELOGD("Get original type of session_graph_id.")); if (json_string == "RT_DEV_BINARY_MAGIC_ELF_AICPU") { binary.magic = RT_DEV_BINARY_MAGIC_ELF_AICPU; } else if (json_string == "RT_DEV_BINARY_MAGIC_ELF") { binary.magic = RT_DEV_BINARY_MAGIC_ELF; } else if (json_string == "RT_DEV_BINARY_MAGIC_ELF_AIVEC") { binary.magic = RT_DEV_BINARY_MAGIC_ELF_AIVEC; } else { GELOGE(PARAM_INVALID, "TBE: Invalid parameter magic number! json: %s", json_string.c_str()); return PARAM_INVALID; } binary.version = 0; binary.data = tbe_kernel->GetBinData(); binary.length = tbe_kernel->GetBinDataSize(); GELOGD("TBE: binary.length: %lu", binary.length); GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtDevBinaryRegister(&binary, &bin_handle)); std::string meta_data; GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(AttrUtils::GetStr(op_desc, TVM_ATTR_NAME_METADATA, meta_data), GELOGI("Get original type of json_string")); GELOGD("TBE: meta data: %s", meta_data.empty() ? "null" : meta_data.c_str()); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(!meta_data.empty(), GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtMetadataRegister(bin_handle, meta_data.c_str()))); kernel_store.StoreTBEHandle(bin_file_key, bin_handle, tbe_kernel); } else { GELOGI("TBE: find the kernel_name[%s] in HandleMap", bin_file_key); kernel_store.ReferTBEHandle(bin_file_key); } std::string kernel_name; GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(AttrUtils::GetStr(op_desc, op_desc->GetName() + "_kernelname", kernel_name), GELOGD("Get original type of kernel_name")); GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtFunctionRegister(bin_handle, bin_file_key, bin_file_key, kernel_name.c_str(), 0)); used_tbe_handle_map_[bin_file_key] = 1; // Init used num to 1. return SUCCESS; } // Kernel registed, Increase used num in store. StoreTbeHandle(bin_file_key); return SUCCESS; } void DavinciModel::StoreTbeHandle(const std::string &handle_key) { // Online mode FE may call rtFunctionRegister. TBEHandleStore &kernel_store = TBEHandleStore::GetInstance(); auto it = used_tbe_handle_map_.find(handle_key); if (it != used_tbe_handle_map_.end()) { // GE registered, increase reference. kernel_store.ReferTBEHandle(handle_key); it->second++; return; } void *bin_handle = nullptr; if (kernel_store.FindTBEHandle(handle_key, bin_handle)) { // GE registered, increase reference. used_tbe_handle_map_[handle_key] = 1; // Init used num to 1. kernel_store.ReferTBEHandle(handle_key); } } void DavinciModel::CleanTbeHandle() { TBEHandleStore &kernel_store = TBEHandleStore::GetInstance(); kernel_store.EraseTBEHandle(used_tbe_handle_map_); used_tbe_handle_map_.clear(); tvm_bin_kernel_.clear(); } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief insert active_stream_indication_ /// @return Status /// Status DavinciModel::InitStreamActive(const OpDescPtr &op_desc) { if (op_desc->HasAttr(ATTR_NAME_SWITCH_BRANCH_NODE_LABEL)) { std::vector active_stream_list; GE_CHK_BOOL_EXEC(AttrUtils::GetListInt(op_desc, ATTR_NAME_ACTIVE_STREAM_LIST, active_stream_list), return INTERNAL_ERROR, "StreamActiveOp get attr ACTIVE_STREAM failed."); for (size_t j = 0; j < active_stream_list.size(); ++j) { active_stream_indication_.insert(active_stream_list[j]); GELOGI("flowctrl_op_index_map node:%s, active_stream_id=%u.", op_desc->GetName().c_str(), active_stream_list[j]); } } return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::InitStreamSwitch(const OpDescPtr &op_desc) { std::vector active_stream_list; GE_LOGI_IF(!ge::AttrUtils::GetListInt(op_desc, ATTR_NAME_ACTIVE_STREAM_LIST, active_stream_list), "GetInt ACTIVE_STREAM_LIST failed."); if (active_stream_list.size() != kTrueBranchStreamNum) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "Stream num of switch true branch must be %u.", kTrueBranchStreamNum); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } uint32_t true_stream_id = active_stream_list.front(); active_stream_indication_.insert(true_stream_id); GELOGI("flowctrl_op_index_map node:%s, true_stream_id=%u.", op_desc->GetName().c_str(), true_stream_id); return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::InitStreamSwitchN(const OpDescPtr &op_desc) { std::vector active_stream_list; if (!AttrUtils::GetListInt(op_desc, ATTR_NAME_ACTIVE_STREAM_LIST, active_stream_list)) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "StreamSwitchNOp get attr ACTIVE_STREAM failed."); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } for (size_t j = 0; j < active_stream_list.size(); ++j) { active_stream_indication_.insert(active_stream_list[j]); GELOGI("StreamSwitchNOp node:%s, active_stream_id=%u.", op_desc->GetName().c_str(), active_stream_list[j]); } uint32_t batch_num = 0; if (!AttrUtils::GetInt(op_desc, ATTR_NAME_BATCH_NUM, batch_num)) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Failed to get attr ATTR_NAME_BATCH_NUM, StreamSwitchN: %s.", op_desc->GetName().c_str()); return FAILED; } return SetDynamicBatchInfo(op_desc, batch_num); } Status DavinciModel::SetDynamicBatchInfo(const OpDescPtr &op_desc, uint32_t batch_num) { batch_info_.clear(); combined_batch_info_.clear(); (void)AttrUtils::GetInt(op_desc, ATTR_DYNAMIC_TYPE, dynamic_type_); (void)AttrUtils::GetListStr(op_desc, ATTR_USER_DESIGNEATE_SHAPE_ORDER, user_designate_shape_order_); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < batch_num; ++i) { std::vector batch_shape; const std::string attr_name = ATTR_NAME_PRED_VALUE + "_" + std::to_string(i); if (!AttrUtils::GetListInt(op_desc, attr_name, batch_shape)) { GELOGE(FAILED, "Get attr ATTR_NAME_PRED_VALUE failed, Node: %s", op_desc->GetName().c_str()); batch_info_.clear(); return FAILED; } batch_info_.emplace_back(batch_shape); batch_shape.clear(); const string attr_combined_batch = ATTR_NAME_COMBINED_BATCH + "_" + std::to_string(i); if (AttrUtils::GetListInt(op_desc, attr_combined_batch, batch_shape)) { combined_batch_info_.emplace_back(batch_shape); } } return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::InitCase(const OpDescPtr &op_desc) { uint32_t batch_num = 0; if (!AttrUtils::GetInt(op_desc, ATTR_NAME_BATCH_NUM, batch_num)) { GELOGI("Not multi-batch Node: %s", op_desc->GetName().c_str()); return SUCCESS; } return SetDynamicBatchInfo(op_desc, batch_num); } bool DavinciModel::IsBroadCastOpData(const ge::NodePtr &var_node) { for (auto out_anchor : var_node->GetAllOutDataAnchors()) { GE_RT_FALSE_CHECK_NOTNULL(out_anchor); for (auto in_anchor : out_anchor->GetPeerInDataAnchors()) { GE_RT_FALSE_CHECK_NOTNULL(in_anchor); ge::NodePtr dst_node = in_anchor->GetOwnerNode(); GE_RT_FALSE_CHECK_NOTNULL(dst_node); if (dst_node->GetType() == HCOMBROADCAST || dst_node->GetType() == HVDCALLBACKBROADCAST) { return true; } } } return false; } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief Init model stream for NN model. /// @param [in] stream user input model stream. /// @return Status /// Status DavinciModel::InitModelStream(rtStream_t stream) { ExecuteMode curr_mode = is_async_mode_ ? ASYNCHRONIZATION : SYNCHRONIZATION; GE_CHK_BOOL_RET_STATUS((curr_mode == last_execute_mode_) || (last_execute_mode_ == INITIALIZATION), INTERNAL_ERROR, "NnExecute not support mix execute."); last_execute_mode_ = curr_mode; // asynchronize mode, use user input stream. if (is_async_mode_) { rt_model_stream_ = stream; is_inner_model_stream_ = false; return SUCCESS; } // synchronize mode, use forbidden stream. if (stream != nullptr) { if ((rt_model_stream_ != nullptr) && is_inner_model_stream_) { GE_LOGW_IF(rtStreamDestroy(rt_model_stream_) != RT_ERROR_NONE, "Destroy rt_stream failed!"); } rt_model_stream_ = stream; is_inner_model_stream_ = false; return SUCCESS; } if (rt_model_stream_ == nullptr) { GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtStreamCreateWithFlags(&rt_model_stream_, priority_, RT_STREAM_FORBIDDEN_DEFAULT)); is_inner_model_stream_ = true; } return SUCCESS; } /// /// @ingroup ge /// @brief ACL case, do not start new thread, return execute result. /// @param [in] stream execute model stream. /// @param [in] async_mode is asynchronize mode. /// @param [in] input_data model input data. /// @param [out] output_data model output data. /// Status DavinciModel::NnExecute(rtStream_t stream, bool async_mode, const InputData &input_data, OutputData &output_data) { is_async_mode_ = async_mode; GELOGD("Model Run begin, model id:%u, data index:%u, flag:%d.", model_id_, input_data.index, is_async_mode_); GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(InitModelStream(stream), "Init model stream failed."); is_dynamic_ = input_data.is_dynamic_batch; GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(ProfilingManager::Instance().ProfilingModelExecuteOn(), SetProfileTime(MODEL_PRE_PROC_START)); Status ret = CopyModelData(input_data, output_data, is_dynamic_); GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG(ret != SUCCESS, return ret, "Copy input data to model failed. model id: %u", model_id_); GELOGD("current_data.index=%u", input_data.index); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(ProfilingManager::Instance().ProfilingModelExecuteOn(), SetProfileTime(MODEL_PRE_PROC_END)); if (!task_list_.empty()) { GELOGD("rtModelExecute do"); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(ProfilingManager::Instance().ProfilingModelExecuteOn(), SetProfileTime(MODEL_INFER_START)); rtError_t rt_ret = rtModelExecute(rt_model_handle_, rt_model_stream_, 0); GE_CHK_RT_EXEC(rt_ret, return RT_ERROR_TO_GE_STATUS(rt_ret)); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(ProfilingManager::Instance().ProfilingModelExecuteOn(), SetProfileTime(MODEL_INFER_END)); GELOGD("rtModelExecute end"); } if (!is_async_mode_) { GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(ProfilingManager::Instance().ProfilingModelExecuteOn(), SetProfileTime(MODEL_AFTER_PROC_START)); ret = CopyOutputData(input_data.index, output_data, RT_MEMCPY_DEVICE_TO_DEVICE); GE_CHK_BOOL_TRUE_EXEC_WITH_LOG(ret != SUCCESS, return ACL_ERROR_GE_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Copy Output data to user failed."); GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(ProfilingManager::Instance().ProfilingModelExecuteOn(), SetProfileTime(MODEL_AFTER_PROC_END)); } // report model time data GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(ProfilingManager::Instance().ProfilingModelExecuteOn(), (void)SinkTimeProfile(input_data)); GELOGD("Model run end, model id:%u", model_id_); return SUCCESS; } // Add active entry stream for special env. Status DavinciModel::AddHeadStream() { if (active_stream_list_.empty()) { GELOGE(INTERNAL_ERROR, "Active stream is empty, stream list size: %zu, stream indication size: %zu.", stream_list_.size(), active_stream_indication_.size()); return INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (active_stream_list_.size() == 1) { GELOGI("Just one active stream, take as head stream."); rt_head_stream_ = active_stream_list_[0]; is_pure_head_stream_ = false; } else { // Create stream which rt_model_handel running on, this is S0, TS stream. GELOGI("Multiple active stream: %zu, create head stream.", active_stream_list_.size()); GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtStreamCreateWithFlags(&rt_head_stream_, priority_, RT_STREAM_PERSISTENT)); GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtModelBindStream(rt_model_handle_, rt_head_stream_, RT_INVALID_FLAG)); // Not active. is_pure_head_stream_ = true; for (auto s : active_stream_list_) { std::shared_ptr active_entry = MakeShared(rt_head_stream_); if (active_entry == nullptr) { GELOGE(MEMALLOC_FAILED, "Make CpuTaskActiveEntry task failed."); return MEMALLOC_FAILED; } Status status = active_entry->Init(s); if (status != SUCCESS) { return status; } cpu_task_list_.emplace_back(active_entry); } } // Create entry stream active head stream. AICPU stream. GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtStreamCreateWithFlags(&rt_entry_stream_, priority_, RT_STREAM_AICPU)); GE_CHK_RT_RET(rtModelBindStream(rt_model_handle_, rt_entry_stream_, RT_HEAD_STREAM)); return SUCCESS; } Status DavinciModel::InitEntryTask() { if (deploy_type_ == AICPU_DEPLOY_CROSS_THREAD) { GE_CHK_STATUS_RET(AddHeadStream(), "Add head stream failed."); return CpuActiveStream(); } else { return LoadWithQueue(); } } uint8_t *DavinciModel::MallocFeatureMapMem(size_t data_size) { uint8_t *mem_base = nullptr; const string purpose("feature map,used for op input and output."); char ge_static_mem_env[MMPA_MAX_PATH] = { 0x00 }; INT32 res = mmGetEnv(kEnvGeuseStaticMemory, ge_static_mem_env, MMPA_MAX_PATH); if (res == EN_OK) { data_size = static_cast(VarManager::Instance(session_id_)->GetGraphMemoryMaxSize()); string memory_key = std::to_string(0) + "_f"; mem_base = MemManager::Instance(RT_MEMORY_HBM)->MallocMemory(purpose, memory_key, data_size, GetDeviceId()); } else { mem_base = MemManager::Instance(RT_MEMORY_HBM)->MallocMemory(purpose, data_size, GetDeviceId()); } if (mem_base != nullptr) { GE_CHK_RT(rtMemset(mem_base, data_size, 0U, data_size)); } return mem_base; } uint8_t *DavinciModel::MallocP2PMem(size_t p2p_data_size) { uint8_t *p2p_mem_base = nullptr; const string purpose("p2p memory, used for some op related to hcom"); if (std::getenv(kEnvGeuseStaticMemory) != nullptr) { string p2p_memory_key = std::to_string(0) + "_p"; p2p_mem_base = MemManager::Instance(RT_MEMORY_P2P_DDR)->MallocMemory(purpose, p2p_memory_key, p2p_data_size, GetDeviceId()); } else { p2p_mem_base = MemManager::Instance(RT_MEMORY_P2P_DDR)->MallocMemory(purpose, p2p_data_size, GetDeviceId()); } return p2p_mem_base; } uint8_t *DavinciModel::MallocWeightsMem(size_t weights_size) { uint8_t *weights_mem_base = nullptr; const string purpose("weights memory in inference network."); char ge_static_mem_env[MMPA_MAX_PATH] = { 0x00 }; INT32 res = mmGetEnv(kEnvGeuseStaticMemory, ge_static_mem_env, MMPA_MAX_PATH); if (res == EN_OK) { string weight_memory_key = std::to_string(0) + "_w"; weights_mem_base = MemManager::Instance(RT_MEMORY_HBM)->MallocMemory(purpose, weight_memory_key, weights_size, GetDeviceId()); } else { weights_mem_base = MemManager::Instance(RT_MEMORY_HBM)->MallocMemory(purpose, weights_size, GetDeviceId()); } return weights_mem_base; } void DavinciModel::FreeFeatureMapMem() { char ge_static_mem_env[MMPA_MAX_PATH] = { 0x00 }; INT32 res = mmGetEnv(kEnvGeuseStaticMemory, ge_static_mem_env, MMPA_MAX_PATH); if (res == EN_OK && is_inner_mem_base_) { string weight_memory_key = std::to_string(0) + "_f"; if (MemManager::Instance(RT_MEMORY_HBM)->GetMemoryAddr(weight_memory_key) != nullptr) { GE_CHK_STATUS(MemManager::Instance(RT_MEMORY_HBM)->FreeMemory(weight_memory_key, GetDeviceId()), "failed to free weight memory"); } mem_base_ = nullptr; } else { GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(mem_base_ != nullptr && is_inner_mem_base_, GE_CHK_STATUS(MemManager::Instance(RT_MEMORY_HBM)->FreeMemory(mem_base_, GetDeviceId()), "failed to free feature_map memory"); mem_base_ = nullptr); } } void DavinciModel::FreeP2PMem() { if (std::getenv(kEnvGeuseStaticMemory) != nullptr) { std::string p2p_memory_key = std::to_string(0) + "_p"; if (MemManager::Instance(RT_MEMORY_P2P_DDR)->GetMemoryAddr(p2p_memory_key) != nullptr) { GE_CHK_STATUS(MemManager::Instance(RT_MEMORY_P2P_DDR)->FreeMemory(p2p_memory_key, GetDeviceId()), "failed to free p2p memory"); } p2p_mem_base_ = nullptr; } else { GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(p2p_mem_base_ != nullptr && is_inner_mem_base_, GE_CHK_STATUS(MemManager::Instance(RT_MEMORY_P2P_DDR)->FreeMemory(p2p_mem_base_, GetDeviceId()), "failed to free p2p memory"); p2p_mem_base_ = nullptr); } } void DavinciModel::FreeWeightsMem() { char ge_static_mem_env[MMPA_MAX_PATH] = { 0x00 }; INT32 res = mmGetEnv(kEnvGeuseStaticMemory, ge_static_mem_env, MMPA_MAX_PATH); if (res == EN_OK) { string memory_key = std::to_string(0) + "_w"; if (MemManager::Instance(RT_MEMORY_HBM)->GetMemoryAddr(memory_key) != nullptr) { GE_CHK_STATUS(MemManager::Instance(RT_MEMORY_HBM)->FreeMemory(memory_key, GetDeviceId()), "failed to free feature_map memory"); } weights_mem_base_ = nullptr; } else { GE_IF_BOOL_EXEC(weights_mem_base_ != nullptr && weights_mem_base_ != mem_base_ && is_inner_weight_base_, GE_CHK_STATUS(MemManager::Instance(RT_MEMORY_HBM)->FreeMemory(weights_mem_base_, GetDeviceId()), "failed to free weight memory"); weights_mem_base_ = nullptr); } } Status DavinciModel::TransAllVarData(ComputeGraphPtr &graph, uint32_t graph_id) { rtContext_t ctx = nullptr; rtError_t rt_ret = rtCtxGetCurrent(&ctx); if (rt_ret != RT_ERROR_NONE) { GELOGE(RT_FAILED, "Failed to get current context, error_code is: 0x%X.", rt_ret); return RT_ERROR_TO_GE_STATUS(rt_ret); } std::vector variable_node_list; for (ge::NodePtr &node : graph->GetDirectNode()) { if (node == nullptr) { continue; } if (node->GetType() != VARIABLE) { continue; } variable_node_list.emplace_back(node); } GE_CHK_STATUS_RET_NOLOG( TransVarDataUtils::TransAllVarData(variable_node_list, session_id_, ctx, graph_id, kThreadNum)); return SUCCESS; } void DavinciModel::SetDataDumperArgs(const ComputeGraphPtr &compute_graph) { data_dumper_.SetModelName(name_); data_dumper_.SetModelId(model_id_); data_dumper_.SetOmName(om_name_); data_dumper_.SetComputeGraph(compute_graph); data_dumper_.SetRefInfo(saved_task_addrs_); data_dumper_.SetL1FusionAddr(l1_fusion_addr_); int32_t device_id = 0; rtError_t rt_ret = rtGetDevice(&device_id); if (rt_ret != RT_ERROR_NONE || device_id < 0) { GELOGE(RT_FAILED, "Call rtGetDevice failed, ret = 0x%X, device_id = %d.", rt_ret, device_id); return; } data_dumper_.SetDeviceId(device_id); // set loop count addr auto get_var_addr = [](const OpDescPtr &op, const RuntimeParam &runtime_param) -> void *{ if (op != nullptr) { auto v_output_size = ModelUtils::GetOutputSize(op); auto v_output_addr = ModelUtils::GetOutputDataAddrs(runtime_param, op); if (v_output_size.empty() || v_output_addr.empty()) { return nullptr; } return v_output_addr[0]; } GELOGD("op is null."); return nullptr; }; data_dumper_.SetLoopAddr(get_var_addr(GetVariableOp(NODE_NAME_GLOBAL_STEP), runtime_param_), get_var_addr(GetVariableOp(NODE_NAME_FLOWCTRL_LOOP_PER_ITER), runtime_param_), get_var_addr(GetVariableOp(NODE_NAME_FLOWCTRL_LOOP_COND), runtime_param_)); } uint32_t DavinciModel::GetFlowctrlIndex(uint32_t op_index) { std::lock_guard lock(flowctrl_op_index_internal_map_mutex_); return (++flowctrl_op_index_internal_map_[op_index]) - 1; } void DavinciModel::PushHcclStream(rtStream_t value) { std::lock_guard lock(all_hccl_stream_list_mutex_); all_hccl_stream_list_.push_back(value); } void DavinciModel::SaveHcclFollowStream(int64_t main_stream_id, rtStream_t stream) { std::lock_guard lock(capacity_of_stream_mutex_); main_follow_stream_mapping_[main_stream_id].emplace_back(stream); } Status DavinciModel::GetComputeGraphInfo(vector &graph_desc_info) { auto &all_op_desc = data_dumper_.GetAllOpDescInfo(); for (auto &op_desc : all_op_desc) { ComputeGraphDescInfo compute_graph_info; if (!om_name_.empty()) { compute_graph_info.model_name = om_name_; } else { compute_graph_info.model_name = name_; } compute_graph_info.op_name = op_desc.op_name; compute_graph_info.op_type = op_desc.op_type; compute_graph_info.input_format = op_desc.input_format; compute_graph_info.input_shape = op_desc.input_shape; compute_graph_info.input_data_type = op_desc.input_data_type; compute_graph_info.output_format = op_desc.output_format; compute_graph_info.output_shape = op_desc.output_shape; compute_graph_info.output_data_type = op_desc.output_data_type; graph_desc_info.emplace_back(compute_graph_info); } return SUCCESS; } void DavinciModel::SetTotalFixedAddrsSize(string tensor_name, int64_t fix_addr_size) { if (tensor_name_to_fixed_addr_size_.find(tensor_name) == tensor_name_to_fixed_addr_size_.end()) { tensor_name_to_fixed_addr_size_[tensor_name] = total_fixed_addr_size_; total_fixed_addr_size_ += fix_addr_size; } } Status DavinciModel::GetOrigInputInfo(uint32_t index, OriginInputInfo &orig_input_info) { GE_CHK_BOOL_RET_STATUS(index < data_op_list_.size(), PARAM_INVALID, "Index %u is invalid.", index); OpDescPtr data_op = data_op_list_[index]; if (!data_op->HasAttr(ATTR_NAME_AIPP_INPUTS) || !data_op->HasAttr(ATTR_NAME_AIPP_OUTPUTS)) { GELOGE(ACL_ERROR_GE_AIPP_NOT_EXIST, "GetOrigInputInfo: there is not AIPP related with index %u.", index); return ACL_ERROR_GE_AIPP_NOT_EXIST; } vector inputs; if (AttrUtils::GetListStr(data_op, ATTR_NAME_AIPP_INPUTS, inputs) && !inputs.empty()) { std::string input = inputs[kAippOriginInputIndex]; GELOGI("GetOrigInputInfo: origin input str: %s", input.c_str()); std::vector infos = ge::StringUtils::Split(input, ':'); if (infos.size() != kAippInfoNum) { GELOGW("origin input str is invalid."); } orig_input_info.format = TypeUtils::SerialStringToFormat(infos[kAippInfoFormat]); orig_input_info.data_type = TypeUtils::SerialStringToDataType(infos[kAippInfoDataType]); orig_input_info.dim_num = std::strtol(infos[kAippInfoDimNum].c_str(), nullptr, kDecimal); } return SUCCESS; } void DavinciModel::ParseAIPPInfo(std::string in_out_info, InputOutputDims &dims_info) { GELOGI("ParseAIPPInfo: origin str: %s", in_out_info.c_str()); std::vector infos = ge::StringUtils::Split(in_out_info, ':'); if (infos.size() != kAippInfoNum) { GELOGW("origin input str is invalid."); } dims_info.name = infos[kAippInfoTensorName]; dims_info.size = std::strtol(infos[kAippInfoTensorSize].c_str(), nullptr, kDecimal); dims_info.dim_num = std::strtol(infos[kAippInfoDimNum].c_str(), nullptr, kDecimal); std::vector dims = ge::StringUtils::Split(infos[kAippInfoShape], ','); for (const auto &dim : dims) { if (dim.empty()) { continue; } dims_info.dims.emplace_back(std::strtol(dim.c_str(), nullptr, kDecimal)); } } Status DavinciModel::GetAllAippInputOutputDims(uint32_t index, std::vector &input_dims, std::vector &output_dims) { GE_CHK_BOOL_RET_STATUS(index < data_op_list_.size(), PARAM_INVALID, "Index %u is invalid.", index); OpDescPtr data_op = data_op_list_[index]; if (!data_op->HasAttr(ATTR_NAME_AIPP_INPUTS) || !data_op->HasAttr(ATTR_NAME_AIPP_OUTPUTS)) { GELOGE(ACL_ERROR_GE_AIPP_NOT_EXIST, "GetAllAippInputOutputDims: there is not AIPP related with index %u.", index); return ACL_ERROR_GE_AIPP_NOT_EXIST; } vector inputs; if (AttrUtils::GetListStr(data_op, ATTR_NAME_AIPP_INPUTS, inputs) && !inputs.empty()) { GELOGI("GetAllAippInputOutputDims: Data: %s has %zu related aippInfo.", data_op->GetName().c_str(), inputs.size()); for (auto it : inputs) { InputOutputDims input_info; ParseAIPPInfo(it, input_info); input_dims.emplace_back(input_info); GELOGD("GetAllAippInputOutputDims Aipp origin input dims info: %s", it.c_str()); ConstGeTensorDescPtr data_input_desc = data_op->GetInputDescPtr(kDataIndex); int64_t data_input_size; (void)TensorUtils::GetSize(*(data_op->GetInputDescPtr(kDataIndex)), data_input_size); GELOGD( "GetAllAippInputOutputDims related Data[%d]: tensor_name is %s, dim_num is %zu, tensor_size: %zu, format: " "%s, data_type: %s, shape: %s .", index, data_op->GetName().c_str(), data_input_desc->GetShape().GetDimNum(), data_input_size, TypeUtils::FormatToSerialString(data_input_desc->GetFormat()).c_str(), TypeUtils::DataTypeToSerialString(data_input_desc->GetDataType()).c_str(), formats::JoinToString(data_input_desc->GetShape().GetDims()).c_str()); } } vector outputs; if (AttrUtils::GetListStr(data_op, ATTR_NAME_AIPP_OUTPUTS, outputs) && !outputs.empty()) { for (auto it : outputs) { InputOutputDims output_info; ParseAIPPInfo(it, output_info); output_dims.emplace_back(output_info); GELOGD("GetAllAippInputOutputDims Aipp output dims info: %s", it.c_str()); } } return SUCCESS; } int64_t DavinciModel::GetFixedAddrsSize(string tensor_name) { if (tensor_name_to_fixed_addr_size_.find(tensor_name) != tensor_name_to_fixed_addr_size_.end()) { return tensor_name_to_fixed_addr_size_[tensor_name]; } else { return total_fixed_addr_size_; } } } // namespace ge