#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2019-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================ set -e BASEPATH=$(cd "$(dirname $0)"; pwd) OUTPUT_PATH="${BASEPATH}/output" export BUILD_PATH="${BASEPATH}/build/" # print usage message usage() { echo "Usage:" echo "sh build.sh [-j[n]] [-h] [-v] [-s] [-t] [-u] [-c]" echo "" echo "Options:" echo " -h Print usage" echo " -u Only compile ut, not execute" echo " -s Build st" echo " -j[n] Set the number of threads used for building GraphEngine, default is 8" echo " -t Build and execute ut" echo " -c Build ut with coverage tag" echo " -v Display build command" echo "to be continued ..." } # parse and set optionss checkopts() { VERBOSE="" THREAD_NUM=8 ENABLE_GE_UT_ONLY_COMPILE="off" ENABLE_GE_UT="off" ENABLE_GE_ST="off" ENABLE_GE_COV="off" GE_ONLY="on" # Process the options while getopts 'ustchj:v' opt do OPTARG=$(echo ${OPTARG} | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]') case "${opt}" in u) ENABLE_GE_UT_ONLY_COMPILE="on" ENABLE_GE_UT="on" GE_ONLY="off" ;; s) ENABLE_GE_ST="on" ;; t) ENABLE_GE_UT="on" GE_ONLY="off" ;; c) ENABLE_GE_COV="on" GE_ONLY="off" ;; h) usage exit 0 ;; j) THREAD_NUM=$OPTARG ;; v) VERBOSE="VERBOSE=1" ;; *) echo "Undefined option: ${opt}" usage exit 1 esac done } checkopts "$@" mk_dir() { local create_dir="$1" # the target to make mkdir -pv "${create_dir}" echo "created ${create_dir}" } # GraphEngine build start echo "---------------- GraphEngine build start ----------------" # create build path build_graphengine() { echo "create build directory and build GraphEngine"; mk_dir "${BUILD_PATH}/graphengine" cd "${BUILD_PATH}/graphengine" CMAKE_ARGS="-DBUILD_PATH=$BUILD_PATH -DGE_ONLY=$GE_ONLY" if [[ "X$ENABLE_GE_COV" = "Xon" ]]; then CMAKE_ARGS="${CMAKE_ARGS} -DENABLE_GE_COV=ON" fi if [[ "X$ENABLE_GE_UT" = "Xon" ]]; then CMAKE_ARGS="${CMAKE_ARGS} -DENABLE_GE_UT=ON" fi if [[ "X$ENABLE_GE_ST" = "Xon" ]]; then CMAKE_ARGS="${CMAKE_ARGS} -DENABLE_GE_ST=ON" fi echo "${CMAKE_ARGS}" cmake ${CMAKE_ARGS} ../.. make ${VERBOSE} -j${THREAD_NUM} echo "GraphEngine build success!" } g++ -v build_graphengine echo "---------------- GraphEngine build finished ----------------" mk_dir ${OUTPUT_PATH} cp -rf "${BUILD_PATH}/graphengine/"*.so "${OUTPUT_PATH}" rm -rf "${OUTPUT_PATH}/"libproto* rm -f ${OUTPUT_PATH}/libgmock*.so rm -f ${OUTPUT_PATH}/libgtest*.so rm -f ${OUTPUT_PATH}/lib*_stub.so chmod -R 750 ${OUTPUT_PATH} find ${OUTPUT_PATH} -name "*.so*" -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 500 echo "---------------- GraphEngine output package generated ----------------" if [[ "X$ENABLE_GE_ST" = "Xon" ]]; then cp ${BUILD_PATH}/graphengine/tests/st/st_resnet50_train ${OUTPUT_PATH} fi if [[ "X$ENABLE_GE_UT" = "Xon" || "X$ENABLE_GE_COV" = "Xon" ]]; then cp ${BUILD_PATH}/graphengine/tests/ut/common/graph/ut_libgraph ${OUTPUT_PATH} cp ${BUILD_PATH}/graphengine/tests/ut/ge/ut_libge_multiparts_utest ${OUTPUT_PATH} cp ${BUILD_PATH}/graphengine/tests/ut/ge/ut_libge_distinct_load_utest ${OUTPUT_PATH} cp ${BUILD_PATH}/graphengine/tests/ut/ge/ut_libge_others_utest ${OUTPUT_PATH} cp ${BUILD_PATH}/graphengine/tests/ut/ge/ut_libge_kernel_utest ${OUTPUT_PATH} if [[ "X${ENABLE_GE_UT_ONLY_COMPILE}" != "Xon" ]]; then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${D_LINK_PATH}/x86_64/:${BUILD_PATH}../third_party/prebuild/x86_64/:${BUILD_PATH}/graphengine/:/usr/local/HiAI/driver/lib64:/usr/local/HiAI/runtime/lib64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} echo ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} ${OUTPUT_PATH}/ut_libgraph && ${OUTPUT_PATH}/ut_libge_multiparts_utest && ${OUTPUT_PATH}/ut_libge_distinct_load_utest && ${OUTPUT_PATH}/ut_libge_others_utest && ${OUTPUT_PATH}/ut_libge_kernel_utest if [[ "$?" -ne 0 ]]; then echo "!!! UT FAILED, PLEASE CHECK YOUR CHANGES !!!" exit 1; fi fi if [[ "X$ENABLE_GE_COV" = "Xon" ]]; then echo "Generating coverage statistics, please wait..." cd ${BASEPATH} rm -rf ${BASEPATH}/cov mkdir ${BASEPATH}/cov gcovr -r ./ --exclude 'third_party' --exclude 'build' --exclude 'tests' --exclude 'prebuild' --exclude 'inc' --print-summary --html --html-details -d -o cov/index.html fi fi