/** * Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "serving/ms_service.pb.h" #include "util/status.h" #include "core/session.h" #include "core/http_process.h" #include "core/serving_tensor.h" using ms_serving::MSService; using ms_serving::PredictReply; using ms_serving::PredictRequest; using nlohmann::json; namespace mindspore { namespace serving { const int BUF_MAX = 0x7FFFFFFF; static constexpr char HTTP_DATA[] = "data"; static constexpr char HTTP_TENSOR[] = "tensor"; enum HTTP_TYPE { TYPE_DATA = 0, TYPE_TENSOR }; enum HTTP_DATA_TYPE { HTTP_DATA_NONE, HTTP_DATA_INT, HTTP_DATA_FLOAT }; static const std::map infer_type2_http_type{ {inference::DataType::kMSI_Int32, HTTP_DATA_INT}, {inference::DataType::kMSI_Float32, HTTP_DATA_FLOAT}}; Status GetPostMessage(struct evhttp_request *const req, std::string *const buf) { Status status(SUCCESS); size_t post_size = evbuffer_get_length(req->input_buffer); if (post_size == 0) { ERROR_INFER_STATUS(status, INVALID_INPUTS, "http message invalid"); return status; } else if (post_size > BUF_MAX) { ERROR_INFER_STATUS(status, INVALID_INPUTS, "http message is bigger than 0x7FFFFFFF."); return status; } else { buf->resize(post_size); auto src_data = evbuffer_pullup(req->input_buffer, -1); if (src_data == nullptr) { ERROR_INFER_STATUS(status, FAILED, "get http message failed."); return status; } if (memcpy_s(buf->data(), post_size, src_data, post_size) != EOK) { ERROR_INFER_STATUS(status, FAILED, "copy http message failed."); return status; } return status; } } Status CheckRequestValid(const struct evhttp_request *const http_request) { Status status(SUCCESS); switch (evhttp_request_get_command(http_request)) { case EVHTTP_REQ_POST: return status; default: ERROR_INFER_STATUS(status, INVALID_INPUTS, "http message only support POST right now"); return status; } } void ErrorMessage(struct evhttp_request *const req, Status status) { json error_json = {{"error_message", status.StatusMessage()}}; std::string out_error_str = error_json.dump(); struct evbuffer *retbuff = evbuffer_new(); evbuffer_add(retbuff, out_error_str.data(), out_error_str.size()); evhttp_send_reply(req, HTTP_OK, "Client", retbuff); evbuffer_free(retbuff); } Status CheckMessageValid(const json &message_info, HTTP_TYPE *const type) { Status status(SUCCESS); int count = 0; if (message_info.find(HTTP_DATA) != message_info.end()) { *type = TYPE_DATA; count++; } if (message_info.find(HTTP_TENSOR) != message_info.end()) { *type = TYPE_TENSOR; count++; } if (count != 1) { ERROR_INFER_STATUS(status, INVALID_INPUTS, "http message must have only one type of (data, tensor)"); return status; } return status; } std::vector GetJsonArrayShape(const json &json_array) { std::vector json_shape; const json *tmp_json = &json_array; while (tmp_json->is_array()) { if (tmp_json->empty()) { break; } json_shape.push_back(tmp_json->size()); tmp_json = &tmp_json->at(0); } return json_shape; } Status GetScalarDataFromJson(const json &json_data_array, ServingTensor *const request_tensor, HTTP_DATA_TYPE type) { Status status(SUCCESS); auto type_name = [](const json &json_data) -> std::string { if (json_data.is_number_integer()) { return "integer"; } else if (json_data.is_number_float()) { return "float"; } return json_data.type_name(); }; const json *json_data = &json_data_array; if (json_data_array.is_array()) { if (json_data_array.size() != 1 || json_data_array[0].is_array()) { status = INFER_STATUS(INVALID_INPUTS) << "get data failed, expected scalar data is scalar or shape(1) array, " "now array shape is " << GetJsonArrayShape(json_data_array); MSI_LOG_ERROR << status.StatusMessage(); return status; } json_data = &json_data_array.at(0); } if (type == HTTP_DATA_INT) { auto data = reinterpret_cast(request_tensor->mutable_data()); if (!json_data->is_number_integer()) { status = INFER_STATUS(INVALID_INPUTS) << "get data failed, expected integer, given " << type_name(*json_data); MSI_LOG_ERROR << status.StatusMessage(); return status; } data[0] = json_data->get(); } else if (type == HTTP_DATA_FLOAT) { auto data = reinterpret_cast(request_tensor->mutable_data()); if (!json_data->is_number_float()) { status = INFER_STATUS(INVALID_INPUTS) << "get data failed, expected float, given " << type_name(*json_data); MSI_LOG_ERROR << status.StatusMessage(); return status; } data[0] = json_data->get(); } return SUCCESS; } Status GetDataFromJson(const json &json_data_array, ServingTensor *const request_tensor, size_t data_index, HTTP_DATA_TYPE type) { Status status(SUCCESS); auto type_name = [](const json &json_data) -> std::string { if (json_data.is_number_integer()) { return "integer"; } else if (json_data.is_number_float()) { return "float"; } return json_data.type_name(); }; size_t array_size = json_data_array.size(); if (type == HTTP_DATA_INT) { auto data = reinterpret_cast(request_tensor->mutable_data()) + data_index; for (size_t k = 0; k < array_size; k++) { auto &json_data = json_data_array[k]; if (!json_data.is_number_integer()) { status = INFER_STATUS(INVALID_INPUTS) << "get data failed, expected integer, given " << type_name(json_data); MSI_LOG_ERROR << status.StatusMessage(); return status; } data[k] = json_data.get(); } } else if (type == HTTP_DATA_FLOAT) { auto data = reinterpret_cast(request_tensor->mutable_data()) + data_index; for (size_t k = 0; k < array_size; k++) { auto &json_data = json_data_array[k]; if (!json_data.is_number_float()) { status = INFER_STATUS(INVALID_INPUTS) << "get data failed, expected float, given " << type_name(json_data); MSI_LOG_ERROR << status.StatusMessage(); return status; } data[k] = json_data.get(); } } return SUCCESS; } Status RecusiveGetTensor(const json &json_data, size_t depth, ServingTensor *const request_tensor, size_t data_index, HTTP_DATA_TYPE type) { Status status(SUCCESS); std::vector required_shape = request_tensor->shape(); if (depth >= required_shape.size()) { status = INFER_STATUS(INVALID_INPUTS) << "input tensor shape dims is more than required dims " << required_shape.size(); MSI_LOG_ERROR << status.StatusMessage(); return status; } if (!json_data.is_array()) { ERROR_INFER_STATUS(status, INVALID_INPUTS, "the tensor is constructed illegally"); return status; } if (json_data.size() != static_cast(required_shape[depth])) { status = INFER_STATUS(INVALID_INPUTS) << "tensor format request is constructed illegally, input tensor shape dim " << depth << " not match, required " << required_shape[depth] << ", given " << json_data.size(); MSI_LOG_ERROR << status.StatusMessage(); return status; } if (depth + 1 < required_shape.size()) { size_t sub_element_cnt = std::accumulate(required_shape.begin() + depth + 1, required_shape.end(), 1LL, std::multiplies()); for (size_t k = 0; k < json_data.size(); k++) { status = RecusiveGetTensor(json_data[k], depth + 1, request_tensor, data_index + sub_element_cnt * k, type); if (status != SUCCESS) { return status; } } } else { status = GetDataFromJson(json_data, request_tensor, data_index, type); if (status != SUCCESS) { return status; } } return status; } Status TransDataToPredictRequest(const json &message_info, PredictRequest *const request) { Status status = SUCCESS; auto tensors = message_info.find(HTTP_DATA); if (tensors == message_info.end()) { ERROR_INFER_STATUS(status, INVALID_INPUTS, "http message do not have data type"); return status; } if (!tensors->is_array()) { ERROR_INFER_STATUS(status, INVALID_INPUTS, "the input tensor list is not array"); return status; } auto const &json_shape = GetJsonArrayShape(*tensors); if (json_shape.size() != 2) { // 2 is data format list deep status = INFER_STATUS(INVALID_INPUTS) << "the data format request is constructed illegally, expected list nesting depth 2, given " << json_shape.size(); MSI_LOG_ERROR << status.StatusMessage(); return status; } if (tensors->size() != static_cast(request->data_size())) { status = INFER_STATUS(INVALID_INPUTS) << "model input count not match, model required " << request->data_size() << ", given " << tensors->size(); MSI_LOG_ERROR << status.StatusMessage(); return status; } for (size_t i = 0; i < tensors->size(); i++) { const auto &tensor = tensors->at(i); ServingTensor request_tensor(*(request->mutable_data(i))); auto iter = infer_type2_http_type.find(request_tensor.data_type()); if (iter == infer_type2_http_type.end()) { ERROR_INFER_STATUS(status, FAILED, "the model input type is not supported right now"); return status; } HTTP_DATA_TYPE type = iter->second; if (!tensor.is_array()) { ERROR_INFER_STATUS(status, INVALID_INPUTS, "the tensor is constructed illegally"); return status; } if (tensor.empty()) { ERROR_INFER_STATUS(status, INVALID_INPUTS, "the input tensor is null"); return status; } if (tensor.size() != static_cast(request_tensor.ElementNum())) { status = INFER_STATUS(INVALID_INPUTS) << "input " << i << " element count not match, model required " << request_tensor.ElementNum() << ", given " << tensor.size(); MSI_LOG_ERROR << status.StatusMessage(); return status; } status = GetDataFromJson(tensor, &request_tensor, 0, type); if (status != SUCCESS) { return status; } } return SUCCESS; } Status TransTensorToPredictRequest(const json &message_info, PredictRequest *const request) { Status status(SUCCESS); auto tensors = message_info.find(HTTP_TENSOR); if (tensors == message_info.end()) { ERROR_INFER_STATUS(status, INVALID_INPUTS, "http message do not have tensor type"); return status; } if (!tensors->is_array()) { ERROR_INFER_STATUS(status, INVALID_INPUTS, "the input tensor list is not array"); return status; } if (tensors->size() != static_cast(request->data_size())) { status = INFER_STATUS(INVALID_INPUTS) << "model input count not match or json tensor request is constructed illegally, model input count required " << request->data_size() << ", given " << tensors->size(); MSI_LOG_ERROR << status.StatusMessage(); return status; } for (size_t i = 0; i < tensors->size(); i++) { const auto &tensor = tensors->at(i); ServingTensor request_tensor(*(request->mutable_data(i))); auto iter = infer_type2_http_type.find(request_tensor.data_type()); if (iter == infer_type2_http_type.end()) { ERROR_INFER_STATUS(status, FAILED, "the model input type is not supported right now"); return status; } HTTP_DATA_TYPE type = iter->second; // check data shape auto const &json_shape = GetJsonArrayShape(tensor); auto is_scalar_shape = [](const std::vector &shape) { return shape.empty() || (shape.size() == 1 && shape[0] == 1); }; if (is_scalar_shape(request_tensor.shape())) { return GetScalarDataFromJson(tensor, &request_tensor, type); } else { if (json_shape != request_tensor.shape()) { // data shape not match status = INFER_STATUS(INVALID_INPUTS) << "input " << i << " shape is invalid, expected " << request_tensor.shape() << ", given " << json_shape; MSI_LOG_ERROR << status.StatusMessage(); return status; } size_t depth = 0; size_t data_index = 0; status = RecusiveGetTensor(tensor, depth, &request_tensor, data_index, type); if (status != SUCCESS) { MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Transfer tensor to predict request failed"; return status; } } } return status; } Status TransHTTPMsgToPredictRequest(struct evhttp_request *const http_request, PredictRequest *const request, HTTP_TYPE *const type) { Status status = CheckRequestValid(http_request); if (status != SUCCESS) { return status; } std::string post_message; status = GetPostMessage(http_request, &post_message); if (status != SUCCESS) { return status; } // get model required shape std::vector tensor_list; status = Session::Instance().GetModelInputsInfo(tensor_list); if (status != SUCCESS) { ERROR_INFER_STATUS(status, FAILED, "get model inputs info failed"); return status; } for (auto &item : tensor_list) { auto input = request->add_data(); ServingTensor tensor(*input); tensor.set_shape(item.shape()); tensor.set_data_type(item.data_type()); int64_t element_num = tensor.ElementNum(); int64_t data_type_size = tensor.GetTypeSize(tensor.data_type()); if (element_num <= 0 || INT64_MAX / element_num < data_type_size) { ERROR_INFER_STATUS(status, FAILED, "model shape invalid"); return status; } tensor.resize_data(element_num * data_type_size); } MSI_TIME_STAMP_START(ParseJson) json message_info; try { message_info = nlohmann::json::parse(post_message); } catch (nlohmann::json::exception &e) { std::string json_exception = e.what(); std::string error_message = "Illegal JSON format." + json_exception; ERROR_INFER_STATUS(status, INVALID_INPUTS, error_message); return status; } MSI_TIME_STAMP_END(ParseJson) status = CheckMessageValid(message_info, type); if (status != SUCCESS) { return status; } switch (*type) { case TYPE_DATA: status = TransDataToPredictRequest(message_info, request); break; case TYPE_TENSOR: status = TransTensorToPredictRequest(message_info, request); break; default: ERROR_INFER_STATUS(status, INVALID_INPUTS, "http message must have only one type of (data, tensor)"); return status; } return status; } Status GetJsonFromTensor(const ms_serving::Tensor &tensor, int len, int *const pos, json *const out_json) { Status status(SUCCESS); switch (tensor.tensor_type()) { case ms_serving::MS_INT32: { auto data = reinterpret_cast(tensor.data().data()) + *pos; std::vector result_tensor(len); memcpy_s(result_tensor.data(), result_tensor.size() * sizeof(int32_t), data, len * sizeof(int32_t)); *out_json = std::move(result_tensor); *pos += len; break; } case ms_serving::MS_FLOAT32: { auto data = reinterpret_cast(tensor.data().data()) + *pos; std::vector result_tensor(len); (void)memcpy_s(result_tensor.data(), result_tensor.size() * sizeof(float), data, len * sizeof(float)); *out_json = std::move(result_tensor); *pos += len; break; } default: MSI_LOG(ERROR) << "the result type is not supported in restful api, type is " << tensor.tensor_type(); ERROR_INFER_STATUS(status, FAILED, "reply have unsupported type"); } return status; } Status TransPredictReplyToData(const PredictReply &reply, json *const out_json) { Status status(SUCCESS); for (int i = 0; i < reply.result_size(); i++) { (*out_json)["data"].push_back(json()); json &tensor_json = (*out_json)["data"].back(); int num = 1; for (auto j = 0; j < reply.result(i).tensor_shape().dims_size(); j++) { num *= reply.result(i).tensor_shape().dims(j); } int pos = 0; status = GetJsonFromTensor(reply.result(i), num, &pos, &tensor_json); if (status != SUCCESS) { return status; } } return status; } Status RecusiveGetJson(const ms_serving::Tensor &tensor, int depth, int *const pos, json *const out_json) { Status status(SUCCESS); if (depth >= 10) { ERROR_INFER_STATUS(status, FAILED, "result tensor shape dims is larger than 10"); return status; } if (depth == tensor.tensor_shape().dims_size() - 1) { status = GetJsonFromTensor(tensor, tensor.tensor_shape().dims(depth), pos, out_json); if (status != SUCCESS) { return status; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < tensor.tensor_shape().dims(depth); i++) { out_json->push_back(json()); json &tensor_json = out_json->back(); status = RecusiveGetJson(tensor, depth + 1, pos, &tensor_json); if (status != SUCCESS) { return status; } } } return status; } Status TransPredictReplyToTensor(const PredictReply &reply, json *const out_json) { Status status(SUCCESS); for (int i = 0; i < reply.result_size(); i++) { (*out_json)["tensor"].push_back(json()); json &tensor_json = (*out_json)["tensor"].back(); int pos = 0; status = RecusiveGetJson(reply.result(i), 0, &pos, &tensor_json); if (status != SUCCESS) { return status; } } return status; } Status TransPredictReplyToHTTPMsg(const PredictReply &reply, const HTTP_TYPE &type, struct evbuffer *const buf) { Status status(SUCCESS); json out_json; switch (type) { case TYPE_DATA: status = TransPredictReplyToData(reply, &out_json); break; case TYPE_TENSOR: status = TransPredictReplyToTensor(reply, &out_json); break; default: ERROR_INFER_STATUS(status, FAILED, "http message must have only one type of (data, tensor)"); return status; } const std::string &out_str = out_json.dump(); evbuffer_add(buf, out_str.data(), out_str.size()); return status; } Status HttpHandleMsgDetail(struct evhttp_request *const req, void *const arg, struct evbuffer *const retbuff) { PredictRequest request; PredictReply reply; HTTP_TYPE type; MSI_TIME_STAMP_START(ParseRequest) auto status = TransHTTPMsgToPredictRequest(req, &request, &type); MSI_TIME_STAMP_END(ParseRequest) if (status != SUCCESS) { MSI_LOG(ERROR) << "restful trans to request failed"; return status; } MSI_TIME_STAMP_START(Predict) status = Session::Instance().Predict(request, reply); MSI_TIME_STAMP_END(Predict) if (status != SUCCESS) { MSI_LOG(ERROR) << "restful predict failed"; return status; } MSI_TIME_STAMP_START(CreateReplyJson) status = TransPredictReplyToHTTPMsg(reply, type, retbuff); MSI_TIME_STAMP_END(CreateReplyJson) if (status != SUCCESS) { MSI_LOG(ERROR) << "restful trans to reply failed"; return status; } return SUCCESS; } void http_handler_msg(struct evhttp_request *const req, void *const arg) { MSI_TIME_STAMP_START(TotalRestfulPredict) struct evbuffer *retbuff = evbuffer_new(); if (retbuff == nullptr) { MSI_LOG_ERROR << "Create event buffer failed"; return; } auto status = HttpHandleMsgDetail(req, arg, retbuff); if (status != SUCCESS) { ErrorMessage(req, status); evbuffer_free(retbuff); return; } MSI_TIME_STAMP_START(ReplyJson) evhttp_send_reply(req, HTTP_OK, "Client", retbuff); MSI_TIME_STAMP_END(ReplyJson) evbuffer_free(retbuff); MSI_TIME_STAMP_END(TotalRestfulPredict) } } // namespace serving } // namespace mindspore