#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2019 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================ set -e BASEPATH=$(cd "$(dirname $0)"; pwd) CUDA_PATH="" CUDNN_PATH="" export BUILD_PATH="${BASEPATH}/build/" # print usage message usage() { echo "Usage:" echo "bash build.sh [-d] [-r] [-v] [-c on|off] [-t on|off] [-g on|off] [-h] [-b ge] [-m infer|train] \\" echo " [-a on|off] [-Q on|off] [-p on|off] [-i] [-L] [-R] [-D on|off] [-j[n]] [-e gpu|d|cpu] \\" echo " [-P on|off] [-z [on|off]] [-M on|off] [-V 9.2|10.1] [-I] [-K] [-B on|off]" echo "" echo "Options:" echo " -d Debug mode" echo " -r Release mode, default mode" echo " -v Display build command" echo " -c Enable code coverage, default off" echo " -t Run testcases, default on" echo " -g Use glog to output log, default on" echo " -h Print usage" echo " -b Select other backend, available: \\" echo " ge:graph engine" echo " -m Select graph engine backend mode, available: infer, train, default is infer" echo " -a Enable ASAN, default off" echo " -p Enable pipeline profile, print to stdout, default off" echo " -R Enable pipeline profile, record to json, default off" echo " -i Enable increment building, default off" echo " -L Enable load ANF-IR as input of 'infer', default off" echo " -j[n] Set the threads when building (Default: -j8)" echo " -e Use gpu, d or cpu" echo " -P Enable dump anf graph to file in ProtoBuffer format, default on" echo " -Q Enable dump memory, default off" echo " -D Enable dumping of function graph ir, default on" echo " -z Compile dataset & mindrecord, default on" echo " -M Enable MPI and NCCL for GPU training, gpu default on" echo " -V Specify the minimum required cuda version, default CUDA 10.1" echo " -I Compile predict, default off" echo " -K Compile with AKG, default on" echo " -s Enable serving module, default off" echo " -B Enable debugger, default off" } # check value of input is 'on' or 'off' # usage: check_on_off arg_value arg_name check_on_off() { if [[ "X$1" != "Xon" && "X$1" != "Xoff" ]]; then echo "Invalid value $1 for option -$2" usage exit 1 fi } # check and set options checkopts() { # Init default values of build options THREAD_NUM=8 DEBUG_MODE="off" VERBOSE="" ENABLE_COVERAGE="off" RUN_TESTCASES="off" ENABLE_BACKEND="" TRAIN_MODE="INFER" ENABLE_ASAN="off" ENABLE_PROFILE="off" INC_BUILD="off" ENABLE_LOAD_IR="off" ENABLE_TIMELINE="off" ENABLE_DUMP2PROTO="on" ENABLE_DUMPE2E="off" ENABLE_DUMP_IR="on" COMPILE_MINDDATA="on" ENABLE_MPI="off" CUDA_VERSION="10.1" COMPILE_PREDICT="off" USE_GLOG="on" PREDICT_PLATFORM="" ENABLE_AKG="on" ENABLE_SERVING="off" ENABLE_DEBUGGER="off" # Process the options while getopts 'drvj:c:t:hsb:a:g:p:ie:m:I:LRP:Q:D:zM:V:K:sB:' opt do OPTARG=$(echo ${OPTARG} | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]') case "${opt}" in d) DEBUG_MODE="on" ;; r) DEBUG_MODE="off" ;; v) VERBOSE="VERBOSE=1" ;; j) THREAD_NUM=$OPTARG ;; c) check_on_off $OPTARG c ENABLE_COVERAGE="$OPTARG" ;; t) check_on_off $OPTARG t RUN_TESTCASES="$OPTARG" ;; g) check_on_off $OPTARG g USE_GLOG="$OPTARG" ;; h) usage exit 0 ;; b) if [[ "X$OPTARG" != "Xge" && "X$OPTARG" != "Xcpu" ]]; then echo "Invalid value ${OPTARG} for option -b" usage exit 1 fi ENABLE_BACKEND=$(echo "$OPTARG" | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]') if [[ "X$ENABLE_BACKEND" != "XCPU" ]]; then ENABLE_CPU="on" fi ;; a) check_on_off $OPTARG a ENABLE_ASAN="$OPTARG" ;; p) check_on_off $OPTARG p ENABLE_PROFILE="$OPTARG" ;; i) INC_BUILD="on" ;; m) if [[ "X$OPTARG" != "Xinfer" && "X$OPTARG" != "Xtrain" ]]; then echo "Invalid value ${OPTARG} for option -m" usage exit 1 fi TRAIN_MODE=$(echo "$OPTARG" | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]') ;; L) ENABLE_LOAD_IR="on" echo "build with enable load anf ir" ;; R) ENABLE_TIMELINE="on" echo "enable time_line record" ;; e) if [[ "X$OPTARG" == "Xgpu" ]]; then ENABLE_GPU="on" ENABLE_CPU="on" ENABLE_MPI="on" elif [[ "X$OPTARG" == "Xd" || "X$OPTARG" == "Xascend" ]]; then ENABLE_D="on" ENABLE_CPU="on" elif [[ "X$OPTARG" == "Xcpu" ]]; then ENABLE_CPU="on" else echo "Invalid value ${OPTARG} for option -e" usage exit 1 fi ;; M) check_on_off $OPTARG M ENABLE_MPI="$OPTARG" ;; V) if [[ "X$OPTARG" != "X9.2" && "X$OPTARG" != "X10.1" ]]; then echo "Invalid value ${OPTARG} for option -V" usage exit 1 fi if [[ "X$OPTARG" == "X9.2" ]]; then echo "Unsupported CUDA version 9.2" exit 1 fi CUDA_VERSION="$OPTARG" ;; P) check_on_off $OPTARG p ENABLE_DUMP2PROTO="$OPTARG" echo "enable dump anf graph to proto file" ;; Q) check_on_off $OPTARG Q ENABLE_DUMPE2E="$OPTARG" echo "enable dump end to end" ;; D) check_on_off $OPTARG D ENABLE_DUMP_IR="$OPTARG" echo "enable dump function graph ir" ;; z) eval ARG=\$\{$OPTIND\} if [[ -n $ARG && $ARG != -* ]]; then OPTARG=$ARG check_on_off $OPTARG z OPTIND=$((OPTIND + 1)) else OPTARG="" fi if [[ "X$OPTARG" == "Xoff" ]]; then COMPILE_MINDDATA="off" fi ;; I) COMPILE_PREDICT="on" if [[ "$OPTARG" == "arm64" ]]; then PREDICT_PLATFORM="arm64" elif [[ "$OPTARG" == "x86_64" ]]; then PREDICT_PLATFORM="x86_64" else echo "-I parameter must be arm64 or x86_64" exit 1 fi ;; K) ENABLE_AKG="on" echo "enable compile with akg" ;; s) ENABLE_SERVING="on" echo "enable serving" ;; B) check_on_off $OPTARG B ENABLE_DEBUGGER="on" echo "enable debugger" ;; *) echo "Unknown option ${opt}!" usage exit 1 esac done } checkopts "$@" echo "---------------- MindSpore: build start ----------------" mkdir -pv "${BUILD_PATH}/package/mindspore/lib" git submodule update --init graphengine if [[ "X$ENABLE_AKG" = "Xon" ]] && [[ "X$ENABLE_D" = "Xon" ]]; then git submodule update --init --recursive akg fi build_exit() { echo "$@" >&2 stty echo exit 1 } # Create building path build_mindspore() { echo "start build mindspore project." mkdir -pv "${BUILD_PATH}/mindspore" cd "${BUILD_PATH}/mindspore" CMAKE_ARGS="-DDEBUG_MODE=$DEBUG_MODE -DBUILD_PATH=$BUILD_PATH" CMAKE_ARGS="${CMAKE_ARGS} -DENABLE_LOAD_ANF_IR=$ENABLE_LOAD_IR" if [[ "X$ENABLE_COVERAGE" = "Xon" ]]; then CMAKE_ARGS="${CMAKE_ARGS} -DENABLE_COVERAGE=ON" fi if [[ "X$RUN_TESTCASES" = "Xon" ]]; then CMAKE_ARGS="${CMAKE_ARGS} -DENABLE_TESTCASES=ON" fi if [[ -n "$ENABLE_BACKEND" ]]; then CMAKE_ARGS="${CMAKE_ARGS} -DENABLE_${ENABLE_BACKEND}=ON" fi if [[ -n "$TRAIN_MODE" ]]; then CMAKE_ARGS="${CMAKE_ARGS} -DENABLE_${TRAIN_MODE}=ON" fi if [[ "X$ENABLE_ASAN" = "Xon" ]]; then CMAKE_ARGS="${CMAKE_ARGS} -DENABLE_ASAN=ON" fi if [[ "X$ENABLE_PROFILE" = "Xon" ]]; then CMAKE_ARGS="${CMAKE_ARGS} -DENABLE_PROFILE=ON" fi if [[ "X$ENABLE_TIMELINE" = "Xon" ]]; then CMAKE_ARGS="${CMAKE_ARGS} -DENABLE_TIMELINE=ON" fi if [[ "X$ENABLE_DUMP2PROTO" = "Xon" ]]; then CMAKE_ARGS="${CMAKE_ARGS} -DENABLE_DUMP_PROTO=ON" fi if [[ "X$ENABLE_DUMPE2E" = "Xon" ]]; then CMAKE_ARGS="${CMAKE_ARGS} -DENABLE_DUMP_E2E=ON" fi CMAKE_ARGS="${CMAKE_ARGS} -DENABLE_DUMP_IR=${ENABLE_DUMP_IR}" if [[ "X$ENABLE_MPI" = "Xon" ]]; then CMAKE_ARGS="${CMAKE_ARGS} -DENABLE_MPI=ON" fi if [[ "X$ENABLE_D" = "Xon" ]]; then CMAKE_ARGS="${CMAKE_ARGS} -DENABLE_D=ON" fi if [[ "X$ENABLE_GPU" = "Xon" ]]; then CMAKE_ARGS="${CMAKE_ARGS} -DENABLE_GPU=ON -DCUDA_PATH=$CUDA_PATH -DCUDNN_PATH=$CUDNN_PATH -DMS_REQUIRE_CUDA_VERSION=${CUDA_VERSION}" fi if [[ "X$ENABLE_CPU" = "Xon" ]]; then CMAKE_ARGS="${CMAKE_ARGS} -DENABLE_CPU=ON" fi if [[ "X$COMPILE_MINDDATA" = "Xon" ]]; then CMAKE_ARGS="${CMAKE_ARGS} -DENABLE_MINDDATA=ON" fi if [[ "X$USE_GLOG" = "Xon" ]]; then CMAKE_ARGS="${CMAKE_ARGS} -DUSE_GLOG=ON" fi if [[ "X$ENABLE_AKG" = "Xon" ]] && [[ "X$ENABLE_D" = "Xon" ]]; then CMAKE_ARGS="${CMAKE_ARGS} -DENABLE_AKG=ON" fi if [[ "X$ENABLE_SERVING" = "Xon" ]]; then CMAKE_ARGS="${CMAKE_ARGS} -DENABLE_SERVING=ON" fi if [[ "X$ENABLE_DEBUGGER" = "Xon" ]]; then CMAKE_ARGS="${CMAKE_ARGS} -DENABLE_DEBUGGER=ON" fi echo "${CMAKE_ARGS}" if [[ "X$INC_BUILD" = "Xoff" ]]; then cmake ${CMAKE_ARGS} ../.. fi if [[ -n "$VERBOSE" ]]; then CMAKE_VERBOSE="--verbose" fi cmake --build . --target package ${CMAKE_VERBOSE} -j$THREAD_NUM echo "success to build mindspore project!" } build_predict() { git submodule update --init --recursive third_party/incubator-tvm echo "start build predict project" git submodule update --init --recursive third_party/flatbuffers git submodule update --init --recursive third_party/googletest git submodule update --init --recursive third_party/protobuf rm -rf "${BASEPATH}/predict/build" mkdir -pv "${BASEPATH}/predict/build" rm -rf "${BASEPATH}/predict/output" mkdir -pv "${BASEPATH}/predict/output" if [[ "$PREDICT_PLATFORM" == "arm64" ]]; then if [ "${ANDROID_NDK}" ]; then echo -e "\e[31mANDROID_NDK_PATH=$ANDROID_NDK \e[0m" else echo -e "\e[31mplease set ANDROID_NDK_PATH in environment variable for example: export ANDROID_NDK=/root/usr/android-ndk-r16b/ \e[0m" exit 1 fi fi #build flatbuf cd "${BASEPATH}/third_party/flatbuffers" rm -rf build && mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake .. && make -j$THREAD_NUM FLATC="${BASEPATH}"/third_party/flatbuffers/build/flatc cd "${BASEPATH}"/predict/schema && mkdir -p "${BASEPATH}"/predict/schema/inner find . -name "*.fbs" -print0 | xargs -0 "${FLATC}" -c -b find . -name "*.fbs" -print0 | xargs -0 "${FLATC}" -c -b --reflect-types --gen-mutable --reflect-names --gen-object-api -o ${BASEPATH}/predict/schema/inner # check LLVM_PATH if [ "${LLVM_PATH}" == "" ]; then echo "Please set LLVM_PATH in env for example export LLVM_PATH=/xxxx/bin/llvm-config" exit fi #build tvm tvm_open_source="${BASEPATH}/third_party/incubator-tvm" tvm_kernel_build="${BASEPATH}/predict/module/tvm_kernel" if [ ! -f "${tvm_kernel_build}"/incubator-tvm/build/libtvm.so ]; then rm -fr "${tvm_kernel_build}"/incubator-tvm cp -fr "${tvm_open_source}" "${tvm_kernel_build}" mkdir -p "${tvm_kernel_build}"/incubator-tvm/build patch -d "${tvm_kernel_build}"/incubator-tvm -p1 < "${BASEPATH}"/third_party/patch/predict/0001-RetBugFix-CustomRuntime_v06.patch cp "${tvm_kernel_build}"/lite/src/codegen/llvm/lite_rtfunc_reset.cc "${tvm_kernel_build}"/incubator-tvm/src/codegen/llvm/ cp "${tvm_open_source}"/cmake/config.cmake "${tvm_kernel_build}"/incubator-tvm if [ "${LLVM_PATH}" ]; then sed -i "s#set(USE_LLVM .*)#set(USE_LLVM \"${LLVM_PATH}\")#g" "${tvm_kernel_build}"/incubator-tvm/config.cmake else echo "need set LLVM_PATH in env for example export LLVM_PATH=/xxxx/bin/llvm-config" fi cd "${tvm_kernel_build}"/incubator-tvm/build cmake .. make -j$THREAD_NUM else cd "${tvm_kernel_build}"/incubator-tvm/build make -j$THREAD_NUM fi #gen op predict_tvm_op_lib_path="${BASEPATH}/predict/module/tvm_kernel/build/lib_x86" predict_platform="x86" if [[ "$PREDICT_PLATFORM" == "arm64" ]]; then predict_tvm_op_lib_path="${BASEPATH}/predict/module/tvm_kernel/build/lib_arm64" predict_platform="arm64" fi need_get_libs=true if [ -d "${predict_tvm_op_lib_path}" ]; then file_list=$(ls "${predict_tvm_op_lib_path}") if [ -n "${file_list}" ]; then libstime=$(stat -c %Y "${predict_tvm_op_lib_path}"/* | sort -u | tail -n1) pythontime=$(find "${BASEPATH}"/predict/module/tvm_kernel/lite/python/ -name "*.py" -exec stat -c %Y {} \; | sort -u | tail -n1) if [ "${libstime}" -ge "${pythontime}" ]; then need_get_libs=false else rm -fr "${predict_tvm_op_lib_path}" fi fi fi if $need_get_libs; then PYTHONPATH_OLD=${PYTHONPATH} export PYTHONPATH="${tvm_kernel_build}/incubator-tvm/python:${tvm_kernel_build}/incubator-tvm/topi/python:${tvm_kernel_build}/incubator-tvm/nnvm/python:${tvm_kernel_build}/lite/python:" cd "${BASEPATH}"/predict/module/tvm_kernel/lite/python/at_ops python3 at_gen_strip.py ${predict_platform} export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH_OLD} fi cd "${BASEPATH}/predict/build" if [[ "$PREDICT_PLATFORM" == "arm64" ]]; then cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="${ANDROID_NDK}/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake" \ -DANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL=android-19 -DANDROID_NDK="${ANDROID_NDK}" \ -DANDROID_TOOLCHAIN_NAME="aarch64-linux-android-clang" -DANDROID_STL="c++_shared" \ -DANDROID_ABI="arm64-v8a" -DENABLE_PREDICT_ARM64=ON -DANDROID_ALLOW_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=TRUE .. elif [[ "$PREDICT_PLATFORM" == "x86_64" ]]; then cmake .. fi make ${VERBOSE} -j$THREAD_NUM if [[ "$PREDICT_PLATFORM" == "x86_64" ]]; then cd "${BASEPATH}/predict/build/test" && ./run_tests.sh fi # copy securec include files mkdir -p "${BASEPATH}/predict/output/include/securec/include" cp "${BASEPATH}"/third_party/securec/include/* "${BASEPATH}"/predict/output/include/securec/include cd "${BASEPATH}/predict/output/" if [[ "$PREDICT_PLATFORM" == "x86_64" ]]; then tar -cf MSPredict-0.5.0-linux_x86_64.tar.gz include/ lib/ --warning=no-file-changed elif [[ "$PREDICT_PLATFORM" == "arm64" ]]; then tar -cf MSPredict-0.5.0-linux_aarch64.tar.gz include/ lib/ --warning=no-file-changed fi echo "success to build predict project!" } if [[ "X$COMPILE_PREDICT" = "Xon" ]]; then build_predict echo "---------------- mindspore: build end ----------------" exit else build_mindspore fi cp -rf ${BUILD_PATH}/package/mindspore/lib ${BUILD_PATH}/../mindspore cp -rf ${BUILD_PATH}/package/mindspore/*.so ${BUILD_PATH}/../mindspore echo "---------------- mindspore: build end ----------------"