# Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ management api """ import mindspore.communication.management as D def has_raise_error(func, x): try: # pylint:disable=eval-used if x is None: func() else: func(x) print("x:{}".format(x)) except (TypeError, ValueError, RuntimeError): return True else: return False def create_backend(name): D.Backend(name) def get_group_size_int(group): D.get_group_size(group) def create_group0(x): D.GlobalComm.BACKEND = D.Backend.HCCL D.create_group('0-1', x) def create_group1(x): D.GlobalComm.BACKEND = D.Backend.HCCL D.create_group('0-1', x) def create_group2(x): D.GlobalComm.BACKEND = D.Backend.HCCL D.create_group('0-1', x) def create_group3(x): D.GlobalComm.BACKEND = D.Backend.UNDEFINED D.create_group('0-1', x) def create_group4(x): D.GlobalComm.BACKEND = D.Backend.HCCL D.create_group('0-1', x) def get_world_rank_from_group_rank0(): D.GlobalComm.BACKEND = D.Backend.HCCL D.get_world_rank_from_group_rank(D.HCCL_WORLD_COMM_GROUP, 0) def get_world_rank_from_group_rank1(): D.GlobalComm.BACKEND = D.Backend.HCCL D.get_world_rank_from_group_rank('0-1', '0') def get_world_rank_from_group_rank2(): D.GlobalComm.BACKEND = D.Backend.UNDEFINED D.get_world_rank_from_group_rank('0-1', 0) def get_group_rank_from_world_rank0(): D.GlobalComm.BACKEND = D.Backend.HCCL D.get_group_rank_from_world_rank(0, D.HCCL_WORLD_COMM_GROUP) def get_group_rank_from_world_rank1(): D.GlobalComm.BACKEND = D.Backend.HCCL D.get_group_rank_from_world_rank('0', '0-1') def get_group_rank_from_world_rank2(): D.GlobalComm.BACKEND = D.Backend.UNDEFINED D.get_group_rank_from_world_rank(0, '0-1') def destroy_group0(x): D.GlobalComm.BACKEND = D.Backend.UNDEFINED D.destroy_group(x) def destroy_group1(): D.GlobalComm.BACKEND = D.Backend.HCCL D.destroy_group(D.HCCL_WORLD_COMM_GROUP) def destroy_group2(x): D.GlobalComm.BACKEND = D.Backend.HCCL D.destroy_group(x) def test_raise_error_funcs(): """test raise error funcs""" assert has_raise_error(create_backend, 123) is True assert has_raise_error(create_backend, 'hccl') is False assert has_raise_error(create_backend, 'nccl') is False assert has_raise_error(get_group_size_int, 123) is True assert has_raise_error(create_group0, (0, 1)) is True assert has_raise_error(create_group1, [0]) is False assert has_raise_error(create_group2, [0, 0, 1]) is True assert has_raise_error(create_group3, [0, 1]) is True assert has_raise_error(create_group4, [0, 1]) is False assert has_raise_error(get_world_rank_from_group_rank0, None) is True assert has_raise_error(get_world_rank_from_group_rank1, None) is True assert has_raise_error(get_world_rank_from_group_rank2, None) is True assert has_raise_error(get_group_rank_from_world_rank0, None) is True assert has_raise_error(get_group_rank_from_world_rank1, None) is True assert has_raise_error(get_group_rank_from_world_rank2, None) is True assert has_raise_error(destroy_group0, '0-1') is True assert has_raise_error(destroy_group1, None) is True assert has_raise_error(destroy_group2, '0-1') is False def test_get_rank_none(): assert D.get_rank(group=None) == 0 def test_group_funs(): D.GlobalComm.BACKEND = D.Backend.HCCL assert D.get_group_size(group=None) == 1 assert D.get_group_size('2-abcd') == 2 assert D.get_world_rank_from_group_rank('0-1', 0) == 0 assert D.get_group_rank_from_world_rank(0, '0-1') == 0