@rem Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd @rem @rem Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); @rem you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. @rem You may obtain a copy of the License at @rem @rem http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 @rem @rem Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software @rem distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, @rem WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. @rem See the License for the specific language governing permissions and @rem limitations under the License. @rem ============================================================================ @echo off @title mindspore_build SET BASEPATH=%CD% IF NOT EXIST "%BASEPATH%/build" ( md "build" ) cd "%BASEPATH%/build" set BUILD_PATH=%CD% IF NOT EXIST "%BUILD_PATH%/mindspore" ( md "mindspore" ) cd "%CD%/mindspore" IF "%1%" == "lite" ( call :gene_gtest call :run_cmake IF errorlevel 1 ( echo "cmake fail one time." call :gene_protobuf call :gene_flatbuffer call :run_cmake IF errorlevel 1 ( echo "cmake fail." goto run_fail ) ) ELSE ( call :gene_protobuf call :gene_flatbuffer ) cd %BUILD_PATH%/mindspore IF "%2%" == "" ( cmake --build . --target package -- -j6 ) ELSE ( cmake --build . --target package -- -j%2% ) IF errorlevel 1 ( echo "build fail." goto run_fail ) ELSE ( cd "%BASEPATH%/output" rd /s /q _CPack_Packages ) ) ELSE ( cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DENABLE_CPU=ON -DENABLE_MINDDATA=ON -DUSE_GLOG=ON ^ -G "CodeBlocks - MinGW Makefiles" ../.. IF NOT %errorlevel% == 0 ( echo "cmake fail." goto run_fail ) IF "%1%" == "" ( cmake --build . --target package -- -j6 ) ELSE ( cmake --build . --target package -- -j%1% ) IF NOT %errorlevel% == 0 ( echo "build fail." goto run_fail ) ) cd "%BASEPATH%" goto run_eof :run_cmake cd "%BUILD_PATH%/mindspore" cmake -DBUILD_DEVICE=on -DBUILD_CONVERTER=on -DPLATFORM_ARM64=off -DSUPPORT_TRAIN=off ^ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSUPPORT_GPU=off -DBUILD_MINDDATA=off -DOFFLINE_COMPILE=off ^ -G "CodeBlocks - MinGW Makefiles" "%BASEPATH%/mindspore/lite" GOTO:EOF :gene_gtest cd "%BASEPATH%/third_party" IF EXIST googletest rd /s /q googletest git submodule update --init --recursive googletest cd "%BUILD_PATH%/mindspore" GOTO:EOF :gene_protobuf SET PROTOC="%BASEPATH%/build/mindspore/_deps/protobuf-src/_build/protoc" SET PROTO_SRC_DIR="%BASEPATH%/mindspore/lite/tools/converter/parser/caffe" cd %PROTO_SRC_DIR% %PROTOC% *.proto --proto_path=%PROTO_SRC_DIR% --cpp_out=%PROTO_SRC_DIR% SET PROTO_SRC_DIR="%BASEPATH%/mindspore/lite/tools/converter/parser/onnx" cd %PROTO_SRC_DIR% %PROTOC% *.proto --proto_path=%PROTO_SRC_DIR% --cpp_out=%PROTO_SRC_DIR% cd %BUILD_PATH%/mindspore GOTO:EOF :gene_flatbuffer SET FLATC="%BASEPATH%/build/mindspore/_deps/flatbuffers-src/_build/flatc" SET FLAT_DIR="%BASEPATH%/mindspore/lite/schema" cd %FLAT_DIR% IF EXIST inner rd /s /q inner md inner %FLATC% -c -b *.fbs %FLATC% -c -b --reflect-types --gen-mutable --reflect-names --gen-object-api -o %FLAT_DIR%/inner *.fbs SET FLAT_DIR="%BASEPATH%/mindspore/lite/tools/converter/parser/tflite" cd %FLAT_DIR% %FLATC% -c -b --reflect-types --gen-mutable --reflect-names --gen-object-api -o %FLAT_DIR% *.fbs cd "%BUILD_PATH%/mindspore" GOTO:EOF :run_fail cd "%BASEPATH%" set errorlevel=1 :run_eof