## define customized find fucntions, print customized error messages function(find_required_package pkg_name) find_package(${pkg_name}) if (NOT ${pkg_name}_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "Required package ${pkg_name} not found, please install the package and try building MindSpore again.") endif() endfunction() function(find_required_program prog_name) find_program(${prog_name}_EXE ${prog_name}) if (NOT ${prog_name}_EXE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Required program ${prog_name} not found, please install the package and try building MindSpore again.") endif () endfunction() ## find python, quit if the found python is static set(Python3_USE_STATIC_LIBS FALSE) find_package(Python3 COMPONENTS Interpreter Development) if (Python3_FOUND) message("Python3 found, version: ${Python3_VERSION}") message("Python3 library path: ${Python3_LIBRARY}") message("Python3 interpreter: ${Python3_EXECUTABLE}") elseif (Python3_LIBRARY AND Python3_EXECUTABLE AND ${Python3_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "3.7.0" AND ${Python3_VERSION} VERSION_LESS "3.8.0") message(WARNING "Maybe python3 environment is broken.") message("Python3 library path: ${Python3_LIBRARY}") message("Python3 interpreter: ${Python3_EXECUTABLE}") else () message(FATAL_ERROR "Python3 not found, please install Python>=3.7.5, and set --enable-shared " "if you are building Python locally") endif () ## packages used both on windows and linux if (DEFINED ENV{MS_PATCH_PATH}) find_program(Patch_EXECUTABLE patch PATHS $ENV{MS_PATCH_PATH}) set(Patch_FOUND ${Patch_EXECUTABLE}) else () find_package(Patch) endif () if (NOT Patch_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "Patch not found, please set environment variable MS_PATCH_PATH to path where Patch is located, " "usually found in GIT_PATH/usr/bin on Windows") endif () message(PATCH_EXECUTABLE = ${Patch_EXECUTABLE}) find_required_package(Threads) ## packages used on Linux if (NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Windows") if (ENABLE_MINDDATA) find_required_program(tclsh) endif () if (MS_BUILD_GRPC) find_required_package(OpenSSL) endif () ## packages used in GPU mode only if (ENABLE_GPU) find_library(gmp_LIB gmp) find_library(gmpxx_LIB gmpxx) find_file(gmp_HEADER gmp.h) if (NOT gmp_LIB OR NOT gmpxx_LIB OR NOT gmp_HEADER) message(FATAL_ERROR "Required package gmp not found, please install gmp and try building MindSpore again.") endif () find_required_program(automake) find_required_program(autoconf) find_required_program(libtoolize) find_required_package(FLEX) endif() endif()