/** * Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "core/server.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mindspore/ccsrc/utils/log_adapter.h" #include "serving/ms_service.grpc.pb.h" #include "core/util/option_parser.h" #include "core/version_control/version_controller.h" #include "mindspore/ccsrc/utils/context/ms_context.h" #include "core/util/file_system_operation.h" #include "graphengine/third_party/fwkacllib/inc/runtime/context.h" using ms_serving::MSService; using ms_serving::PredictReply; using ms_serving::PredictRequest; namespace mindspore { namespace serving { using MSTensorPtr = std::shared_ptr; Status Session::CreatDeviceSession(const std::string &device, uint32_t device_id) { session_ = inference::MSSession::CreateSession(device + "Inference", device_id); if (session_ == nullptr) { MS_LOG(ERROR) << "Creat Session Failed"; return FAILED; } device_type_ = device; return SUCCESS; } Session &Session::Instance() { static Session instance; return instance; } Status Session::Predict(const std::vector &inputs, inference::MultiTensor *outputs) { if (last_graph_ == nullptr) { MS_LOG(ERROR) << "the model has not loaded"; return FAILED; } if (session_ == nullptr) { MS_LOG(ERROR) << "the inference session has not be initialized"; return FAILED; } std::lock_guard lock(mutex_); MS_LOG(INFO) << "run Predict"; *outputs = session_->RunGraph(graph_id_, inputs); return SUCCESS; } Status Session::Warmup(const MindSporeModelPtr model) { if (session_ == nullptr) { MS_LOG(ERROR) << "The CreatDeviceSession should be called, before warmup"; return FAILED; } std::lock_guard lock(mutex_); size_t size = 0; std::string file_name = model->GetModelPath() + '/' + model->GetModelName(); char *graphBuf = ReadFile(file_name.c_str(), &size); if (graphBuf == nullptr) { MS_LOG(ERROR) << "Load graph model failed, file name is " << file_name.c_str(); return FAILED; } last_graph_ = inference::LoadModel(graphBuf, size, device_type_); graph_id_ = session_->CompileGraph(last_graph_); MS_LOG(INFO) << "Session Warmup"; return SUCCESS; } Status Session::Clear() { session_ = nullptr; return SUCCESS; } namespace { const std::map type2id_map{ {ms_serving::MS_UNKNOWN, TypeId::kNumberTypeBegin}, {ms_serving::MS_BOOL, TypeId::kNumberTypeBool}, {ms_serving::MS_INT8, TypeId::kNumberTypeInt8}, {ms_serving::MS_UINT8, TypeId::kNumberTypeUInt8}, {ms_serving::MS_INT16, TypeId::kNumberTypeInt16}, {ms_serving::MS_UINT16, TypeId::kNumberTypeUInt16}, {ms_serving::MS_INT32, TypeId::kNumberTypeInt32}, {ms_serving::MS_UINT32, TypeId::kNumberTypeUInt32}, {ms_serving::MS_INT64, TypeId::kNumberTypeInt64}, {ms_serving::MS_UINT64, TypeId::kNumberTypeUInt64}, {ms_serving::MS_FLOAT16, TypeId::kNumberTypeFloat16}, {ms_serving::MS_FLOAT32, TypeId::kNumberTypeFloat32}, {ms_serving::MS_FLOAT64, TypeId::kNumberTypeFloat64}, }; const std::map id2type_map{ {TypeId::kNumberTypeBegin, ms_serving::MS_UNKNOWN}, {TypeId::kNumberTypeBool, ms_serving::MS_BOOL}, {TypeId::kNumberTypeInt8, ms_serving::MS_INT8}, {TypeId::kNumberTypeUInt8, ms_serving::MS_UINT8}, {TypeId::kNumberTypeInt16, ms_serving::MS_INT16}, {TypeId::kNumberTypeUInt16, ms_serving::MS_UINT16}, {TypeId::kNumberTypeInt32, ms_serving::MS_INT32}, {TypeId::kNumberTypeUInt32, ms_serving::MS_UINT32}, {TypeId::kNumberTypeInt64, ms_serving::MS_INT64}, {TypeId::kNumberTypeUInt64, ms_serving::MS_UINT64}, {TypeId::kNumberTypeFloat16, ms_serving::MS_FLOAT16}, {TypeId::kNumberTypeFloat32, ms_serving::MS_FLOAT32}, {TypeId::kNumberTypeFloat64, ms_serving::MS_FLOAT64}, }; const std::map length_map{ {ms_serving::MS_UNKNOWN, 0}, {ms_serving::MS_BOOL, sizeof(bool)}, {ms_serving::MS_INT8, sizeof(int8_t)}, {ms_serving::MS_UINT8, sizeof(uint8_t)}, {ms_serving::MS_INT16, sizeof(int16_t)}, {ms_serving::MS_UINT16, sizeof(uint16_t)}, {ms_serving::MS_INT32, sizeof(int32_t)}, {ms_serving::MS_UINT32, sizeof(uint32_t)}, {ms_serving::MS_INT64, sizeof(int64_t)}, {ms_serving::MS_UINT64, sizeof(uint64_t)}, {ms_serving::MS_FLOAT16, 2}, {ms_serving::MS_FLOAT32, 4}, {ms_serving::MS_FLOAT64, 8}, }; MSTensorPtr ServingTensor2MSTensor(const ms_serving::Tensor &tensor) { std::vector shape; for (auto dim : tensor.tensor_shape().dims()) { shape.push_back(static_cast(dim)); } auto iter = type2id_map.find(tensor.tensor_type()); if (iter == type2id_map.end()) { MS_LOG(ERROR) << "input tensor type is wrong, type is " << tensor.tensor_type(); return nullptr; } TypeId type = iter->second; auto ms_tensor = std::shared_ptr(inference::MSTensor::CreateTensor(type, shape)); memcpy_s(ms_tensor->MutableData(), tensor.data().size(), tensor.data().data(), tensor.data().size()); return ms_tensor; } ms_serving::Tensor MSTensor2ServingTensor(MSTensorPtr ms_tensor) { ms_serving::Tensor tensor; ms_serving::TensorShape shape; for (auto dim : ms_tensor->shape()) { shape.add_dims(dim); } *tensor.mutable_tensor_shape() = shape; auto iter = id2type_map.find(ms_tensor->data_type()); if (iter == id2type_map.end()) { MS_LOG(ERROR) << "input tensor type is wrong, type is " << tensor.tensor_type(); return tensor; } tensor.set_tensor_type(iter->second); tensor.set_data(ms_tensor->MutableData(), ms_tensor->Size()); return tensor; } void ClearEnv() { Session::Instance().Clear(); inference::ExitInference(); } void HandleSignal(int sig) { ClearEnv(); exit(0); } #ifdef ENABLE_D static rtContext_t g_ctx = nullptr; #endif } // namespace // Service Implement class MSServiceImpl final : public MSService::Service { grpc::Status Predict(grpc::ServerContext *context, const PredictRequest *request, PredictReply *reply) override { std::lock_guard lock(mutex_); #ifdef ENABLE_D if (g_ctx == nullptr) { MS_LOG(ERROR) << "rtCtx is nullptr"; return grpc::Status::CANCELLED; } rtError_t rt_ret = rtCtxSetCurrent(g_ctx); if (rt_ret != RT_ERROR_NONE) { MS_LOG(ERROR) << "set Ascend rtCtx failed"; } #endif std::vector inputs; inference::MultiTensor outputs; for (int i = 0; i < request->data_size(); i++) { auto input = ServingTensor2MSTensor(request->data(i)); if (input == nullptr) { MS_LOG(ERROR) << "Tensor convert failed"; return grpc::Status::CANCELLED; } inputs.push_back(input); } auto res = Session::Instance().Predict(inputs, &outputs); if (res != SUCCESS) { return grpc::Status::CANCELLED; } for (const auto &tensor : outputs) { *reply->add_result() = MSTensor2ServingTensor(tensor); } MS_LOG(INFO) << "Finish call service Eval"; return grpc::Status::OK; } grpc::Status Test(grpc::ServerContext *context, const PredictRequest *request, PredictReply *reply) override { MS_LOG(INFO) << "TestService call"; return grpc::Status::OK; } std::mutex mutex_; }; Status Server::BuildAndStart() { // handle exit signal signal(SIGINT, HandleSignal); Status res; auto option_args = Options::Instance().GetArgs(); std::string server_address = "" + std::to_string(option_args->grpc_port); std::string model_path = option_args->model_path; std::string model_name = option_args->model_name; std::string device_type = option_args->device_type; auto device_id = option_args->device_id; res = Session::Instance().CreatDeviceSession(device_type, device_id); if (res != SUCCESS) { MS_LOG(ERROR) << "creat session failed"; ClearEnv(); return res; } VersionController version_controller(option_args->poll_model_wait_seconds, model_path, model_name); res = version_controller.Run(); if (res != SUCCESS) { MS_LOG(ERROR) << "load model failed"; ClearEnv(); return res; } #ifdef ENABLE_D // set d context rtContext_t ctx = nullptr; rtError_t rt_ret = rtCtxGetCurrent(&ctx); if (rt_ret != RT_ERROR_NONE || ctx == nullptr) { MS_LOG(ERROR) << "the ascend device context is null"; return FAILED; } g_ctx = ctx; #endif MSServiceImpl service; grpc::EnableDefaultHealthCheckService(true); grpc::reflection::InitProtoReflectionServerBuilderPlugin(); // Set the port is not reuseable auto option = grpc::MakeChannelArgumentOption(GRPC_ARG_ALLOW_REUSEPORT, 0); grpc::ServerBuilder builder; builder.SetOption(std::move(option)); // Listen on the given address without any authentication mechanism. builder.AddListeningPort(server_address, grpc::InsecureServerCredentials()); // Register "service" as the instance through which we'll communicate with // clients. In this case it corresponds to an *synchronous* service. builder.RegisterService(&service); // Finally assemble the server. std::unique_ptr server(builder.BuildAndStart()); MS_LOG(INFO) << "Server listening on " << server_address << std::endl; // Wait for the server to shutdown. Note that some other thread must be // responsible for shutting down the server for this call to ever return. server->Wait(); return SUCCESS; } } // namespace serving } // namespace mindspore