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24 lines
866 B
24 lines
866 B
9 years ago
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define cvLIB(name) "opencv_" name CV_VERSION_ID "d"
#define cvLIB(name) "opencv_" name CV_VERSION_ID
#pragma comment( lib, cvLIB("core") )
#pragma comment( lib, cvLIB("imgproc") )
#pragma comment( lib, cvLIB("highgui") )
#pragma comment( lib, cvLIB("flann") )
#pragma comment( lib, cvLIB("features2d") )
#pragma comment( lib, cvLIB("calib3d") )
#pragma comment( lib, cvLIB("gpu") )
#pragma comment( lib, cvLIB("legacy") )
#pragma comment( lib, cvLIB("ml") )
#pragma comment( lib, cvLIB("objdetect") )
#pragma comment( lib, cvLIB("ts") )
#pragma comment( lib, cvLIB("video") )
#pragma comment( lib, cvLIB("contrib") )
#pragma comment( lib, cvLIB("nonfree") )