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11 years ago
// Name: plate_locate Header
// Version: 1.2
11 years ago
// Date: 2014-09-19
// MDate: 2014-09-29
// MDate: 2015-03-13
11 years ago
// Author: liuruoze
// Copyright: liuruoze
// Reference: Mastering OpenCV with Practical Computer Vision Projects
// Reference: CSDN Bloger taotao1233
// Desciption:
11 years ago
// Defines CPlateLocate
11 years ago
#include "easypr/core/plate.hpp"
#include "easypr/core/core_func.h"
/*! \namespace easypr
Namespace where all the C++ EasyPR functionality resides
11 years ago
namespace easypr {
class CPlateLocate {
//! Sobel第一次搜索
//! 不限制大小和形状获取的BoundRect进入下一步
int sobelFrtSearch(const Mat& src, std::vector<Rect_<float>>& outRects);
//! Sobel第二次搜索
//! 对大小和形状做限制,生成参考坐标
int sobelSecSearch(Mat& bound, Point2f refpoint,
std::vector<RotatedRect>& outRects);
int sobelSecSearchPart(Mat& bound, Point2f refpoint,
std::vector<RotatedRect>& outRects);
//! 抗扭斜处理
int deskew(const Mat& src, const Mat& src_b,
std::vector<RotatedRect>& inRects, std::vector<CPlate>& outPlates);
//! 是否偏斜
//! 输入二值化图像,输出判断结果
bool isdeflection(const Mat& in, const double angle, double& slope);
//! Sobel运算
//! 输入彩色图像,输出二值化图像
int sobelOper(const Mat& in, Mat& out, int blurSize, int morphW, int morphH);
//! 旋转操作
bool rotation(Mat& in, Mat& out, const Size rect_size, const Point2f center,
const double angle);
//! 扭变操作
void affine(const Mat& in, Mat& out, const double slope);
//! 颜色定位法
int plateColorLocate(Mat src, std::vector<CPlate>& candPlates, int index = 0);
//! Sobel定位法
int plateSobelLocate(Mat src, std::vector<CPlate>& candPlates, int index = 0);
int sobelOperT(const Mat& in, Mat& out, int blurSize, int morphW, int morphH);
11 years ago
int plateMserLocate(Mat src, std::vector<CPlate>& candPlates, int index = 0);
//! Color搜索
int colorSearch(const Mat& src, const Color r, Mat& out,
std::vector<RotatedRect>& outRects, int index = 0);
//! mser search
int mserSearch(const Mat& src, const Color r, Mat& out,
std::vector<RotatedRect>& outRects, int index = 0);
//! 未使用函数与代码
//! 开始------------
//! 结束------------
//! 未使用函数与代码
//! 车牌定位
int plateLocate(Mat, std::vector<Mat>&, int = 0);
//! 车牌的尺寸验证
bool verifySizes(RotatedRect mr);
//! 生活模式与工业模式切换
void setLifemode(bool param);
//! 设置与读取变量
inline void setGaussianBlurSize(int param) { m_GaussianBlurSize = param; }
inline int getGaussianBlurSize() const { return m_GaussianBlurSize; }
inline void setMorphSizeWidth(int param) { m_MorphSizeWidth = param; }
inline int getMorphSizeWidth() const { return m_MorphSizeWidth; }
inline void setMorphSizeHeight(int param) { m_MorphSizeHeight = param; }
inline int getMorphSizeHeight() const { return m_MorphSizeHeight; }
11 years ago
inline void setVerifyError(float param) { m_error = param; }
inline float getVerifyError() const { return m_error; }
inline void setVerifyAspect(float param) { m_aspect = param; }
inline float getVerifyAspect() const { return m_aspect; }
inline void setVerifyMin(int param) { m_verifyMin = param; }
inline void setVerifyMax(int param) { m_verifyMax = param; }
inline void setJudgeAngle(int param) { m_angle = param; }
//! 是否开启调试模式
inline void setDebug(bool param) { m_debug = param; }
//! 获取调试模式状态
inline bool getDebug() { return m_debug; }
//! PlateLocate所用常量
static const int DEFAULT_GAUSSIANBLUR_SIZE = 5;
static const int SOBEL_SCALE = 1;
static const int SOBEL_DELTA = 0;
static const int SOBEL_DDEPTH = CV_16S;
static const int SOBEL_X_WEIGHT = 1;
static const int SOBEL_Y_WEIGHT = 0;
static const int DEFAULT_MORPH_SIZE_WIDTH = 17; // 17
static const int DEFAULT_MORPH_SIZE_HEIGHT = 3; // 3
10 years ago
//! showResultMat所用常量
static const int WIDTH = 136;
static const int HEIGHT = 36;
static const int TYPE = CV_8UC3;
11 years ago
//! verifySize所用常量
static const int DEFAULT_VERIFY_MIN = 1; // 3
static const int DEFAULT_VERIFY_MAX = 24; // 20
//! 角度判断所用常量
static const int DEFAULT_ANGLE = 60; // 30
//! 是否开启调试模式常量默认0代表关闭
static const int DEFAULT_DEBUG = 1;
//! 高斯模糊所用变量
int m_GaussianBlurSize;
//! 连接操作所用变量
int m_MorphSizeWidth;
int m_MorphSizeHeight;
//! verifySize所用变量
float m_error;
float m_aspect;
int m_verifyMin;
int m_verifyMax;
//! 角度判断所用变量
int m_angle;
//! 是否开启调试模式0关闭非0开启
bool m_debug;
11 years ago
} /*! \namespace easypr*/
11 years ago