@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ void mergeCharToGroup(std::vector<CCharacter> vecRect,
//! use verify size to first generate char candidates
Mat mserCharMatch(const Mat &src, Mat &match, std::vector<Rect>& out_charRect) {
Mat mserCharMatch(const Mat &src, Mat &match, std::vector<Rect>& out_charRect, Color color, int img_index, bool showDebug) {
Mat image = src;
std::vector<std::vector<Point>> all_contours;
@ -1102,7 +1102,7 @@ Mat mserCharMatch(const Mat &src, Mat &match, std::vector<Rect>& out_charRect) {
if (verifyCharSizes(rect)) {
Mat mserMat = adaptive_image_from_points(contour, rect, Size(char_size, char_size));
Mat charInput = preprocessChar(mserMat, char_size);
CCharacter charCandidate;
@ -1118,9 +1118,9 @@ Mat mserCharMatch(const Mat &src, Mat &match, std::vector<Rect>& out_charRect) {
std::vector<CCharacter> littleSeedVec;
size_t charCan_size = charVec.size();
for (size_t index = 0; index < charCan_size; index++) {
CCharacter& charCandidate = charVec[index];
Rect postion = charCandidate.getCharacterPos();
for (size_t char_index = 0; char_index < charCan_size; char_index++) {
CCharacter& charCandidate = charVec[char_index];
Rect rect = charCandidate.getCharacterPos();
double score = charCandidate.getCharacterScore();
if (charCandidate.getIsStrong()) {
@ -1131,7 +1131,6 @@ Mat mserCharMatch(const Mat &src, Mat &match, std::vector<Rect>& out_charRect) {
else if (charCandidate.getIsLittle()) {
@ -1144,29 +1143,179 @@ Mat mserCharMatch(const Mat &src, Mat &match, std::vector<Rect>& out_charRect) {
mergeCharToGroup(nmsStrongSeedVec, charGroupVec);
//draw the line of the group
std::vector<Vec4f> lineVec;
for (auto charGroup : charGroupVec) {
Rect plateResult = charGroup[0].getCharacterPos();
std::vector<Point> points;
Vec4f line;
int maxarea = 0;
Rect maxrect;
int leftx = image.cols;
Point leftPoint(leftx, 0);
std::vector<CCharacter> mserCharacter;
for (auto character : charGroup) {
Rect charRect = character.getCharacterPos();
plateResult |= charRect;
Point center(charRect.tl().x + charRect.width / 2, charRect.tl().y + charRect.height / 2);
cv::circle(result, center, 3, Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2);
//cv::circle(result, center, 3, Scalar(0, 255, 0), 2);
if (charRect.area() > maxarea) {
maxrect = charRect;
maxarea = charRect.area();
if (center.x < leftPoint.x) {
leftPoint = center;
if (points.size() >= 2) {
fitLine(Mat(points), line, CV_DIST_L2, 0, 0.01, 0.01);
float k = line[1] / line[0];
std::cout << "k:" << k << std::endl;
float step = 10.f * (float)maxrect.width;
cv::line(result, Point2f(line[2] - step, line[3] - k*step), Point2f(line[2] + step, k*step + line[3]), Scalar(255, 255, 255));
//cv::circle(result, leftPoint, 3, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2);
float x_1 = line[2];
float y_1 = line[3];
std::vector<CCharacter> searchWeakSeedVec;
int weakLeftx = leftPoint.x;
Point weakLeftPoint(weakLeftx, 0);
//draw weak seed and little seed from line;
//search for mser rect
std::cout << "search for mser rect:" << std::endl;
if (0) {
std::stringstream ss(std::stringstream::in | std::stringstream::out);
ss << "resources/image/tmp/" << img_index << "_1_" << "searcgMserRect.jpg";
imwrite(ss.str(), result);
for (auto weakSeed : charVec) {
Rect weakRect = weakSeed.getCharacterPos();
Point weakCenter(weakRect.tl().x + weakRect.width / 2, weakRect.tl().y + weakRect.height / 2);
float x_2 = (float)weakCenter.x;
// point in line;
float y_2l = k * (x_2 - x_1) + y_1;
float y_2 = (float)weakCenter.y;
float y_diff_ratio = abs(y_2l - y_2) / maxrect.height;
//std::cout << "weakRect y_diff_ratio:" << y_diff_ratio << std::endl;
if (y_diff_ratio < 0.1 && x_2 < leftPoint.x) {
float width_1 = float(maxrect.width);
float height_1 = float(maxrect.height);
float width_2 = float(weakRect.width);
float height_2 = float(weakRect.height);
float height_diff = abs(height_1 - height_2);
double height_diff_ratio = height_diff / min(height_1, height_2);
if (height_diff_ratio < 0.25) {
//cv::rectangle(result, weakRect, Scalar(0, 255, 0));
plateResult |= weakRect;
if (x_2 < weakLeftx) {
weakLeftx = (int)x_2;
std::cout << "judege the left is chinese:" << std::endl;
bool leftIsChinese = false;
if (1) {
std::sort(mserCharacter.begin(), mserCharacter.end(),
[](const CCharacter& r1, const CCharacter& r2) {
return r1.getCharacterPos().tl().x < r2.getCharacterPos().tl().x;
CCharacter leftChar = mserCharacter[0];
Rect theRect = leftChar.getCharacterPos();
cv::rectangle(result, theRect, Scalar(255, 0, 0), 1);
Mat region = image(theRect);
Mat binary_region;
threshold(region, binary_region, 0, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY | CV_THRESH_OTSU);
Mat charInput = preprocessChar(binary_region, 20);
if (0) {
imshow("charInput", charInput);
std::string label = "";
float maxVal = -2.f;
leftIsChinese = CharsIdentify::instance()->isCharacter(charInput, label, maxVal, true);
std::cout << "isChinese:" << leftIsChinese << std::endl;
std::cout << "chinese:" << label << std::endl;
std::cout << " score:" << maxVal << std::endl;
//search for sliding window
if (!leftIsChinese) {
std::cout << "search for sliding window:" << std::endl;
int slideLength = maxrect.width;
int slideStep = 3;
int fromX = weakLeftx - maxrect.width;
std::vector<CCharacter> chineseCandidate;
for (int slideX = 0; slideX < slideLength; slideX += slideStep) {
float x_slide = float(fromX - slideX);
float y_slide = k * (x_slide - x_1) + y_1;
Point2f p_slide(x_slide, y_slide);
//cv::circle(result, p_slide, 2, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1);
Rect rect(Point2f(x_slide - maxrect.width / 2, y_slide - maxrect.height / 2), maxrect.size());
if (rect.tl().x < 0 || rect.tl().y < 0 || rect.br().x >= image.cols || rect.br().y >= image.rows)
Mat region = image(rect);
Mat binary_region;
threshold(region, binary_region, 0, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY | CV_THRESH_OTSU);
Mat charInput = preprocessChar(binary_region, 20);
CCharacter charCandidate;
std::vector<CCharacter> nmsChineseVec;
double overlapThresh = 0.1;
NMStoCharacter(chineseCandidate, nmsChineseVec, overlapThresh);
for (auto chinese : nmsChineseVec) {
Rect rect = chinese.getCharacterPos();
if (chinese.getCharacterScore() > 0.5) {
cv::rectangle(result, rect, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1);
plateResult |= rect;
std::cout << "chinese:" << chinese.getCharacterStr();
std::cout << "__score:" << chinese.getCharacterScore() << std::endl;
cv::rectangle(result, plateResult, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1);
match(plateResult) = 255;