@ -12,13 +12,6 @@ class CPlateDetect {
PR_DETECT_SOBEL = 0x01, /**Sobel detect type,using twice Sobel */
PR_DETECT_COLOR = 0x02, /**Color detect type */
PR_DETECT_CMSER = 0x04, /**Character detect type,using mser */
/** @brief Plate detect in an image.
The function detects plate in an image. It can use sobel, color, and character method or the combinations of them.
@ -29,9 +22,24 @@ class CPlateDetect {
@param showDetectArea
@param index
int plateDetect(Mat src, std::vector<CPlate> &resultVec, int type = 0,
int plateDetect(Mat src, std::vector<CPlate> &resultVec, int type,
bool showDetectArea = true, int index = 0);
/** @brief Plate detect in an image.
The function detects plate in an image. It can use sobel, color, and character method or the combinations of them.
Use default m_type, it can use setDetectType() to set it;
@param src Source image.
@param resultVec Destination vector of CPlate.
@param showDetectArea
@param index
int plateDetect(Mat src, std::vector<CPlate> &resultVec,
bool showDetectArea = true, int index = 0);
//! 展示中间的结果
int showResult(const Mat &result);
@ -52,6 +60,9 @@ class CPlateDetect {
inline bool getPDDebug() { return m_plateLocate->getDebug(); }
inline void setDetectType(int param) { m_type = param; }
//! 设置与读取变量
inline void setGaussianBlurSize(int param) {
@ -113,6 +124,11 @@ class CPlateDetect {
//! 车牌定位
CPlateLocate* m_plateLocate;
int m_type;
static std::string m_pathSvm;