// 这个文件定义了EasyPR里所有plate判断的通用函数
// 所属命名空间为easypr
// 这个部分中的函数轻易不要改动
#include "easypr/core/core_func.h"
using namespace cv;
namespace easypr {
//! 根据一幅图像与颜色模板获取对应的二值图
//! 输入RGB图像, 颜色模板(蓝色、黄色)
//! 输出灰度图(只有0和255两个值,255代表匹配,0代表不匹配)
Mat colorMatch(const Mat &src, Mat &match, const Color r,
const bool adaptive_minsv) {
// S和V的最小值由adaptive_minsv这个bool值判断
// 如果为true,则最小值取决于H值,按比例衰减
// 如果为false,则不再自适应,使用固定的最小值minabs_sv
// 默认为false
const float max_sv = 255;
const float minref_sv = 64;
const float minabs_sv = 95;
// blue的H范围
const int min_blue = 100; // 100
const int max_blue = 140; // 140
// yellow的H范围
const int min_yellow = 15; // 15
const int max_yellow = 40; // 40
// white的H范围
const int min_white = 0; // 15
const int max_white = 30; // 40
Mat src_hsv;
// 转到HSV空间进行处理,颜色搜索主要使用的是H分量进行蓝色与黄色的匹配工作
cvtColor(src, src_hsv, CV_BGR2HSV);
std::vector<cv::Mat> hsvSplit;
split(src_hsv, hsvSplit);
equalizeHist(hsvSplit[2], hsvSplit[2]);
merge(hsvSplit, src_hsv);
int min_h = 0;
int max_h = 0;
switch (r) {
case BLUE:
min_h = min_blue;
max_h = max_blue;
case YELLOW:
min_h = min_yellow;
max_h = max_yellow;
case WHITE:
min_h = min_white;
max_h = max_white;
// Color::UNKNOWN
float diff_h = float((max_h - min_h) / 2);
float avg_h = min_h + diff_h;
int channels = src_hsv.channels();
int nRows = src_hsv.rows;
int nCols = src_hsv.cols * channels;
if (src_hsv.isContinuous()) {
nCols *= nRows;
nRows = 1;
int i, j;
uchar* p;
float s_all = 0;
float v_all = 0;
float count = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nRows; ++i) {
p = src_hsv.ptr<uchar>(i);
for (j = 0; j < nCols; j += 3) {
int H = int(p[j]); // 0-180
int S = int(p[j + 1]); // 0-255
int V = int(p[j + 2]); // 0-255
s_all += S;
v_all += V;
bool colorMatched = false;
if (H > min_h && H < max_h) {
float Hdiff = 0;
if (H > avg_h)
Hdiff = H - avg_h;
Hdiff = avg_h - H;
float Hdiff_p = float(Hdiff) / diff_h;
// S和V的最小值由adaptive_minsv这个bool值判断
// 如果为true,则最小值取决于H值,按比例衰减
// 如果为false,则不再自适应,使用固定的最小值minabs_sv
float min_sv = 0;
if (true == adaptive_minsv)
min_sv =
minref_sv -
minref_sv / 2 *
- Hdiff_p); // inref_sv - minref_sv / 2 * (1 - Hdiff_p)
min_sv = minabs_sv; // add
if ((S > min_sv && S < max_sv) && (V > min_sv && V < max_sv))
colorMatched = true;
if (colorMatched == true) {
p[j] = 0;
p[j + 1] = 0;
p[j + 2] = 255;
} else {
p[j] = 0;
p[j + 1] = 0;
p[j + 2] = 0;
// cout << "avg_s:" << s_all / count << endl;
// cout << "avg_v:" << v_all / count << endl;
// 获取颜色匹配后的二值灰度图
Mat src_grey;
std::vector<cv::Mat> hsvSplit_done;
split(src_hsv, hsvSplit_done);
src_grey = hsvSplit_done[2];
match = src_grey;
return src_grey;
bool bFindLeftRightBound1(Mat &bound_threshold, int &posLeft, int &posRight) {
float span = bound_threshold.rows * 0.2f;
for (int i = 0; i < bound_threshold.cols - span - 1; i += 3) {
int whiteCount = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < bound_threshold.rows; k++) {
for (int l = i; l < i + span; l++) {
if (bound_threshold.data[k * bound_threshold.step[0] + l] == 255) {
if (whiteCount * 1.0 / (span * bound_threshold.rows) > 0.15) {
posLeft = i;
span = bound_threshold.rows * 0.2f;
for (int i = bound_threshold.cols - 1; i > span; i -= 2) {
int whiteCount = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < bound_threshold.rows; k++) {
for (int l = i; l > i - span; l--) {
if (bound_threshold.data[k * bound_threshold.step[0] + l] == 255) {
if (whiteCount * 1.0 / (span * bound_threshold.rows) > 0.06) {
posRight = i;
if (posRight + 5 < bound_threshold.cols) {
posRight = posRight + 5;
} else {
posRight = bound_threshold.cols - 1;
if (posLeft < posRight) {
return true;
return false;
bool bFindLeftRightBound(Mat &bound_threshold, int &posLeft, int &posRight) {
float span = bound_threshold.rows * 0.2f;
for (int i = 0; i < bound_threshold.cols - span - 1; i += 2) {
int whiteCount = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < bound_threshold.rows; k++) {
for (int l = i; l < i + span; l++) {
if (bound_threshold.data[k * bound_threshold.step[0] + l] == 255) {
if (whiteCount * 1.0 / (span * bound_threshold.rows) > 0.36) {
posLeft = i;
span = bound_threshold.rows * 0.2f;
for (int i = bound_threshold.cols - 1; i > span; i -= 2) {
int whiteCount = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < bound_threshold.rows; k++) {
for (int l = i; l > i - span; l--) {
if (bound_threshold.data[k * bound_threshold.step[0] + l] == 255) {
if (whiteCount * 1.0 / (span * bound_threshold.rows) > 0.26) {
posRight = i;
if (posLeft < posRight) {
return true;
return false;
bool bFindLeftRightBound2(Mat &bound_threshold, int &posLeft, int &posRight) {
float span = bound_threshold.rows * 0.2f;
for (int i = 0; i < bound_threshold.cols - span - 1; i += 3) {
int whiteCount = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < bound_threshold.rows; k++) {
for (int l = i; l < i + span; l++) {
if (bound_threshold.data[k * bound_threshold.step[0] + l] == 255) {
if (whiteCount * 1.0 / (span * bound_threshold.rows) > 0.32) {
posLeft = i;
span = bound_threshold.rows * 0.2f;
for (int i = bound_threshold.cols - 1; i > span; i -= 3) {
int whiteCount = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < bound_threshold.rows; k++) {
for (int l = i; l > i - span; l--) {
if (bound_threshold.data[k * bound_threshold.step[0] + l] == 255) {
if (whiteCount * 1.0 / (span * bound_threshold.rows) > 0.22) {
posRight = i;
if (posLeft < posRight) {
return true;
return false;
//! 判断一个车牌的颜色
//! 输入车牌mat与颜色模板
//! 返回true或fasle
bool plateColorJudge(const Mat &src, const Color r, const bool adaptive_minsv,
float &percent) {
// 判断阈值
const float thresh = 0.45f;
Mat src_gray;
colorMatch(src, src_gray, r, adaptive_minsv);
percent =
float(countNonZero(src_gray)) / float(src_gray.rows * src_gray.cols);
// cout << "percent:" << percent << endl;
if (percent > thresh)
return true;
return false;
Color getPlateType(const Mat &src, const bool adaptive_minsv) {
float max_percent = 0;
Color max_color = UNKNOWN;
float blue_percent = 0;
float yellow_percent = 0;
float white_percent = 0;
if (plateColorJudge(src, BLUE, adaptive_minsv, blue_percent) == true) {
// cout << "BLUE" << endl;
return BLUE;
} else if (plateColorJudge(src, YELLOW, adaptive_minsv, yellow_percent) ==
true) {
// cout << "YELLOW" << endl;
return YELLOW;
} else if (plateColorJudge(src, WHITE, adaptive_minsv, white_percent) ==
true) {
// cout << "WHITE" << endl;
return WHITE;
} else {
// cout << "OTHER" << endl;
// 如果任意一者都不大于阈值,则取值最大者
max_percent = blue_percent > yellow_percent ? blue_percent : yellow_percent;
max_color = blue_percent > yellow_percent ? BLUE : YELLOW;
max_color = max_percent > white_percent ? max_color : WHITE;
return max_color;
void clearLiuDingOnly(Mat &img) {
const int x = 7;
Mat jump = Mat::zeros(1, img.rows, CV_32F);
for (int i = 0; i < img.rows; i++) {
int jumpCount = 0;
int whiteCount = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < img.cols - 1; j++) {
if (img.at<char>(i, j) != img.at<char>(i, j + 1)) jumpCount++;
if (img.at<uchar>(i, j) == 255) {
jump.at<float>(i) = (float) jumpCount;
for (int i = 0; i < img.rows; i++) {
if (jump.at<float>(i) <= x) {
for (int j = 0; j < img.cols; j++) {
img.at<char>(i, j) = 0;
// X的推荐值为,可根据实际调整
bool clearLiuDing(Mat &img) {
std::vector<float> fJump;
int whiteCount = 0;
const int x = 7;
Mat jump = Mat::zeros(1, img.rows, CV_32F);
for (int i = 0; i < img.rows; i++) {
int jumpCount = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < img.cols - 1; j++) {
if (img.at<char>(i, j) != img.at<char>(i, j + 1)) jumpCount++;
if (img.at<uchar>(i, j) == 255) {
jump.at<float>(i) = (float) jumpCount;
int iCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < img.rows; i++) {
if (jump.at<float>(i) >= 16 && jump.at<float>(i) <= 45) {
if (iCount * 1.0 / img.rows <= 0.40) {
return false;
if (whiteCount * 1.0 / (img.rows * img.cols) < 0.15 ||
whiteCount * 1.0 / (img.rows * img.cols) > 0.50) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < img.rows; i++) {
if (jump.at<float>(i) <= x) {
for (int j = 0; j < img.cols; j++) {
img.at<char>(i, j) = 0;
return true;
void clearLiuDing(Mat mask, int &top, int &bottom) {
const int x = 7;
for (int i = 0; i < mask.rows / 2; i++) {
int whiteCount = 0;
int jumpCount = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < mask.cols - 1; j++) {
if (mask.at<char>(i, j) != mask.at<char>(i, j + 1)) jumpCount++;
if ((int) mask.at<uchar>(i, j) == 255) {
if ((jumpCount < x && whiteCount * 1.0 / mask.cols > 0.15) ||
whiteCount < 4) {
top = i;
top -= 1;
if (top < 0) {
top = 0;
// ok,找到上下边界
for (int i = mask.rows - 1; i >= mask.rows / 2; i--) {
int jumpCount = 0;
int whiteCount = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < mask.cols - 1; j++) {
if (mask.at<char>(i, j) != mask.at<char>(i, j + 1)) jumpCount++;
if (mask.at<uchar>(i, j) == 255) {
if ((jumpCount < x && whiteCount * 1.0 / mask.cols > 0.15) ||
whiteCount < 4) {
bottom = i;
bottom += 1;
if (bottom >= mask.rows) {
bottom = mask.rows - 1;
if (top >= bottom) {
top = 0;
bottom = mask.rows - 1;
int ThresholdOtsu(Mat mat) {
int height = mat.rows;
int width = mat.cols;
// histogram
float histogram[256] = {0};
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
unsigned char p = (unsigned char) ((mat.data[i * mat.step[0] + j]));
// normalize histogram
int size = height * width;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
histogram[i] = histogram[i] / size;
// average pixel value
float avgValue = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
avgValue += i * histogram[i];
int thresholdV;
float maxVariance = 0;
float w = 0, u = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
w += histogram[i];
u += i * histogram[i];
float t = avgValue * w - u;
float variance = t * t / (w * (1 - w));
if (variance > maxVariance) {
maxVariance = variance;
thresholdV = i;
return thresholdV;
//! 直方图均衡
Mat histeq(Mat in) {
Mat out(in.size(), in.type());
if (in.channels() == 3) {
Mat hsv;
std::vector<cv::Mat> hsvSplit;
cvtColor(in, hsv, CV_BGR2HSV);
split(hsv, hsvSplit);
equalizeHist(hsvSplit[2], hsvSplit[2]);
merge(hsvSplit, hsv);
cvtColor(hsv, out, CV_HSV2BGR);
} else if (in.channels() == 1) {
equalizeHist(in, out);
return out;
#define HORIZONTAL 1
#define VERTICAL 0
Mat CutTheRect(Mat &in, Rect &rect) {
int size = in.cols; // (rect.width>rect.height)?rect.width:rect.height;
Mat dstMat(size, size, CV_8UC1);
dstMat.setTo(Scalar(0, 0, 0));
int x = (int) floor((float) (size - rect.width) / 2.0f);
int y = (int) floor((float) (size - rect.height) / 2.0f);
//把rect中的数据 考取到dstMat的中间
for (int i = 0; i < rect.height; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < rect.width; ++j) {
dstMat.data[dstMat.step[0] * (i + y) + j + x] =
in.data[in.step[0] * (i + rect.y) + j + rect.x];
return dstMat;
Rect GetCenterRect(Mat &in) {
Rect _rect;
int top = 0;
int bottom = in.rows - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < in.rows; ++i) {
bool bFind = false;
for (int j = 0; j < in.cols; ++j) {
if (in.data[i * in.step[0] + j] > 20) {
top = i;
bFind = true;
if (bFind) {
for (int i = in.rows - 1;
i >= 0;
--i) {
bool bFind = false;
for (int j = 0; j < in.cols; ++j) {
if (in.data[i * in.step[0] + j] > 20) {
bottom = i;
bFind = true;
if (bFind) {
int left = 0;
int right = in.cols - 1;
for (int j = 0; j < in.cols; ++j) {
bool bFind = false;
for (int i = 0; i < in.rows; ++i) {
if (in.data[i * in.step[0] + j] > 20) {
left = j;
bFind = true;
if (bFind) {
for (int j = in.cols - 1;
j >= 0;
--j) {
bool bFind = false;
for (int i = 0; i < in.rows; ++i) {
if (in.data[i * in.step[0] + j] > 20) {
right = j;
bFind = true;
if (bFind) {
_rect.x = left;
_rect.y = top;
_rect.width = right - left + 1;
_rect.height = bottom - top + 1;
return _rect;
Mat features(Mat in, int sizeData) {
Rect _rect = GetCenterRect(in);
Mat tmpIn = CutTheRect(in, _rect);
// Mat tmpIn = in.clone();
// Low data feature
Mat lowData;
resize(tmpIn, lowData, Size(sizeData, sizeData));
// Histogram features
Mat vhist = ProjectedHistogram(lowData, VERTICAL);
Mat hhist = ProjectedHistogram(lowData, HORIZONTAL);
// Last 10 is the number of moments components
int numCols = vhist.cols + hhist.cols + lowData.cols * lowData.cols;
Mat out = Mat::zeros(1, numCols, CV_32F);
// Asign values to
// feature,ANN的样本特征为水平、垂直直方图和低分辨率图像所组成的矢量
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < vhist.cols; i++) {
out.at<float>(j) = vhist.at<float>(i);
for (int i = 0; i < hhist.cols; i++) {
out.at<float>(j) = hhist.at<float>(i);
for (int x = 0; x < lowData.cols; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < lowData.rows; y++) {
out.at<float>(j) += (float) lowData.at < unsigned
char > (x, y);
return out;
float countOfBigValue(Mat &mat, int iValue) {
float iCount = 0.0;
if (mat.rows > 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < mat.rows; ++i) {
if (mat.data[i * mat.step[0]] > iValue) {
iCount += 1.0;
return iCount;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < mat.cols; ++i) {
if (mat.data[i] > iValue) {
iCount += 1.0;
return iCount;
// !获取垂直和水平方向直方图
Mat ProjectedHistogram(Mat img, int t) {
int sz = (t) ? img.rows : img.cols;
Mat mhist = Mat::zeros(1, sz, CV_32F);
for (int j = 0; j < sz; j++) {
Mat data = (t) ? img.row(j) : img.col(j);
mhist.at<float>(j) = countOfBigValue(data, 20);
// Normalize histogram
double min, max;
minMaxLoc(mhist, &min, &max);
if (max > 0)
mhist.convertTo(mhist, -1, 1.0f / max, 0);
return mhist;
Mat preprocessChar(Mat in, int char_size) {
// Remap image
int h = in.rows;
int w = in.cols;
int charSize = char_size;
Mat transformMat = Mat::eye(2, 3, CV_32F);
int m = max(w, h);
transformMat.at<float>(0, 2) = float(m / 2 - w / 2);
transformMat.at<float>(1, 2) = float(m / 2 - h / 2);
Mat warpImage(m, m, in.type());
warpAffine(in, warpImage, transformMat, warpImage.size(), INTER_LINEAR,
//! 将所有的字符调整成统一的尺寸
Mat out;
resize(warpImage, out, Size(charSize, charSize));
return out;
Rect GetChineseRect(const Rect rectSpe) {
int height = rectSpe.height;
float newwidth = rectSpe.width * 1.2f;
int x = rectSpe.x;
int y = rectSpe.y;
int newx = x - int(newwidth * 1.2);
newx = newx > 0 ? newx : 0;
Rect a(newx, y, int(newwidth), height);
return a;
} |