#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
using namespace cv;
/*! \namespace easypr
Namespace where all the C++ EasyPR functionality resides
namespace easypr {
enum LocateType { SOBEL, COLOR, CMSER, OTHER };
PR_DETECT_SOBEL = 0x01, /**Sobel detect type,using twice Sobel */
PR_DETECT_COLOR = 0x02, /**Color detect type */
PR_DETECT_CMSER = 0x04, /**Character detect type,using mser */
//! 根据一幅图像与颜色模板获取对应的二值图
//! 输入RGB图像, 颜色模板(蓝色、黄色)
//! 输出灰度图(只有0和255两个值,255代表匹配,0代表不匹配)
Mat colorMatch(const Mat& src, Mat& match, const Color r,
const bool adaptive_minsv);
Mat mserMatch(const Mat& src, Mat& match, const Color r,
std::vector<RotatedRect>& plateRect, std::vector<Rect>& out_charRect);
//! 判断一个车牌的颜色
//! 输入车牌mat与颜色模板
//! 返回true或fasle
bool plateColorJudge(const Mat& src, const Color r, const bool adaptive_minsv,
float& percent);
bool bFindLeftRightBound(Mat& bound_threshold, int& posLeft, int& posRight);
bool bFindLeftRightBound1(Mat& bound_threshold, int& posLeft, int& posRight);
bool bFindLeftRightBound2(Mat& bound_threshold, int& posLeft, int& posRight);
// X的推荐值为,可根据实际调整
bool clearLiuDing(Mat& img);
void clearLiuDingOnly(Mat& img);
void clearLiuDing(Mat mask, int& top, int& bottom);
//! 获得车牌颜色
Color getPlateType(const Mat& src, const bool adaptive_minsv);
//! 直方图均衡
Mat histeq(Mat in);
Mat charFeatures(Mat in, int sizeData);
Rect GetCenterRect(Mat& in);
Mat CutTheRect(Mat& in, Rect& rect);
int ThresholdOtsu(Mat mat);
//! 获取垂直和水平方向直方图
Mat ProjectedHistogram(Mat img, int t);
Mat preprocessChar(Mat in, int char_size);
Rect GetChineseRect(const Rect rectSpe);
bool verifyCharSizes(Rect r);
bool verifyPlateSize(Rect mr);
bool verifyRotatedPlateSizes(RotatedRect mr);
Mat scaleImage(const Mat& image, const Size& maxSize, double& scale_ratio);
/** @brief convert form mser point to image.
The function created first by Hailiang Xu.
Modified by Ruoze Liu.
Mat adaptive_image_from_points(const std::vector<Point>& points,
const Rect& rect, const Size& size, const Scalar& backgroundColor = Scalar(0, 0, 0),
const Scalar& forgroundColor = Scalar(255, 255, 255), bool gray = true);
//! 计算一个安全的Rect
bool calcSafeRect(const RotatedRect& roi_rect, const Mat& src,
Rect_<float>& safeBoundRect);
} /*! \namespace easypr*/