In tasks such as machine translation and visual captioning,
a [sequence decoder]( is necessary to generate sequences, one word at a time.
The [beam search algorithm]( is necessary when generating sequences. It is a heuristic search algorithm that explores the paths by expanding the most promising node in a limited set.
In the old version of PaddlePaddle, the C++ class `RecurrentGradientMachine` implements the general sequence decoder based on beam search, due to the complexity involved, the implementation relies on a lot of special data structures that are quite trivial and hard to be customized by users.
During the refactoring of PaddlePaddle, some new concepts are proposed such as: [LoDTensor]( and [TensorArray]( that can better support the sequence usage, and they can also help make the implementation of beam search based sequence decoder **more transparent and modular** .
There are many scenarios that rely on empty sequence representation, for example in machine translation or visual captioning, one instance has no translation or the empty candidate set for a prefix.
Let's start from a simple machine translation model that is simplified from the [machine translation chapter]( to draw a blueprint of what a sequence decoder can do and how to use it.
The implementation of sequence decoder can reuse the C++ class: [RNNAlgorithm](,
so the python syntax is quite similar to that of an [RNN](
Unlike an RNN, in sequence decoder, the previous state and the current state have different LoD and shape, and an `lod_expand` operator is used to expand the LoD of the previous state to fit the current state.
The `selected_ids` are the candidate ids for the prefixes, and will be `Packed` by `TensorArray` to a two-level `LoDTensor`, where the first level represents the source sequences and the second level represents generated sequences.
All of these are LoDTensors, so that the sequence affiliation is clear. Beam search will keep a beam for each prefix and select a smaller candidate set for each prefix.
Currently, PaddlePaddle has a module called `TensorArray` which can store an array of tensors. It is better to store the results of beam search in a `TensorArray`.