In Neural Network, most models are solved by the backpropagation algorithm(known as **BP**) at present. Technically, BP calculates the gradient of the loss function, then propagates it back through the networks following the chain rule. However, when configuring the model structure, users do not need to define the backward part. So a mechanism is required by the framework which can complete the model's backward part automatically according to the given forward part.
When implementing a specific `op`, the developer is also asked to implement its backward version, called `grad_op`. A `grad_op` takes gradients of its corresponding `op`'s outputs, and calculate gradients of the `op`'s inputs. During the building of a model's backward part, the framework creates each forward `op`'s `grad_op`, and then string them together in reverse order of forwarding part. In this way, gradients spread from the end to the beginning of the model, in another word, from the loss to parameters.
The motivation of backward building is apparent. However, implementation it correctly is not so easy. In the **Fluid** design, a deep learning model is described by `Program`, `Block`, `Op` and `Variable`. The `Block` itself can be nested. It means that the `op`s and `variable`s are scattered across different blocks rather than all be gathered in a single graph. Our backward building algorithm shall visit blocks in recursive order and be able to insert `grad_op`s and new created `variable`s into the right place.
By invoking this API, the framework appends backward part of the program where the `loss` is. It takes three arguments. `loss` means the final loss value. It must be a scalar and is usually the output of the loss layer. It is also where the gradient generated and backpropagation starts. `parameter_list` marks all parameters needs updating. If it's `None`, all parameter will be updated by optimizers. `no_grad_set` marks variables without gradient. if all outputs of some `grad_op` are in `no_grad_set`, the `grad_op` will not be run.
The implementation of backward building algorithm is in `` file. The whole algorithm can be divided into two independent parts: creating `grad_op`s and creating new variables.
Given a `block`, the function will traverses all `op`s in this block in reverse order, gets corresponding `grad_op` from the C++ core via `core.get_grad_op_desc()`, then append it to `target_block`.
However, some specific `op`(e.g. `while_op`, `if_else_op`) can hold its own sub-block. For these sub-blocks contains `op`s as well, the `grad_op` creating should be recursive.
During the reverse traversal, we check each `op` whether it has an attribute named `sub_block`. If so, it means there is a sub-block and we need to deal with it first. After creating a new block whose father is the one in `op`'s attribute, we invoke `_append_backward_ops_()` recursively, assigning the new block to parameter `target_block` and the one in `op`'s attribute to `block`. The *pseudo-code* shows this process:
The first invoking of `_append_backward_ops_()` is initiated by `append_backward()`, in which parameters `block` and `target_block` are all assigned with root block(the block with index 0).
In the previous section, we show the regular process of `grad_op` creating. However, in some corner cases, the conventional algorithm is not enough to get the correct result and appending handling is required. These additional processes run after the algorithm mentioned above and do some special adjusts on its output `grad_op`s.
If a variable is read by more than one `op` in the forward pass, its gradient is likely to be written by more than one `grad_op`s in the next backward pass. To make the gradient result being the sum of all `grad_op`s' outputs instead of the last running one, we assign each output with a temporary variable and then add a `sum_op` to add them up.
For the debug convenience, if the final gradient name is `w@GRAD`, it's corresponding temporary variables will be named as `w@GRAD@RENAME@0`, `w@GRAD@RENAME@1`...
In our framework, variables can be marked as *no_gradient*, it means that the gradient of this variable is unnecessary and can be considered as zero in model training. Apparently, when all the outputs of some `grad_op` are marked as *no_gradient*, the `grad_op` itself can be skipped in backward pass.
Another situation is all the gradient inputs of some `grad_op` are marked as *no_gradient*, which means all of them can be considered as zeros. For `grad_op`s are in essence the propagation of gradients, all the outputs are definitely zeros when all gradient inputs are zeros. Therefore the `grad_op` can also be skipped.
It should be noted that all these zero gradients still need to be creating and initialized by something, otherwise following `grad_op`s who take these gradients as inputs take the risk of using uninitialized memory. In our code, we employ `fill_zeros_like_op` to initialize them as all zeros.
This features are implemented in function `_remove_no_grad_branch_`. It checks new created `grad_op`s one-by-one, removes who can be skipped and inserts `fill_zeros_like_op` when its necessary. We can get the `no_grad_set` from the `_append_backward_ops_` argument `no_grad_dict` or generate it on the fly by scanning all variables' `no_gradient` attribute(True or False).
Up to now, we have completed all creating and adjusting jobs of `grad_op`s. However, backward variables have not been created. Now they are only represented by `grad_op`'s input and output arguments. The backward variable creating job will be done by:
Given a `block`, this function traverses all the `grad_op`s in it(The argument `start_op_idx` indicates where the grad_op sequence starts.) and creates all the uncreated outputs. The *pseudo-code* shows this process: