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#include "paddle/operators/net_op.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
using Scope = framework::Scope;
using DeviceContext = platform::DeviceContext;
static int infer_shape_cnt = 0;
static int run_cnt = 0;
class TestOp : public framework::OperatorBase {
using framework::OperatorBase::OperatorBase;
void InferShape(const Scope& scope) const override { ++infer_shape_cnt; }
void Run(const Scope& scope,
const platform::DeviceContext& dev_ctx) const override {
template <typename T>
void AssertSameVectorWithoutOrder(const std::vector<T>& expected,
const std::vector<T>& actual) {
ASSERT_EQ(expected.size(), actual.size());
std::unordered_set<T> expected_set;
for (auto& tmp : expected) {
for (auto& act : actual) {
ASSERT_NE(expected_set.end(), expected_set.find(act));
TEST(OpKernel, all) {
auto net = std::make_shared<NetOp>();
8 years ago
ASSERT_NE(net, nullptr);
auto op1 = std::shared_ptr<TestOp>(
new TestOp("test", {{"X", {"x"}}, {"W", {"w1"}}, {"b", {"b1"}}},
{{"Out", {"y"}}}, {}));
8 years ago
auto op2 = std::shared_ptr<TestOp>(
new TestOp("test", {{"X", {"y"}}, {"W", {"w2"}}, {"b", {"b2"}}},
{{"Out", {"z"}}}, {}));
8 years ago
AssertSameVectorWithoutOrder({"x", "w1", "b1", "w2", "b2"},
AssertSameVectorWithoutOrder({"y", "z"}, net->Outputs(NetOp::kAll));
8 years ago
auto final_outs = net->OutputVars(false);
8 years ago
ASSERT_EQ(final_outs.size(), 1UL);
ASSERT_EQ(final_outs[0], "z");
TEST(NetOp, insert_op) {
NetOp net;
auto op1 = std::shared_ptr<framework::NOP>(
new framework::NOP("empty", {{"X", {"x"}}, {"W", {"w1"}}, {"b", {"b1"}}},
{{"Out", {"y"}}}, {}));
net.InsertOp(0, op1);
ASSERT_EQ(2UL, net.ops_.size());
net.InsertOp(2, op1);
ASSERT_EQ(3UL, net.ops_.size());
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle