You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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/* Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserve. Licensed under
the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License. */
syntax = "proto3";
package sendrecv;
option cc_generic_services = @cc_generic_services@;
service SendRecvService {
// For parameter server round-robin like hashing, do not split tensors.
// Send and recv only one tensor
7 years ago
// TODO(typhoonzero): add streaming API
rpc SendVariable(VariableMessage) returns (VoidMessage) {}
// Argument VariableMessage for GetVariable should only contain varname.
7 years ago
rpc GetVariable(VariableMessage) returns (VariableMessage) {}
// pre-fetch variable by given variable name and Ids
rpc PrefetchVariable(VariableMessage) returns (VariableMessage) {}
rpc CheckpointNotify(VariableMessage) returns (VoidMessage) {}
// VariableMessage is serialized paddle variable message.
// It can be:
// LoDTensor
// SelectedRows
enum VarType {
7 years ago
NCCL_ID = 2;
// NOTICE(gongwb):don't modify this proto if you are not
// not familar with how we serialize in sendrecvop_utils.h
// and deserilize it in variable_response.h.
message VariableMessage {
enum Type {
// Pod Types
BOOL = 0;
INT16 = 1;
INT32 = 2;
INT64 = 3;
FP16 = 4;
FP32 = 5;
FP64 = 6;
message LodData { repeated int64 lod_data = 1; }
string varname = 1;
// TODO(Yancey1989): reference framework::proto::VarDesc::VarType
VarType type = 2;
// bool persistable is not needed for sending.
// tensor info:
Type data_type = 3;
repeated int64 dims = 4;
// lod details:
int64 lod_level = 5;
repeated LodData lod = 6;
// selected_rows height, aka. original dim0
int64 slr_height = 7;
// tensor data
bytes serialized = 8;
// selected_rows data
bytes rows = 9;
// Look up table block execution output variable name.
string out_varname = 10;
7 years ago
// If 1, the ps server will start profiling, the ps
// server stops profiling and generates a profile to /tmp/profile_ps_*
7 years ago
// when profile switches from 1 to 2.
int64 profile = 11;
int64 trainer_id = 12;
string table_name = 13;
message VoidMessage {}