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name: 训练Training issue
about: 您可以提问训练中报错、应用、出core等问题。 You could use this template for reporting an training
- 标题简洁、精准概括您的问题例如“Insufficient Memory xxx" ”
- 版本、环境信息:
   4系统环境请您描述系统类型、版本例如Mac OS 10.14Python版本
- 训练信息
- 复现信息:如为报错,请给出复现环境、复现步骤
- 问题描述:请详细描述您的问题,同步贴出报错信息、日志、可复现的代码片段
Thank you for contributing to PaddlePaddle.
Before submitting the issue, you could search issue in the github in case that there was a similar issue submitted or resolved before.
If there is no solution,please make sure that this is a training issue including the following details:
**System information**
-PaddlePaddle version eg.1.1or CommitID
-CPU: including CPUMKL/OpenBlas/MKLDNN version
-GPU: including CUDA/CUDNN version
-OS Platform (eg.Mac OS 10.14)
-Other imformation: Distriuted training/informantion of operator/
Graphics card storage
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior
**Describe your current behavior**
**Code to reproduce the issue**
**Other info / logs**