# Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserve.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# generic.cmake defines CMakes functions that look like Bazel's
# building rules (https://bazel.build/).
# -------------------------------------------
# C++ CUDA C++ Go
# -------------------------------------------
# cc_library nv_library go_library
# cc_binary nv_binary go_binary
# cc_test nv_test go_test
# -------------------------------------------
# To build a static library example.a from example.cc using the system
# compiler (like GCC):
# cc_library(example SRCS example.cc)
# To build a static library example.a from multiple source files
# example{1,2,3}.cc:
# cc_library(example SRCS example1.cc example2.cc example3.cc)
# To build a shared library example.so from example.cc:
# cc_library(example SHARED SRCS example.cc)
# To build a library using Nvidia's NVCC from .cu file(s), use the nv_
# prefixed version:
# nv_library(example SRCS example.cu)
# To specify that a library new_example.a depends on other libraies:
# cc_library(new_example SRCS new_example.cc DEPS example)
# Static libraries can be composed of other static libraries:
# cc_library(composed DEPS dependent1 dependent2 dependent3)
# To build an executable binary file from some source files and
# dependent libraries:
# cc_binary(example SRCS main.cc something.cc DEPS example1 example2)
# To build an executable binary file using NVCC, use the nv_ prefixed
# version:
# nv_binary(example SRCS main.cc something.cu DEPS example1 example2)
# To build a unit test binary, which is an executable binary with
# GoogleTest linked:
# cc_test(example_test SRCS example_test.cc DEPS example)
# To build a unit test binary using NVCC, use the nv_ prefixed version:
# nv_test(example_test SRCS example_test.cu DEPS example)
# It is pretty often that executable and test binaries depend on
# pre-defined external libaries like glog and gflags defined in
# /cmake/external/*.cmake:
# cc_test(example_test SRCS example_test.cc DEPS example glog gflags)
# To build a go static library using Golang, use the go_ prefixed version:
# go_library(example STATIC)
# To build a go shared library using Golang, use the go_ prefixed version:
# go_library(example SHARED)
# including binary directory for generated headers.
include_directories ( ${ CMAKE_BINARY_DIR } )
if ( NOT APPLE )
find_package ( Threads REQUIRED )
link_libraries ( ${ CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT } )
endif ( NOT APPLE )
function ( merge_static_libs TARGET_NAME )
set ( libs ${ ARGN } )
# First get the file names of the libraries to be merged
foreach ( lib ${ libs } )
set ( libfiles ${ libfiles } $< TARGET_FILE:${lib} > )
endforeach ( )
if ( APPLE ) # Use OSX's libtool to merge archives
set ( dummyfile ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR } / ${ TARGET_NAME } _dummy.c )
file ( WRITE ${ dummyfile } "const char * dummy = \" ${ dummyfile } \";")
add_library ( ${ TARGET_NAME } STATIC ${ dummyfile } )
add_custom_command ( TARGET ${ TARGET_NAME } POST_BUILD
C O M M A N D r m " $ { C M A K E _ C U R R E N T _ B I N A R Y _ D I R } / l i b $ { T A R G E T _ N A M E } . a "
C O M M A N D / u s r / b i n / l i b t o o l - s t a t i c - o " $ { C M A K E _ C U R R E N T _ B I N A R Y _ D I R } / l i b $ { T A R G E T _ N A M E } . a " $ { l i b f i l e s } )
else ( ) # general UNIX: use "ar" to extract objects and re-add to a common lib
foreach ( lib ${ libs } )
set ( objlistfile ${ lib } .objlist ) # list of objects in the input library
set ( objdir ${ lib } .objdir )
add_custom_command ( OUTPUT ${ objdir }
C O M M A N D $ { C M A K E _ C O M M A N D } - E m a k e _ d i r e c t o r y $ { o b j d i r } )
add_custom_command ( OUTPUT ${ objlistfile }
C O M M A N D $ { C M A K E _ A R } - x " $ < T A R G E T _ F I L E : $ { l i b } > "
C O M M A N D $ { C M A K E _ A R } - t " $ < T A R G E T _ F I L E : $ { l i b } > " > . . / $ { o b j l i s t f i l e }
D E P E N D S $ { l i b } $ { o b j d i r }
W O R K I N G _ D I R E C T O R Y $ { o b j d i r } )
# Empty dummy source file that goes into merged library
set ( mergebase ${ lib } .mergebase.c )
add_custom_command ( OUTPUT ${ mergebase }
C O M M A N D $ { C M A K E _ C O M M A N D } - E t o u c h $ { m e r g e b a s e }
D E P E N D S $ { o b j l i s t f i l e } )
list ( APPEND mergebases "${mergebase}" )
endforeach ( )
# We need a target for the output merged library
add_library ( ${ TARGET_NAME } STATIC ${ mergebases } )
set ( outlibfile "$<TARGET_FILE:${TARGET_NAME}>" )
foreach ( lib ${ libs } )
add_custom_command ( TARGET ${ TARGET_NAME } POST_BUILD
C O M M A N D $ { C M A K E _ A R } r u $ { o u t l i b f i l e } @ " . . / $ { l i b } . o b j l i s t "
W O R K I N G _ D I R E C T O R Y $ { l i b } . o b j d i r )
endforeach ( )
add_custom_command ( TARGET ${ TARGET_NAME } POST_BUILD
C O M M A N D $ { C M A K E _ R A N L I B } $ { o u t l i b f i l e } )
endif ( )
endfunction ( merge_static_libs )
function ( cc_library TARGET_NAME )
set ( options STATIC static SHARED shared )
set ( oneValueArgs "" )
set ( multiValueArgs SRCS DEPS )
cmake_parse_arguments ( cc_library "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ ARGN } )
if ( cc_library_SRCS )
if ( cc_library_SHARED OR cc_library_shared ) # build *.so
add_library ( ${ TARGET_NAME } SHARED ${ cc_library_SRCS } )
else ( )
add_library ( ${ TARGET_NAME } STATIC ${ cc_library_SRCS } )
endif ( )
if ( cc_library_DEPS )
add_dependencies ( ${ TARGET_NAME } ${ cc_library_DEPS } )
endif ( )
else ( cc_library_SRCS )
if ( cc_library_DEPS )
merge_static_libs ( ${ TARGET_NAME } ${ cc_library_DEPS } )
else ( )
message ( FATAL "Please specify source file or library in cc_library." )
endif ( )
endif ( cc_library_SRCS )
endfunction ( cc_library )
function ( cc_binary TARGET_NAME )
set ( options "" )
set ( oneValueArgs "" )
set ( multiValueArgs SRCS DEPS )
cmake_parse_arguments ( cc_binary "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ ARGN } )
add_executable ( ${ TARGET_NAME } ${ cc_binary_SRCS } )
if ( cc_binary_DEPS )
target_link_libraries ( ${ TARGET_NAME } ${ cc_binary_DEPS } )
add_dependencies ( ${ TARGET_NAME } ${ cc_binary_DEPS } )
endif ( )
endfunction ( cc_binary )
function ( cc_test TARGET_NAME )
set ( options "" )
set ( oneValueArgs "" )
set ( multiValueArgs SRCS DEPS )
cmake_parse_arguments ( cc_test "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ ARGN } )
add_executable ( ${ TARGET_NAME } ${ cc_test_SRCS } )
target_link_libraries ( ${ TARGET_NAME } ${ cc_test_DEPS } gtest gtest_main )
add_dependencies ( ${ TARGET_NAME } ${ cc_test_DEPS } gtest gtest_main )
add_test ( ${ TARGET_NAME } ${ TARGET_NAME } )
endif ( )
endfunction ( cc_test )
function ( nv_library TARGET_NAME )
if ( WITH_GPU )
set ( options STATIC static SHARED shared )
set ( oneValueArgs "" )
set ( multiValueArgs SRCS DEPS )
cmake_parse_arguments ( nv_library "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ ARGN } )
if ( nv_library_SRCS )
if ( nv_library_SHARED OR nv_library_shared ) # build *.so
cuda_add_library ( ${ TARGET_NAME } SHARED ${ nv_library_SRCS } )
else ( )
cuda_add_library ( ${ TARGET_NAME } STATIC ${ nv_library_SRCS } )
endif ( )
if ( nv_library_DEPS )
add_dependencies ( ${ TARGET_NAME } ${ nv_library_DEPS } )
endif ( )
else ( nv_library_SRCS )
if ( nv_library_DEPS )
merge_static_libs ( ${ TARGET_NAME } ${ nv_library_DEPS } )
else ( )
message ( FATAL "Please specify source file or library in nv_library." )
endif ( )
endif ( nv_library_SRCS )
endif ( )
endfunction ( nv_library )
function ( nv_binary TARGET_NAME )
if ( WITH_GPU )
set ( options "" )
set ( oneValueArgs "" )
set ( multiValueArgs SRCS DEPS )
cmake_parse_arguments ( nv_binary "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ ARGN } )
cuda_add_executable ( ${ TARGET_NAME } ${ nv_binary_SRCS } )
if ( nv_binary_DEPS )
target_link_libraries ( ${ TARGET_NAME } ${ nv_binary_DEPS } )
add_dependencies ( ${ TARGET_NAME } ${ nv_binary_DEPS } )
endif ( )
endif ( )
endfunction ( nv_binary )
function ( nv_test TARGET_NAME )
set ( options "" )
set ( oneValueArgs "" )
set ( multiValueArgs SRCS DEPS )
cmake_parse_arguments ( nv_test "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ ARGN } )
cuda_add_executable ( ${ TARGET_NAME } ${ nv_test_SRCS } )
target_link_libraries ( ${ TARGET_NAME } ${ nv_test_DEPS } gtest gtest_main )
add_dependencies ( ${ TARGET_NAME } ${ nv_test_DEPS } gtest gtest_main )
add_test ( ${ TARGET_NAME } ${ TARGET_NAME } )
endif ( )
endfunction ( nv_test )
function ( go_library TARGET_NAME )
set ( options STATIC static SHARED shared )
set ( oneValueArgs "" )
set ( multiValueArgs DEPS )
cmake_parse_arguments ( go_library "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ ARGN } )
if ( go_library_SHARED OR go_library_shared )
set ( BUILD_MODE "-buildmode=c-shared" )
else ( )
set ( BUILD_MODE "-buildmode=c-archive" )
endif ( )
# Add dummy code to support `make target_name` under Terminal Command
set ( dummyfile ${ CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR } / ${ TARGET_NAME } _dummy.c )
file ( WRITE ${ dummyfile } "const char * dummy = \" ${ dummyfile } \";")
if ( go_library_SHARED OR go_library_shared )
add_library ( ${ TARGET_NAME } SHARED ${ dummyfile } )
else ( )
add_library ( ${ TARGET_NAME } STATIC ${ dummyfile } )
endif ( )
if ( go_library_DEPS )
add_dependencies ( ${ TARGET_NAME } ${ go_library_DEPS } )
endif ( go_library_DEPS )
set ( ${ TARGET_NAME } _LIB_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${${TARGET_NAME}_LIB_NAME}" CACHE STRING "output library path for target ${TARGET_NAME}" )
add_custom_command ( TARGET ${ TARGET_NAME } POST_BUILD
C O M M A N D r m " $ { $ { T A R G E T _ N A M E } _ L I B _ P A T H } "
# Golang build source code
C O M M A N D e n v G O P A T H = $ { G O P A T H } $ { C M A K E _ G o _ C O M P I L E R } b u i l d $ { B U I L D _ M O D E }
- o " $ { $ { T A R G E T _ N A M E } _ L I B _ P A T H } "
" . / $ { C M A K E _ C U R R E N T _ S O U R C E _ R E L _ D I R } / $ { G O _ S O U R C E } "
# must run under GOPATH
W O R K I N G _ D I R E C T O R Y " $ { P A D D L E _ I N _ G O P A T H } / g o " )
add_dependencies ( ${ TARGET_NAME } go_vendor )
endfunction ( go_library )
function ( go_binary TARGET_NAME )
set ( options OPTIONAL )
set ( oneValueArgs "" )
set ( multiValueArgs SRCS DEPS )
cmake_parse_arguments ( go_binary "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ ARGN } )
add_custom_command ( OUTPUT ${ TARGET_NAME } _timestamp
C O M M A N D e n v G O P A T H = $ { G O P A T H } $ { C M A K E _ G o _ C O M P I L E R } b u i l d
- o " $ { C M A K E _ C U R R E N T _ B I N A R Y _ D I R } / $ { T A R G E T _ N A M E } "
" . / $ { C M A K E _ C U R R E N T _ S O U R C E _ R E L _ D I R } / $ { g o _ b i n a r y _ S R C S } "
W O R K I N G _ D I R E C T O R Y " $ { P A D D L E _ I N _ G O P A T H } / g o " )
# TODO: don't know what ${TARGET_NAME}_link does
add_custom_target ( ${ TARGET_NAME } ALL DEPENDS go_vendor ${ TARGET_NAME } _timestamp ${ go_binary_DEPS } )
endfunction ( go_binary )
function ( go_test TARGET_NAME )
set ( options OPTIONAL )
set ( oneValueArgs "" )
set ( multiValueArgs SRCS DEPS )
cmake_parse_arguments ( go_test "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ ARGN } )
add_custom_command ( OUTPUT ${ TARGET_NAME } _timestamp
C O M M A N D e n v G O P A T H = $ { G O P A T H } $ { C M A K E _ G o _ C O M P I L E R } t e s t
- c - o " $ { C M A K E _ C U R R E N T _ B I N A R Y _ D I R } / $ { T A R G E T _ N A M E } "
$ { g o _ t e s t _ S R C S }
W O R K I N G _ D I R E C T O R Y $ { C M A K E _ C U R R E N T _ S O U R C E _ D I R } )
add_custom_target ( ${ TARGET_NAME } ALL DEPENDS ${ TARGET_NAME } _timestamp ${ go_test_DEPS } )
endfunction ( go_test )
function ( proto_library TARGET_NAME )
set ( oneValueArgs "" )
set ( multiValueArgs SRCS DEPS )
cmake_parse_arguments ( proto_library "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ ARGN } )
set ( proto_srcs )
set ( proto_hdrs )
protobuf_generate_cpp ( proto_srcs proto_hdrs ${ proto_library_SRCS } )
cc_library ( ${ TARGET_NAME } SRCS ${ proto_srcs } DEPS ${ proto_library_DEPS } protobuf )
endfunction ( )