# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
math functions
from __future__ import print_function
from paddle . common_ops_import import *
from . . fluid . framework import core
from . . fluid . layers . layer_function_generator import _generate_doc_string_
# TODO: define math functions
# yapf: disable
__all__ = [
# 'abs',
# 'acos',
# 'asin',
' atan ' ,
# 'ceil',
# 'cos',
# 'cumsum',
# 'elementwise_add',
# 'elementwise_div',
# 'elementwise_floordiv',
# 'elementwise_max',
# 'elementwise_min',
# 'elementwise_mod',
# 'elementwise_mul',
# 'elementwise_pow',
# 'elementwise_sub',
# 'exp',
# 'floor',
# 'increment',
# 'log',
# 'mul',
# 'multiplex',
# 'pow',
# 'reciprocal',
# 'reduce_max',
# 'reduce_min',
# 'reduce_prod',
# 'reduce_sum',
# 'round',
# 'rsqrt',
# 'scale',
# 'sign',
' sin ' ,
' sqrt ' ,
# 'square',
# 'stanh',
# 'sum',
# 'sums',
' tanh ' ,
# 'elementwise_sum',
# 'max',
# 'min',
# 'mm',
' div ' ,
' add ' ,
# 'atan',
# 'logsumexp',
# 'inverse',
# 'log1p',
# 'erf',
# 'addcmul',
# 'addmm']
# yapf: enable.
def generate_op_noattr ( op_type ) :
""" Register the Python layer for an Operator without Attribute..
Args :
op_type : The name of the operator to be created .
This function takes in the operator type ( sin , tanh etc ) and
creates the operator functionality .
op_proto = OpProtoHolder . instance ( ) . get_op_proto ( op_type )
def func ( x , name = None , out = None ) :
if in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
op = getattr ( core . ops , op_type )
return op ( x )
check_variable_and_dtype ( x , ' x ' , [ ' float16 ' , ' float32 ' , ' float64 ' ] ,
op_type )
helper = LayerHelper ( op_type , * * locals ( ) )
if name and out :
warnings . warn (
" Both name and out parameters have been set in fluid.tensor.math. %s (), only out will take effect to specify the result storage. "
" You can discard either one to solve this warning. " % op_type ,
category = UserWarning ,
stacklevel = 2 )
if not out :
out = helper . create_variable_for_type_inference ( dtype = x . dtype )
helper . append_op ( type = op_type , inputs = { " X " : x } , outputs = { " Out " : out } )
return out
func . __name__ = op_type
func . __doc__ = _generate_doc_string_ (
op_proto ,
additional_args_lines = [
" name(str, optional): The default value is None. Normally there is no need for user to set this property. For more information, please refer to :ref:`api_guide_Name`. \n "
" out(Variable, optional): The default value is None. Optional output can be any created Variable that meets the requirements to store the result of operation. if out is None, a new Varibale will be create to store the result. "
] )
func . __doc__ = func . __doc__ + """
Return type
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import numpy as np
import paddle
import paddle . fluid as fluid
inputs = fluid . data ( name = " x " , shape = [ None , 4 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
output = paddle . % s ( inputs )
exe = fluid . Executor ( fluid . CPUPlace ( ) )
exe . run ( fluid . default_startup_program ( ) )
#input.shape=1X4, batch_size=1
img = np . array ( [ [ 1.0 , 2.0 , 3.0 , 4.0 ] ] ) . astype ( np . float32 )
res = exe . run ( fluid . default_main_program ( ) , feed = { ' x ' : img } , fetch_list = [ output ] )
print ( res )
""" % o p_type
return func
__ops__noattr__ = [
' atan ' ,
' sin ' ,
' sqrt ' ,
' tanh ' ,
for _OP in set ( __ops__noattr__ ) :
globals ( ) [ _OP ] = generate_op_noattr ( _OP )
def _elementwise_op_in_dygraph ( x ,
y ,
axis = - 1 ,
act = None ,
use_mkldnn = False ,
op_name = None ) :
op = getattr ( core . ops , op_name )
out = op ( x , y , ' axis ' , axis , ' use_mkldnn ' , use_mkldnn )
return dygraph_utils . _append_activation_in_dygraph (
out , act , use_mkldnn = use_mkldnn )
def _elementwise_op ( helper ) :
op_type = helper . layer_type
original_op_type = helper . kwargs . get ( ' original_op_type ' , op_type )
x = helper . kwargs . get ( ' x ' , None )
y = helper . kwargs . get ( ' y ' , None )
assert x is not None , ' x cannot be None in {} ' . format ( original_op_type )
assert y is not None , ' y cannot be None in {} ' . format ( original_op_type )
check_variable_and_dtype (
x , ' x ' , [ ' float16 ' , ' float32 ' , ' float64 ' , ' int32 ' , ' int64 ' ] ,
original_op_type )
check_variable_and_dtype (
y , ' y ' , [ ' float16 ' , ' float32 ' , ' float64 ' , ' int32 ' , ' int64 ' ] ,
original_op_type )
axis = helper . kwargs . get ( ' axis ' , - 1 )
use_mkldnn = helper . kwargs . get ( ' use_mkldnn ' , False )
name = helper . kwargs . get ( ' name ' , None )
out = helper . kwargs . get ( ' out ' , None )
if out is None :
if name is None :
out = helper . create_variable_for_type_inference ( dtype = x . dtype )
else :
out = helper . create_variable (
name = name , dtype = x . dtype , persistable = False )
helper . append_op (
type = op_type ,
inputs = { ' X ' : x ,
' Y ' : y } ,
outputs = { ' Out ' : out } ,
attrs = { ' axis ' : axis ,
' use_mkldnn ' : use_mkldnn } )
return helper . append_activation ( out )
def add ( x , y , alpha = 1 , out = None , name = None ) :
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle
import paddle . fluid as fluid
import numpy as np
def gen_data ( ) :
return {
" x " : np . array ( [ 2 , 3 , 4 ] ) . astype ( ' float32 ' ) ,
" y " : np . array ( [ 1 , 5 , 2 ] ) . astype ( ' float32 ' )
x = fluid . data ( name = " x " , shape = [ 3 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
y = fluid . data ( name = " y " , shape = [ 3 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
z1 = paddle . add ( x , y )
z2 = paddle . add ( x , y , alpha = 10 )
# z = x + y
place = fluid . CPUPlace ( )
exe = fluid . Executor ( place )
z_value = exe . run ( feed = gen_data ( ) ,
fetch_list = [ z1 . name , z2 . name ] )
print ( z_value [ 0 ] ) # [3., 8., 6.]
print ( z_value [ 1 ] ) # [12. 53. 24.]
. . code - block : : python
import paddle
import paddle . fluid as fluid
import numpy as np
def gen_data ( ) :
return {
" x " : np . ones ( ( 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ) ) . astype ( ' float32 ' ) ,
" y " : np . zeros ( ( 4 , 5 ) ) . astype ( ' float32 ' )
x = fluid . data ( name = " x " , shape = [ 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
y = fluid . data ( name = " y " , shape = [ 4 , 5 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
z = paddle . add ( x , y , name = ' z ' )
# z = x + y
place = fluid . CPUPlace ( )
exe = fluid . Executor ( place )
z_value = exe . run ( feed = gen_data ( ) ,
fetch_list = [ z . name ] )
print ( z_value [ 0 ] )
print ( z_value [ 0 ] . shape ) # z.shape=[2,3,4,5]
. . code - block : : python
import paddle
import paddle . fluid as fluid
import numpy as np
def gen_data ( ) :
return {
" x " : np . random . randint ( 1 , 5 , size = [ 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ] ) . astype ( ' float32 ' ) ,
" y " : np . random . randint ( 1 , 5 , size = [ 5 ] ) . astype ( ' float32 ' )
x = fluid . data ( name = " x " , shape = [ 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
y = fluid . data ( name = " y " , shape = [ 5 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
z = paddle . add ( x , y )
# z = x / y
place = fluid . CPUPlace ( )
exe = fluid . Executor ( place )
z_value = exe . run ( feed = gen_data ( ) ,
fetch_list = [ z . name ] )
print ( z_value [ 0 ] )
print ( z_value [ 0 ] . shape ) # z.shape=[2,3,4,5]
. . code - block : : python
import paddle
import paddle . fluid as fluid
import numpy as np
x = fluid . data ( name = " x " , shape = [ 3 ] , dtype = " float32 " )
y = fluid . data ( name = ' y ' , shape = [ 3 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
output = fluid . data ( name = " output " , shape = [ 3 ] , dtype = " float32 " )
z = paddle . add ( x , y , out = output )
place = fluid . CPUPlace ( )
exe = fluid . Executor ( place )
data1 = np . array ( [ 2 , 3 , 4 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
data2 = np . array ( [ 1 , 5 , 2 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
z_value = exe . run ( feed = { ' x ' : data1 ,
' y ' : data2 } ,
fetch_list = [ z ] )
print ( z_value [ 0 ] ) # [3. 8. 6.]
. . code - block : : python
import paddle
import paddle . fluid as fluid
import numpy as np
with fluid . dygraph . guard ( ) :
np_x = np . array ( [ 2 , 3 , 4 ] ) . astype ( ' float64 ' )
np_y = np . array ( [ 1 , 5 , 2 ] ) . astype ( ' float64 ' )
x = fluid . dygraph . to_variable ( np_x )
y = fluid . dygraph . to_variable ( np_y )
z = paddle . add ( x , y , alpha = - 0.5 )
np_z = z . numpy ( )
print ( np_z ) # [1.5, 0.5, 3. ]
op_type = ' elementwise_add '
axis = - 1
act = None
if alpha != 1 :
y = scale ( y , scale = alpha )
if in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
return _elementwise_op_in_dygraph (
x , y , axis = axis , act = act , op_name = op_type )
original_op_type = ' add '
if name and out :
warnings . warn (
" Both name and out parameters have been set in paddle.tensor. %s , only out will take effect to specify the result storage. "
" You can discard either one to solve this warning. " %
original_op_type ,
category = UserWarning ,
stacklevel = 2 )
return _elementwise_op ( LayerHelper ( op_type , * * locals ( ) ) )
def div ( x , y , out = None , name = None ) :
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle
import paddle . fluid as fluid
import numpy as np
def gen_data ( ) :
return {
" x " : np . array ( [ 2 , 3 , 4 ] ) . astype ( ' float32 ' ) ,
" y " : np . array ( [ 1 , 5 , 2 ] ) . astype ( ' float32 ' )
x = fluid . data ( name = " x " , shape = [ 3 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
y = fluid . data ( name = " y " , shape = [ 3 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
z = paddle . div ( x , y )
# z = x / y
place = fluid . CPUPlace ( )
exe = fluid . Executor ( place )
z_value = exe . run ( feed = gen_data ( ) ,
fetch_list = [ z . name ] )
print ( z_value ) # [2., 0.6, 2.]
. . code - block : : python
import paddle
import paddle . fluid as fluid
import numpy as np
def gen_data ( ) :
return {
" x " : np . ones ( ( 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ) ) . astype ( ' float32 ' ) ,
" y " : np . zeros ( ( 4 , 5 ) ) . astype ( ' float32 ' )
x = fluid . data ( name = " x " , shape = [ 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
y = fluid . data ( name = " y " , shape = [ 4 , 5 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
z = paddle . div ( x , y , name = ' z ' )
# z = x / y
place = fluid . CPUPlace ( )
exe = fluid . Executor ( place )
z_value = exe . run ( feed = gen_data ( ) ,
fetch_list = [ z . name ] )
print ( z_value [ 0 ] )
print ( z_value [ 0 ] . shape ) # z.shape=[2,3,4,5]
. . code - block : : python
import paddle
import paddle . fluid as fluid
import numpy as np
def gen_data ( ) :
return {
" x " : np . random . randint ( 1 , 5 , size = [ 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ] ) . astype ( ' float32 ' ) ,
" y " : np . random . randint ( 1 , 5 , size = [ 5 ] ) . astype ( ' float32 ' )
x = fluid . data ( name = " x " , shape = [ 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
y = fluid . data ( name = " y " , shape = [ 5 ] , dtype = ' float32 ' )
output = fluid . data ( name = " output " , shape = [ 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ] , dtype = " float32 " )
z = paddle . div ( x , y , out = output )
# z = x / y
place = fluid . CPUPlace ( )
exe = fluid . Executor ( place )
z_value = exe . run ( feed = gen_data ( ) ,
fetch_list = [ z . name ] )
print ( z_value [ 0 ] )
print ( z_value [ 0 ] . shape ) # z.shape=[2,3,4,5]
. . code - block : : python
import paddle
import paddle . fluid as fluid
import numpy as np
with fluid . dygraph . guard ( fluid . CPUPlace ( ) ) :
np_x = np . array ( [ 2 , 3 , 4 ] ) . astype ( ' float64 ' )
np_y = np . array ( [ 1 , 5 , 2 ] ) . astype ( ' float64 ' )
x = fluid . dygraph . to_variable ( np_x )
y = fluid . dygraph . to_variable ( np_y )
z = paddle . div ( x , y )
np_z = z . numpy ( )
print ( np_z ) # [2., 0.6, 2.]
op_type = ' elementwise_div '
axis = - 1
act = None
if in_dygraph_mode ( ) :
return _elementwise_op_in_dygraph (
x , y , axis = axis , act = act , op_name = op_type )
original_op_type = ' div '
if name and out :
warnings . warn (
" Both name and out parameters have been set in paddle.tensor. %s , only out will take effect to specify the result storage. "
" You can discard either one to solve this warning. " %
original_op_type ,
category = UserWarning ,
stacklevel = 2 )
return _elementwise_op ( LayerHelper ( op_type , * * locals ( ) ) )
for func in [
add ,
div ,
] :
proto_dict = { ' add ' : ' elementwise_add ' , ' div ' : ' elementwise_div ' }
op_proto = OpProtoHolder . instance ( ) . get_op_proto ( proto_dict [ func . __name__ ] )
if func . __name__ in [ ' add ' ] :
additional_args_lines = [
" alpha (int|float, optional): The alpha factor of the input. Default is 1. If alpha is not 1, the equation becomes Out = X + alpha * Y. " ,
" out (Variable, optinal): The Variable that stores results of the operation. Default is None. If out is None, \
a new Variable will be created to store the results . "
" name (string, optional): Name of the output. \
Default is None . It ' s used to print debug info for developers. Details: \
: ref : ` api_guide_Name ` "
else :
additional_args_lines = [
" out (Variable, optinal): The Variable that stores results of the operation. If out is None, \
a new Variable will be created to store the results . "
" name (string, optional): Name of the output. \
Default is None . It ' s used to print debug info for developers. Details: \
: ref : ` api_guide_Name ` "
func . __doc__ = _generate_doc_string_ (
op_proto ,
additional_args_lines = additional_args_lines ,
skip_attrs_set = { " x_data_format " , " y_data_format " , " axis "
} ) + """ \n """ + str ( func . __doc__ )