package pserver
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
const (
// PsDesired is etcd path for store desired pserver count
PsDesired = "/ps_desired"
// PsAddr is the base dir for pserver to store their addr
PsPath = "/ps/"
// PsCheckpoint is the etcd path for store checkpoints information
PsCheckpoint = "/checkpoints/"
// EtcdClient is the etcd client that the pserver uses for fault
// tolerance, service registry and coordination.
type EtcdClient struct {
numPservers int
etcdEndpoints string
etcdClient *clientv3.Client
// etcdTimeout is also used as retry intervals.
etcdTimeout time.Duration
// FIXME: ensure GetExternalIP gets the correct ip for trainers to connect.
externalIP string
// desired number of pservers in the job.
// assume desired will not change during one training job.
desired int
// NewEtcdClient creates an EtcdClient
func NewEtcdClient(endpoints string, numPservers int, timeout time.Duration) *EtcdClient {
return &EtcdClient{
etcdTimeout: timeout,
numPservers: numPservers,
etcdEndpoints: endpoints,
// Register registers the pserver on etcd
// Register returns the index of the current pserver.
func (e *EtcdClient) Register() (int, error) {
var err error
e.externalIP, err = networkhelper.GetExternalIP()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// initialize connection to etcd.
ep := strings.Split(e.etcdEndpoints, ",")
for {
cli, err := clientv3.New(clientv3.Config{
Endpoints: ep,
DialTimeout: e.etcdTimeout,
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("connect to etcd error: %v", err)
e.etcdClient = cli
log.Debugf("inited client to %s", e.etcdEndpoints)
// init /ps_desired using transaction, for multiple pservers may want to write
// it at the same time.
for {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
_, err := e.initDesiredPservers(ctx, e.numPservers)
if err != nil {
// TODO: when implementing extending or reducing pservers, /ps_desired is
// changed, then we need to watch /ps_desired node for events. For now, just
// write once when init and read from it.
// wait and set s.desired init value
for {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
resp, err := e.etcdClient.Get(ctx, PsDesired)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("getting %s error: %v", PsDesired, err)
if len(resp.Kvs) != 0 {
e.desired, err = strconv.Atoi(string(resp.Kvs[0].Value))
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("value of %s invalid %v\n", PsDesired, err)
// NOTE: wait util ps_desired value change
var pserverIdx int
// try register pserver node on etcd
for {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
var err error
pserverIdx, err = e.registerPserverEtcd(ctx)
if err != nil {
return pserverIdx, nil
func (e *EtcdClient) initDesiredPservers(ctx context.Context, numPservers int) (*clientv3.TxnResponse, error) {
return concurrency.NewSTM(e.etcdClient, func(c concurrency.STM) error {
dsStr := c.Get(PsDesired)
if dsStr == "" {
c.Put(PsDesired, strconv.Itoa(numPservers))
return nil
}, concurrency.WithAbortContext(ctx), concurrency.WithIsolation(concurrency.RepeatableReads))
// registerPserverEtcd registers pserver node on etcd using transaction.
func (e *EtcdClient) registerPserverEtcd(ctx context.Context) (int, error) {
var idx int
_, err := concurrency.NewSTM(e.etcdClient, func(c concurrency.STM) error {
registered := false
for i := 0; i < e.desired; i++ {
psKey := PsPath + strconv.Itoa(i)
log.Debugf("checking %s", psKey)
ps := c.Get(psKey)
log.Debugf("got value (%s) for key: %s", ps, psKey)
if ps == "" {
resp, err := e.etcdClient.Grant(context.TODO(), 5)
if err != nil {
// find the first id and write info
c.Put(psKey, e.externalIP, clientv3.WithLease(resp.ID))
log.Debugf("set pserver node %s with value %s", psKey, e.externalIP)
ch, kaerr := e.etcdClient.KeepAlive(context.TODO(), resp.ID)
if kaerr != nil {
log.Errorf("keepalive etcd node error: %v", kaerr)
return kaerr
// Eat the keep alive message so etcd
// will not expire the lease.
go func(ch <-chan *clientv3.LeaseKeepAliveResponse) {
ka := <-ch
log.Debugf("keepalive: %d\n", ka.TTL)
log.Debug("register finished")
idx = i
registered = true
if registered == true {
return nil
return errors.New("not registerd, may due to already have enough pservers")
}, concurrency.WithAbortContext(ctx), concurrency.WithIsolation(concurrency.RepeatableReads))
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return idx, nil
// PutKey put into etcd with value by key specified
func (e *EtcdClient) PutKey(key string, value []byte, timeout int) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*time.Duration(timeout))
_, err := e.etcdClient.Put(ctx, key, string(value))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil