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# Build PaddlePaddle for Raspberry Pi
You may use any of the following two approaches to build the inference library of PaddlePaddle for Raspberry Pi:
1. Build using SSH: Log in to a Raspberry Pi using SSH and build the library. The required development tools and third-party dependencies are listed in here: [`/Dockerfile`](
1. Cross-compile: We talk about how to cross-compile PaddlePaddle for Raspberry Pi on a Linux/x64 machine, in more detail in this article.
## The Cross-Compiling Toolchain
Step 1. Clone the Github repo by running the following command.
git clone
Step 2. Use the pre-built cross-compiler found in `./tools/tree/master/arm-bcm2708/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian-x64`. To run it on a Linux computer, glibc version >= 2.14 is needed.
## CMake Arguments
CMake supports [cross-compiling]( All CMake configuration arguments required for the cross-compilation for Raspberry Pi can be found in [`cmake/cross_compiling/raspberry_pi.cmake`](
Some important arguments that need to be set:
- `CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME`: The target platform. Must be `RPi`.
- `RPI_TOOLCHAIN`: The absolute path of the cross-compiling toolchain.
- `RPI_ARM_NEON`: Use ARM NEON Intrinsics. This is a required argument and set default to `ON`.
- `HOST_C/CXX_COMPILER`: The C/C++ compiler for the host. It is used to build building tools running on the host, for example, protoc.
A commonly-used CMake configuration is as follows:
-DRPI_TOOLCHAIN=your/path/to/arm-bcm2708/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian-x64 \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=your/path/to/install \
To build the inference library, please set the argument WITH\_C\_API to ON: `WITH_C_API=ON`.
You can add more arguments. For example, to minimize the size of the generated inference library, you may use `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel`. For performance optimization, you may use `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release`.
## Build and Install
The following commands build the inference library of PaddlePaddle for Raspberry Pi and third-party dependencies.
make install
The intermediate files will be stored in `build`. Third-party libraries will be located in `build/third_party`. If you have already built it for other platforms like Android or iOS, you may want to clear these directories by running the command: `rm -rf build`.
The infernece library will be in `your/path/to/install/lib`, with related header files in `your/path/to/install/include`.