@ -20,6 +20,19 @@ namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
namespace {
template <typename T>
__global__ void SGDKernel(const T* g, const T* p, const T* learning_rate,
const int num, T* p_out) {
T lr = learning_rate[0];
int grid_size = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
for (int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; i < num; i += grid_size) {
T g_data = g[i];
T p_data = p[i];
p_out[i] = p_data - lr * g_data;
template <typename T, int block_size>
__global__ void SparseSGDFunctorKernel(const T* selected_rows,
const int64_t* rows,
@ -41,40 +54,65 @@ __global__ void SparseSGDFunctorKernel(const T* selected_rows,
} // namespace
template <typename T>
struct SparseSGDFunctor<platform::CUDADeviceContext, T> {
void operator()(const platform::CUDADeviceContext& context,
const framework::SelectedRows& input,
const framework::Tensor& learning_rate,
framework::Tensor* output) {
auto in_height = input.height();
auto out_dims = output->dims();
PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(in_height, out_dims[0]);
auto& in_value = input.value();
auto& in_rows = input.rows();
int64_t in_row_numel = in_value.numel() / in_rows.size();
PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(in_row_numel, output->numel() / in_height);
auto* in_data = in_value.data<T>();
auto* out_data = output->data<T>();
const int block_size = 256;
dim3 threads(block_size, 1);
dim3 grid(1, in_rows.size());
SparseSGDFunctorKernel<T, 256><<<grid, threads, 0, context.stream()>>>(
in_data, in_rows.data(), learning_rate.data<T>(), out_data,
class SGDOpCUDAKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
void Compute(const framework::ExecutionContext& ctx) const override {
auto* param = ctx.Input<framework::Tensor>("Param");
auto* param_out = ctx.Output<framework::Tensor>("ParamOut");
auto* learning_rate = ctx.Input<framework::Tensor>("LearningRate");
auto* grad_var = ctx.InputVar("Grad");
// Actually, all tensors are LoDTensor except SelectedRows.
if (grad_var->IsType<framework::LoDTensor>()) {
auto* grad = ctx.Input<framework::Tensor>("Grad");
auto* grad_data = grad->data<T>();
auto* param_data = param->data<T>();
auto* param_out_data = param_out->data<T>();
int block = 512;
int grid = (param->numel() + block - 1) / block;
SGDKernel<T><<<grid, block, 0, ctx.cuda_device_context().stream()>>>(
grad_data, param_data, learning_rate->data<T>(), param->numel(),
} else if (grad_var->IsType<framework::SelectedRows>()) {
// TODO(qijun): In Sparse SGD operator, in-place update is enforced.
// This manual optimization brings difficulty to track data dependency.
// It's better to find a more elegant solution.
PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(param, param_out);
auto* grad = ctx.Input<framework::SelectedRows>("Grad");
auto in_height = grad->height();
auto out_dims = param_out->dims();
PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(in_height, out_dims[0]);
auto& in_value = grad->value();
auto& in_rows = grad->rows();
int64_t in_row_numel = in_value.numel() / in_rows.size();
PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(in_row_numel, param_out->numel() / in_height);
auto* in_data = in_value.data<T>();
auto* out_data = param_out->data<T>();
const int block_size = 256;
dim3 threads(block_size, 1);
dim3 grid(1, in_rows.size());
T, 256><<<grid, threads, 0, ctx.cuda_device_context().stream()>>>(
in_data, in_rows.data(), learning_rate->data<T>(), out_data,
} else {
PADDLE_THROW("Unsupported Variable Type of Grad");
template struct SparseSGDFunctor<platform::CUDADeviceContext, float>;
template struct SparseSGDFunctor<platform::CUDADeviceContext, double>;
} // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle
namespace ops = paddle::operators;
sgd, ops::SGDOpKernel<paddle::platform::CUDADeviceContext, float>,
ops::SGDOpKernel<paddle::platform::CUDADeviceContext, double>);