@ -553,3 +553,92 @@ class NoamDecay(LearningRateDecay):
b = self . create_lr_var ( ( self . warmup_steps * * - 1.5 ) * self . step_num )
lr_value = ( self . d_model * * - 0.5 ) * layers . elementwise_min ( a , b )
return lr_value
class LinearLrWarmup ( LearningRateDecay ) :
This operator use the linear learning rate warm up strategy to adjust the learning rate preliminarily before the normal learning rate scheduling .
For more information , please refer to ` Bag of Tricks for Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks < https : / / arxiv . org / abs / 1812.01187 > ` _
When global_step < warmup_steps , learning rate is updated as :
. . code - block : : text
linear_step = end_lr - start_lr
lr = start_lr + linear_step * ( global_step / warmup_steps )
where start_lr is the initial learning rate , and end_lr is the final learning rate ;
When global_step > = warmup_steps , learning rate is updated as :
. . code - block : : text
lr = learning_rate
where lr is the learning_rate after warm - up .
Args :
learning_rate ( Variable | float ) : Learning_rate after warm - up , it could be 1 D - Tensor or single value with the data type of float32 .
warmup_steps ( int ) : Steps for warm up .
start_lr ( float ) : Initial learning rate of warm up .
end_lr ( float ) : Final learning rate of warm up .
begin ( int , optional ) : The begin step . The initial value of global_step described above . The default value is 0.
step ( int , optional ) : The step size used to calculate the new global_step in the description above .
The defalult value is 1.
dtype ( str , optional ) : The data type used to create the learning rate variable . The data type can be set as
' float32 ' , ' float64 ' . The default value is ' float32 ' .
Returns :
Variable : Warm - up learning rate with the same data type as learning_rate .
Examples :
. . code - block : : python
import paddle . fluid as fluid
learning_rate = 0.1
warmup_steps = 50
start_lr = 1. / 3.
end_lr = 0.1
with fluid . dygraph . guard ( ) :
lr_decay = fluid . dygraph . LinearLrWarmup ( learning_rate , warmup_steps , start_lr , end_lr )
def __init__ ( self ,
learning_rate ,
warmup_steps ,
start_lr ,
end_lr ,
begin = 1 ,
step = 1 ,
dtype = ' float32 ' ) :
super ( LinearLrWarmup , self ) . __init__ ( begin , step , dtype )
type_check = isinstance ( learning_rate , float ) or isinstance (
learning_rate , int ) or isinstance ( learning_rate , LearningRateDecay )
if not type_check :
raise TypeError (
" the type of learning_rate should be [int, float or LearningRateDecay], the current type is {} " .
format ( learning_rate ) )
self . learning_rate = learning_rate
self . warmup_steps = warmup_steps
assert ( end_lr > start_lr ,
" end_lr {} MUST GREATER than start_lr {} " . format ( end_lr ,
start_lr ) )
self . lr_ratio_before_warmup = (
float ( end_lr ) - float ( start_lr ) ) / float ( warmup_steps )
def step ( self ) :
base_lr = self . learning_rate
if isinstance ( self . learning_rate , LearningRateDecay ) :
base_lr = base_lr ( )
from . . import layers
if self . step_num < self . warmup_steps :
return self . lr_ratio_before_warmup * self . step_num
else :
return base_lr