@ -85,6 +85,199 @@ class CRFDecodingOpKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
int * track_value =
track . mutable_data < int > ( emission_dims , platform : : CPUPlace ( ) ) ;
# ifdef __AVX__
// It use the AVX or AVX512 instruction to deal the data as the vector of 8 or
// 16 elements per iteration. Then it can implement the parallel processing.
// Only optimize for float type.
# ifdef __AVX512F__
size_t step_size = 16 ;
# else
size_t step_size = 8 ;
# endif
if ( std : : is_same < T , float > : : value & & ( tag_num > = step_size ) ) {
size_t steps = tag_num / step_size ;
size_t remain = tag_num % step_size ;
int last_offset = static_cast < int > ( remain ) - static_cast < int > ( step_size ) ;
// Setup the alpha initial value.
size_t i_offset = 0 ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < = steps ; + + i ) {
# ifdef __AVX512F__
// Declare the variable for the content of weights, input and alpha
// values.
__m512 w_content , x_content , alpha_content ;
// Load the relevant data into the variables from un-aligned address.
w_content = _mm512_loadu_ps ( ( const float * ) ( w + i_offset ) ) ;
x_content = _mm512_loadu_ps ( ( const float * ) ( x + i_offset ) ) ;
alpha_content = _mm512_add_ps ( w_content , x_content ) ;
// Save the alpha value.
_mm512_storeu_ps ( reinterpret_cast < float * > ( alpha_value + i_offset ) ,
alpha_content ) ;
# else
// Declare the variable for the content of weights, input and alpha
// values.
__m256 w_content , x_content , alpha_content ;
// Load the relevant data into the variables from un-aligned address.
w_content = _mm256_loadu_ps ( ( const float * ) ( w + i_offset ) ) ;
x_content = _mm256_loadu_ps ( ( const float * ) ( x + i_offset ) ) ;
alpha_content = _mm256_add_ps ( w_content , x_content ) ;
// Save the alpha value.
_mm256_storeu_ps ( reinterpret_cast < float * > ( alpha_value + i_offset ) ,
alpha_content ) ;
# endif
i_offset + = step_size ;
if ( i = = steps - 1 ) {
if ( remain > 0 ) {
i_offset + = last_offset ;
} else {
break ;
// Use the column-major strategy to get the location of maximum score.
size_t seq_offset = 0 ;
for ( size_t k = 1 ; k < seq_len ; + + k ) {
size_t j_offset = 0 ;
for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < = steps ; + + j ) {
# ifdef __AVX512F__
// Initialize the variables of maximum score and location.
__m512 max_score = _mm512_set1_ps ( - std : : numeric_limits < T > : : max ( ) ) ;
__m512i max_j = _mm512_setzero_si512 ( ) ;
# else
// Initialize the variables of maximum score and location.
__m256 max_score = _mm256_set1_ps ( - std : : numeric_limits < T > : : max ( ) ) ;
__m256i max_j = _mm256_set1_epi32 ( 0 ) ;
# endif
// Calculate the offset of transition_weights.
size_t trans_offset = state_trans_base_idx * tag_num + j_offset ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < tag_num ; + + i ) {
# ifdef __AVX512F__
// Initalize the content of alpha variable with related offset.
__m512 alpha_content =
_mm512_set1_ps ( * ( const float * ) ( alpha_value + seq_offset + i ) ) ;
// Obtain the content of weights from un-aligned address.
__m512 w_content =
_mm512_loadu_ps ( ( const float * ) ( w + trans_offset ) ) ;
__m512 score_v = _mm512_add_ps ( alpha_content , w_content ) ;
__mmask16 mask = _mm512_cmp_ps_mask ( score_v , max_score , _CMP_GT_OS ) ;
// According to the mask value, it update the index of the max_score
// location.
max_j = _mm512_mask_set1_epi32 ( max_j , mask , i ) ;
// Update the max_score value.
max_score = _mm512_max_ps ( max_score , score_v ) ;
# else
// Initalize the content of alpha variable with related offset.
__m256 alpha_content = _mm256_broadcast_ss (
( const float * ) ( alpha_value + seq_offset + i ) ) ;
// Obtain the content of weights from un-aligned address.
__m256 w_content =
_mm256_loadu_ps ( ( const float * ) ( w + trans_offset ) ) ;
__m256 score_v = _mm256_add_ps ( alpha_content , w_content ) ;
__m256 mask = _mm256_cmp_ps ( score_v , max_score , _CMP_GT_OS ) ;
# ifdef __AVX2__
// According to the mask value, it update the index of the max_score
// location.
max_j = _mm256_or_si256 (
_mm256_andnot_si256 ( ( __m256i ) mask , max_j ) ,
_mm256_and_si256 ( ( __m256i ) mask , _mm256_set1_epi32 ( i ) ) ) ;
# else
__m128i lo_max_j = _mm256_extractf128_si256 ( max_j , 0 ) ;
__m128i hi_max_j = _mm256_extractf128_si256 ( max_j , 1 ) ;
__m128i lo_mask = _mm256_extractf128_si256 ( ( __m256i ) mask , 0 ) ;
__m128i hi_mask = _mm256_extractf128_si256 ( ( __m256i ) mask , 1 ) ;
lo_max_j = _mm_andnot_si128 ( lo_mask , lo_max_j ) ;
hi_max_j = _mm_andnot_si128 ( hi_mask , hi_max_j ) ;
lo_mask = _mm_and_si128 ( lo_mask , _mm_set1_epi32 ( i ) ) ;
hi_mask = _mm_and_si128 ( hi_mask , _mm_set1_epi32 ( i ) ) ;
lo_max_j = _mm_or_si128 ( lo_mask , lo_max_j ) ;
hi_max_j = _mm_or_si128 ( hi_mask , hi_max_j ) ;
// According to the mask value, it update the index of the max_score
// location.
max_j = _mm256_insertf128_si256 ( max_j , lo_max_j , 0 ) ;
max_j = _mm256_insertf128_si256 ( max_j , hi_max_j , 1 ) ;
# endif
// Update the max_score value.
max_score = _mm256_max_ps ( max_score , score_v ) ;
# endif
trans_offset + = tag_num ;
# ifdef __AVX512F__
// Update the alpha and track values.
__m512 x_content = _mm512_loadu_ps (
( const float * ) ( x + seq_offset + tag_num + j_offset ) ) ;
max_score = _mm512_add_ps ( max_score , x_content ) ;
_mm512_storeu_ps ( reinterpret_cast < float * > ( alpha_value + seq_offset +
tag_num + j_offset ) ,
max_score ) ;
_mm512_storeu_si512 (
reinterpret_cast < __m512i * > ( track_value + seq_offset + tag_num +
j_offset ) ,
max_j ) ;
# else
// Update the alpha and track values.
__m256 x_content = _mm256_loadu_ps (
( const float * ) ( x + seq_offset + tag_num + j_offset ) ) ;
max_score = _mm256_add_ps ( max_score , x_content ) ;
_mm256_storeu_ps ( reinterpret_cast < float * > ( alpha_value + seq_offset +
tag_num + j_offset ) ,
max_score ) ;
_mm256_storeu_si256 (
reinterpret_cast < __m256i * > ( track_value + seq_offset + tag_num +
j_offset ) ,
max_j ) ;
# endif
// Calculate the offset of next step
j_offset + = step_size ;
if ( j = = steps - 1 ) {
if ( remain > 0 ) {
j_offset + = last_offset ;
} else {
break ;
seq_offset + = tag_num ;
} else {
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < tag_num ; + + i ) alpha_value [ i ] = w [ i ] + x [ i ] ;
for ( size_t k = 1 ; k < seq_len ; + + k ) {
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < tag_num ; + + i ) {
T max_score = - std : : numeric_limits < T > : : max ( ) ;
int max_j = 0 ;
for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < tag_num ; + + j ) {
T score = alpha_value [ ( k - 1 ) * tag_num + j ] +
w [ ( j + state_trans_base_idx ) * tag_num + i ] ;
if ( score > max_score ) {
max_score = score ;
max_j = j ;
alpha_value [ k * tag_num + i ] = max_score + x [ k * tag_num + i ] ;
track_value [ k * tag_num + i ] = max_j ;
# else
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < tag_num ; + + i ) alpha_value [ i ] = w [ i ] + x [ i ] ;
for ( size_t k = 1 ; k < seq_len ; + + k ) {
@ -105,6 +298,7 @@ class CRFDecodingOpKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
# endif
T max_score = - std : : numeric_limits < T > : : max ( ) ;
int max_i = 0 ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < tag_num ; + + i ) {