@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ def convert_while_loop(cond, body, loop_vars):
A function representation of a Python ``while`` statement.
cond(Callable): A callable object that returns a boolean variable to control whether to execute the loop body. It takes ``loop_vars`` as arguments.
cond(Callable): A callable object that returns a boolean variable to control whether to execute the loop body. It takes ``loop_vars`` as arguments.
body(Callable): A callable object that returns a tuple or list of variables with the same arguments ``loops_vars`` as ``cond`` .
loop_vars(list|tuple): A list or tuple of variables passed to ``cond`` and ``body`` .
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ def convert_while_loop(cond, body, loop_vars):
def _run_paddle_while_loop(cond, body, loop_vars):
# NOTE: loop_vars of Paddle op `control_flow.while_loop` must be Paddle Variable.
# NOTE: loop_vars of Paddle op `control_flow.while_loop` must be Paddle Tensors.
loop_vars = [to_static_variable(var) for var in loop_vars]
loop_vars = control_flow.while_loop(cond, body, loop_vars)
return loop_vars
@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ def convert_logical_and(x, y):
A function representation of a Python ``and`` statement.
x(bool|Variable): Left hand operand of ``and`` operator.
y(bool|Variable): Right hand operand of ``and`` operator.
x(bool|Tensor): Left hand operand of ``and`` operator.
y(bool|Tensor): Right hand operand of ``and`` operator.
A python bool variable or a bool Tensor.
@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ def convert_logical_or(x, y):
A function representation of a Python ``or`` statement.
x(bool|Variable): Left hand operand of ``or`` operator.
y(bool|Variable): Right hand operand of ``or`` operator.
x(bool|Tensor): Left hand operand of ``or`` operator.
y(bool|Tensor): Right hand operand of ``or`` operator.
A python bool variable or a bool Tensor.
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ def convert_logical_not(x):
A function representation of a Python ``not`` statement.
x(bool|Variable): Operand of of ``not`` operator.
x(bool|Tensor): Operand of of ``not`` operator.
A python bool variable or a bool Tensor.
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ def convert_ifelse(pred, true_fn, false_fn, true_args, false_args, return_vars):
A function representation of a Python ``if/else`` statement.
pred(bool|Variable): A boolean variable which determines whether to return the result of ``true_fn`` or ``false_fn`` .
pred(bool|Tensor): A boolean Tensor which determines whether to return the result of ``true_fn`` or ``false_fn`` .
true_fn(callable): A callable to be performed if ``pred`` is true.
false_fn(callable): A callable to be performed if ``pred`` is false.
true_args(tuple): Parameters of ``true_fn``.
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ def _run_paddle_cond(pred, true_fn, false_fn, true_args, false_args,
return_var_ids = [id(var) for var in return_vars]
# NOTE 1: return vars of Paddle op `control_flow.cond` must be Paddle Variable
# NOTE 1: Returned vars of Paddle op `control_flow.cond` must be Paddle Tensors
# NOTE 2: Here uses id(var) not var, because `if var in return_var` use operator `==`,
# which will call `fluid.layers.equal` and causes error when var in return_vars is not initialized.
true_args = [